Tillamook Headlight, August 27, 1914. *Vl> is now costing between $17,000 and $18,000 to run the school and pay part of the indebtedness and interest, and Legal Advertisements. financially, the school district is not First Insertion, per line............... $ .10 in as good shape today as it was last Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 year at this time. Economy should Business and professional cards be the motto of the school district one month ................................ 1.00 but should those improvements be Homestead Notices .................... 500 it will add another decided upon Timber Claims ............................ 10.00 $7,000, at least, to run the school the Locals per line each insertion. .05 coming year. 7 here appears to be a Display advertisement, an inch, general impression that the school one month .................................. • SO last year did not have as strong a All Resolutions of Condolence corps of teachers as it might. In and Lodge Notices, per line . •05 the first place, although the school , Cards of Thanks, per line.......... . °s There is one thing that should in­ directors made an earnest effort and j Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen terest the people of Tillamook county thought they had obtained a No. I etc., minimum rate, not ex­ and that is the letting of the contract principal, they had not done so. ceeding five lines...................... ■25 to connect Tillamook and Clatsop But the school teachers of the state counties with a wagon road, and have so fixed legislation that after | RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. which will place Tillamook County teachers or principals have signed a j (Strictly in Advance.) on the great Columbia Highway, up­ contract to teach, it is hard to get ■ One year ........................................... $1.50 on which hundreds of thousands of rid of them, even if they are bum ; Six months ............................................ 75 dollars are being expended by other teachers, whereas, if the teachers can ' Three months........................................ 5° counties. Clatsop county has award­ obtain better salaries elsewhere, they can throw up their jobs and break Entered as second class mail mat­ ed the contract for the Necanicum their contracts in a few weeks. W’e road to the county line, and as Tilla ­ ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at admit it is not a very pleasant thing Tillamook, Ore., under the act of mook County has a good road al­ of inefficiency ready to that part, it insures a lot of to bring charges March 3, 1879. auto travel from the north part of the againit a principal, especially when THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT county next year, for the work is to the person is well advanced in years be completed by May. It will prove a But no one in private business would great benefit to this county to be keep poor inexperienced help, neither Editorial Snap Shots. connected with Clatsop County with should it be tolerated in the public school. To erect the gymnasium, | The crowned heads of Europe don’t a wagon road, and it is a great sur­ care a whoop how many of their sub­ prise to us that this was not consu- which, no doubt, would be a good : jects are murdered in the present tnated long before now. It is going to thing for the school, it would take ; bloody war, as long as they are “It.” be an interesting, pleasant auto trip $4,000, and another $1,000 to furnish from Portland to Astoria, from there the building, while the Montessori, The Pacific Union Press Associa- to Tillamook City, and return by way system, which our citizens and teach- i must have some kind of axe to grind, of Sheridan and McMinnville , and ers know very little about, would re­ for we are advised that it is going to thousands of auto parties will make quire two or three more teachers. send out a news service free. We the trip every year, which will all What salaries they would require is wonder whether it is not a scheme to help to the upbuilding of the county hard to tell, for there appears to be get a lot of political dope into the and improvements at the numerous only a few teachers who have ac­ beaches. We want to congratulate quainted themselves with this system newspapers free? Clatsop on this long delayed improve­ consequently it is safe to say it ----- o------ Governor West has placed the ban ment in that county, and we hope it would add $2,000 to the salary bill of or, hunting, closing the season on will not be long before Tillamook expense. The district is expending a account of the danger of forest fires. County will improve the road around large amount of money to run the This is once where we agree with the Necarney mountain, for there ap­ high school and incurred indebtedness Governor, for we have often pointed pears to have been a mutual under- J for buildings, and in this respect it is out that it is the hunters, who get standing between the two county ( to be commended, for it was some­ back in the woods, who cause forest courts if Clatsop County would build thing that was needed in the central fires. a road up the Necanicum to connect j part of the county. Before the school with the inner road in this county, I district branches out in other things, W’e believe it is a good slogan for Tillamook County would improve the it should first prove to the taxpayers every newspaper in Oregon to ad­ Necarney road. It is now up to Till- j that they have had value for the hard vocate: “Patronize Home Industries amook County to do so and fulfill its I earned taxes they have paid into the and Home Merchants.” But how can promises. school fund, and, if not, then wait Democrats like Bro. Trombley be until there is more efficiency in the I consistent when they laud and praise The Rural Spirit makes this predic­ school before saddling the taxpayers free trade with foreign countries and tion in regard to the proposed eight wifh more taxes. The taxpayers this cheap labor? year had some -trouble in raising the hour law: money to pay their taxes, and from “ If the law is enacted it will be be ­ With so much idle unproductive cause farmers neglect to vote on the the present outlook it is going to be land in Oregon, waiting to be turned issue. If it is indorsed