Tillamook HeadljxllkAygust lj, 1014. County Court Business. Claude Minsker ...................... Fred Scherzinger ...................... 10.00 Wm. Lindley ............................ Claud Trent ................................ 10.00 In the matter of the claim of John Dan Aliev .................................. Dan Fletcher .............................. 10.00 Thciler, who claimed damages to the Dan McKimens ...................... W. H. Christensen .................... 10.00 amount of $1,000 on account of a cul­ August Lndtke ........................ John Moon ................................ ¿31 vert being placed across the road, the J. R. Hicks ................................ 436 Hugh Welsh .............................. same was rejected. A. Schlappi .............................. 5.00 Ray Woods ................................ In the matter of the construction of Rudolf Larson ........................ O. Kinnaman .............................. 750 a concrete bridge over West Beaver Joe Benman .............................. S. D. Moon ................................ 1562 creek, and whereas, the county furn­ Frank Moore ............................. 2.50 Ray Moon .................................. ished 210 yards of gravel at the price M. I.. Barber .............................. J. Lewallen ................................ 18.00 of $1.50 per yard, for which amount Geo. Ludtke .............................. F. Lewallen ................................ IO.CO the county received credit, which was J. W. Thompson ........................ Lucious Lane ............................ 20.00 taken from the road fund of R. D. D. K. Grcgom ............................ C. Lewallen ................................ 20.00 No. 3, it was ordered that $316.05 be Jack Balmer .............................. Victor Lane ................................ 10.00 P. E. Gildcnhaus ...................... taken from the general fund and ap­ H. J. Tohl .................................. 3-75 J. W. Tohl .................................. plied to the account of R. D. No. 3. H. Nordstrom .......................... 750 Geo. Miller .................................. Claim of Lakeocean Lumber Co., Wm. O’Connell .......... .......... 3135 L. A. North ................................ for $2.30 was rejected. Hugh Arstel .............................. 10.00 Claim of W. J. Stephens and Henry Paul Wabke ................................ C. Hushbeck .............................. 21.25 F. W. Walter .............................. Woolfe for $16.00 was rejected. Bert Cornett .............................. 12.50 In the matter of plans and specifi­ Andrew Rauli ............................ Ed Brown .................................... 21.25 cations for a concrete bridge over Peter Bioeole ............................ Walter Annne ............................ 12.50 Thompson creek at Nehalem, the Ed Braunersrenther ................ 2.50 James Bailey ............................. Bert Tilden ................................ same were approved. Hanson Sanders ........................ 53 75 In the matter of the petition of Jos. E. W. Alwood ............................ Chas Blum .................................. 35 00 750 Ivan Gist ................................... 36.25 C. Smith for a county road U. G. " Jack Dobbins ............................ 3 75 Ray Hushbeck .......................... 22.50 Jackson, Fred Zaddach and W. F Elmer Murphy .......................... 25.00 D. A. Bailey .............................. 500 Cain were appointed the board of Bob Crawford .................. Mick Landold ............................ 15.00 Wayne Franklin ........................ 14.06 County Road Viewers. Howart Tilden .......................... 1500 Roy Riley .................................... 12.50 Miscellaneous. 5 00 Ike Riley .................................... 12.5° Sunset Magazine, adv........... ! $200.00 Bob Aldred ................................ Underwood Typewriting Co. . 92.25 T. W. Thompson ...................... 110.40 John Redberg ............................ 12.81 Coast Power Co., lights.......... 22.55 Leslie Barber ............................ 65.00 Ole Redberg .............................. 25.62 7.00 James Moore .............................. 63-75 Wm. Glick .................................. 25.00 Water Works, water................ 1.50 Joe West .................................... 52.50 Orby Craven .............................. R. M. Marsh, livery .................. 1.35 A Kuppenbender ...................... 47-50 John Riley .................................. Homer Mason expense to Por­ 5.00 18.00 Bert Rittenhaus ........................ 