ray cooper kills ' MAN AT BIAINE. a Vran(r had come ,0 take lets not listen to these lies.” Ackers fnll?uhoeniacer f aim- My son on the did not 0 ALVIN R. WORRALL, try to prevent Ray from go­ Hidds' "residence3' and^on^Xk? . to t0 . ing. ing- Lee then asxea asked Ackers, "Did I ’• fver __ _ .,ry to __ blackmail LAWYER. - - *f ' a”,ly A Neighborhood Quarrel Hibbs and my son brought Ackers? you and offer to take any money to from Hibbs to Ackers claim. settle this case?" Ackers raised up his BUSINESS COl NSELOR..TITI.ES, Leads Up to’a Shooting over On 1uesday morning Ackers said left hand and said Ben Allison is the ACCOU NT A N T. NOTARY that he was not satisfied with Hibbs’ | Scrap. that said blackmail. Hibbs said, work, and he asked my boy to take “ one PUBLIC. Go for the district Attorney and him oyer on the claim on Tuesday. have him arrested. Witness turned 25 years experience. Consultation On Wednesday morning I was the round and said, 'Its up to you again.” Free. tirst one to get up and was standing Then Ray came back with a gun. He Commercial Club Bld , Tillamook. with my back to Ackers. I paid no said "Ackers, drop that gun.” Ackers attention to him as I was busy pre­ wheeled and shot at Ray. Lee jump ­ paring breakfast. He walked up be­ ed at Ackers to take the revolver The most wonderful and interesting £)R- L- L- HOY, hind me and threw both arms around from him. Then he shot at Lee and journey in America. Easily reached by me and kissed me, as he said “Give started to run. They were standing me a kiss. I was so shocked and in front of the house ail this time. the way of Hillsboro. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON could not realize what he meant. I I Witness thought two shots had been Landscape — mountains streams — T illamook B lock , threw my hands up and said "You fired previous to Ray’s shooting, but had better be kissing your own wife," was not positive. Ackers shot at Lee forests and the crowning glory of all Tillamook, and he took hold of both of my hands ' when they were back of the house. Oregon. ( )cea ti. Miles and miles of smooth, and held right on to me and said, . I . When they came around the house in 1 hat don’t make < any difference. ' sight, then Ackers turned and shot ELMER \I1 IX shining, silvery sand. Come, give me a kiss.” to to which which wit- wit- back, and it was then that Ray shot ness answered, “ You V " had 2 _ better be him. Witness thought Roy fired three (Successor to Dr. Sharp), kissing your wife. . ” I went ....... across ------- ■ the times and Ackers four. She thought room. He still held onto my hands. the killing of Ackers by her son was DENTIST.- 1 gave him one quick push and ran in 1 done in self defence. Witness had Two fine through trains daily each way between behind a screen. I said "Boys get up.” ' never heard Ackers make threats, but l ommercial Building, Tillamock Tillamook and Portland ; and four daily trains be­ I stayed in there until Ackers went she heard that he had. out of doors. I went to my work and Mrs. Kate Allison was the next wit- i tween all beach points—Mohler to Tillamook inclusive. nothing more was said. Ackers left ness. She did not know anything JACK OLSEN, Parlor Observation Car on “ Seashore Special.’’ that day for Portland and paid $10.00 about the case previous to the day or deposit on the work for building the the killing. She considered that Ack­ DENTIST. cabin, which he paid to Lee. A little ers was a dangerous man. Bennie ■ (I. O. O. F Bldg.) sooner my boys came home and the told me that Ackers had a revolver in r Allison boys spent the evening at the his pocket. She tried to have hirn Round Trip Season and week-end fares from house. Ackers was boarding with give it up to her, but he said, “I won't Tillamook - Oregon witness at that time, but his wife was meet that bunch without my revol­ various points on the P.R. & N. ; also between all not with him. One Monday in May ver.” In the meantime Lee Cooper P. R. & N. beach points. the boys had to go away, and no came and wanted him to go dawn to C. IIAWK, sooner had they left Ackers insulted the house and he tried to force him to her again, in about the same w’ay he go. Ackers took out his gun and said Full particulars front nearest I had done so previously. I talked to “Don’t you touch me.” Witness re­ ‘IÎYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ackers