Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 13, 1914, Image 1

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    Vol. XXVI
No. 10
I The Prime
of every money earner
should be to lay tip some­
thing for the future ; to
reach middle life with
something substantial to show for the labor of years;
to have a home and property.
Then the inevitable emergency, or declining
years can be approached without flinching ; trouble
can be looked in the eye.
The world owes us all a living and more, too.
The “more” represents what we put aside in a good
bank where it may grow in safety.
Put your surplus in this bank. We have space
on our ledger for YOUR account.
Tillamook County Bank
The Tillamook Headlight office is
now located opposite the court house.
Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with
stock, with 10 or more cows. Cash
rent or shares.
Address G. F.
Hackett, Hemlock, Ore.
For sale two bull calves, registered
Jerseys. Brown Bessie stock.
‘. Sire
Brave Engineer. Apply to T. Me
Cormick, Tillamook Ore.
An application of Harmony skin
cream at night keeps the skin white
soft and free from blemishes. C. I.
Clough Co.
For sale, pair of angle dial scales,
slightly used, can be seen at the Till­
amook Feed Co. To be sold for lit-
tie over half price.
Netarts Restaurant ready for busi-
ness. Home cooking. Quick Service.
Best Chef on Pacific Coast. A. F.
Julien, proprietor.
Gambrinus Beer on draft at The
Good house and lot for sale on easy
terms. Apply to J. S. Stephens. *
Safe d..posit boxes for rent. Til’.i-
mok County Bank.
Blacksmith shop to rent next to my
office. T. H. Goyne.
Gambrinus Beer by the keg or bot­
tle at The Lotus.
Miss Ruth Bewlew and Geo Gid­
dings came in from Ione.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hathaway, of
Aloha, are in on a visit.
Mrs. A. K. Case left on Monday to
I am still buying young calves, All
visit her daughter at Hillsboro.
kinds, both male and female. See me
Try those 25c dinners at the Old if you want all they are worth. J-
Spanish Kitchen. The best in town.* Merrel Smith.
Fresh fruit delivered to any part
Protect your valuable papers from
of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.* the unexpected fire by renting one of
For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River our safe deposit boxes. Only one
bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­ dollar per year. Tillamook County
R. H. Thomas and wife were Tilla­
Attorney James Walton, jr., was in
from Portland on business and piei s- mook visitors this week. Mr. Thomas
is Clerk of the Portland School
Board, and the editor has known him
Frank L. Sheldon teas declared in­ for a number of years.
sane and taken to the state asylum at
Rev. P. Ebinger having returned
Salem this morning.
from his vacation the regular services
Perry De Lillies, who was taken j will commence Sunday, August 16th
seriously ill in Alaska, has arrived | The subject for Sunday’s service is:
home, and is improving rapidly.
"God and the War.”
We are in a position to make some
Geo. and William Coats of Seattle
long time farm loans. First National Washington and Carl Anderson of
Aberdeen, Washington are guests of
Tan and sun burn, can be prevented their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs O.
with our tan and freckle lotion. C. 1. A. Shultz.
It’s a good rule to buy a sewing
Clough & Co.
machine with an established rep.i .t-
Saturday August 15 and Monday- tion fo .(Uality services. The White
August 17 will be gingham days at for sale on easy terms at Jones
the Stillwell store.
Knudson Furniture Company.
If our work does not suit you tell
All kinds of cement work in a first-
us; if it does, tell your friends. City class manner and foundation and
Transfer Company.
chimney blocks at reasonable prices.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ Will guarantee any work. A. E.
mook Meat Company’s Market. We Docrge, nth street and First avenue
West, T iliamook.
pay 15c per pound.
Just in time, A. J. Stillwell had a
Dairymen, if you have any heifer message Monday stating his import
calves, 3 to to weeks old, see J. Mer­ order for Scotch ginghams was ship­
ped the previous week, they were
rel Smith. He will buy them.
landed in New York before war was
Jake Wolvinstine has opened a re­ declared in Europe.
pair shop down by the sawmill. Will
Wanted—live representative in Till­
repair any old thing. Boiler repairing amook. Advancement to parties show­
a specialty.
ing ability. Steady position. Legiti­
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Doak, of Stan­ mate proposition. Good money. Lady
field, Ore., are in on a visit to the or gentleman. Benn-Newman hlfg.
