U Tillamook pay should the steamer be taken off the run between here and Portland on account of the channel filling up Legal Advertisements. between this city and the bay. This First Insertion, per line........ $ is a good live subject to discuss, not only for the Commercial Club, but ->nly Each subsequent insertion, line. for the Grangers and other organiza­ Business and professional cards tions. Surely there«should be some one month ................................ plan devised whereby every interest Homestead Notices .................... can combine and amicably agree to this very essential improvement.Lum­ Timber Claims ............................ 1 ber schooners would be coming to Locals per line each insertion. this city today if the channel was of Display advertisement, an inch, sufficient depth to allow them. The one month .................................. cost of this improvement is insignifi­ cant to the large amount of com­ All Resolutions of Condolence merce it would bring to the central and Lodge Notices, per line.. part of the county. There is no as­ Cards of Thanks, per line.......... surance that the Sue H. Elmore will Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen be kept on the route, and in that I etc., minimum rate; not ex­ I event we are inclined to think that dairymen would be the first to ceeding five lines...................... •25 the complian about the additional cost of shipping cheese and feed stuffs. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (Strictly in Advance.) We have been asked by both the One year ........................................ $1-50 “wets” and the “drys” whether the Six months ............................................75 snap shot man wjll support state wide prohibition. The political fight Three months............... . .50 ; nt the approaching general election is a battle royal between Republicans Entered as second class mail mat­ and Democrats, or, in other words, ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at the voters will be called upon to cast .Tillamook, Ore., under the act of their ballots for Republicans who be­ lieve in and advocate protection for March 3, 1879. American products, and Democrats who have brought about free trade. THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. This is the issue that concerns every­ body in Tillamook County, especially the dairymen, fishermen, mill men, etc., for everything produced in this Editorial Snap Shots county is placed in competition with the cheap labor of Europe and Asia. It is estimated it will cost about It is in this fight that the snap shot $100 per mile to oil roads in Tilla­ man will exert his energies, and use mook county. That is a very small his ammunition. Voters have been amount of money, and, besides, it is side tracked in Oregon so many years by political agitators who advocated a matter of economy. the Oregon System, Statement No. I, “They are all doing it!” "Doing the soverign rule of the people, and what?” Raising the price of every­ the introduction of so many laws that thing on account of the war. T hat have increased taxation, made more don't coincide with the policy of the soft jobs for office seekers, and with- Democratic party, for it promised to aut bringing about better conditions for the people. For this and other bring down the cost of living. reasons, the snap shot man is not go­ Several hunters hiked into Tilla­ ing to be side tracked on state wide mook city a day or so ago, with their prohibition, because he is not a pro­ packs and guns, and they could hard­ hibitionist. Another thing, when we ly believe it that nearly all of Europe see state wide prohibition advocates was at war. That proves that tilt the advocating the reelection of Senator Chamberlain we do not propose to people are living in a fast age. get into such a muss and mix-up like We are wondering whether our that. We will stay with the G. O. P. rural mail carrier will have to provide which we believe will give the Dem­ a feeding bottle for babies, as he is ocratic party a bad drubbing this packing babies by parcel post. Should fall. * merril be detected pumping the dairy­ men’s cows on his route, they will Dream of Universal Peace. know it is to fill the feeding bottle. ADVERTISING RATES. Headlight, August -3, Iu»14. SGCCOOCCOCöee««®®®®09®800 unassailable opinion is expressed that I the German campaign against France can already be seen to be one of such "impetuous momentum” as to dis­ close a fixed purpose to overwhelm France, as not only the possible, but probable ally of Russia, without wait­ ing for a declaration of war. I hat view is fortified by all of the evidence available, and a necessary part of such a view, we think, is that plan of campaign, carefully made in ad­ vance, can now not be abandoned without such possible danger of dis­ organization as to threaten its defeat. The kaiser may have been, and prob­ ably was, sincere in the offered pledge to recognize Belgian neutrality after the emergency making it necessary for hint to violate it, is past. That