Tillamook Headlight, August 6, 1914. .........: ,L_ ____ He' I diation at Vienna and for our coun- come to regard the railways. past, I tries and the peace of Europe. I admits that .1—. in the .... . ---- up . to a com-1 "THY DEVOTED NICHOLAS.” . paratively few years ago, the public I« Legal Advertisements. » I To this the German Emperor re- ' did its duty to the railways better First Insertion, per line............ $ .10 plied: than the railways did their duty to Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 "in answer to thy appeal to my ' the public. The public grew rightly Business and professional cards 1 frendship and thy prayer for my help, ' incensed and was justified in taking “vigerous measures” to correct “de­ one month ................................ 100 I undertook mediatory action be- | plorable abuses” that characterized tween the Austro-Hungarian govern ­ Homestead Notices .................... 500 railway management. But the public Timber Claims ............................ 1 10.00 ment and thine. While this action has allowed itself to go farther than was in progress, thy troops were mo- , was fair, and the railways now have a ( Locals per line each insertion. •05 bilized against my ally, Austria-Hun- right to complain that they are doing , Display advertisement, an inch, ' gary, in consequence of which, as I their duty to the pubile better than have already informed thee, my me ­ Don’t allow flies to one month .................................. ■50 the public is doing its duty to them. diation was rendered nearly illusory. | a result both are suffering. The All Resolutions of Condolence I Nevertheless it continued. But now I | As sap the blood of your .05 am in possession of trustworthy ad county, Mr. Ripley maintains, lias and Lodge Notices, per line . J. been feeling the effects, for the last 0 , vices concerning the serious war pre cows, keep your stock Cards of Thanks, per line.......... parations on my eastern frontier, as three years of the “unhealthy condi- , Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen lions” of the railway business. Here . contented and 1 well. gets down to some interesting fig- I etc., minimum rate, not ex­ | “My responsibility for the safety of I he _____ DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, pocket full by using .25 my empire compels me to counter­ ures. If the railways had expended ceeding five lines...................... measures of defense. In my endeav­ ' as much, , during each of the last FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd & 3rd AVENUE WEST. operation, addition | ors for the maintenance of the peace ' three years, for operation. CLOUGH S CARBOLIC and betterments as it was expending RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. j of the world, 1 have gone to the ex- I treme limit of the possible. It is not in 1907, their expenditures would (Strictly in Advance.) COMPOUND. have been $400,000,000 larger. If One year ........................................ $1.50 1 that shall bear the responsibility for they had spent proportionally as . the peril which now r threatens the Six months ............................................75 civilized world. I ‘ lay . it to thy hand much for new railway construction, ' ’ their expenditures would have been Three months........................................ 50 to avert it, even at this moment. The fact, “No one menaces the honor and $300,000,000 larger still. d... of Russia, , which well could instead of increasing their expendi­ might At C. I. Clough Co. Entered as second class mail mat­ __ have waited upon the result of my tures as they should have done to ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at mediation. The friendship for thee keep abreast of the growth of com­ THE We weld Cast Iron, Steel, Bronze, Tillamook, Ore., under the act of and thy empire bequeathed to me by merce, the railways have actually cur­ RELIABLE DRUGGIST. tailed expenditures by $700,000,000, my grandfather on his deathbed has Brass, Aluminum, Nickle Steel, Cop­ March 3, 1870. always been sacred to me, and 1 have has we are told, been one of the Wir Sprechen Deutsch. per, broken gears, pulleys, crank shafts, main influences for prolonging the remained true to Russia when it was THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. in grave distress, especially in your depression of business.—Rogue River boilers and build seamless tanks. I)o last war. The peace of Europe can Courier. ________________ yet be conserved by thee if Russia cutting and brazing, Notice for Publication. FOOLISH REASONS GIVEN FOR decides to discontinue her military measures, which threaten Germany SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MILL AND DECLARING WAR. I Department of the Interior. U. S. and Austria-Hungary.” MARINE WORK, I Even before this telegram reached Land Office at Portland, Oregon, Emneror William Rlames Emperor « its destination, the white book says, Julv 13, 1014. Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., Nicholas, and Nicholas Blames Quick service our specialty. the mobilization of all the Russian I Notice is hereby given that Wesley B Surveyor. William. B. Sutton, of Tillamook, Oregon, who forces showed clearly that Russia de ­ Remove carbon from cylenders in 20 minutes. I John Leland Henderson. Sec­ on May 10 1900. made Homestead ____________ All work guaranteed. St. Petersburg, Aug. 3.—Fmpemr sired war. retary Treas., Attomey-at- Entry. No. 01778, for S. % S.E. Nicholas issued today a manifesto in \ N.E. / S.E. % and S.E. % N.E.