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Co., 409 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Priscilla club had an enjoyable pic­
Mrs. C. F. Beltz, of Aberdeen, nic in Harrison’s grove last Friday.
Washington, is the guest of her A number of visitors from out of
daughters, Mrs. J. F. Stranahan and town being present. Another picnic
will be held on Trask river in two
Mrs. O. A. Shultz.
Tillamook County Bank vs. Ivan
Married, on Friday, August 7th, by
Parsons is a suit filed in the circuit
court to recover money to the Justice of the Peace E. W. Stanley,
! at his residence, Charles Kennedy
amount of $264.55.
and Miss Irma Hancock; also at the
.... —
Ed Schelling was called to Port’! 1 jame date
and A place, Rrrrf Farmer
land on Tuesday to attend the funeral j anj yijss Freda Schoppert.
of Earl Finley, who was formerly 1 The Fairview Birthday Club will
sityyer at the Wheeler saw mill.
meet at the home of Mrs. M. . cx ey
Ml»» Charlotte Banfleld, of Port­ near Stillwell Park, on {'‘ursda/
land and Mr». Lee M. Travis, of August 19. Those who w-II
Eugene, who were visiting at the Mr? Ackley are Mrs. Ogg, Mrs. Dur-
edll '*'* home, left on Mondiv.
rcr and Mrs. Mamie Tittle.
r? v
• «nd wife of M«MinnvjHe,1 Mrs. Claude Thayer and daughter,
Ur. Nunn . • r)r. Reedy »nd wife Miss Eugene Thayer, are in for a few
are visiting with .
* Stale Veter- ¿.«.Uns- ------
Ur Nunn is assistant
Reedy L-T ,hat Mr Thayer who is desirous
"»run, and will assist !>».
t ’returning to Tillamook, is so »er-
testing cattle for the county fair.
? ,,|v
gt Berkley, Cal , that it is
Portland’s best beer. Gambrinus, at iou.
• '• for hint to do so.
The Lotus.
* ■ impossiu
Drop in and book
A solid case of 32 inch ginghams on
sale “Gingham day” 11c yd. at Still­
The new lock is on the Commer­
cial Club door. All members in good
standing can procure key from the
Grandma DeLillies, of Gales Creek,
Oregon, and son Green De Lillies,
wife, son and daughter, of Forest
Grove, Ore., who have been visiting
at the home of J. M. De Lillies, of
this city, returned to their homes
Thursday morning.
Tobacco and Cigar Salesman want­
ed to Advertise. Experience unnec­
essary. $100 monthly and traveling
Expenses. Advertising
Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars
Send 2c. stamp for full particulars.
Hemet Tobacco Co., New York. *
Mrs. Harriet L.Vail, deputy lectur­
er of the State Grange, will attend
the Grange meeting at Fairview to­
day for the purpose of organizing a
Pomona Grange for Tillamook Coun­
ty. She will also address the mothers
of Tillamook County at the High
School on Friday afternoon at 2:30.
Rural carriers have some peculiar
things to carry on their mail routes.
On Tuesday Rural Mail Carrier
Smith was surprised when a baby
was handed him for delivery at R.
R. Stillwell’s place, to be delivered at
W. E. Noyes’ farm. The child weigh­
ed 35 pounds and was carried a dis­
tance of seven miles. A tag was at­
tached to the child, with the address
and amount of postage, which was 20
Have you a farm for sale,if so, write
to R. Mills, P. O. Box No. 245 Port­
land, Oregon. We want to buy a farm
for cash if not over $4,000, or will pay-
more for a good place on terms. In
answering this ad, please state num­
ber of acres cultivated, price per acre,
and state what stock and machinery
go with the place. Prefer cheap land
at $20 to $60 per acre, but will con­
sider highly improved farm at better
Tillamook, Ore. The cheese will be
taken to the lake as part of the pro­
visions.—Spokesman Review.
The Tillamook Feed Co. will make
you low prices on all kinds of hay in
carload lots. See Shrodc.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market. 15c
per pound.
T-o avoid .olor poisoning, buy sani­
tary thread dyed chambray ginghams
7'2^., during gingham days, August
15 and 17 at Stillwell’s.
