Tillamook Headlight, Augtist 20, 1914. Q A lvin r . worrall ? TILLAMOOK ^HOWS q H^OSPI- Reynolds and Leila Crea; ------------------ ~.-aser. Notice. Mrs. A. S. Burton—Mrs. Davis, Muriel,,Edith, and Phillip Davis and Notice is hereby given, that on Artisans’ Clam Bake Club Given Ethel Malone.’ Monday, September 14th, 1914, the Rousing Reception. Mrs. Lamar—May and George County Board of Equalization will Zumbuhl. meet at the Court House in Tilla­ The special train of six coaches 1 «y L. L. T).. Thomas—Marion, Ruby and mook County, Oregon, and publicly from Portland, arrived Saturday at 2 Avis Craig, the assessment roll for said p.m. and it bore some 250 Artisans, I Mrs. W. Terry— Mary McMahon. examine Dated at Tilamook City Oregon, with ladies, 75 poor "Kiddies”, with I E. . _ Page ___ —Gladys __ and Clayton Dur- year and correct all errors in valua­ some mothers and lady representa- kee and Mrs Ingram, tions, descriptions of lands, lots or tives from Charities j J. H. U. Dunstan C___ — jemina and Mar- other I.yin the ...v Associated v.ianucs property. Said board will con­ of Portland, in. in charge, also the cele- , garet French. tinue in session from day to day. un­ brated Ladies’ Oak Grove, " •_ brass 1 John Tucker— Ella, Clara and Lil- til the examination, correction and hand composed, not only of good lian Riis. equalization of the assessment roll musicians, but ladies of _ beauty . - and ,! ; _ R- Herring—Joe and Constanzo shall be completed. All persons in­ culture, the Rose City Orchestra of BaRitori and Emerson Taylor. terested in the assessment of their four pieces, . and a number of other 1 -.1 | I q W. Tilden—Joe and Dan Calli- property are requested to appear at musicians and entertainers. The train cotte, said time and place, as no changes was met at Bar View by a committee | I pV , Jacobs ____ — . Edmund Kefsky and can be made after the adjournment from the local Artisan ^Assembly, Elmer Bennett. of the board. headed by Attorney Geo. P. Winslow j , C. B. Wiley—John and Carl Nelson Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, and Mesdames Snodgrass, Mvers, ---- — ------------ ------ „ ----- , — j-.-, Carl Hunt — Mrs. Lacy and Elsie, August 10th, 1914. T Monk ' • and Holland, and . with - - — — : Lillian and Robert Lacy Fred - C. C. A. Johnson, t Baker ,-.------- j e « ---------- „1 1 Mrs Houser—Bud Mosely. and Secretary z- C. t R. Worrall, County Assessor. representing the Commercial Club, 1 Mrs. Lucas—Harry and Victor Mr. Baker presenting Supreme Mas- . 1 George. Notice for Publication. ter Artisan with the great key to J F. Bester—Patrick and Paul Mc- Department of the Interior, U. S. Tillamook in well chosen remarks. ■ Mahon. Mr. Winslow presented our hospital­ S. Anderson—Earl Devor, Lawren­ Land Office at Portland, Oregon, ities to the Ladies' Band. July 13, 1914. ce Whitcomb and Tom Ferguson. Notice is hereby given that Wesley On arrival at the depot about 500 I E. Donaldson—Harvey and Arthur B. Sutton, of Tillamook, Oregon, who citizens with automobiles received Johnson. them with music by the G. A. R. J. Schild—Frances Burlingame and on May 10 1909, made Homestead Entry, No. 01778, for S. Y, S.E. >4, drum band. The local reception Marjie Craig. committee soon had everybody at the Will Hare—tlossom and Fay Mo­ N.E. >4 S.E. % and S.E. J4 N’.E.tf, Section 9, Township I South, Range Tillamook Hotel, the headquarters. sely. Capt Reynolds marched the happy Bert Johnson—Mary and Frank 8 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make fi­ Kiddies through town, and everyone Coleman. received them with cheers. With Mrs. Tone—Edgar and Raymond nal Five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, genuine well known hospitality Till­ Robinson. amook citizens threw open their Wm. Maxwell—Claudius and Charl­ before the County Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon, at Tillamook City, homes and every guest was made to es Schmitz. feel at home. Mr. J. H. Dunstan Mas­ H. Weston—Elma, Esther and Vera Oregon, on the 24th day af August, I9I4. . ter of Fairview Grange, took charge