position is untenable, from the world point of view. Such calm ignoring of a treaty and the obligation it im­ poses upon the government he is urg­ ing to ignore it for his accommoda­ tion, is possibly only to consum­ mate soldier who has contemplated such a violation in making the mili­ tary plans he is now bent upon put­ ting in execution. How far he might be willing to go in defying yet anoth­ er power than the two with which he was already engaged, because a vital question from the moment the British , ultimatum was sent. ' Clough’s Fly Spray. Don’t allow flies to sap the blood of your cows, keep your stock vottr contented and and COAL. LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. DOCKS; WAREHOUSE, pocket full by using FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST. CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND. At C. I. Clough Co. THE RELIABLE DRUGGIST. Notice to Contractors. $ Oxyaccetaylene Welding ? We weld Cast Iron, Steel, Bronze, Brass, Aluminum, Nickle Steel, Cop- per, broken gears, pulleys, crank shafts, boilers and build seamless tanks. Do cutting and brazing, Wir Sprechen Deutsch. $ 8 8 Sealed bids addressed to the Coun- S ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore- gon, for the proposed improvement 0 at Jim Tompson Creek, on the North SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MILL AND $ Fork of th'e Nehalem river, in said county, will be received by the Coun­ MARINE WORK, ty Court at its office in Tillamook » in m mi in in in » ni vi « vr g City Oregon, on or before the 15th 9 Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., « Quick service our specialty. jj day of August, 1914, at to o’clock a.m. i 9 Surveyor. Remove carbon from cylenders in 20 minutes. I 9 and at that time opened and read, John Leland Henderson, Sec­ 9 Each bid shall be accompanied by a All work guaranteed. Q retary Treas., Attomey-at- certified check made payable to Till­ I.'iw, Notrary Public amook County, for an amount equal At Hiner’s Machine Shop.! to 5 per cent of the amount of such 9 bid, which shall be forfeited to the 9 Tillamook Title and No Jobs too Big and None too Small. v County, in case award is made and Abstract co. the bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for a period of five days after which Law, Apjtricta, R • il Estate 9 the award is made to enter into a Surveying, Insurance. contract and file a bond satisfactory to the Court as by law required. Both Phones. Ì I The bids are to cover the excavat­ TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. ing and grading of the County road, I and building a reinforced Concrete in vi ni ai:, o ns ■ v in in m m Bridge and approaches, across Thom­ pson Creek, according to the plans 4 and specifications on file in the of­ fice of the County.Clerk. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids, Dated “Schooling in youth should invariably be Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. this the 22nd day of July, 1914. directed to prepare a person in the best wav J. C. Holden......... for the best permanent occupation for which County Clerk. he is capable. ’—President C. W. Bliot. The dream of universal peace is First publication, July, 23rd, 1914. "Boost a man and he will forget it This is the Mission of th« in ten minutes. Knock him and he not new. Seven centuries before the Last publication. August, 13th, 1914. will remember it for ten years,” says birth of Jesus the prophet Micah pre­ one of our exchanges. There is a dicted a time when “they shall beat Notice to Contractors. good deal of gospel truth in this, as their swords into plowshares and Forty«sixth School Year Opens every editor can testify to. There are their spears into pruninghooks; na­ Sealed bids addressed to the Coun­ some "Sore heads” in Tillamook tion shall not lift up a sword against ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore­ SEPTEMBER 18th, 1914 whom we have boosted who act just nation, neither shall they learn war gon, for the construction of amachin- Write for Illustrated ioo-page Book­ like that. But no one cares a whoop, any more.” From that time to this ery warehouse, to be built at Neha-i let, "T he LIFE C areer ,” and for Cata­ poets, philosophers, many statesmen lem City, in said county, will be re­ log containing full Information. whether they are sore or not. and even some soldiers have raised ceived by the County Court at its of­ Degree Courses — AGRICULTURE : We seem to recall a prophesy by their voices against war. In our own fice in Tillamook City, Oregon on or Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus­ Prince Bismarck: "The hot headed country Franklin declared that there before the 15th day of August, 1914, bandry, Poultry Horticulture. Crown Prince will involve Germany had never been a good war or a bad at to o’clock a.tn. and at that time Agriculture for Husbandry, Teachers. FORESTRY, in a great war." The Crown Prince peace. Gen. Grant, who will rank opened and read. logging E ngineering . H ome eco ­ was Emperor William, who has