I.oat Wednesday, between Hem­
lock and Tillamook, pack hunting
clothes, boots, etc. Identity by book
therein. Return Headlight office
and leceive reward.
Married, on Saturday night, at the
M. E. parsonage, by the Rev. W. J.
Weber, the pastor, Frank Hanenkratt
and Miss Stella Smith. Both are well
known in the county and we extend
our congratulations and best wishes
to them. They wilt make their home
in this city where they have many
War News for Tillamook.
The Tillamook Headlight made ap­
plication and was admitted a member
of the Associated Press. This was
brought about at the request of a
number of our business men and citi­
zens, who were anxious to obtain the
wai news, who have guaranteed part
of the expense of obtaining this tel­
egraphic service, and which will keep
them posted directly anything oi
importance takes place. Commenc­
ing on Friday, the Tillamook Head­
light will issue special editions daily,
of war and other important news, and
those who have subscribed for this
service will have a copy delivered
free, as well as given a certain
amount of advertising space. The
Tillamook Headlight will be head­
quarters for war news, and those
who wish to help defray the expenses
by subscribing a few dollars a week
can do so by notifying the editor.
Founded in the Strongest Way.
Growing Stronger Every Day.
gtprrcljcit Pentodi.
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore.
Member of
Of the United States.
-------------- ------------------- l<
What Have You Got to Sell, Trade or!^
Married on August 1st, in this city
Girl Punched Hold-Up
Leon Berry and Miss Frankie Smith. Tillamook
Please answer the above for me right away ............................... n
Man at Los Angeles.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. D. L. Shrodc. Both are highly
I am fairly SWAMPED AND DELUGED with|
Proudly exhibiting her "muscle”
respected young people, the groom
illustrating her theory of how to
................................................ FOR LOCATIONS |
being the sawyer at the Coats Lum­ and
hold-up men with a number of
ber Co.’s mill, while the bride was treat
IN TILLAMOOK ........................................................................ I
employed as clerk at the post office.
’DeLillies today explained how
The happy couple spent a few days a onica
honeymoon in the country. They will a burglar.
I am prepairing to get out a printed List of
make their home in this city, and
............................ TILLAMOOK PROPERTIES
their many friends wish them a long a bold footpad succeeded in snatch­
life of happiness.
ing a $20 bill from her she fought
........................... IN BOOKLET FORM
Thomas D. Stoughton and Peter J. him off and prevented him from tak­
Gotelli, of Portland, were in the city-
on Monday. They were out for a at the time. And she also taught him
SELF............................................................................................... I
three weeks summer outing and hik she declares, that it isn't safe always
ed it from Astoria, coming in by way to hold up a girl, even if she’s a small
of Necarney mountain, which is be­ one.
“All a girl has to do is to hit—
coming a favorite route for those who
use chank’s pony for means of trans­ nuick and hard,” she said today, "and
portation. They are delighted with the burglar or hold-up man, which­
the scenery in Tillamook County. ever he happens to be, will do all the
They left to continue their journey running that's necessary.
Fill out the Coupon Here To Dav, D<> it Now
“The days past when a women
along the coast, taking the road into
Sandlake. This is one of the rrost- needs to run from any footpad. You
NAME ...........................................
healthful and enjoyable ways for sec, no man expects a girl to have any
ADDRESS .......................................
young men to spend their summer fight in her. And so, aside from
physical pain, he's so surprised when
(Mark with circle what you have to offer, we will tlii-ii get J
a girl hits—well, he’s so surprised
Justice of the Peace Stanley raised that he just “beats it” as hard as he
in touch with you further as to details).
the bond of $2,500 to $10,000 in the can.
for on- to SE 1.1.,
case of Ray Cooper who is charg
"I shouldn’t be surprised if the man
ed with the murder of M. Ackers at I hit was running yet. You see 1
Blaine, and being unable to obtain gave him a swift uppercut, and it
that amount he was locked up in the nearly took him off his feet.”
county jail pending the meeting of
Little Miss DeLillies is a comedy
the grand jury. The next term of the queen in Filmland, and her first box-
circuit court does not take place until ing lessons were taken for reproduc-
November, and in the meantime tion on the screen.—Los Angele :s
Cooper will have plenty of time to Evening Hearld.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance.
consider the seriousness of the crime
with which he is charged. He was
To Bayocean.
elected manual training teacher of the
The launch Olive leaves Tillamook
Portland schools, which position he
at 9 a.tn and 2 p.m. Leaves Bay­
will have to relinquish.
ocean at 10:^0 a.tu, and 3:30 p.m.
