Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 20, 1914, Image 1

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Vol. XXVI.
No. 11
Teach your boy9 and girls the value
of money. Let each child (have its own
savings account, and cultivate an in­
terest in seeing it grow.
There is no better way to lay the
foundation for lives of thrift, A good
start and an early one will have a great
influence on the child’s future.
This bank has a
$1.50 PER YEAR.
Savings Depart-
Tillamook County Bank.
To avoid color poisoning, buy sani­
tary thread dyed chambray ginghams
The Tillamook Headlight office is 7%c., during gingham days, August
now located opposite the court house. 15 and 17 at Stillwell’s.
Marriage licenses were issued to
Gambrinus Beer on draft at The Roy Mapes and Mary Lucas; Glen S.
* White and Inez Low-rance; DeWitt
Good house and lot for sale on easy L. Jones and Isadora G. McCormack.
I am still buying young calves, All
terms. Apply to J. S. Stephens. ♦
Portland’s best beer. Gambrinus, at kinds, both male and female. See me
The Lotus.
♦ if you want all they are worth. J.
Safe deposit boxes for rent. Tillt- Merrel Smith.
mok County Bank.
A camp meeting was started at
Hemlock on Sunday by­ the Rev.
Blacksmith shop to rent next to my Harvey
J. Elliott, of the Nazarene
office. T. H. Goyne.
Church, which will be continued for
Gambrinus Beer by the keg or bot­ two weeks.
tle at The Lotus.
Drs. Lowe and Turner, eye special­
of Portland, will be in Tillamook
Fresh fruit delivered to any part ists,
Hotel parlors, Tuesday and Wed­
of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.* at
nesday, Sept. 1st and 2nd, up to 4
A marriage license was issued to o’clock. Consultation free.
W. H. Oliver and Irene Elliott.
The general supervision of the
For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River Fresh Air Kiddies having been turn­
bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­ ed over to J. H. Dunstan, they will be
taken to Bar View on Friday morn­
We are in a position to make some ing for a day’s outing on the beach.
It’s a good rule to buy a sewing
long time farm loans. First National
machine v ith an established rep.r.i-
•ion fo quality services. The Whtre
Born on the 15th of August, to the for sale on easy terms at Jones
wife of Edwin Hanenkratt, a daugh­ Knudson Furniture Company.
All kinds of cement work in a first-
Geo. Jones, county clerk, of Yam­ class manner and foundation and
hill county, was a Tillamook visitor chimney blocks at reasonable prices.
this week.
Will guarantee any work. A. E.
Phil Metschan, jr., of the Imperial Docrge, nth street and First avenue
Hotel, Portland, was in the city on West, 1 iiiamook.
Family washing wanted, at 40 c.
Mrs. F. M. Lamb, mother of G. B. dozen for rough dry and 75 C. dozen
Lamb, left for her home at Eugene for starched and ironed. Work done
;qual to laundry by a laundry work­
on Monday.
er. Apply to Lucy Richards, 9th
Tan and sun burn, can be prevented street.
with our tan and freckle lotion. C. I.
The friends of W. W. Conder will
Clough & Co.
be sorrv to hear that their sor. Willie
D. D. Young, wife and family of lied at Silver City, New Mexico, the
McMinnville have been visiting at ;ause of death being tuberculosis,
the home of Dr. Hewitt.
making the third son who died from
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ this dread disease.
mook Meat Company’s Market. We
Wanted—live representative in Till-
tmook. Advancement to parties show-
pay 15c per pound.
ing ability. Steady position. Legiti­
The Tillamook Feed Co. will make mate proposition. Good money. Lady
you low prices on all kinds of hay in or gentleman. Benn-Newman Mfg.
carload lots. See Shrode.
Co., 409 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
H. A. Henshaw and family are
mook Meat Company’s Market. 15c. spending a summer's vacation on the
per pound.
* beach. He is general freight agent
of the Southern Pocific lines in Ore­
Dairymen, if you have any heifer gon, and on Saturday he called on the
calves, 3 to 10 weeks old, see J. Mer- business men of the city.
rel Smith. He will buy them.
Tobacco and Cigar Salesman want­
Jake Wolvinstine has opened a re­ ed to Advertise. Experience unnec­
pair shop down by the sawmill. Will essary. $100 monthly and traveling
repair any old thing. Boiler repairing Expenses. Advertising
Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars.
a specialty.
Send 2C. stamp for full particulars.
Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with Hemet Tobacco Co., New York. *
stock, with 10 or more cows. Cash
Ex-State Senator Smith, was in the
tent or shares.
Address G. F.
Hackett, Hemlock, Ore.
* city on Wednesday. He is the nom­
inee for governor on the Democratic
No babies will be accepted for ex­ ticket, and one of the three of the
amination in the Better Babies Con­ Chamberlain-West-Smith
test who have not been entered on the and political bosses of the free trade
An application of Harmony skin
Robert M. Watt vs. Frank Long
Cream at night keeps the skin white sr., Frank Long jr., and Alfred Mag­
»oft and free from blemishes. C. I. nuson is a suit filed in the circuit
Clough Co.
court to recover $1107.55. growing
Mrs. F. II. Gilham, formerly Miss out of a contract whereby the plain­
Lottie Price, is visiting at the home tiff agreed to sell timber to the
her mother, and her husband will amount of $1300 and is now suing
the defendant for the balance.
come in later for a vacation.
