Tillamook Headlight, August 20, 1^14. I 1 at * a • ® « 0 * 11 ® ® r • only for a judgment on the conduct ADVERTISING RATES. Army Officers Muzzled. of government by the Democratic, || Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., « c.; the „ ................................... ~ Boston’s Noted Beauty Specialist Much as it-may fret active and re­ party at Albany, but also in Wash­ if Surveyor. w Miss H. Colemeans Legal Advertisement!. tired army and navy officers, there is ington. John Leland Henderson. Sec­ « Will upend the week of September 7th at First Insertion, per line........ $ .10 wisdom in President Wilson's sugges­ He charged that since the Demo- retary Treas., Attoiney-at- Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 tion that they refrain from publicly cratic party took possession of the i g and a I.aw, Notrary Public national government a year discussing either the military or the Business and professional cards The “ by half ago, with a programme "by , ■ one month ................................ 1.00 political situation in Euorpe. This which they propose to set free every . will be genuine deprivation. When a Free Facial Massages Homestead Notices .................... 500 man I I t Cl I I has lift D made H 1 C*'1V war W (II < a • trade I * (• VI x. and has | American from the incubus of too Free Personal Beauty Advice Timber Claims ............................ 10.00 1 spent a lifetime in the study of mili- | great success by others, to reduce the 4 Free Samples Beauty of Harmony Toilet Aid», tary and naval problems it requires , cost of living, and to give new life Locals per line each insertion. .05 Luv, A'o»tracts, R*al Estate, ■ J . • r • — — J — .. . 1 t A nrAHIir» It’s your opportunity to obtain valuable advice on the care much self restraint to keep from giv­ and prosperity to American produc­ Display advertisement, an inch, Surveying, Insurance. ■ ing his expert opinion at a time when tion and commerce,” it has failed. of the akin, free of all charges, Appointments made in your own one month .................................. •50 everybody is eager to listen. They He took up particularly the experi­ Both Phones. 4 home by telephone. Don't fail to take advantage of thia llluch ments with the tariff, which he as ­ All Resolutions of Condolence may still talk to their friends in the TILLAMOOK - • OREGON. talked of beauty specialist’s serted had been carried out in a and Lodge Notices, per line. . •05 sacred precincts of the club, but that spirit of hostility to American indus­ Free Beauty Lectures. ■ 1 ■ ■ IS. « • • • ® »■ ® ® is not like sowing their views featur­ Cards of Thanks, per line.......... •OJ ed in the newspapers, to be read by try and suggested that "perhaps the Remember the date—September 7tli, Sth, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th. Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen all America. Later they may pub ish time has now come when the Ameri­ I C. I. Clough Co., etc., minimum rate, not ex­ books, but the recent criticism of Ad­ can people are ready again to try the protective system upon its merits and Sole distributer Harmony Toilet Aids ceeding five lines...................... •25 miral Dewey’s autobigraphy because to call for legislation inspired by a of certain statements made ns 'o The Rexall Store. events at Manila shows that even spirit of friendliness toward Ameri­ ’’Schooling in youth should Invariably be RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. can industry. ” TILLAMOOK. OREGON. directed to prepare a person iu the best way this is dangerous. He likewise attacked the Demo­ for the best permanent occupation for which (Strictly in Advance.) There are two reasons why me he is capable. —President C W, Eliot r______ _ warning _ is timely. The cratic programme in relation to the One year ...........................................$i-5° president's This is the Mission of the most obvious is that expressions by financial system and the control of Six months ............................................ 75 American officers might take on a trusts and corporations. He remark­ —————————— color of military or political criticism ed that eight months had passed -»----------------------------------------------- —— | offensive to nations with which we since the banking and currency act Forty«3ixth School Year Opens Nations, as became a law, and the delay in put­ Entered as second class mail mat- | are on amicable ? terms, ting this into operation, together ter July, ¡888, at the postoffice at; individuals, are inclined to be more with the proposed legislation against SEPTEMBER 18th, iqu irritable when engaged in warfare, i Tillamook, Ore., under the act of Each combatant will be quick to see trusts and corporations, had had an Write for illustrated too-page Book­ March 3, 1879. on the - country. let, “THE LIFE C areer ,” and for Cata­ in any itiuiimu criticism by ' 111 uy individuals niuiviuuaia in of-. ill effect ~ ........ ------ ficial place an evidence of the real at- 1 The spirit of the dominant^ party, log containing full information. these 1 business ~ dealing with ” *' THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. | tidude of America. Resentment will L he said in Degree Courses— AGRICULTURE : 1 not be temporary. There is no other ( problems, impressed the enterprise of Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus­ bitterness quite as lasting as that one : the country, “with a sense that the bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY, feels toward a presumably neutral government is hostile.” His estimate of the Progressive­ L ogging E ngineering . H ome eco ­ person found aiding and abetting the nomics : Domestic Science, Domestic Art, Those Fresh Air Kiddies are having enemy or openly sympathizing with ' movement he reflected as follows: “In the controversy with the Demo­ ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation, a grand time in Tillamook, thanks to him in time of strife. An individual Highway, Mechanical, Chemical. Mining. the kind hearted people who are car­ will nurse such a recollection for a ' cratic party, the Republican party Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACY. lifetime and a nation will not forget stands alone, The threat of a third ing for them. it for generations. Another reason party, which alarmed so many Re- INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Vocational Cowrrer-Agriculture, Dairy­ Is there a taxpayer in Tillamook is the pain that such discussions will publicans two years ago and still County who can show us where the bring to many of our own citizens. vexed us one year ago has practically ing, Home Makers’ Course, Industrial Oregon System has helped lower Blood is thicker than water and it disappeared. It is now- plain that it Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course. School of Music— Piano, String, Band, their taxes, or improved conditions? would be unnatural in our foreign- never had any real substance apart born citizens and residents if they did , from the powerful personality of Mr. Voice Culture, 1 DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, Roosevelt. ” not side with the land of their birth Farmers Business Course by Mail Free, Every body seems to have an idea FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd & 3rd AVENUE WEST. in the present crisis. address THE REGISTRAR. that they can raise the price of man­ In 1913 we had in America 13,343? (tw-7-15 to 9-9) Corvallis. Oregon ufactured articles and food stuffs >O0OiSC8>9OSOQ<»OOOM SUMMONS. these days. Pity the poor consumer. 583 white persons of foreign birth. We also had 18,900,663 native white But it is next to robbery to do so. In the Circuit Court of the Stat e of persons of foreign parentage. The Oregon for Tillamook County. In the Franco-German w»ar in 1870, two classes together comprised at Robert Osborn, the French claimed several small vic­ that time 35.1 per cent of our total Plaintiff, ■ tories at first, but when the German population. A large percentage of vs. army started on the war path it did them come from the various coun­ William L. Riefenberg and not stop until Paris surrendered. Wil) tries now involved in the European Lillian C. Riefenberg, his wife struggle. A decent regard for their history repeat itself? feelings should be shown. The mili­ John Storm, the unknown tary officers have chafed under some heirs of Obed S. Thomas, de­ The Nehalem Valley Reporter has ceased, and also all other per­ changed bands, H. F. Effenberger of the new restrictions on their ut­ sons or parties unknown, terances. Some of them have appear ­ having leased the plant to M. A. claiming any right, title, estate Hamilton, late of the Bay City Ex­ ed rather severe, for even a soldier I lien or interest in the real es­ has his views and feels that he should aminer. We wish the new editor I tate, described in the com­ success and that the Reporter will be­ be given some individual rights. But pliant herein. J °IIN LELAND HENDERSON in a crisis like the present the wisdom come a strong factor in the up-build­ Defendants. of gag rule is beyond question. How ­ ing of that part of the county. ATTORNEY To the unknown heirs of Obed s. ever fair and impartial the officers Thomas, deceased, and also all other may intend to be and however ac ­ AND We think that it was the proper curately they may describe conditions persons or parties unknown claiming stunt and etiquette to place the name their utterances will be irritating to any right, title, estate, lien or interest COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. of the Mayor of the city on the pro­ vast badies of our own citizens and to in the real estate described in the T illamook B lock , gram for a short address of welcome foreign nations. This fact might be complaint herein herein: : Tilla niook - - . - Oregon to the Artisans on Saturday. There profitably born in mind even by per­ In the name of the State of Oregon Room No. 261. would have been some excuse to sons who have no official responsibil­ ' you and each of you are hereby re- WATCH FOR OUR LIST OF EXCHANGES. "knock” had someone else been des­ I quired to appear in the above en- ________________ ignated to fill the Mayor’s proper ity- 1 titled court on or before the 5th day function. i of October, 1914, and answer the Handling the War News. [ complaint filed against you in the The fire wardens are doing good Handling the news of the war is a ' above entitled cause, and if you fail service in Tillamook County, and we to so appear and answer within said are glad to find that the