Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 27, 1914, Image 1

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$t-5o PER YEAR.
WHY NOT store some of the
LUI Illg ’ abundant
-------- ; energy
of ' youth, so that
Enercrv share
old age of it may
euj°y its r’ghtfui
'i OU CAN put by some of your surplus energy,
in the shape of dollars you don’t need to spend,
IN THIS BANK, where it will immediately
take on an energy of its own and, in time, double
itself. Thoughtful, purposeful consideration of
this vital subject NOW may mean the difference
between peace and distress, dependence and in­
dependence, when the working days are over.
Tillamook County Bank.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market. 15c.
The Tillamook Headlight office is per pound.
)W located opposite the court house.
N. M. Nelson and wife, who went
Gambrinus Beer on- draft at The to Denmark on a visit have returned
* and on their way to this county.
The Academy will reopen Septem­
Good house and lot for sale on easy
ber 3. Special attention given to
erms. Apply to J. S. Stephens. *
Portland’s best beer. Gambrinus, at music and the commercial course.
'he Lotus.
Morrison Mills vs. Randolph Lamb
Safe deposit boxes for rent. T1IV1- and Sarah L. Lamb is a suit to re­
cover $650 on a promissory note.
10k County Bank.
Nicely furnished three roomed cot­
Blacksmith shop to rent next to my
tage, centrally located, for rent cheap
iffice. T. H. Goyne.
Address. P. O. Box 103, Tillamook. ♦
Gambrinus Beer by the keg or bot-
Dairymen, if you have any heifer
le at The Lotus.
calves, 3 to 10 weeks old, see J. Mer-
The place to eat is at the "Good rel Smith. He will buy them.
iats,” Ramsey Hotel.
F. A. Paul and wife left last week
The district school will commence on account of the serious illness of
n Monday, September 7th.
Mrs. Eatha Hopfield, at Madros,
Born on the 18th inst., to the wife Ore.
f Ed Kinnaman, a son.
Sheriff Crenshaw left for Blaine
A marriage license was issued to this morning with Dr. Monk, who will
illdee Krake and Miss Marion Keen. take photographs of the country
Fresh fruit delivered to any part where the murder was committed.
Word has been received by G. Mun­
if the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.*
Frank Worthington and wife, of son that his wife and daughter, who
Cloverdale, were in the city on Mon- have been visiting in Sweeden are
still there.
Jake Wolvinstine has opened a re­
For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River
shop down by the sawmill. Will
lottom land. Inquire of Frank Free-
* repair any old thing. Boiler repairing
We are in a position to make some a specialty.
ong time farm loans. First National
the city is taking place, that of mov­ i
ing the old shacks from off the side-
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Reiter, of Hills-
walk on First street.
'Oro, are visiting at A. K Case’s
Judge Webster Holmes and Mrs.
Holmes returned last week from Polk I
John Alegg, who has lived on the
County, where he held a term of the
4iami for a number of years, died on
circuit court.
Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with
Dr. Upton and wife and daughter,
stock, with 10 or more cows. Cash
J LaGrande, who previously resided rent or shares.
Address G. F.
n this city were visitors this week.
Hackett, Hemlock, Ore.
J. H. Perkins left on Monday for
An application of Harmony skin
owa and will remain there about six
cream at night keeps the skin white
reeks on business.
soft and free from blemishes. C. I.
Having passed the grass and weed Clough Co.
•rdinance, the City Council should
I am still buying young calves, All
«force it.
kinds, both male and female. See me
Mrs. Elizabeth Wiley, of Portland if you want all they are worth. J.
s visiting at the home of Mr. and Merrel Smith.
rirs. McNair.
Dr. Urie and wife, Dr. Miles Leish-
Tan and sun burn, can be prevented er, Dr. Blanche Leisher and Mr.
rith our tan and freckle lotion. C. I. Yeoman tvere visiting in Tillamook
■lough & Co.
last week.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla-
Mohler Mercantile Co. vs. E. M.
»00k Meat Company’s Market. We Clark and wife is a suit filed in the
•X >5c per pound.
circuit court to recover $245.40 for
The Tillamook Feed Co. will make goods sold the defendant.
ou low prices on all kinds of hay in
A. H. Burton, of Portland, was in
»Hoad lots. See Shrode.
the city on Wednesday. He is the
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ nominee on the Progressive ticket
ey ‘‘Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ for State Superintndent of Schools.
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
The "Fresh Air Kiddies” who came
.^atch Tower, —Apartments and here with the Artisans' Clam Bake
1T>gle rooms for rent at reasonable Club, returned to Portland on the
» Wednesday morning train.
The P. R. 4N. will run a special ex-
Dairy ranch for rent, two miles
cursion to Nehalem on Saturday for from Tillamook City, house, barn,
Nehalem Valley Industrial and orchard, and small fruits. Terms reas­
Doral Fair, the round trip to Ne- onable to the right party.—Address
»leni from this city is $1.45.
P. O. Box 103, Tillamook.
UAJWAR’S variety store
Drop in and book Around
Death to headaches. Glasses fitted
The Fairview Birthday Club met at
by Drs. Lowe and Turner.
* the home of Mrs. M. Ackley on Wed­
The dry weather continues, making nesday August 19. The committee on
a scarcity of green feed for the dairy­ entertainment, Mrs. Ackley, Mrs,
cows. This is the dryest summer in Durrer, Mrs. Tinnerstett and Mrs.
Tillamook County for many years. Little served a dainty lunch consist­
Protect your valuable papers from ing of cake, sandwiches, peaches and
the unexpected fire by renting one of cream and lemonade. Mrs. Ackley
our safe deposit boxes. Only one and her mother Mrs. Jones, rendered
dollar per year. Tillamook County some, beautiful piano selections and
songs, which
were appreciated.
Notice of time and place for next
It's a good rule to buy a se wir. g meeting will be announced later.
machine v ith an established rep-.r.a-
y^ir Jfryrvdjcjt peut« cl)
Have you a farm for sale,if so, write
tiuu fo" quality services. The White
for sale on easy terms at Jones to R. Mills, P. O. Box No. 245 Port­
land, Oregon. We want to buy a farm
Knudson Furniture Company.
All kinds of cement work in a first­ for cash if not over $4,000, or will pay
class manner and foundation and more for a good place on terms. In
answering this ad, please state num­
chimney blocks at reasonable prices.
ber of acres cultivated, price per acre,
Will guarantee any work. A. E.
and state what stock and machinery
Docrge, Jlth street and First avenue go with the place. Prefer cheap land
West, 1 iliamook.
at $20 to $60 per acre, but will con­
Member of
Family washing wanted, at 40 c. sider highly improved farm at better
dozen for rough dry, 2 doz. 75c., and price.
75c. dozen for starched and ironed.
Miss Calahan for nine years with
Of the United States.
Work done equal to a laundry by a
Robinson & Strauss Co., of St. Paul
laundry worker. Apply to Lucy
one of the largest millinery houses in
Richards, 9th street.
the middle west, will have exclusive
Miss Elsie Londershausen, primary charge of Haltom's Millinery Depart­
teacher in the Garibaldi school, has ment this season. Miss Calahan will
resigned her position there and has arrive in Tillamook, Friday, August, OOOOQQOOOOOOOCCOQOOCOC40000COCGCCOOOCCO'
accepted the principalship of the 28, and will immediately open her
school at Pilot Rock Junction, Uma­ designing rooms. Mr, Haltom thinks others in charge of them. The whis­ It is estimated that the gymnasium
tilla County.
the Tillamook trade now requires the tle at the electric light plant will be will cost $4,000 to erect and $1,000 to
best millinery designer and blown at eight o’clock. It seems that furnish, while the new system will
Wanted—live representative in Till­
amook. Advancement to parties show­ trimmer obtainable, and he insures I the ordinance does not specify the entail two or more teachers to be
ing ability. Steady position. Legiti­ the public that service this season.
age other than minors, and in that employed, making an additional ex­
mate proposition. Good money. Lady
W. R. Donnely and W. Francis case young men below the age of 21 penditure for next year of about
or gentleman. Benn-Newman Mfg. Lott, of Salem, who are connected years as well as young men below the $7,000.
Co., 409 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore. with the Statesman staff, are in for a age ofl8 years, will have to comply
Drs. Low and Turner,
Frederick Dow and Anna Dow vs. month’s vacation. They went to Ne­ with the curfew ordinance.
known eye specialists of
John Leland Henderson et el, is a tarts today and this evening will
Justice of the Peace E. W. Stanley, will be in Tillamook again
suit filed in the circuit court growing leave on the stage for the Big Nes- in the case of the Potter Realty Co. and Wednesday, Sept. 1st and 2nd, at
out of a land deal, the parties having tucca country, where they will fish, vs. Axel Anderson, decided to turn Tillamook Hotel until 4 p.m. Wed­
traded lands in Tillamook county and hunt and have a general good time the case over to the circuit court, as nesday. Were your children back­
rusticating in the coast county, and he appeared to be under the impres­ ward in school last year? If so the
Klickitat county, Washington.
not going to be scared out by a sion that he had no jurisdiction in a chances are that it was due to eye
All the stock for the Cloverdale
Tillamook mist. Mr. Donnely case where property interests arc in­ trouble of some kind. Bring them in
Cheese Co. was over subscribed. The
are going into the heart of volved. The plaintiff in this case, ajid let us give their eyes a thorough
officers of the new company are D.
district and will, no sought to enjoin the defendant from searching and scientific examination,
A. Bailey, president; C. Ray and
and if there is any eye trouble, we
Frank Owens directors; and Carl doubt, capture a few fine specimens landing at its dock at Bayocean.
will correct it. You owe this to your
Haberlach, secretary.
Th( city council recently passed a trict is to be held to-morrow (Fri­ children. If they do not need glasses,
J. D. Archibald, of Riverland Flori­ curfew ordinance, which will go into day) afternoon, at the high school we most positively will not rcco-
da, and daughter, Mrs, Buckley, of effect on September 1st, when it will building for the purpose of authoriz­ nrend them. Remember the date.
Seattle Wash., were visitors last week be unlawful for minors to be on the ing the school board to erect a gym­ Scores of references. Drs. Lowe and
at the home of Mr. McNair. The lat­ street after eight o’clock at night, un­ nasium and installing the Montessori Turner visit Tillamook every three
ter had not seen Mr. Archibald for 30 less accompanied by their parents or system for children below school age. months. Satisfaction guaranteed. *
Tobacco and Cigar Salesman want­
ed to Advertise. Experience unnec­
Ladies’ Home Journal Patterns have arrived for September
essary. $100 monthly and traveling
Expenses. Advertising
Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars.
Send 2c. stamp for full particulars.
Hemet Tobacco Co., New York. ♦
To give some idea how the war af­
fects families in Germany, Carl Hab-
erlach’s aunt has ten children, four
boys between the ages of 20 and 30
years are in the army, two girls are
nurses in the army, and the o’her
Ready now, a« we never have been before, at ho early a date, with an immense
four minors.
variety of the new Fall Suits and Coats. We have more Suits and Coats to
A breakman on the P. R. & N., by
show you now than ever before—the accepted, authentic styles, you can safely
the name of Galloway who left this
buy now, for 110 more style changes can come from Paris this season Our
city Saturday morning on a freight
stock includes copies of the latest and best Paris models in medium and long
train, expired at tunnel No. I, after a
effects with clinging» full pleated or f lare skirts.
hemorrage. He was a young man un­
married and had been running into
Tillamook for about a month, but
New Fall Dress
New Silk Petticoats
had been in poor health.
Jess Kennedy had an auto accident
In all the new colors,
y new designa
between Beaver and Blaine last Sun­
Burnt Orange, Negro
mid colorings, ninny im-
day, when the machine turned over
Brown, Purple, Gold,
and rolled down the grade at the side
England and the con-
of the road. Dr. Perkins and wife
tinent, and the moHt
Greens and Blues, Jersey
and Mr. Sylvester and wife were
thrown out, but, fortunately, with
Tops, with knee deep,
from this country.
only slight bruises. The auto was
close fitting Messaline
slightly damaged.
New Models in
Flounces, Crepe de Chen
G. A. Glover writing from Burr
and Messalines.
Oak, Kan., says: "We came back to
the new
Chic and New.
our home state Kansas, last April,
after living in Tillamook almost two
The new girdles with
Lady and Nemo Corsets.
years. We often sigh for a little Till­
pocket books to match
Your new dress or suit
amook weather, as we are in the
in twenty different styles
will fit perfect on one of
midst of our hot, dry weather, and
in plain colors, Dresden«
these new models, 30
no amount of praying will bring us a
and the popular Roman
different styles to choose
much needed rain.
from, priced from $1.00
The meeting if the mothers held at
to $5.00.
New Kid Gloves.
the High School Auditorium on Tues­
New Trimming
day afternoon was well attended and
In all the new shades
ail present enjoyed and were profited
for dress and street.
by the talk given by Mrs. A. B.
In a nice assortment of
Heney on the subject of "Eugenics.”
the new colorings and
New Trimming
These afternoon meetings will be held
Cepe de
during the school year as an adjunct
Chine, I »rap, Metallic,
to the Parent Teachers Association
Morays, Velour Bro< he
anil the corded effects.
and subjects will be discussed that
plaidsand Dresdens.
will help the mothers to a better un­
derstanding of "Child Welfare.”
Be sure and call at Hotel Tillamook
Tuesday and Wednesday up to 4 p m.
Sept. 1st and 2nd, and let Drs. Lowe
There’» a perfect blending of style and quality in our Hart Schaffner & Marx
ind Turner show you the new double
Fall Suita and Overcoat» for men and young men Quality of materials and
glasses which have no unsightly lines
attractiveriCH» of pattern» are the prime factor» in the choosing of the fabr'es ;
or seams to catch dirt, strain the eye
or come apart. Are light, solid piece
then comes the finish hand tailoring by men who are masters of the craft,
6f glass which looks like a single pair
stouts, slirns and regular». A fit for every man. The new Florsheim Shoe.
yet answers the purpose of two, en­
The new Fall Hat» are here and on display, ready for your approval.
abling you to read or do close work,
and see distant objects perfectly.
They make you look young, but do
not make you feel old Call and see
them. Free demonstration. Satiafac-.
Founded in the Strongest Way,
Growing Stronger Every Day.
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore.
Suits andCoats
tign guaranteed. Ktmtuab« the datc.'j