At Cloverdale, on Saturday after­
Round trips 75 cents. Sundays Tillamook County Boosters’ Band.. either on Monday and Tuesday, No­
vember 2nd and 3rd, or on triday
noon, at the home of the bride’s par­ leaves at 9 a.m. only. Fare 50 cents.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Owen
The next bi-monthly rehearsal and and Saturday, November 6th and 7th.
dates can be arranged to suit
Miss Mabie Owen became the wife of
concert will be held in the opera These
Attention, Live Stock Exhibitors.
the desires of the band.
Ralph D. Wershkul, the Rev. F. S.
house, in Tillamook City, Oregon, on
Transportation to and return from
Ford, pastor of the Nestucca Valley
It will be necessary to send in your Sunday August 15th, and it is earnest­ Portland, expense allowance of $2.00
Presbyterian church, performing the
ceremony. The young couple are applications to Dr. Reedy at once ly requested that all members of the per day per man during the engage
he will inspect your stock, No Tillamook Boosters’ Band be present rnent, and $100.00 per day for the big
very popular with the young people and .................
on this occasion as matters of much “Frisco '1 rip1’ next year.
of Cloverdale and vicinity, the groom charge for this inspection.
County Fair Board.
A proposition was made with tin-
importance to the band will be taken
being a son of Mr. D T. Werschkul.
"National Apple Show,” which is to
up at the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Wer»chkul
The band has received an engage­ f>e held in Spokane, Wash., beginning
are members of two well known and
highly respected families of the 1500 WATER MELONS SHIPPED ment, to give a two days concert at with November 16th, 1914, with the
the "Manufactures & Land Products very encouraging prospect of getting
south part of the county, and they
carry with them the best wishes of a TAKE YOUR PICK FOR 20 cents. Exposition,” to be held in Portland an engagement for the Tillamook
the latter part of October and No­ County Boosters' Band on that oc­
large circle of relatives and friends
vember. The band is wanted there casion.
for their future happiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heyd and Mr.
W. J. Collins have retorned home,
having spent last Sunday at Clover­
dale, Ore., on the ranch of Mrs. Liz­
zie ' Johnson and family. Sunday-
morning fishing was enjoyed, with
some fine catches. At noon they all |
returned to the ranch to do justice to
iMrrntrn \
a tempting chicken dinner, which was |
serve! by the hostess, Mrs. L John­
After dinner the party went
four miles in autos to a clam bake at
the Brooten baths, were also some
interesting speeches and singing
were heard. Those enjoying the out­
WA r(. M X
ing were: Leslie Johnson, jr., Mr.
and Mrs J Bajley. Mr Elma John,
• ax r»/
ton, Glen White, W T. Collin», Mr
and Mr.. Frank Heyd, Miss Iva
Johnston, Mrs. Lizzie Johnston and
Mr and Mr». Baotman. Sunday night
Mr and Mrs Baotman entertained
th« party »t Ihejr home with music
«nd social chit chat.
Twenty-live members of the oltict
Ljnrce of the Western Union l ife In
72 enwpany will motor to New
I suranci
’"! to & Ralb
,hr w*ek-
man lake this ever
There are No Better Clothes, and No Better Magazine for Bovs that’» certain.
Fv &Dr Kalb i- medical director
fr.?e i»' Tent- will be pro-
New Models, New Pattern», $5.00 and Up.
v'ded ior the guest*.
until Sunday
nf!'. generai
general manager,
We are in a Position to Serve You;;}
Promptly and Honestly.
Boys—It’s Great!
A Full Six Months’ Subscription to
ZINE with every suit of our famous
Guaranteed All Wool—16 Special Features
MORRIS SCHNAL, Popular Price Clothier,
Ä XThi- 'K
1 TilUmook cheese from*
Tillamook, Oregon.