general sen­ difficult and expensive undertaking. time, for w'ant thereof the plaintiff timent all over the county with the The present European war situation will apply to the above entitled court citizens is to help the fire wardens, has given rise to unusual difficulties for the relief demanded in his com­ and not to set out fire. It is a critical The phess associations have corre­ pliant, to-wit, for a decree as follows: time just now, and will continue to be spondents at every European capital, First: Decreeing you, the ......... said i „ that ___ , .......... until the fall rains start, for Tilla- Tilla­ working night and day. They have defendants, and the other defendants correspondents with each army. They tti the dry mook County, owing above named, or any of you, have no weqther this summer.. Should the have access to the news service of right, title or interest at law- or in the daily newspapers of Europe. They wind vo to the east and continue in of the equity, of any kind of nature, in and that direction for several days, it will keep in touch with the chiefs country in- , situated in Bay City, Dry Short Wood $2,00 Load. , army and navy of every cause everything to dry up and be- 1 flict. BGt the1 ll,am°ok County, State of Oregon, I volved in the present conf ___ _ __ _ edime like tinder. We want to im­ described as follows: press upon the citizens at this time | military censorship has been the mosf I Beginning sixty (60) feet west of to use every precaution to prevent 1 ' rigorous known since the invention the northwest corner of block four fires from getting started, as it is I I of the telegraph and cable and it has (4), James M. Fuller’s Addition to hard to tell, when a forest or other ( been impossible to evade it. When the town of Bay City, Tillamook fire get started, where it is going to j the sensorship is restricted to the County, Oregon, being the northeast end and whose property will be des- | suppression of military secrets the corner of the tract to be described, troyed. Thus far this county has been knowledge of which would be advan­ I thence west two hundred (200) feet, exceedingly fortunate in not having a I tageous to the enemy, it is necessary thence south one hundred ( too) feet, forest fire, and with due diligence | and proper. But the censor is sole thence east two hundred (200) feet, and good horse sense on the part of . judge of the scope of his operations thence north one hundred (100) feet, the citizens, we hope this county will and he often extends it to include re­ to the place of beginning; ports of battles. The correspondent avoid a destructive conflagration. Second: Quieting the title of the who attempts to evade the censor by plaintiff in said property and the smuggling his dispatches out of the The Oregon System is a great I whole thereof against each of you country runs the risk of summary ex ­ weapon in the hands of political agi­ and each of the other defendants G. W. DORR, Proprietor. tators and those who advocate class pulsion. But in the present instance above named, and each and every legislation. Those who thought that there is no method of eluding the person claiming by, through or under ifaia'’a®3®®/HiSJajaiafaraiajEiaj3f£;-jcyajajajajajsjajajajaja/aiajarajErafSjaiaraJ5/ara/2i3®®®®® the Oregon System would cure many censor, since all dispatches must be you or any of you, or any of the ills and reduce taxation begin to real­ handled by cable and at present nq all , i other vivivnuauis defendants auuve above named. ize that they were laboring under a cablegrams from Europe must P 1 SS Ì Third: Establishing and decreeing under the eye of the British censor, delusion, for instead of doing so they that plaintiff is the absolute owner in x00000000®0000000®®®00®®®®®®eÖÖ®SOOÖ©OOOÖOOOOCOCCClCO..SG©0©©OCCOOeOOGOOOG©OeOOOO® hive come to the conclusion that the cable to Germany having been fee simple of the whole of said prop­ many vicious laws are being passed severed. The dispatches from Berlin erty above described, and that none and that taxation is on the increase. and Vienna must run this official of the defendants above named have gauntlet. The political cranks are still on the ' ti , ,k , . , . an>' «state, title, claim or interest in That the corresponden s are domg sai(1 propcrty or a , (hercof iob. Read carefully the secopd eight their best may be taken for granteJ Fourth- P.rn.o.ati.. hour law that, no doubt, will pass and Each has been trained from his youth ! restraining you and the ot’hef d’J , become a law at the November elec­ up to give the news, the whole news fendants above named, and each of tion : d f "That it shall constitute a criminal and nothing but the news w.thout you and cach of said ’ ( offense,punishable by fine or impris­ color. Every correspondent worthy anti> from asserting or claiming any intere« onment, or both, for any person, firm of connect«™ with a recogmzed news right, ti(1 c;!?, * company or corporation, or his, her, agency or employment a* special rep- said rcal property hereinbefore de- -, h f ore or their foreman, overseer, superin­ resentative of a first-clas* newspaper scribed> or „bt title, estate, lien ____ tendent, manager or any other agent, follows these instructions with fidel-I anv any ri right, or ,_______ interest to employ, in the state of Oregon, ity. It is a matter of conscience with in said real property hereinbefore him, even as it is the condition of described, oi anj ^r? thereof"' any man, woman, boy or girl, for position, is posmon. rhe corrc-| Fifth Fifth: : The the said said plaintiff plaintiff will will furth- more than eight hours in any one retaining his ho “fakes takes ” loses Pjof««* j ' er apply to the Court calander day, or more than 48 hours spondent who er 10 ‘h* Court for for such such < other sional standing and is soon 1 . without and further relief as to the Court may in any one calander week, By this law, employment for eight hours in employment or the possibility of it. seem meet and equitable. he is any calander day shall be confined to His position is insecure even a if This summons is ....i.