Tillamook Headlight, August 27, I p 14. State Press Flashlights. ever und my chalk ausgespielt and of the best nations of the world, the 1 they are making me to Earth get for composite being the elect oí of ine the uic very circi The European war is a family row more."—Sheridan Sun. elect. Six years ago ; Israel Zangwill among royality. The Kaiser, the King wrote a play, The Melting Pot, which of England and the Czar are cousins, A Mr. Lea who presides over the brought out the idea and furnished and the crowned heads of other destinies of the dairying end of the a popular metaphor. But there has countries involved are relatives of Union Meat Company, and would be not been an utter fusion of all our these three—Sheridan Sun, dictatorial dictator of the cheese mar­ i peoples. Furthermore, millions who ----- o----- ket in Oregon, has stirred up a are Americans through and through Too many automobiles are being ( 1 "mare’s nest” in the states markets have a natural and proper predilec­ driven by children and women r wno 1 by „ declaring ........... that a cheese trust ex- tion for the land of their birth or the ! lack strength and the judgment to ,sts in Tillamook County. This state- land of their fathers’ birth At the properly handle them in all the emer- ' ment coming from Lea is amusing, last census over 35 per cent of our’ gencies which may arise. The state but not nearly so funny as the fact population consisted of foreign born ! law prohibits the driving of these that while he had the authority to and children of foreign-born parents. I vehicles by children under 18. Parents _ dictale the market to a certain daily Over 14 per cent were born abroad. and auto .... owners should 1 u insist . upon newspaper in Portland, and thereby greater care in this matter, and thus , control (or attempt to control) the Housewives and the War. avoide irretrievable damage to per­ J output of the state, the Tillamook "What do women know about war?' sons and property.—Telephone Reg­ factories "got wise” to his plan and is the propondering of self-sufficient ister. rebelled. Then Lea said things; good things about himself and bad things masculinity, albet of the superficial The Journal is asking Republicans about Haberlach, the “Tillamook type. It is ajB>arent that they propose to renounce party and vote for Mr.1 County Cheese King.” Funny too to know more about its results than Chamberlain. This brand of non-' Mr. Lea’s tirades didn't do much they do, for the National Housew ives’ partisanship is the only sort the harm. He threatened, fumed and League, moving in two forward col- Journal uses. It alw’ays begs the Re I plead. Then this horrible cheese ; umns from New York and Boston on publicans to be nonpartisans in the trust in this county had to go, so the Washington—speaking in figures, of interest of a Democrat. It seems ’ rampant, arrogant, despotic, opinon- course—wants to know what valid rather strange that in all Oregon 1 ated cog wheel of the meat trust cal­ reason there is for the price of por­ S there is never a Republican candidate led on the meat packers for the boy­ terhouse and sirloin going up three raí on whose behalf it can a-k tht Demo- ' cott of Tillamook County product, cents per pound, when there is not crats to become nonpartisans. But ' with the result that;—well we’er still i the whisper of a demand at present this is a Republican year, and Repub- I making cheese and still selling it. from Europe, because no meats can licans will vote for Republican can­ And Lea; Well he’s still fuming—Ne­ be shipped. didates.—Spectator. The league has a membership of halem Valley Reporter. 750.000 women and its president has issued her proclamation of mobiliza­ How fine it would be if it could be Dr. Chapman on the War. tion. It asks President Wilson to de­ so arranged that the war lords and mand of the food merchants that they rulers of European countries could be A most interesting address on the maintain level prices during the Eu­ placed on the battlefield and allowed to fight out with one another the cause of the European war was given ropean war and refrain from specula­ question of their right to rule a cer­ by Dr. Chapman on Tuesday before tion in foodstuffs, "Flour should go tain territory, while the common peo­ the Portland Rotary Club. Dr. Chap­ down.” says the observant House- ple made up the audience. How long man’s subject was “The causes and wives’ president, "We have a big do you think the war would last if philisophy of the war,” and he