about it, and told him “I lived lated what took place when the par­ P, R. & N. Agent, with copy of hand­ with my husband for 30 years and he ties met similar to how the other respected and honoredme.” I said al­ witnesses had testified. She did not Day City some illustrated booklet describing Orejtori so “Donald is my baby, and if I had know how many shots had been fired no self respect for that boy’s sake, I previous to Ray Cooper firing. She the various Tillamook Beach Re­ i would do nothing so low; and besides saw a bullet hole in Lee’s pants but QARI. HABERI.ACH, sorts. you have a wife.” Then he began to did not know whether Ray was shoot­ redicule his wife. He said, "You ought ing in self defense. She never heatd attorney - at - law . to see her. Wait until you see her and Ackers make any threats toward the JOHN M SCOTT then you won’t blame me.” Witness Cooper family, nor had she heard the General Passeuget Agent. T illamook B eock replied, “I don’t believe it and you Coopers make any threats to A :kers. are a dirty curr.” Questioned whether Portland. Or. Lee Cooper denied that lie wrote Tillamook . .< Irrgun she informed her boys about the in­ an article and tried to get Ackers to sult, witness replied “No; I never in­ sign it that he insulted his mother tended to tell it, I was ashamed to and also denied that he had attempt- GOYNE, tell it.” It was about one month after edto get money to settle the difficul­ the insult that she told her son Lee. ty. Had not known Ackers to carry He replied “I can not let this go.” a revolver before. Asked what was ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. This was on Monday as Ackers was the cause of the trouble, witness passing through the yard. Asked stated Ackers insulted his mother and what occurred after Lee returned wouud not pay his bills for labor, home, Ackers begged Lee not to tell board and rooms. When asked if his Oregon. it. Lee asked “What will we do brother shot in self defense, he re­ about it? We cant do anything, and plied, "It certainly was.” Witness had J. CLAUSSEN, will only make trouble for him. If he not heard Ackers make any threats . LAWYER. offers money in settlement don’t take against his family, only what the Al­ a penny, as that would be called lison boys said, that he was going to DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. blackmail. Make him pay you for put up a sign and if any of the Coop­ your work and tell him to keep off ers came on his land he would shoot. 2’3 T illamook B lock your place.” Asked when they threat­ He thought Ackers was a dangerous ened to sue Ackers, after a coolness man. Ackers fired the first shot, and Tillamook .Oregon had taken place, witness said, “We witness was not certain who fired the A Perfect flayer —absolutely dependable, every day, year in. threatened to sue him because he second shot. The last shot killed year cut. Built on honor, of the beat materials. would not pay his bill.” Asked to re­ Ackers. Ackers was a German. He Outwear« Three Ordinary Range« late what took place leading up to the did not think Ackers was a desparado 77ie only range made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. time of the killing. Donald told Lee but he was not to be trusted around a Malleable iron can't Ireak -charcoaliron won’t ruetithe steel. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, • and Ray to come up on Monday. women w’hen she was alone. Asked Then Ackers denied that he had talk­ whether he thought his brother was Economical In Fuel Surgeon S. P. Co. about blackmailing. Allison came justified in killing him he answered The Beams of the Majestic arc riveted (not put together with _ ” Mike said: “It | ed (I. O. O. F. Bldg )' bolts and r-tove putty) — they will always remain air tight, down to the house and had a note “Yes, sir, I do.” The shot entered because neither heat nor cold HfTects them. The Majestic ¿>nc it.” Asked, “Did j from Ackers, and he said "Mr. Ray the face on the righ side of the nose. Tillamook .... Oregon. oven 13 l.ned throughout with pure asbestos board, »you that he asked Cooper, I want you to come over and held In place by an opon iron grating you can B4>cit —and The jury brought in a verdict that I have a taik with me. He said there the deceased came to his death by a it stays there always. Air tight joints and pure asbestos lining