„ I.. . is published puonsneu by t>v nine consecutive hours, allowing one too . easily • ; imposed -,. ... upon. ■ . . A"yuo«> order of the Honorable Webster hourd for eating and rest. The period who is at all fimiliarwith newspaper Holmes. Judge of the above entitled of nine consecutive hours with eight makmg knows that the correspond- court_ IIlade on ,hf ,oth (,ay hours for work therein, and one hour ents are doing faithful work, . .5 I ust, ust. 1014. IQ14. in and bv by which nr.t.r order it is for eating and rest, shall, by the pro­ are not sending out intentionally false prescribed this summons shall be information. visions of the law, be identical for published for six weeks in the "Tilla­ each, any and every calendar day, of mook Headlight", a weekly news­ Root Flays Democratic Party. each, any and every calendar week. paper of general circulation printed "This law and the provisions there- I and published at Tillamook. Tilla­ Saratoga, N. Y„ August 18 — Ad ­ of, shall apply, with equal force, to mook County, Oregon, and requires each, any and every person, man, dressing the New York Republican you to appear and answer the com­ State Convention which met here to ­ woman, boy or girl, employed for plaint on or before October sth, 1014. pay, remuneration, profit or compen­ day under the novel conditions of be­ The date of the first publication is wrnv ito^COLA COFFEE> 10 pounds for $2.50. sation of any kind whatsoever, in any ing without power to nominate a August 20, tot4. KLB5 KT BY CARACOLA CARACOLLA. COFFEE. COFFEE, 1 pound for 27c. and every business, trade, or profes­ candidate for office, since the new Platt A Platt and J. Bailey, primary laws calls for their selection sion, including homes and farms. Portland. Oregon, •urman-z tnencan Coffee. 1 lb. can, 30c. German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can, 85c By this law neither manual labor, I by the voter* of the party at the pri- Attorneys for Plaintiff. on September 28. trade* nor the profession» shall be mAD election exempted, but every form of labor, I Uhtte(t-*Sitates Senator Elihu Root, skilled or unskilled, as well as every the tenipoi it'”l liftMin-i of the con­ Notice to Taxpayers. lt^ LABEL. pound, 35c. vention, pointed out the most essen­ trade irM profession, and persons , ORANG& LABEL, 1 pound 65c. working jjiercin or thereat, shall be tial factors which might lead to Re­ Her Majesty ’s Blend. 1 pound 25c. Notice it hereby given that those Her Maj estv’s lend, \ pound 50c. includeiTTn, by and under this law, publican success this Fall. Her Majesty’s Blend, 1 poundl.OO. It is, as he noted, the first time in "ho h^ve made half payment of the within the state of Oregon. Capital Household, ‘.pound 25c. Hlktrtai.i at uh an interest charge 18 years that the Republican party "of of the state comes to the election of included, will be refunded the interest Cut Prices. Cabinets, per dot................ $t 00 and its state government and its national and that half payments received from Post cards............................. 50 and up representatives as the party of oppo­ now up till Sptcmber 1st will be re­ Enlargements ....................... 25 and up sition both in the state and nation. ceived without interest. By order of the County Court. Tillamook Studio. The party was about to appeal, he B. L. Beals, Treasurer. said, to the voters of the state not ( Opposit Court House, Rexalls,ore- g I Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. N I g I THE LIFE CAREER OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Editorial Snap Shots. LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. EAT VIERECK’S BREAD, JVIeKinley & Vanee, TILLAMOOK BAKERY, DEALERS IN LAND, At All Grocers ! I Ground Floor. Commercial Building, Opposite Todd Hotel, Oregon. Tillamook $ If you want to sell or trade your ranch or city property, list it with us. « Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. Delivered. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO Netarts Hotel ready for business. | First-class cooking. Meals at all hours. I Rooms and good beds. SPECIAL I GROCERY PRICES. QUAKER OATS. 25c. Small Package CRESCENT BAKING POWDERS. 5 Pound Can, Regular Price $1.00, - now 85c. 3 Pound Can, Regular Price 70c. - now 55c. Large Package 15c. 1 Pound Can, Regular Price 25c. - now 20c* Fancy Prunes, 10c. a pound. Fancy Dried Peaches, lOc.a Pound Coffee and Tea Special. Ridgray’s High Grade Teas ¡ I RALPH '¿“ C. '-. BACON bacon , Mgr. Grocery Dept. dav Fl/4 T COQOQOQQOC ort CK UU« g >