had with the great captains of history, Each bid shall be accompanied by a nomics : Domestic Science, Domestic Art, an idea that he can whip the whole told a friend he hoped to be remem­ certified check made payable to Tilla­ ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation, world. Perhaps he can. But, perhaps bered longest by his share in the mook County, for an amount equal to Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining. he can’t. If he can't, off comes his treaty of Washington, which he be­ 5 per cent of the amount of such bid, Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACY. crown and Germany will become a lieved was an epochal stride in the which shall be forfeited to the county INDUSTRIAL ARTS. republic and throw off the one man direction of universal peace, "Let us in case an award is made and the bid­ l ocational Cowrm-Agriculture, Dairy­ power. have peace" was one of the most der shall fail, neglect or refuse for a ing, Home Makers’ Course. Industrial striking utterances of this great sol­ period of five days after which the Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course. Germany and England had both en­ dier. We have never had a president award is made to enrer into a con­ School of Music— Piano, String, Band, tered into an agreement that Belgium with perhaps a single exception, who tract and file a bond satisfactory to Voice Culture. should be neutral, and it was an did not shun war in theory as well as the Court as required by law. Farmers Business Course by Mail Free agreement that was binding upon one practice. The bids are to cover the construc­ Address THK REGISTRAR, nation as the other. While Germany England and the United Stateshave tion of a Machinery Warehouse, 40X Corvallis. Greyen was endeavoring to enter into anoth­ been especially active in the cause of 60 feet for Tillamook County, to be (tw?!5to»R) er agreement with England, it had international peace through arbitra­ built at Nehalem, Oregon, according already decided to throw overboard tion. For ninety-nine years their nu­ to the plans and specifications on file its agreement about Belgium, and merous disputes have been settled in the office of the County Clerk. rush its troops through that country, amicable. The first half of the nine­ . The County Court reserve» the EAT VIERECK’S which was violating the obligation teenth century only thirty interna­ right to reject any and all bids. Dated and honor. V tional difficulties were settled by a:- this the 22nd day of July, 1914. bitration, most of these being be­ J. C. Holden, BREAD, Bro. Trombley is posing as a free tween England and the United States County Clerk. trade Democrat anil Prohibitionist. This success impressed other coun­ First publication, July, 23rd, 1914. I his is certainly a curious combina­ tries, and before the century closed Last publication. August, 13th, 1914 ' TILLAMOOK BAKERY, tion, when our respected brother is there had been 200 such cases. Dur­ advocating state wide prohibition and ing the last decade of the century Notice. Free Trade Chamberlain. That kind there were six eases a year. The re­ I of logic is enough to make the Demo­ markable fact is fliat, while tin sc Notice is hereby given, that on I cratic mule bray. Well, our contem­ questions covered a multitude of is­ Monday, September 14th, 1914, the porary is somewhat of a public mon­ sues of a character that h .d plunged County Board of Equalization will At All Grocers. >0C0OOOOGGOOQQOQeQiQOOG9QOOQOOOO9QQQOO990G«fi>GOOOOOOOOOO strosity any wav, for it was lined up nations into armed conflict in the meet at the Court House in Tilla­ with the Progressive ghost not many past, not a single award of a board cf mook County, Oregon, and publicly moons since. arbitration was rejected. By the examine the assessment roll for said century's close twenty-six powers Dated at filamook City Oregon, ®°®®®®0®©00©0©CCOOQCiO©CO©OOeOOGG©©©OOCiCG©GiÖCC<80&ö©0©0©©0©0©OOOOOC©00000* There arc tho»c that believe that had bccorfie parties to the Permanent year and correct all errors in valua- ' e war in Europe is going ■ to be a International Court of Arbitration at lions, descriptions of lands, lots or good thing for the United States, I he Hague. The Hague court now other property. Said hoard will con- J while others take an opposite view. -its jn the Palace of Peace, a court­ tinue in session from day to day, tin- • I here is not the least doubt but what house of its own, decided last year, til the examination, correction and the war will stagnate the industrial it last reports its docket contained equalization of the assessment roll , world in Europe, and it will also have ’.too cases of more or less importance, shall be completed. All persons in- I some effect on the industries of tbi*. affecting many nations. terested in the assessment of their ' country. But when it comes to fpod- property are requested to appear at stuffs there will be a greater defhand said time and place, a, : ... .!.......... „ i no changes Germany Could Not Stop. i for this, which will