25.00 Jim Imlah .................................... 11.86 tland ......................................... Hiner & Reed, welding .......... ■75 Jasper Alleg .............................. 40.00 L W. Hester .............................. 5.00 E. A. Simmons, wds ................ 14.40 M. L. Barber .............................. 3250 Fred Lyster ................................ 10.00 J. C. Holden, stamps etc........ 1-75 Chas Robitsch ............................ 32.50 Geo. Heilmeyer ........................ 20.00 Bushong & Co., mds.................. 17.99 Dan Davidson ............................ 63 75 A. A. Imlah ................................ 8.00 Alex McNair & Co. mds........... 25.00 Emil Ross .................................. 6375 R. L. Huston .............................. 5.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Co.................. 47-00 J. W. Thompson ...................... 121.00 Eugene Hester .......................... 5.00 Tillamook Headlight printing. 10.40 P. E. Allen ................................. 136.12 Fred Dunham ............................ 5.00 4.00 Fred Hagge ................................ 6750 Robert Forkner ........................ Cloverdale Courier, printing . 3-75 W. S. Linkhart .......................... 63 75 E. W. Stanley, costs in justice Brinde on Blaine Road. 7.00 Al Simpson ............................... 13933 Claude Hussey .......................... 24.68 cases....................................... ... 3.00 Charlie Rand .............................. 137-33 A. A. Imlah ................................ 47-5° J. G. Trent, election ................ S. G. Reed .................................. 28.87 Chas. C. Murphy J. E. Reeves, sheriff Washing­ 39.00 ton Co. arresting Davis.......... 19.80 Earl Ishmael .............................. 93 95 J. E. Cochran . . 58.75 500 Glen Cochran .. H. Crenshaw, railroad fare ... 25.80 C. E. Allen .................................. 20.31 Finley Haff ................................ 132.00 John Imlah .... M. J. Gersoni, rent and exam­ 5936 ination of abstracts ............. 45.00 Chester Crow ............................ 78.83 John Lowrance 43-75 John Kuschert .......................... 55-00 H. E. Cross .. Grand Jury—Davis Case. 13-75 W. S. Hare.................................... 3-40 Earl Snider ................................ 10.00 Fred Lewallen 19-37 3-20 Alex Lange ................................ 10.00 Claude Lane . E. R. Ayer...................................... 22.50 3-20 Walter Walling ........................ 7-50 Lucious Lane G. H. Foland................................ 10.00 4.40 Homer Davis ............................ 7-50 Frank Nelson Fred Kabkee................................. 15.62 3.80 H. L. Sappington ...................... Jos. Durrer........................ ............ 3-75 Con Nublc ... 10.00 4.00 F. Hadley .................................... 1-25 Lucious Lane W. E. Noyes.................................. 18.75 Walter Bollen ............................ 3-20 2.50 Erick Glad............ ........................ Ed Hanson .. R. D. No. 2. Salaries. Chas Jensen .. Pacific Tel & Tel Co .............. 3 00 J. C. Holden .............................. '33-33 Will Heater .. Kathleen Mills .......................... 75-00 Wells Leach & Co., balance on Lee Lane .... contract .................................... Vida A. Millis ............................ 50.00 109-15 Delsman & Doland, contract H. Crenchaw .............................. 133-33 Notice for Publication. concrete pavement .................; 2159.68 Clent Kink .................................. 75.00 Department of the Interior, u. _ s. Commercial Stables livery ... 4.00 B. L. Beals .................................. 13333 Land Office at Portland, Oregon, A. E. Holden gravel ................ 2.90 O. G. Swenson .......................... 75-00 July 13, »914. Frank Long,, lumber .............. 1500 W. S. Buel, also traveling ex­ Notice is hereby given that Wesley Willard Johnson, work .......... penses and organizing in­ 3 75 B. Sutton, of Tillamook, Oregon, who Roy Funk, hauling .................... 18.37 on May io 1909, made Homestead dustrial schools ...................... 129.48 Mary White, Assist Co. Supt.. 30.00 Alex McNair Co., mds ............ 15-20 Entry, No. 01778, for S. % S.E. %, C. A. Johnson ............................ 100.00 N. J. Dye .................................... 1500 N.E.-tf S.E. % and S.E. % N.E.%, R. L. Shreve .............................. 75-00 D. Pangborn .............................. 15.00 Section 9, Township 1 South, Range H. B. Millis ................................ 75-00 Fred Travis ................................ ..15.00 8 West, Willamette Meridian, has A Baker — absolutely deiiendable, every day, year in. year out. Built on honor, of the best materials. 7-50 filed notice of intention to make fi­ W. L. Campbell ........................ 75.00 Sid Travis .................................. Homer Mason ............................ 100.00 Joe. Manahan ............................ 7-5° nal Five year Proof, to establish Outwear» Three Ordinary Range» 7-5° claim to the land above described, H. M. Farmer ............................ 93-00 C. Weagel ................................. 7A« only ranee made entirely of charcoal and,malltahh iron. 1:^)1 Ij uplift ]| Malleable iren can't break charcoal iron won’t ruet like »feel. F. L. Sappington ...................... 100.00 B. Weagel .................................. 11.25 before the County Clerk of Tillamook 2.50 County, Oregon, at Tillamook City, J. E. Reedy ................................. 1500 Dan Billings .............................. Economical In Fuel 7-50 Oregon, on the 24th day af August, A. L. McCarty .......................... 45-30 Frank Ekloff .............................. The trams of the Majeetic are riveted (not put together with D. R. Tinnerstet ........................ 20.00 1914. T. E. Epplett and feeding pris­ bolts nnd rtove putty)—they will alway» remain air tifht, because neither heat nor cold affects them. The Mateetic Claimant names as witnesses: oners ........................................... 61.60 Glen Oliver ................................ 27-50 oven is Lned throughout with pure oabeeto» board, 51-25 C. D. Grant ................................ 500.00 Wesley Rush, George T. Kiehm. B. F. Irvine, field work .......... held in place by an open iron grating you can see it—and H. C. Wilt .................................. »25.80 Leonard Rush and John Little all of Surveyor’s Office. it stays there always. Air tight joints and pure asbestos 22.10 lining a;cure an even baking heat, saving one-half the fuel. 125.70 D. C. Wood ................................ Tillamook Oregon. Geo. J. Poysky ........................ All doore drop to form rigiif ehelve». No »prince. 21.00 i io.oo H. F. Higley, Register. O. Bodie ..................................... W. S. Coates .............................. Malleable iron oven rack» elide out aulumatically, hold» fng whatever they contain. Harvey Ebingcr ........................ 33-75 G. O. Vaughn ............................ 21.00 Summons. U. G. Jackson ............................. 137-50 Hanc Wilks ................................ 40.00 U. G. Jackson ............................. 100.00 H. Epplett ................................. 10.00 Fred Travis ................................ 10.00 Road Supervisors. In the Circuit Court of the State of Fred Zaddach ............................. 72.00 C. Weagel ................................. 10.00 Oregon for Tillamook County. 90.00 W. A. Gage ................................. 18.00 N. J. Dye .................................... N. McMillan, as the guardian Forest J. Ayer ........................... 1500 D. Pangborn .............................. 90.00 of the person and estate of 95.00 4C00 Fred Travis ................................ A. B. Estabrook - ’ . Frances Xavier Moreau (Frank Marey) an incom­ John Heilmeyer 43-87 Sid Travis ................................. 32.50 104.00 Joe Monahan ............................. 28.75 J. M. ” Baker ’ . petent person. ~ Weagel ................................. 48.75 Plaintiff, 25-50 C. F. P. Hobson W. B. Aiderman ........................ 104.00 B. Weagel ................................. 70.00 vs. F. P. Hobson ............................... 13-50 H. Epplett .................................. 50.00 Will T'enEyck, Alfreda Ten 3-75 Eyck and also all other per­ W. F. Cain .................................. 78.00 C. Dye’ ...................... 3-75 sons or parties unknown M. Rust .................... Insane, County Poor etc. - his nh rnp^or reservoir which h- f’s hke a tea kettle, through ► 3.12 claiming any right, title, lien Dr. R. T. Boats.......................... 89.00 L M. Campbell ... ropper pn. ket itnmperi from one pic*«« of copper, setting aaiinit Lined 1.56 bî t h.»nd lining of nra box. It boiU 15 gallons nf water in a very interest or estate in the real 360 W. Kennedy .......... Rosenberg Bros, mds .............. with minutes and by turning a lover th*' frame and reservoir move« 18.75 estate described in the com­ 3000 Chester Mills ........ Pure Tillamook Feed Co., mds . away from »Ire. An exclusivepa»enb d Miijujiii feature. Openencf Asbesto« < 'h pon doe? away with shoveling aahc.s oenrbi.it'rf 7-50 plaint herein. Bill Smith ................ E. W. Knight & Sons, milk 3-52 t it prevent* floor from cstch'iig fl»e o »h cup catchei uihee. Boaid Defendants. Ask us ta Jhoi« you the ^featrst iinprovrfnent 18.75 W. B. Johnson .... L. S. Hushbeck board of Cap. e^er put in a r mge. 2.50 To the above named defendants Loll ............................................. 20.00 T. W. Lyster .......... I*o?»’t hue thi» range you expect to last a life time "uni'ght, tirxeen,” or you’ll be euru to I k til«l«r blade for John Langly ............ 1500 Con Newbill ............................... that defendants have no estate or in­ a niinilior of /ear», Mildred Babit .......... 15.00 C. C. Murphy ........................... terest whatever in or to said real alno with a p->or appe­ Fred Paquet ............ 22.50 J. W. Hester ............................. estate, and that said defendants and tite and conatipaliofi George Benson ........ each of them be forever barred iron 1500 A. A. Imlah ............................... 1 tried all of th« rem Chester Crow .......... asserting any right or claim whatev-r 1500 Frank Coder ............................. •die» that I heard of, Huston Dent ............ in or to said property adverse to 15.00 Glen Cochran ........................... ami a nnmle-r of do« Edward Turpin ........ plaintiff, and for such other or further 1500 Hugh Arstill ....................... tor», but got no teilet relief as to the Court may serin meet Alvin Juhrs .............. 1500 H. E. Cross ............................... Finally a friend told Rufus Kennedy .... 1500 John Imlah ......................... with equity. me to try Chamber This summons is served upon y u Miahi Quarry, rock 66.85 Geo. Helmeyer ....................... . lain a Ktomaih and by publication by order of the II n. A Miller .... 67-50 A. H. Forkner ........................... Liver Tabler» I got, Webster Holmes Judge of the Ci c ut John Wall .... 56.25 J. C. Creecy ..................... a twftle of them and Court for Tillamook County, Or- 4 •>. Felix Kebbe .». 80.00 Claude Lewellen ................... th«-f soon helped tny which said order is dated, Ju'v 8. 19 - Ernest Kebbe 90.00 Tom Kellow ................. »tonineb. by t h e i r and the date of the first p-tbl - «>n E. A. Worthingt on 9750 Rennie Kellow ................. gentle action my bow hereof is July 9th '9'4 and th date of Clark ...... 15.00 Roy Brink ........................... » eia be< aine more r*g the last publication and the la t date Chas Easom .. 6000 Lee Lyster ......................... nlar Today I feel like on or before which you r : r-j iirel F Zaddach .... (iraising them to all 87.50 F. Lvster .. to answer is and will espirc Au.>. i»' Geo. Ludtke ... who suffer as I did. for 8750 Harold Scherzinger .......... • • ♦b»v hav-- cur> a me and made tny life Guy Loerpobel 31 25 O. T. Hellenbrand ............ 1 B Handley and MI» Ered Hart . .. worth living ” 120.00 Frank Kodad ............ Attorney» for I’laintiit. I has Easom .. 5O.OO Herbert Porter........... Rosco Barker . 55-00 John Rock ..................... Some of the Reasons Why ALVIN R. WORRAI.L, LAWYER, BUSINESS COUNSELOR. TITLES, ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY PUBLIC. 25 years experience. Consultation F1 ee. Commercial Club Bld , Tillamook. 0R. L. I*. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, J2)R ELMER ALLBN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building, Tillamook 'K OLSEN, Tillamook - Oregon' C. HAWK. Hay City l) recon 0ARL HABERLACIi, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T ii . iamook R fock Tillamook II. *- . - ¡Oregon (rOYNE, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Tillamook Oregon. CLAUSSEN, LAW YER. DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. B lock 213 T illamook Tillamook T. BO ALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (L O. O. F. Bldg ) Tillamook .... Oregon J E. REEDY, D.V M„ VE TERINA RY.1 The Great M ajestic R ange Oregon. Both Phones. Tillamook - Oregon .^Charcoal and Malleable Iron Worth Living CHIROPRACTOR. Local Ollice in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK R. L. - ORE E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Both Photies. Residence and Office in Whitehouse Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. tT. BOTTS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books in ' Iffice. Taxen Uaid for Non Reniflent*. T illamook B lock . Tillamook .... Oregon Both I’honea. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office : Next door to Star Theatre ATTORNEY AT LAW < Irrvoti A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp tin your h int |><>r< h < an l-e lit every night until midnight end register not over fifty cents per month 011 the meter. W ill S palding , Manager,