enter­ wheat crop and can’t export the Kaiser William, King George, Czar tainingly and convincingly sketched flour.” As a good housekeeper should Nicholas and all the rulers, big and the history of the nations involved Mme. President has also been peer­ little, with their dukes and prince­ in the great struggle, gave their reas­ ing around in places where the facts lings, were placed in the trenches to ons for entering the conflict and pro­ are to be found. She says: ‘Figures obtained at the Custom House show starve, or were hurled against the iron phesied the outcome of the war. The progress of Germany, he said, that more than $5,000,00 worth of rain from machine and seige guns, to be mangled and torn? If war is "the had been more rapid than any other sugar is in the appraisers’ stores sport of Kings,” kings should be European countries since 1885, while ready for call and that there is no sports enough to fight it out them­ Berlin, Leipsig, and Hamburg have real reason at this time for the in­ grown faster than Chicago or New crease in the price of that commod­ selves.— Nehalem Times. York. He showed Germany to be the ity.” scientific center of the world and Strangers and visitors seeking a lo­ stated that while the Fatherland lacks Some Actual Figures. cation, or a place in which to make a the absolute liberty of Great Britain residence are greatly influenced in and France, it is the best municipal 1912. favor of any place whose citizens are government in the world. Democrats coming into power enthusiastic in its praise. No city or The willingness of Germany to en­ found the following record for the town can expect to attain prominence gage in war Dr. Chapman explained first half of 1912: Excellent business and reach a growth that counts for as the result of the military spirit in­ conditions. General prosperity of the advancement unless its inhabitnats culcated in the German people by the people. Full employment of labor. appreciate the excellence of its loca­ kaisers. The people had been taught 1914- tion and the virtues of its people. It that they were surrounded by enem­ The democratic party has just left is then up to you and me collectively ies, and that constant readiness was behind it the following record for the to spread abroad our faith in the pres­ the price of safety. first six months of 1914: Business ent prosperity and future greatness of Great Britain, he stated, had prided stagnation. Idle freight cars. More our home locality. Talk is a cheap herself on being the greatest mari­ than a million men out of employment commodity, but sincere words rightly time nation in the world, but of late spoken can be made effective in many years her shipping supremacy was Commercial Failures: January I to directions that tend to the building challenged by Germany, so that the July t—IQI2, $108,012,223; 19*4, $185.- up of a community. If a city has present war offered a chance to re- 009,773. Increase, $76,997,550 or 71 drawbacks it will not be necessary to move a dangerous rival. The Russians per cent. mention them for the people and he said, were bound to aid Servia, by Banking Failures: Januaryr to July newspapers of rival and competing treaty. r-1912, number, 55; amount, $17.833,- towns will relie e us of that task by A new feature in newspaper work 235. 1914, number 93; amount $28,- giving it their individual attention.— Dr. Chapman showed to be the ab­ 621,312. Increase in number, 28; in News Reporter. sence of field correspondents and amount, $10,788,087, or 60 per cent. careful censoring of all war news Gross Railroad Earnings: First five Every law tinker in the land who coming from the armies. This had months of 1912, $1,087,021,734; of ¡914 could not pass a perfectly good twen- come about through the action of the $997,558,018. Decrease, $80,513,716, or ty-dollar piece in his own city or Japanese in barring newspaper men 8 per cent. This would have kept state, thinks he can pass laws in Ore­ during the Russo-Japanese war. In employed many thousands of now gon. For years we have been harassed consequence of this action, corres­ idle railroad men and would paid sub­ by an alien singletaxer who wanted to pondents made their headquarters stantial dividends. use Oregon as an experimental farm with the Russian armies, all reports Idle Freight Cars July I—¡912,70,- for the propagation of his property­ were tinged with the Russian view­ 731; 1914, 220,875. Increase of 150,144 confiscation schemes; then a visiting point and American newspaper men or 212 per cent. socialist tried to amend our school returned to this country with a dis­ Imports for the first nine months laws; travelers with not much influ­ like for the Japanese nation. Return­ of the Underwood law and for the ence in their own territory are trying ed correspondents from the Russo- corresponding period of the old law to force state-wide prohibition on us; Japanese war Dr. Chapman believes two years before.