help the producer can be made after the adjournment but come harder to the constimer. of the board. Germany's startling declaration of Dated at Tillamook Citv, Oregon, There are those who believe, and war against Great Britain merely August 10th, 1914. that the kaiser feels that he C. A. Johnson, do so honestly, that the liquor traffic means must carry out his plans on original County Assessor. is the greatest evil on earth. We do lines if it takes all summer and he has not coincide with them. The liquor to fight the rest of Europe. A Ger­ traffic is only a drop in the bucket man answer to British ultimatum de­ Free Canadian Homestead. compared to the awful war raging in mand of assurances of intention to Europe. What with the enormous Why pav $50.00 to be located. We respect the neutrality of Belgium cMt of preparing for war, maintain­ could give you full information where the not be evasive. It could carry ing enormous armies and navies, and renewed assurances against a perma­ best lands are in Western Canada death and destruction that follows a nent TT» 1 -w ■*. . __ or temporary occupation of the and British Columbia that are close blood hirsty war.it looks hardly cred­ to railroad and town; name of guide country, a disclaimer of any other itable in these days of civilization and purpose than that of using it as a on the ground; full directions to get boasted Christianity that nations are highway for moving troops to points maps and plats free;how to get home­ so ready to clash and carry on a war of action along the French frontier, seekers tickets everything you need to for aggrandizement. And, worse know and locate yourself, all for $3.00 still, when a tew crowned heads of and a pledge of restored neutrality Remit amount by P. O. rrttmy order Europe have the power to plunge after the termination of hostilities. and we will send you the complete their countries into war, is we believe But that such an answer would not information at once. Canadian Home­ something that our temperance satisfy Great Britain was made en stead Company, 73, 6th St., I ort’.i id, friends should consider when they tirelv clear in Sir Edward Grey’s ad­ Oregon. For reference, 1 h? Farm RUBY CARACOLA COFFEE. ■*» 10 pounds for $2.50. believe the liquor traffic is the worse dress to Parlimcnt on Monday, in Magazine Company,, |t f mama which it was stated, in substance, curse to n/ankind. Bldg., Portland, Oregon. RUBY • CARACOLA COFFEE, 1 pound for 27c. that such proposals had already been made by Germany, and rejected. A German-American Coffee, 1 lb. can, 30c. German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can, 85c We do not know of any thing complete recognition of the neutral­ How’s This ? more important for the Tillamook ity of Belgin soil, or the avowal of a nltrrOs« II vnorrd D oll ««« R« w »» d Commercial Club to take hold of and purpose not to recognize it, would of­ for '.Ve opxvc .- «nr c««c 9e starr h that eanaot I« eure.1 discuss than a deep channel from the I fer the only basis of reply to such an by Hall'« Catarrh Cure. Iter M ,V’"'""1; ORANGE LABEL. 1 pound tSk-. bay to this city. It is of vital impor­ ultimatum. J. CIIRNKV * CO., Teledo. O. tance to the central part of the coun­ In an interesting and able discus­ lei nii ’ 1 P °'' n ' ? X ' - ,,er Moj retvs lend.* pound 5(>e. We tli<* uixieraigne.1 have known f I ts and to the lumbering and dairy­ sion of the situation by Admiral Ma­ < hrnev for tli« last 15 »rar«. na.1 hrlwvr Htr Majesty s Blend, 1 poundl.OO. Capital I 1 .Lmd 25c. ing interests. It is not generally han, which appeared yesterday, the hhn istrtwily honornble hi all bu«iueM tran«aetion« amt tinancialiy abl« to earry known, but it is a fact, nevertheless, kaiser’s position was condemned out any Obligation« maile by hi« firm. that the Steamer Sue H. Elmore is from the point of view of responsi­ NATIONAL BANK OFCOMMKRCK. instrumental in saving the dairymen bility for the war, emphasis being put > „ Toledo. <», Hat)*« ( atarrb Cure i« taken internaliv. in the neighborhood of about $13,000 upon the obvious fact that Austria «eting dlreetly upon tbc No.ut »ml ruueou« annually in carving cheese out at a would not have taken a course so of­ «urface« <>f th» «»«lern Te«tunonial» «ent low figure and bringing in feed at a fensive to Russia without his advice Irre l'riw T5 ernt« per bottle Sold by all low coil, which they would have to and concurrence. And the equally l>tuggl«t«. i 1 ■ ■ 9 ■ ■ i HINER & REED, i ■- J ■ ■ Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord Delivered. THE LIFE CAREER A. P. COATS LUMBER “CO OREGONAGRICULTURALCOLLEGE 8 F. C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line SPECIAL GROCERY PRICES. QUAKER OATS. Large Package 25c. Small Package CRESCENT BAKING POWDERS, 5 Pound Can. Regular Price .$1.00, now 85c. 3 Pound Can, Regular Price 70c. now 55c. 15c. 1 Pound Can, Regular Price 25c. now 20c. Fancy Prunes, 10c. a pound. Fancy Dried Peaches, lOc.a Pound Coffee and Tea Special • RidSray’s High Grade Teas. RALPH C. BACON, Mgr. Grocery Dept RAY & CO.