assure an even baking heat, saving one-half the fuel. is no use for us to quarrel to please gun shot wound fired by Ray Cooper, All doors drop to form rigid shelve». No springs. Malleable iron oven racks blidu out automatically, bold­ other people." It was Ackers who ing whatever they contain. . wrote the letter. “I trust that you will Sheriff Crenshaw brought Ray grant this favor.” They did not go ov­ Cooper to the City on Saturday morn­ er for two or three days, and when he ing, and Justice of the Peace Stanley, Both Phones. did go over he admitted all. I told bound him over to the grand jury you he said Hibbs and Allison had being held on the charge of man Tillamook - Oregon quarreled with him, and found out slaughter. The bail was placed at that he had went to town to see an $2,500, which was soon procured and attorney, and he said Ben Allison Cooper released from custody. said that was blackmailing and Hibbs R- E. E, DANIELS, Notice to Contractors. ^Charcoal and Malleable Iron said “Yes; he ought to see the dis­ trict attorney." Question who got the CHIROPRACTOR. information, “Ackers told it to Ray Sealed bids addressed to the Coun­ Cooper that Hibbs gave him that ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore­ Local Ollice in the Commercial advice. “I apologise 10,000 times for gon, for the construction of amachin- Building. insulting your mother, and I will ery warehouse, to be built at Neha­ capper reservoir which h<*ats like a tea kettle, through a give her a written statement to that lem City, in said county, will be re­ Lined M-ket stamped from one piece of ropper. setting mrio r t . .. .,„.^1 Lning of nre box. It lx»:4 15 gallons of water in a v-ry TILLAMOOK with effect. I would cut off my right arm ceived by the County Court at its of­ frw rninuto« Mnd by turning u lever the frame and r» tervoir move Pur« away from lira. An exclusive pat* nted featufe. > nd to make it right if I could. I will pay fice in Tillamook City, Oregon on or Asbesto« a*h pan docs away with shoveling aahee w-nftlorw/ osli B om J Lee when my wife comes in and before the 15th day of August, 1914, ' pit prevents floor from catching fire - ash i up cell I m - h ii R. L. E. HEWITT, A ■It uj io shrno pou thj greatest iinpr«»-n.** or you'll be uure to be di»- I 5 MUisric • ' I M AJfiTIC fl ®;:jx.inted. (Jorac to our score, and sc«t the tirtat PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Each bid shall be accompanied by a or two Ben Allison came down to my Made of Mafestic — have j’.a many exclusive f'-aturwa ex- J 7 1 #1 house and I said: "Ben, how was this” certified check made payable to Tilla- 1 Charcoal JI p'ain-xJ e'd why the Mafvsth ia &TH ntr .n*,. r OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. lb«’,« ;An»»r rung**« where m* nt ranges are we«1*,.,» Ben Allison said he was a liar, adding mook County, for an amount equal to Iron, It h the L*-*t range al an/ price and it 5 per cent of the amount of such bid, adding “I never had anything to do with it, be La your kitohi.i. _ Both Phones. M <•'♦, to only to carry the letter down. He has which shall be forfeited to the county­ FOR SALE BY life oí in case an award is made and the bid ­ Residence anil Office in W hitehouse got to come and face it.” Asked if ’ ALEX. McNAIR & CO? Rang? there was any ill feeling between the der shall fajl, negleft or refuse for a Residence, witness and Allisons, she replied period of five days after which the TILLAMOOK, OREGON. "None until now.” When witness went award is made to carer into a con­ up to Allison’s last night Don offered tract and file a bond satisfactory to J J T. B< »T rs, him his $500 back, and said he would the Court as required by law. The bids are to cover the construc­ have to have $900 or $1,000 to spuare ATTORNEY-AT LAW. him up. Then Mrs. Allison said we tion of a Machinery Warehouse, 40X were trying to blackmail Mike. After 60 feet for Tillamook County, to be omplete Set of Abstract Book« further conversation Ray stepped up built at Nehalem, Oregon, according * »(lice. and said some one had lied on his to the plans and specifications on file Fntir* Ton mother, addressing Ben and Don Al­ in the office of the County Clerk. Taxen Paid (or Non Re«idente. Doors and The County Court reserves the Frames lison, and if Ackers had lied he is go­ T illamook B lock , made of ing to get a licking, and if you