—1911 and 1912 and an intinerate, street-corner tooth to have»been responsible for the feel­ $1,283,093,701; 1913 and 1914. $1.446,- puller has proposed a measure to des­ ing of antagonism toward Japan 127,491. Increase $162,033,790, or 12 troy the efficiency of our health laws. which sprang up in this country in per cent. It is about time that Oregon served recent years. These additional imports were mov­ A most curious thing in the present ed into this country by foreign ships. notice on these nomads that she has reached the age where she can attend war, the speaker pointed out, is the Had a similar quantity been moved to her own lawmaking without the fact that, although Great Britan and from one part of the country to undesired interference of impudent France are two of the most liberty­ another they would have called into allies. Not one of these presumptu­ loving nations in Europe, they are activity one half of those die treight ous law-makers is a citizen of Oregon leagued with Russia, the slave driving cars. Idle Labor.—1912, practically none; not one own’s a dollar’s worth of nation. In prophesying the outcome of the 1914, million men. Counting one property here; not one contributes a penny in taxes to the support of the war, Dr. Chapman said that the wage earner for each four persons, state whose laws they would change French would realize their ambition this would effect four million people. for their Own purposes.—The Spec­ of regaining the territory lost by So that President Wilson by his them to Germany in the Franco- "New Freedom” has released ns tator. Prussian war, that Germany would many from voluntary service as Ab­ -------- 0-------- Saturday evenings bring farmers in lose her colonies, that Great Britain raham Lincoln freed from involun­ the vicinity of Sheridan together and would become without question the tary servitude by his emancipation by reason of their various descents leading shipping nation of the world, proclamation. laughable occurences happen, espec­ and that Austria, for the first time in Balance in the General Fund of the ially since the trouble of the“01d many years, would lose a part of her Treasury: Julyl—¡912, $167,152,478,- Country.” On one of these evenings holdings. The result for Russia, he 99; 1914. $¡45,835.50210. Decrease, recently an Englishman was in the said, was a matter of conjecture.— $21,316,976.89, or 12 per cent. barber’s chair and a German neigh­ Spectator. Gold shipped from this country: bor friend was one of those awaiting January 1 to July 1.—All this belorc President Wilson has issued a time­ war influence was apparent.— ¡912, the call “next." War talk as usual was going on and the Englishman seemed ly statement to the American people, $27,000,000; 1914, $65,000,000. Increase to have an inexhaustible supply of warning us against “that deepest, $30,000,000, or 140 per cent. I puns on the Germans. But finally most essential breach of neutrality Adam got his chance to express an which may spring out of partisan­ How’s This ? opinion. Said he: "Veil. I think the ship, out of passionately, taking sides ’ We offer Ox■ HcxDXin D oll ««« Ri« *xr> | Kaiser vill vin because I dreamed We presume that the president uses or any c««e of Catarrh that caanot tie cured , once yet about John in the chair. I the superlative merely to denote in­ by Hall’« Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHEXP.Y Ik CO.. Teledo O. dreamt that John died and to Heaven tensity, since it is obvious that there We. the unde-etgned have known F. J. could be deeper, subtler and more Cheney for the laet 15 yearn, ami believe vent. Ven I died too und ven I vas him perfectly honorable in all buaincM essential breaches of neutrality than on the vay to Heaven John vas com­ transaction* ami financially able to carry ing back. Says I t6 John, “John vare tho»e against which we are warned. out any obligation« made by hi« firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMEICE. are you going yet?” und «ohn he says But the^rcsident is eminently correct Toledo. <>. Hall « Catarrh Cure >• taken internally, in his ” advice to Americans. This is ‘Veil Adam ven I got to Heaven there acting directly upon the blood and mucous of the «v«tem Testlmonlnls «ent vas a t&g Blackboard I und a box of a nation of mingled peoples. One of surface« free Price 75 cent« per bottle JoM by all they say to me to the chalk our Fourth of July boasts is that we Lit chalk and-they — have Denied b«t charastenstics take und tell all the bad things I did QALVIN R. WORRALL, I 1 LAWYER, BUSINESS COUNSELOR..TITLES, ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY PU BLIC. 25 year» experience. Conaultetion Free. Commercial Club Bld , Tillamook. McGinley & Vance, DEALERS IN LAND, Ground Floor, Commercial Building, Opposite Todd Hotel, Oregon. Tillamook QR. L. L. IiOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , ’ If you want to sell or trade your ranch or city property, list it with us. WATCH FOR I’ Tillamook, OUR LIST OF EXCHANGES. - Oregon. - QR. ELMER ALLEN « (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building, Netarts Hotel ready for business. First-class cooking. Meals at all hours. Rooms and good beds. J2)R’ JACK OLSEN. DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) C j G. W, DORR, Proprietor. Tillamook g Tillumook - Oregon ral Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Delivered PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City Oregon QARI. HABERLACH, Dry Short Wood S2.00 Load. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO ATTORNEY-AT LAW. T illamook B rock Tillumook *- . . .Oregon GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Onice: O pposite C ourt H ouse , Tillamook • • • Oregon. • J. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. 213 T illamook B lock Tillamook Oregon PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Tillumook .... Oregon J E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Both Phone». Tillamook .... Oregon DANIELS. CHIROPRACTOR. Local Office in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK - ORE Some of the Reasons Why A Perfect DaAar —absolutely dependable, everyday, year in. year out. Built on honor, of tho best materials. Outwear» Three Ordinary Range» 77» • only rangt made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. Malleable iron can't break-charcoal iron won’t ruet like eleeL Economical In Fuel The »earn» of the Majeetic are riveted (not put blether with b ills und stove putty)—they will alwaye remain air tight, because neither heat nor cold affects them. The Majeetic Oven is lined throughout with pure aebeetoe board, held in place by an open iron irratln^ you can see it— and it stays there always. Air tight joints and pure astMMt«« lining assure an even baking heat, caving one-half the fuel. All doore drop to form rigid ehelvee. No epringe. Malleable iron oven rache llido out automatically, bold" Ing whatever they contain. The Great L. E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Huth Phone«. Renidence und Office in Whitehouae Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. LJ T. BUI 43 A A . ATTORN EY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abntract Book» in Office. Tuxeu Paid for Non Resident». T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phone». M ajestic w Charcoal and Malleable Iron R ange Lln«4 with Pur* A«bM< Board —I’M nfi copper reeervntr which heat« lika a t*a kettle, through a i>ork<-t »tamped from 'tiutea and by turning a lover the frame and reaervoir moves away trorr fire An exclusive patented Mah-aic feature, f tpm end nth non do*« away with »hoveling aahc» ventilated tuh pit prevent* floor from catching Are a»h cup catches aahra. A »t ut to thme you the greater! improvement nmr'i Jr " >1 i MjtSflC 1| ever put in a range. Don't l«y the range you expect to laat a life time “unaight. unseen,” or you II Ut sure to Im du- appr'tsted. f mm to mr «tor«, and aee the threat Mairrtic ~ have if» many exclusive fnatures ex- p’»itM-'i And out why the Majvitir is »trona^r than allo«her range« wlw-re moat rang«« arc w~ It is the twat rungs at any prv j and U bo m your iuUhfi-n, G. McGEE, PHYSICIAN & M D. SURGEON. Office : Next door to Star Theatre Q F.ORGE WILLETT ATTORNEY AT LAW T illamook C ommercial B uildino '1 illamook Oregon FOR SALE BY i ALEX. McNAIR & CO A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp On your front porch i nn be lit every night until midnight and register not over fifty cent» per month on the meter. T illamook ELBcrwic Liuui F uel C ompaq ■ Wux S pauhnu , Manager. amd