Washburn. Claimant names as witnesses: of the “Kiddies”, and soon they were J. Leisberg—Granville McFarland. Wesley Rush, George T. Kiehnt, in autos going to the hospitable Mrs. Edgar—Percy Batson. Leonard Rush and John Little all of homes of the people for a two weeks G. H. Foland—Frank Killiam. Tillamook Oregon. outing. They will all be taken to Bar H. F. Higley, Register. View Friday for a picnic and day in the surf, and play in the sands of EXPRESS THEIR APPRECIA- TION. Grand Old Pacific Ocean, in charge Summons. of Mr. and Mrs. Dunstan and others, and will be returned to Portland next United Artisans are Greateful for Till In the Circuit Court of the State week after the happiest two weeks of amook’s Hospitality. Oregon for Tillamook County. their lives. N. McMillan, as the guardian Acommittee from the home band of the person and estate of We received the following telegram invited the Ladies’ visiting band to Frances Xavier Moreau join them in a concert on Saturday yesterday morning, which shows how (Frank Marey) an incom­ evening. the United Artisans appreciate the petent person. At six o’clock a bounteous supper Plaintiff, was served to some 500 in the skating hospitality of Tillamook people dur­ vs. ing the Artisan Clam Bake Club's rink by the local Artisan Assembly, Will TenEyck, Alfreda Ten which received many compliments visit to the county. It is as follows: Eyck and also all other per­ and was highly appreciated. At 8 Portland, Ore. Aug. 18, 1914. sons or parties unknown p.ni., the two bands gave a street con­ Editor Tillamook Headlight, claiming any right, title, lien cert, the streets were roped off and a Tillamook Ore. interest or estate in the real dance and carnival was held for an Will you permit us to express estate described in the com­ hour. At 9 p.m. the Ladies’ Band through your columns our deep ap­ plaint herein. headed the procession and all went to preciation of the generous reception Defendants. the Commercial Club rooms, where accorded us by the citizens of Tilla­ To the above named defendants a grand reception, musical and ball mook, their commercial, civic, relig­ Will Ten Eyck, Alfreda Ten Eyck, was tendered the guests, which was ious and fraternal bodies, the cour­ and also all other persons or parties the social event of the summer sea­ tesy of your band, the efforts of the i unknown claiming any right, title, son, with the ladies displaying many Fairview Grange, the thoughtfulness lien, interest or estate in the real es­ beautiful gowns, It was, indeed, a of your business people, and the open tate described in the complaint herein. happy, care-free crowd. All were met handed hospitality of our own local In the name of the State of Oregon at the doors by the Club’s reception members. Your praises are being you and each of you are hereby re­ sung in several hundred Portland committee, assisted by Tillamook’s quired to appear and answer the com­ finest ladies; our efficient secretary homes, and you surely deserve it all plaint filed against you herein on or C. R. Worrall was master of cere­ and more. We desire to omit no one before the last day of the time pre­ monies which means that every detail I in this most sincere acknowledge­ scribed in the order of the publication was carried out to perfection; owing ment of the hospitality of your peo­ hereof, towit; August 20th, 1914, and if you fail so to answer and appear, to the unavoidable absence of Mayor I ple. for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap­ United Artisans. F. R. Beals, Mr. Worrall formally By H. S. Hudson, Supreme Master. ply to the Court for the relief prayed welcomed the guests in his usual able C. L. McKenna, Supreme Secretary for in the complaint, towit; for a de­ manner and his happy introductions cree that plaintiff is the owner in fee of the entertainers on the program simple of the following described elicited many compliments from all. County Court Proceedings. real property, towit; Beginning at a Following was the program: point 58.16 chains west and 42.15 Selection by Ladies’ Band. The County Court met on