have right to reject any and all bids. Dated Malleable Tillamook .... Oregon lied, Don Allison, you are going to this the 22nd day of July, 19’4- Ca^t break J. C. Holden, get a licking, and if you have lied Ben Both Phonen. QT crack County Clerk. Allison, you are going to get a lick­ ing. Ben Allison said "Nobody is go­ First publication, July, 23rd, 1914. G. Met.El- ing to lick me.” Ray said “If you have Last publication. August, 13th, 1914 lied on my mother you are going to Notice to Contractors get a licking.” Ben replied, “I havent Sealed bids addressed to the Coun­ lied and Ackers has to face it I will PHYSICIAN & SURGEON bring him down tomorrow and make ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore­ him face you people.” Allison went gon. for the proposed improvement Office : Next door to Star after Ackers of his own accord. About at Jim Tompson Creek, on the North an hour Don Allison came down to Fork of th« Nehalem river, in said Theatre our home and said Ackers is up at county, will be received by the Coun­ our house and asked us to come down. ty Court at its office in Tillamook “I feel it my duty to tell otht-rx wh* Witness replied, “We are not going City Oregon, on or before the 151^ to come up, and if you want us to see day of August, 1914, at Io o'eloek «.rn Caatnberlain' < Tablets have clone fo. FORGE: WILI ETT me, ” writes Mrs. L. Dunlap, of Oai Ackers bring him up." Donald said he and at that time opened and read. Grov«-, Mien. "I h»v< won’t come down. Lee said, 'Mother Each bid shall be accompanied by a miff'-red with pain« in we had better go up and talk it over certified check made payable to Till­ ATTORNEY AT LAW, my back ami under “Tall Oaks From with him.” She said, "No, Lee, I am amook County, for an amount equal my shonlder blade for -¿¿L l A a AM IM < T-M 'TIBI iPl w not going up.” Lee replied 1 II go up to 5 per cent of the amount of such T illamook C ommercial B uildixo ] a number of /ear», Little Acorns Grow and bring him down, and Lee went bid, which shall be forfeited to the also with a poor appe and in a few minutes called to Kay, County, in case award is made and 1 illamook Oregon lite mid constipation. light and when the boys went I thought 1 the bidder shail fail, neglect or refuse I Fifty year« ago I.W. 1 tri* d all of the rem­ had better go, because she thought for a period of five days after which edies that I heard of, HARPER wa« but there might be a quarrel. She thought the award is made to enter into a ■nd a number of doc­ contract and file a bond satisfactory little known outside the quarrel was settled »s far as she tor«, but got no relief was concerned. When witness reach- . to the Court as by law required. Finally a frb-nd told the Old Kentucky The bids are to cover the excavat- ed the cabin Ackers had both boys ine to try Chamlier- Lee said 1 ¡ng and grading of the County road, State. Today it« covered with a revolver. 1 “ lain'« Stomach and "Put down your gun and talk I'ae a 11 and building a reinforced Concrete Liver Tablets. I got fame i« world-wide. man. You are not going to be touch­ Bridge and approaches, across Thom­ a bottle of them and You find it •verywharn. pson Creek, according to the plans they Boon helped my ed. What right have you to carry a ■totnaih; by their gun?” Then they began to ask quo- and specifieations on file in the of- 1 SOLD HLBL B Y fice of the County Clerk. gentle action my bow tions, and Ackers denied F. E. LAUGHLIN. TttMf j W. J inT 1 ÏU sm W I in The County Court reserves the els became more reg regard to black mailing and that he tilar Today I feel like had never insulted me Ackers did right to reject any and all bids. Dated this the 22nd day of July, I9»4- praixing them to «¡1 not put uj his gun when J. C. Holden........ I wh>i«'inera»ldid fr-r , When Donald Cooper came he point­ .T illamook E i . e < tkk I. iuui County Clerk. ma i u-1 vu*Ja my life , ed the gun at him and threatened to F uel C ompari shoot them all. Ackers denied every­ First publication, July, 23rd, 1914. thing, when Ray said “Lets go home, Last publication. August, 1 jth, 1914. W ill Sr a loin .,. 'I tnager. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES. Train Service Just Right Special Low Round-Trip Fares. P. R E Some of the Reasons Why J The Great | M ajestic R ange D Worth Living ÌTOffiuf lì j J A 15 Watt Mazda S bm MW I * in? ir I I