it will mean somewhat harder next year. We do into profitable farms, it is a shame that the coast farmers must do their not want to damp the ardor of those and a disgrace to civilization that the own work, and the law can even be who advocate the erection of a gym­ crowned heads of Europe should construed to limit the hours that the farmer works on his own farm. There nasium and the introduction of the plunge Europe into a bloody war, kil­ will be no slack administration of the Montessori system, but we do believe ling off thousands of innocent victims law. One single instance where vio­ that taxpayers are deserving of sot.ie funds to a program of economy, when Oregon would be glad to have lation goes unpunished, the official would have improved their sadly de­ whose duty it is to enforce the law is consideration, and should that be ig­ them here to develop the tt?te guilty of malfeasance and loses his nored, it is in their power to make a ; ficient popularity.” job.” radical reduction in the running ex­ An exchange says: "If a war The Rural Spirit is wrong. If the penses of the school, which would cut shall be imposed by Congress it Notice. law is enacted it will be because the out the high school branch. apply only to the manufacture politicians fooled the farmers with Notice is hereby given, that on sale of liquors and to importations of the Oregon System, which is respon­ Bill to Increase Cost of Government. Monday, September 14th, 1914, the tea and coffee, The presumption is County Board of Equalization will sible for a dual system of legislation that Congress will be ashamed to meet at the Court House in Tilla­ and the introduction of vicious laws. Commenting on the voters pamph ­ make eatables any higher.” That’s mook County, Oregon, and publicly The snap shot man believes the eight let and editorial in the Oregonian for examine the assessment roll for said bad on the boosers, and being a tea hour measure will become a law, for August 18 calls attention to the ab­ Dated at Tilamook City Oregon, booser we must object to a tax being the reason that the great mass of em­ sence of measures in the voters book year and correct all errors in valua­ placed on our favorite drink. ployees and unemployed will vote for to promote economy and the abun­ tions, descriptions of lands, lots or other property. Said board will con­ We notice that Canada is making a the bill, for the same reason that a dance of measures that directly or in­ tinue in session from day to day, un­ suggestion that England send all the large number of the dairymen of Till­ directly affect revenues and taxa'ioti til the examination, correction and German prisoners to that country, amook County did when they voted ! without offering any relief from the equalization of the assessment roll shall be completed. All persons in­ and that they be employed in improv­ for the eight hour law for state, coun­ high cost of government. terested in the assessment of their ing the land, and after the war is over ty and municipal work, viz.: With There are in all 29 measures on the property are requested to appear at the object of receiving eight hours ’ they be given an opportunity to re­ ballot. 15 may be classed as those said time and place, as no changes main in Canada. We think the sug­ pay for to hours’ work. In fact, if the that affect the public pocketbook, I can be made after the adjournjnent gestion is a good one, for the Can­ vote on the eight hour law two years either by proposing public expend’- of the board. Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, adians realize that the Germans make ago is any criterion to judge by, a tures or alterations in the method of August toth, 1914. large number of dairymen were in providing revenues. good, thrifty, hardworking citizens. C. A. Johnson, faver of that law, for the vote in this County Assessor. An amendment creating the office The crowned heads of Europe arc county was 621 in favor of it and of Lieutenant-Governor adds one responsible for the horrible war in 468 against. They did not realize at more to the legislative pay roll. Free Canadian Homestead. Europe, where hundreds of thousands the time that this would increase tax­ An amendment authorizes state in- Why pay $50.00 to be located. We of men will lose their lives. It is a ation and continue to keep taxation deptedness for irrigation projects and give you full information where the __ terrible situation when a few men can at the high water mark, for the tax­ improvement of untilled lands. best lands are in Western Canada hurl large bodies of men against one payers have been paying at the rate An amendment abolishes the uni- and British Columbia that are close another who have no personal griev­ of to hours for 8 hours work. As long form rule of taxation, to railroad and town; name of guide ance, and murder one another, for as the county is paying the bill, that An amendment authorizes specific on the ground; full directions to get maps and plats free;how to get home­ that is what war means, when de­ appeared to be o.k., but now that taxes at different rates, seekers tickets everything you need to clared to satisfy the whim of such another law is introduced that ex- An amendment raises the pay of know and locate yourself, all for $3.00. tends the same system to all the state legislators. men as Emperor William. Remit amount by P. O. mony order other employees, the farmers are An amendment grants an exemp- and we will send you the complete Good, The Improved Order of Red up in arms fighting the measure, tion of $1500 on information at once. Canadian Home­ improvements and . stead Company, 73, 6th St., Portland, Men will hold their council in this while the tabor organizations are personal property. Oregon. For reference, ihe Farm city next August. This city has prov­ making a strenuous effort to carry it A waterfront amendment abolishes I Magazine Company,, 41 < Panama ed that it can give visitors a royal at the next election. It seems to us the wharfing right that enters into Bldg., Portland, Oregon. good time, and we are glad that the that the farmers will have to take the tax value of shore lands. Red Men arc coming, and we can as­ their own medicine, for they were the Displacing local option with state-1 sure them the glad hand. Through the first to espouse