R E. Williams and Mrs. William»
Kathleen Mills vs. Mary J. Martin
son, of Portland, are visiting tn
(formerly Mary Jane Martis) and and
city, and stopping at the Hotel
<-aleb M. Martin, is a suit filed in the this
Mr. Williams is the Re­
circuit court to recover $525.00 on a Tillamook.
publican national committeeman for
promissory note.
Oregon and received the nomination
..Protect your valuable papers from at the primary election to succeed
>ne unexpected fire by renting one of himself.
otr safe deposit boxes. Only one
Married on August 16, near Clover;
dollar per year. Tillamook County
dale, Ore., at the home of the brides
ÜAMHR’S variety store ,
Drop in and book Around-”
parents, Mr. and Mrs Lucas, by the
Rev. Ford, of the Nestucca Valiev
Presbyterian Church, Mr. Roy Mapes
and Miss Mary Lucas. After the cer­
emony the young couple with a num­
ber of friends came to this city in
autos, and then Mr. and Mrs. Mapes
left to spend a few days honeymoon
at the beaches.
Ira C. Smith vs. O. J. Painter No­
lan is a suit filed in the circuit court
to recover $200, which grew out of an
agreement to purchase property in
Tillamook City, the plaintiff paying
that amount of money to defendant,
but a disagreement took place as to
the contract, which plaintiff wo nd
not agree to, and now sues for the
money paid to defendant.
Have you a farm for sale,if so, write
to R. Mills, P. O. Box No. 245 Port­
land, Oregon. We want to buy a farm
for cash if not over $4,000, or will pay
more for a good place on terms. In
answering this ad, please state num­
ber of acres cultivated, price per acre,
and state what stock and machinery
go with the place. Prefer cheap land
at $20 to $60 per acre, but will con­
sider highly improved farm at better
Married in Portland on the 12th of
August, at the home of the bride’s
mother Mrs. William E. Young, at
435 Hillick street, Mr. Arthur Case,
and Miss Nettie Albel Young. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
H. D. Chamber, Archdeacon of the
Diocese of Oregon of the Episcopal
Church. The groom is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. K. Case of this city. The
bride was charmingly attired in a
simple but beautiful gown of white
charmense. Her bridesmaids were
Mrs. Emma Boyer, a sister, and Miss
Eileen Becher, little Miss Constance
Boyer acting as ring bearer and Mr.
Walter Young as best man. The hap­
py couple arrived in this city Monday
and are receiving the congratulations
of many friends.
Judges Selected for Fair.
The county Agriculturist, Roy c.
Jones, has secured the services of
three expe-t judges from the Agricul­
tural College to judge our stock, pro­
ducts and domestic science at the
Fair. The judging will all be done on
Wednesday, September 16th .Exhi­
bitors will please take notice that
their exhibits must be in place on the
Fair Grounds by 6 o’clock Tuesday
evening, September 15th.
Tillamook County Fair Board.
To Trade for Tillamook Property.
¡8 acres, 1% miles from a good
town, in the Palouse country, East­
ern Washington. Orchard of best
varities commercial apples, cherries
and small fruits. Best water. Good
6 room house, good barn and out­
buildings. Buildings well kept up and
land in high state of cultivation.—See
Dr. Hoy, Tillamook Blk.
Horses For Sale.
Black mare, 4 years’ old, weight
about 1400 lbs., price $175.
Gray mare, 10 years’ old,weight
about 1250 lbs., price $75.
Bay Gilding, 7 years’ old, weight
about 1150, $100.
Iron Gray Counter Sign colt, 5
months’ old, price $65.
Will wait one year for payment if
W. Roencke, Woods, Orc.
The Editor a Fit Subject for the
Lunatic Asylum.
From regon City paper.
Newa dispatches announce that one
man controls the entire output of Till«
mook butter, cheese and other cow-
iverous products. It amounts to an
outrage. Like 'twas once said years
ago to the mighty sea, ‘‘Thus far and
no farther, shalt thou go,” so likewise
doth this man of Tillamook say to the
butter, cream and cheese, “Thus shalt
thou go and thus shalt thou not go.”
We do not find a satisfying comparison
in this age of dollars and cents between
ocean waves and Tillamook butter-fat.
If the ocean stops, it does not make so
very much difference to those living
inland, but when some one says “stop”
to the butter and cheese, then we are
sorely crippled gustatorially.
That this unholy condition has exist­
ed for several years is well known to
travellers in that rich county. Just why
residents have permitted the market
to rest in the hands of one man is mys­
terious when there are so many hands
in which it should rest. Eating" at the
principal hotel in Tillamook City a
hungry traveller naturally asked for
some famous Tillamook cheese. Being
from New York he was ready to bite
into that cheese like 'twas never bit
into before or since. To his surprise
the waitress said they didn't have any
Tillamook cheese. No, she couldn't go
out and buy any, since there was no
Tillamook cheese for sale in the stores.
Well, Well, in Tillamook and not a bite
of cheese to eat! Like the ocean again.
“Water, waler everywhere, and not a
drop to drink.” All right, if we can't
have any cheese, we will have a, little
Tillamook cream for the strawberries.
Nothing doing in the cream line! No
cream in the market for hotel use? All
right, how about your Tillamook but­
ter, also famous the world over? No
Tillamook butter. To shorten the tale,
he didn’t even have cream for his cof­
fee ! In the big hotel in Tillamook City
and couldn’t be served with Tilla­
mook cheese, cream or butter! It was
learned afterwards that the butter he
ate was shipped into Tillamook City
from Portland where it was bought
from Front street commission houses
Oh! ye gods! And still we wonder at
the increase of crime! Now isn't it
about time for this one-man band to
cut loose and let a little cream, cheese
and butter charity begin at home?
Later news dispatches state that
Tillamook is preparing to make an
exhibit at the Panama fair in San
Francisco. One wonders what for.
The only way to enjoy their wonder­
ful products is to stay away from
there. It is no inducement to come
and live in that country when you
can’t even get cream for your coffee.
It seems no particular use to adver­
tise their fameus cheese when we
know vastly more about it than the
people who make it do themselves.
This exhibition is to be in a form of a
great big band. From a one-man band
who has cornored the butter market
they propose to contract the evil in­
fluence by parading around San Fran­
cisco with a band of 150 men. There
is one good thing in store for the I
band boys of Tillamook. They will
have an opportunity probably for the ,
first time in many of their lives, to
taste their own famous products. The .
finer the taste to these patriots the i
less liability of their ever returning
home. To live where they can eat :
this cheese may cut home ties forever
It is a good way of loosing 150 citi- ' 1
Founded in the Strongest Way,
Growing Stronger Every Day.
“ serves
you right
lUiv g»yredjcit Driitocli.
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore
Member of
Of the United States.
Flashlights !
Now how are you going to account
for this? The war spirit seems to be
pervading the temperance people, al­
so. A bulletin comes to our office
saying: ‘‘The Anti-Saloon league
emissaries are busy organizing ‘Ore­
gon Dry clubs' and ’33^-X-yes’ clubs
which are purely campaign organiza­
tions for the purpose of rarrying Ore­
gon dry on November 3rd. These
local organizations are all tinder the
direction, more or less, of the Com­
mittee of One Hundred, the commit­
tee of Oregon business men formed
to help carry the state dry. The so
called 'Out to Win' movement is the
slogan of the Prohibition party and
has no connection with the non parti­
san project to put Oregon in the dry
column.” Is this not accusing the
prohis of being after the offices’
Who said the various dry elements
had been merged into non .'artisan-
ism?-lelc^huec Lcgsatw.
You Choice
See Window Display
As always happens, the government
has practically decided to place the
war tax that is necessary to raise rev­
enue, on the absolute undeniable
necessities of existence, and the re­
port comes out that tobacco, and
lipuor must stand the brunt of it all.
Why could
could the
the authorities
authorities not
not nave
imposed this tax on such luxuries as
every yard of muslin, or on every
pound of butter, of loaf ot biead and
a hundred other things that could be
mentioned. Hut no, they had to stick
it on the seductive tobacco and the
alluring toddy, it is ready too bad
that some officials have no more re­
alization of the eternal fitness of
things.—Umpqua \ alley News.
School Board Calls Meeting.
A special meeting of the school dis­
trict has been called for Friday, Aug.,
28th, at 1 o'clock p.m. at the high
school building. At this meeting, the
school board will seek authority to
construct a gymnasium and will ask
for an expression from the voters re­
lative to the establishment of kinder­
gartens to be run on the Montessori
Both these matters were brought
up at the annual meeting of the dis­
trict in June and committies were
appointed at that time to investigate
and report upon them. Although the
gymnasium committee has advised an
expenditure of not to exceed $2,000
for that purpose, the board will en­
deavor to secure an appropriation of
double that sum.
Sketches prepared for the board
will be submitted to the voters show­
ing what can be accomplished for the
amount requested. It is the desire of
the board to erect a substantial build­
ing which will be a permanent addi­
tion to the property of the district.
A temporary structure, or one that
cannot be converted at some later
date into a substantial building, would
be an unprofitable investment, it is
No objections to the establishment
of the proposed kindergartens has
been received and it is probable that
this suggestion will carry.
Eighteen Entirely New Models
that correctly indicate the trend
of Fashion for Fall and Winter
Unrivaled values at this Price
Because of an extremely advantageous pur­
chase made by us ten days ago, in face of
sharp advance in price caused by the Euro­
pean War, we bought the entire Ham pie
line of one of New York's largest Coat
Manufacturers and this enables us to
make this unusual offering at the beginning
of the season as the elegant purchase was
obtained at bedrock prices.
The Benefit is Yours
As in Seasons past, you will find here a most complete exhibition of all that
is authentic and desirable in Dress Goods for the coming season. The most
interesting novelties, the newest colorings, await your inspection and
Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats.
Florsheim Shoes and The New Fall Hats are Here.