Saturday chains south of the northeast corner Concert by Rose City Orchestra. Introduction of Supreme Officers and transacted the following busi­ of section 21, Tp. I N., R. 10 West of the Willamette meridian thence north ness: pf Artisans. In the matter of bids for the con­ 74 degrees east 7.08 chains fet* initial Welcome address, C. R. Worrall. Response, H. S. Hudson Supreme struction of a county ware house at point of tract herein conveyed, said submitted, point being the southeast corner of Master Artisan, in an eloquent ad­ Nehalem, three bids were subn __ _____ _____ D, $828; ‘__ , _. J. S. Loesung, D. C. Per- what is known as the Ralston 5 acre dress replete with teachings of Art­ viz: tract, thence north 16 degrees west isanship to make the world better, egoy, $665.70; W. L. Mayer, $525. The 220 feet, thence south 16 degrees west and appreciation of Tillamook’s gen­ contract was let to W. L. Mayer. In the matter of the bids for the 23.456 feet to the northeast corner of erous hospitality. construction of a concrete bridge I tract sold by Geo. W. Kiger and wife Laughing Song, I. E. Staples. Frank Marey by deed dated Oct­ Highland Dance by the pretty over Thompson creek, two bids were , to and ...... recorded in book .......... ....... .............. opened, that of Delsman & Dolan be­ ober 10th, 1902 French Sisters. | “Z” of deeds page 3> records of Till­ Vocal trio, “My Rosary,” with en­ ing for $1198 and F. C. Feldschau for amook County, Oregon, thence south core, by Miss Smith and Messrs Hud­ $946.60. The latter was awarded the | 16 degrees east 220 feet to southeast son and Thomas, three of Portlan i's contract. | corner of Marey tract, north 74 de- Bills allowed: most talanted vocalists. grees east 23.456 feet to initial point, ...$15.00 1 all Recitition, Miss Carr, giving imita­ L. E. Patridge......... being in Tillamook County, State ... 3-75 of Oregon, and that it be adjudged tions of fowls, birds etc., with whistl­ W. Davis ................ ... 5 00 1 that defendants have no estate or in­ ing “Dreaming” song, which jncii- Ike Wells ................ ... 5.00 terest whatever in or to said real Walt Parsoll ........... cated professional talent. ... 2.50 estate, and that said defendants and Io, Miss Salma Dick A. Freeburg ............ Piano Solo, ... 1.25 each of them be forever barred from Pete Jacobs ............ which showed d high higfi talent. ... 17-25 asserting any right or claim whatever Cornet Solo, Prof Dickenson, of the C. L. Lyons ............ ... $;s in or to said property adverse to G. A. Kiehm ............ Oak Grove orchestra. ... 35-69 plaintiff, and for such other or further Vocal trio, “The beautiful Hawaiian Cloverdale Merc. Co. ... 53 36 relief as to the Court may seem meet Farwell Song,” Miss Smith, Messrs Cloverdale Merc. Co. ... 42-5 with equity. A. K. Case .......... Thomas and Hudson. | In closing Mr. Worrall vo’^ed the This summons is served upon yu sentiments of all Tillamook in think­ by publication by order of the Hun. Investigating Halibut Beds. ing the Artisan Clam Bake Club fur Webster Holmes Judge of the Ci’tiit Court for Tillamook County, Orcg.n, the delicious treat given the citizens A few years ago when making his . which said order is dated, July 8, 19’4 in bringing these talented entertain­ ers to this city, and invited the guests annual trip over the First Congress­ and the date of the first rublc.ation to come agan, which sentimc.it was ional District, Representative W. C. hereof is July 9th 1914 and the date of happily reciprocated with- thanks hv Hawley was advised by people living the last publication and the la st date the guests and promised to visit us along the Oregon coast in the vicin­ on or before which you arc required again next year. After this punch, ity of Tillamook and Yaquina bays to answer is and will expire Augis' ice cream and cakes were served by that there were many evidences of 20, 1014. T. B. Handley and M. J. G --»oni. the club ladies in charge of Mrs. W. I existing halibut banks in that locality. Attorneys for Plaintiff. G. Tait and Mrs. Fred