the Oregon System. wide prohibition which would destroy * efforts of some of our enterprising And they are now getting it in the much taxable property. citizens what few conventions, etc., neck, good and hard, with taxation An amendment proposes graduated ' have been held in this city have been becoming more burdensome every surtax on large land holdings. most successful affairs, and the visi­ year. Yet \ <■ must not complain, the A bill provides for a tax code com­ tors have gone away—well, highly people were not satisfied and wanted mission and appropriates money for delighted. a change, and it was the sovereign its expenses. rule of the people that brought about An amendment taxes inheritances The visit of the Artisan Clam Bake a change—engineered by scheeming to give work to the unemployed. Club to this city was a great success, politicians and office seekers. A bill for additional primary elec­ thanks to those who put their should tion costing thousands biennially. ers to the wheel and made it so The An amendment imposes a two ! At a meeting of the school district city has been fortunate in extending to be held on Friday afternoon for thirds rule on future tax measures. the glad hand to organizations com­ the purpose of considering the prop­ The Oregonian concludes: "The ing to this city, and what hospitality osition of erecting a gymnasium public pocket book is an important have been shown them, it was well and adding the Montessori system to consideration, but are we not running with the problem of buy’ng Harnest appreciated, and they have gone away the school, which is somewhat after in the wrong direction? If the same you will find it distinctly advanta­ with a good opinion of the people of geous to come and do your select this city. We want to tender the the kindergarten system, so that industry’ had been exhibited in pro­ mg hete. You will get the bes» children below the age of six years posing measures that would lessen qualities, the moot thorough and thanks of the citizens to those who We think the the cost of government there would coni*cien»iouR workmanship and be got in and worked. On these occa­ can attend school. be cause for congratulation and we l,’e !“?** ^«’enable price*. | sions everybody should lend a help­ school district should go slow in tancy that those lawgivers in partial- Sets or aay’Ungle'article "that you these matters and not plunge it into ing hand, but somehow it is hard to avoid treading on somebody’s soft more debt and increased taxation, lar whose names regularly recur in may be in need of. which is becoming burdensome to every issue of the official pamphlet, * • • r. u AUQ those who have to foot the bills. It had they devoted their energies and I W.A, William^ |f Q q | ADVERTISING RATES. Republicans in Tillamook county are about disgusted with the Oregon System and those who have ridden that hobby horse to obtain office, and with the free trade party that depriv­ ed American coast wise vessels pas­ sing through the canal free of toll. Republicans have been fooled long enough by politicians of the Free Trade Chamberlain type and the West-Smith political ring, Next No- vember the Republicans of this coun- ty will line up for the Republican party. TILLLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR SEPTEMBER 15-16-17-18, ’14. Q i. We want every Man, Woman and Child in the County $ to make an exhibit and help make this lair a grand success. $ The Grounds and Buildings have been prepared. I < ’ This is your Fair, and we want to prove to the world that Tillamook County has products of the Farm, the Sea b and the Forest that cannot be excelled. Call on or write the following Superintendents of De­ partments and let them know what you have to exhibit : Dr. J. E. Reedy, Superintendent of Live Stock. F. W. Christensen. Superintendent of Milk and Cream. i' II. Booth, Superintendent of Poultry. R. Y. Blalock, Suprintcndent of Vegetables and Fruit. W. C. King, Superintendent of Flowers. Mrs. II. Crenshaw, Supt. of Needlework, Crochet, etc. Mrs, Anna Billings,Superintendent Domestic Baking. Mrs, Lola M, Shrode, Supt. Painting and Photography. Mrs. Mary F. Dunstan, Supt. Better Babies Contest. ? The above, together with the members of the Fair Board and County Expert Jones, are at your service. The Secretary will give your inquiries prompt attention. Yours for a Great Big Get Together Fair TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR BOARD J. H. DUNSTAN, President. WM. G. TAIT, Secretary L. M. KRANER. rrW‘GreaierOregon > With new buildings, better equip­ ment, enlarged grounds, and many ad­ ditions to its faculty, the University of Oregon will begin its thirty-ninth year Tuesday, September 15. Special training for Business, Jour­ nalism, Law, Medicine, Teaching, Li­ brary Work, Music, Architecture, / Physical Training and Fine Arts. / Largest and strongest departments / of liberal education. / Library of more than 50,000 volumes, two I splendid gymnasiums, eleven buildings fully I equipped. New $lu0,000 Administration I Building In course of construction I Tuition Free. Dormitories for men and I for women Expensea lowest. I Write for catalog and illustrated booklet, I Addressing Registrar, I UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUGENE. OREGON I J HELP. HELP. What Have You Got to Sell, Trade or Rent ?????? ?????? Please answer the above for tne right away........................ SWAMPED AND DELUGED with Inquirers............ ............................. for locations I am fairly IN TILLAMOOK I am prepairing to get out a printed List of ............................ TILLAMOOK PROPERTIES................ .......................... IN BOOKLET FORM ............................... HELP ME OUT AND INCIDENTALLY HELP YOUR SELF........................................................................................... We are in a Position to Serve You Promptly and Honestly. Fill out the Coupon Here To-Day, Do it Now : NAME .... ADDRESS (Mark with circle what you have to offer, we will then iiet ii> touch with you further as to details). I have............. acre place for you to List for me to SELL. TRADE or RENT. DATE ................................................... MAIL TO ROLLIE W. WATSON, TILLAMOOK CITY, - - OREGON. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance.