ì Tillamook Headlight, August 20, 1914. -------- » Greater Oregon X With new buildings, better equip­ ment. enlarged grounds, and many ad­ ditions to its faculty, the University of Oregon will begin its thirty-ointn year Tuesday, September 15. * Special training for Business, Jour­ nalism, Law, Medicine. Teaching, Li- , brary Work, Music, Architecture, / Physical Training and Fine Arts. I srgest and strongest departments / of literal edu< ation ¡ TO-DAY’S NEWS. Germans Have Entered Brussels and Headed for Antwerp. Emperor William baa ordered resistance to Japan’s ultimatum News of military developments is­ sued by official bureau becomes more brief as great masses of Germans and Austrians approach opposing forces of Belgians, French and British. French war office statement just UNIVERSITY OF OREGON | mention important events are occur- ructwr oacggn I ing in Belgium. Reoccupation of Mul- hausen, Alsace by French announced 1 oficaally today. Rumors that Brus­ sels has fallen into German hands persistently current but no confirma­ tion. Antwerp apparently temporary goal of German troops, reported moving slowly but steadily in direction of great fortified port on river Scheldt. Germans occupied Tirlemont and their masses pushing in from frontier are believed to have come in contact with allies. Report current in Germany decided not to comply with Japan’s ultimatum calling for German evacuation of Kiao Chow and abandonment of Eastern Sea by German war vessels. French officials announce rapid progress of French column invading Please answer the above for me right away ..................... ... Lorrain in direction of Metz. Two of Emperor William, Princes I am fairly SWAMPED AND DELUGED with sons Eitel Friedrick and August William, are said to passed through Kiege on Inquirers............................................ FOR LOCATIONS way to front. Belgian official com­ munication admits Germans in con­ IN TILLAMOOK .............................................................. trol of Liege and vicinity, saying Bel­ gians did all they could by holding I am prepairing to get out a printed List of invaders in check 15 days. Montenegrian troops have invaded ............................ TILLAMOOK PROPERTIES ................. Austrian territory in Merxgovina, where they have been incorporated ............................ IN BOOKLET FORM .............................. as army corps in Servian army. Small German and British forces in HELP ME OUT AND INCIDENTALLY HELP YOUR Africa and Colone are carrying out SELF............................................................................................. raids in each others territories. Ger­ mans in East Africa today invaded British protectorate. Paris August 20—Portion of the Belgian army has begun to retire in direction of Antwerp and Germans are advancing according to official announcement. East of Namur Ger­ Fill out the Coupon Here To-Day, Do it Now : mans have attained line between Din­ NAME .................................................. ..................................... ant and Neufch ateau. Large German forces continue to cross river Meuse ADDRESS .................................................................................... between Liege and Namur. German (Mark with circle what you have to offer, we will then get outposts occupy Dyle. St. Petersburg August 20-Russian iu touch with you further as to details). troops, according to official commu­ I have............. acre place for you to List for me to SELL,! nication, have occupied Gumbinnen. 20 miles from Russian frontier of TRADE <>r RENT. DATE ................................................ East Prussia, capturing at same time MAIL TO 12 German guns and large number of prisoners. Paris, August 20—Official commu­ nication from Brussels says that the Germans gained ground on both banks of Meuse, and are in contact with armies of Allies. Enemy find­ ing route to southward strongly held by French and Belgians, and discoy- . ered opening to north. This may en­ tirely change strategy on both sides. Brussels, August 18—War evidently «SOCOSeOOOOCOOOeCOOOOQOOQCOOOGOCGGOOOCOCOOCf 1 is rapidly drawing nearer to this city, [ Already four hospitals are filled with wounded soldiers. German aeroplanes I were seen scouting above the city after sundown. London, August 20—The following I was given out by the official Bureau: I “Belgian field army confronted by I superior numbers, and has fallen I back.” I London, August 20—Dispatches from Brussels says German occupa­ tion of Brussels is imminent. The I Burgomaster of Belgian capital has ordered civic guard to disarm. San Francisco, August 20—The tramp steamer Maztlain, which at one time and other has flown Mexi­ can and German flags, was forbidden to leave port today until she has dis­ charged 500 tons of coal.laden in Sacks, which it is alleged was intend­ ed to be transferred at sea to the German cruiser Leipsig. 1 eking August 20—China inquired today of United States what its atti- tude would be toward Cession by Germany to United States of Riau Chau, for immediate cession there­ after to China. Inquiry made to American Charge D’Affairs, and send on intimation from Germany that such course might solve problem. Mexico City, August 20—General ( arranza chief of Mexican revolution and from today provosional president of the republic, entered thi’capitol At noon he was given enthusiastic re­ ception by crowds on streets, l.tLrary of noir thau SS Vvt voluni»« two f splendid yyranaeiume. rl«v«O Lwildiiig» fully I equipped New |10 OM Adiueo Eapenae« lowest j Write tut catalog «nd illuctrated booklet, I Addreaalog Heftotrar, HELP. HELP What Have You Got to Sell, Trade or Rent. ?? TILLLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR SEPTEMBER 15-16-17-18,’14 ?????????? We are in a Position to Serve You Promptly and Honestly. We want every Man, Woman and Child in the County to make an exhibit and help make this Fair a grand success. The Grounds and Buildings have been prepared. This is your Fair, and we want to prove to the world that Tillamook County has products of the Farm, the Sea and the Forest that cannot be excelled. Call on or write the following Superintendents of De­ partments and let them know what you have to exhibit : Dr. J. E. Reedy. Superintendent of Live Stock. F. W. Christensen, Superintendent of Milk and Cream. $ H. Booth, Superintendent of Poultry. R. Y. Blalock, Suprintendent of Vegetables and Fruit. W. C. King, Superintendent of Flowers. Mrs. II. Crenshaw, Supt. of Needlework, Crochet, etc. Mrs, Anna Billings, Superintendent Domestic Baking. Mrs. Lola M, Shrode, Supt. Painting and Photography. Mrs. Mary F. Dunstan, Supt. Better Babies Contest. The above, together with the members of the Fair $ Board and County Expert Jones, are at your service. The Secretary will gi ve your inquiries prompt attention. ? * $ ROLLIE W. WATSON, ? TILLAMOOK CITY, - - OREGON.! Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. Yours for a Great Big Get Together Fair TILLAMOOK COUNTY FAIR BOARD J. H. DUNSTAN, President. WM. G. TAIT, Secretary L. M. KRANER. $ U F. C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line £ THIRD PRE-EXPOSITON EXCURSION TO SAN FRANCISCO AND RETURN VIA THE < Death of the Pope, Washington, August 20—Forty British and American workmen killed today in collapse of new custom house at Ceiba, Honduras. Rome August 20,2:20 a.rn.—The l^ope died at an early hour this morn- August «-"Together in one all things m Christ" The words Pope 1 ms X adopted as his motto six days In these days when the office stove after he had been elevated to the is rusty and in a state of inouous Pontiface were on his lips as he ■ en- I desuetude it is really inconsiderate of tered the valley of death. The the buisv press agent to fill to over­ which came at 1:20 o'clock this - . e’.d .,iorn- flowing the editorial waste basket. Tn mg, was peaceful. A few mor- ■ ents be- every mail are the fat envelopes la­ fore he had roused from ___ ___ a state of beled "News, Rush,” and the news is semi-consciousness an-* always some project that wants free ed to bestow a t. bi- a had attempt- essing on those publicity. Statewide prohibition gathered in his • dumps in memographed sheets by the failed him. A* • oamber, but strength scrip* a pause, he murmer- ream and in the same mail are the cd a scrip- arguments on the other side of the agaio.* ' .oral text and did not speak with the problem of buying' Hnrneaa question. Numerous towns that hope fro- ror several days he suffered you will Bud it distinctly ndvuntu- , to sell lots to suckers attracted by - ‘i gouty catarrh, and yesterday it geotia to come and do your select newspaper mention contribute towa- . Simitar"0?,"'I*1 d?,h Was ‘‘»n'inent. frig here. You will get the best filling ....... „ ...» ta, anks ,had bern resisted the basket. The big Pa-- '' wi h deoressl °f F °P<> * Jvil1 pOwer- but '•'* qualities, the most thorough and exposition is even depression over clash of arms in conacientiotts workmaaahip and be working the county 'press vt piS* and the E>'r°pe militated against his recov- charged the most reaaonabie prices, amount of stuff from \\e cun supply single or double dumped V nnJidb'r1’ .M*"ydelval, Ferrata the F’onJ’« 5ag,ano and B>»selti and ..5 ‘ > ,wo sls,crs an‘l niece and th??3 i L’*1hf r church officials were at .“s' the heds.de when death came. Mauer |»bkh „1Ub, «r enclave to elect successor taken lnPn',°dav, Amon« candidates already Belgium does not seem to have put tracts amounting to $u.