C. Biker, and I Foreseeing a profitable industry for “on with the dance” was responded his constituents should it be found to by the gayest, happiest, largest, that halibut abound in large numbers Free Canadian Homestead. best dressed assembly ever gathered in the waters adjacent to the counties of Lincoln and Tillamook, Mr. Haw­ in Tillamook, Why pay $50.00 to be located. We And the night was filled with music ley took the matter up with the Com­ And the cares that infested the day missioner of Fisheries and asked that give you full information where the a careful survey of the locality be best lands are in Western Canada Folded their tents like the Arabs made. This was decided upon by the And silently stole away. and British Columbia that are close The early hours of dawn had arriv­ Government and the following letter to railroad and town; name of guide will furnish further information to ed when "Home, Sweet, Home,” vi­ brated in each heart, and all wended those interested in the progress of on the ground; full directions to get the work: , • ,,, ., their homeward way. maps and plats free;how to get home­ Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, seekers tickets everything you need to Sunday morning all went to Bar August 6, 1914- ’ iew as guests of the Push Club, and know and locate yourself, all for $3.00. Remit amount by P. O. mony order Mine Host Oliver, of the Hotel. It Hon. Willis C. Hawley, . House of Representatives. and we will setid you the complete was a perfect day on the beach, bath­ My dear Sir: In reply of your let ­ information at once. Canadian Home­ ing in the surf, a great free clam bake for all, a program of music and ter of inquiry of the 5th instant re- stead Company, 73, 6th St., Portland, i speeches, picnic dinners, dancing, garding the further work of the Alba­ Oregon. For reference, I he harm erabs, clams and chowder galore, and tross on the coast of Oregon, I beg Magazine Company,, p« I mama the citizens of Bar View did them­ to advise that the Albatross was tem­ Bldg., Portland, Oregon. selves proud’, as usual in entertaining porarily withdrawn from ligation in order to go to Alaska and their guests. resume the work during the pres­ At 6 p.m, the Clam Bake Club and will How’s This? ent month. In the meantime the in­ guests entrained for Portland with vestigation We offer Ox« Hr any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured Beaches and hospitality and a prom­ port by means of shore parties in by Hall » Catarrh rftrre ise to come again next year. F. J. CHEXEV * CO., Trledo. O charge of the technical assistants at­ We. the undertirned have known F J Following is a list of the citizens tached to the Albatross. As soon as chener for the la»t IS year», and believe who are caring for the Fresh Air the results of this work are in suit­ him perfectly honorable In all bu.ine.» transaction» and --------- financially able shape. I shall take pleasure to — - able to carry Kiddies and their names: communicating them to you. The - ‘out OBt any obligation» ohliff.tion. made mxdr by b. HI. firm. Mrs. Hill—Florence Whitcomb. XATIOXAL BANK OF COMMEBCB N. J. Myers—Nellie and Ella Whit­ Bureau is in hope that local fisheries Toledo. O of considerable importance may be Hall'» Catarrh Cure 1» taken Internail., comb. actin« directlr upon the blood and mucous developed as the result of our inves- »nrface» of the »y»Um. Testimonial» Mrs. E. Terry—Florence Nelson. »ent free. Price 75 cent« per bottle - Id by-,KR ALLEN (Suecewsor to Dr. Sharp), Train Service Just Right. Two fine through trains daily each way between Tillamook and Portland ; ami four daily trains between all beach points—Mohler to Tillamook inclusive. Parlor Observation Caron “ Seashore Special.” Commercial Building, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillnmook - Oregon) Round Trip Season and week-end fares from various points on the P.R, & N. ; also between all P.R. & N. beach points. R. & Tillamook QR. J ACK OLSEN, Special Low Round-Trip Fares» IP. Oregon. C. HAWK, Full particulars from nearest P.R. & N. Agent, with copy of hand­ some illustrated booklet describing the various Tillamook Beach Re­ sorts. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City JOHN M. SCOTT General .Passenger Agent. Portland, Or. Oregon T illamook B lock Tillamook "... jTregon rJ~' IL GOYNE, A I TOKNEY AT LAW. Tillamook ■ Oregon. J. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER. E . DEUTSCHER A I) V O K A T. B lock 2’.3 T illamook Oregon Tillamook . BOALS, M.D., your out. I PHYSICIAN AND SURGI ON. Surgeon 8. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg )' Tillamook .... Oregon Built on honor, of tlio best materials. Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges The. only range made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. Malleable iron can't break—charcoaliton won't rust like elect. Economical In Fuel The reams of the Majestic are riveted (not put together with bolts and b tove putty)—they will always remain air tight, because neither heat nor cold affects them. The Majestic even is lined throughout with pure asbestos board, held in place by an open iron grating you can see it — and it stays there always. Air tight, joints and pure asbestos lining assure an even baking heat, saving one-half the fuel. All doors drop to form rigid shelves. No springs. Malleable iron oven racks elide out uuloinatically, hold­ ing whatever they contain. Both Phones. ¡ Tillamook The Great M ajestic Charcoal and Malleable Iron Oregon CHIROPRACTOR. i Building, TILLAMOOK Made of Charçc*! Iron, addin* 3C0% to life of Karge I «»JtJHci J pper reservoir which h-atg like a tx-n kettle. through a «■t stamped from one piece of copper. Betting agam.it linr of nro box. it I xm I b 15 gallon« of water in a v«*r> few minutes arul by turning a lever the frame and r< nervoir moyr'l away from fire. An exclusive patented Maiesiti feature, ffpinind « - 'i Mn <' „.M away with Khovrling abhe.t vvntitatett ash prevent3 floor from cutrling fire ash c up catches ashes. A j * to show you the greatest tmprttvemenf e^n*r hut in a range. Don’t buy the range you expect to I •.■I a life time "unKignt, unseen,” or you'll I m # sure to lw dis­ appointed. Conic to our store, and S'*« the f.'rtat Majestic — have its many exclusive features ex- alained-find out why the Majesdt is MDl stronger than all other ranges where in*»at ranges mi •• weakest, it ia the I>ei t raiicu at any price and it should bo in jour UuUn. - ORE E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURI. OBSTETRICAL SPEClA Both Piiouet R. L. D * ’M N, r. Residence and Oftice in Whitenou» Residence. TILLAMOOK, OREG« FOR SALE BY o ALEX. McNAIR & CO. 1 T. BUI lii A \TTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set ol Abatract Book« tn • »ftice. T iixcm I'aid (or Non Resident«. T illamook B lock , I illamook Entire Top Poore and Frames made of EaUeablc .... Oregon Both Plionen. ^»7’ G- McGEE, PHYSICIAN & M D. SURGEON Office : Next door to Star Theatre *• KORGE WILI ETT HOMEDALE WHISKEY STRAIGHT Full Quart Only SSc Ex«r»»» Paid E arc now making a wpecial introductory offer to secure new customers. Bend us eighty-1 five cents—money order or stamps—we will send you a full quart bottle «if “Homedale”, a FOUR YEAR OLD STRAIGHT WHISKEY pachtl in a Muledcaie—express charges paid. Homedale is both pure and good. It will surely please you anti win vour future trade. We arc the largest Mail-Order Liquor House on the Pacific Coast—perfectly re­ sponsible—been in business over forty years—capital (100,000.00 fully paid—have twenty thousand satis­ fied customers in seven states, shipping over three quarters of all the whiskey leaving Portland by ex­ press. Don’t overlook this special offer—your order will go out on the first train. ATTORNEY AT LAW) T ii .L a MOOK W F. ZIMMERMAN & CO. —- •••»« »re« wrttt fee J illamook «OME DALÍ I ( OM'lKki ML Bl’lLDLV«» Oregon A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp On your front porch < an tie lif every night until midnight nd register not over fifty cent« per month on the meter. T illamook E lei i kic L iohi anc kUM. COMP an * W ill S faldino , Mu magar. *