%, H Law, Notrary Public which his Majesty outlines the events State Press Clippings. I Section 9, Township 1 South, Range 4 At Hiner’s Machine Shop.! leading np to the declaration of war I 8 West, Willamette Meridian, has ■ Tillamook Title and bv Germane and then says that Rus­ No Jobs too Big and None too Small. « filed notice of intention to make fi­ sians will rise like one man and will 4 Imports of meat have been growing Abstract co. repulse the insolent attack of the the last few months, but they do not nal Five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, 4 enemy.” Liar, Antritt*, R • il Estate . reduce retail prices. Will our Dem­ before the County Clerk of Tillamook The text follows: tf ocratic friends explain? Argentina Surveying, Insurance. "Bv the grace of God, we, Nicholas since January 1, has shipped to this County, Oregon, at Tillamook City, Both Phone*. II., Emperor and autocrat of all the country 464,000 quarters of beef and Oregon, on the 24th day af August, a Russians. King of Poland and Grand 144,000 quarters of mutton and lamb, I ! 1914. » TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. Claimant names as witnesses: Duke of Finland, etc.,to all our faith­ but they have not affected prices in m ■ an iM' * » in in ■' ful subjects make known that Russia, the market. Now the Chicago pack­ Wesley Rush, George T. Kiehm. ■ related by faith and blood to the Slav ers say that these prices are about to Leonard Rush and John Little all of Tillamook Oregon. I peonies and faithful to her historical rise sharply and an increase of from H. F. Higley, Register. traditions, has never regarded lier two to four cents a pound at retail is I fates with difference. ' predicted.—News Repporter. Summons. "But the fraternal sentiments of the Russian people for the Slavs have “Schooling in youth should invariably be in these days of strife between the Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load directed to prepare a person in the best way been awakened with perfect unani­ great political parties we should re­ I In the Circuit Court of the State for tor the best permanent periuaneut occupation occupy__ ... for which mity and extraordinary force in these member that after all we are all just Oregon for Tillamook County. he is capable."—President C. w. Kliot. last few days when Austria-Hungary a band of brothers here on earth, N. McMillan, as the guardian This Is the Mission of the of the person and estate of knowingly addressed to Servia claims traveling from the cradel to the grave. Frances Xavier Moreau inacceptable for an independant state. We live side by side, our children at­ (Frank Marey) an incom­ “Forced,” Says Czar. tend the same school and after the petent person. smoke of battle has cleared awav we "Having paid no attention to the Forty-sixth School Year Opens Plaintiff, pacific and conciliatory reply of the will still be friends and neighbors. vs. Let the bitter things go unsaid. At Servian government and having re­ SEPTEHBER 18th, 1914 Will TenEvck, Alfreda Ten jected the benevolent intervention of best, life is short, and we get out of it Writ# for Illustrated too-paje Book­ Eyck and also all other per­ a full message of sorrow. — Polk Coun ­ Russia, Austria-Hungary made haste let, "T he L ife C areer ,” and for Cata­ sons or parties unknown ty Itemizer. to proceed to an armed attack and log containing full information. claiming any right, title, lien began to bombard Belgrade, an open interest or estate in the real Degree Courses — AGRICULTURE : 1 Are you working for the town in place. I estate described in the cotn- Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus­ “Forced by the situation thus cre­ which vou live’ Are you boosting, plaint herein. bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. 1 Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY, ated to take necessary measures of not criticising the efforts of the var­ Defendants. precaution, we ordered the army and ious local organizations? Are you To the above named defendants logging E ngineering , home E co ­ the, navy put on a war footing, at the standing back of the mayor and coun­ Will Ten Eyck, Alfreda Ten Eyck, nomics : Domestic Science Domestic Art, «iXfne time using every endeavor to cilmen you helped to elect in every and also all other persons or parties ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation, obtain a peaceful solution Our par­ good move aimed at municipal im­ unknown claiming anv right, title, Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining. leys were begun among friendly rela­ provement? Are you patronizing the lien, interest or estate in the real es­ Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACY. tions with Germany and her ally, home advertising stores in preference tate described in the complaint herein. I ndustrial arts . Austria, for the blood and the proper­ to dealing with the mail order houses? I , In the name of the State of Oregon Vocational Coitrrer-Agriculture, Dairy­ Are you keeping up with the progress you and each of you are hereby re­ ing, Home Makers’ Course, Industrial ty of our subjects were dear to us. "Contrary to our hones in our good of your home town in reading the quired to appear and answer the com­ Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course. neighborly relations of long date and home newspaper? Do you realize plaint filed against you herein on or School of Music— Piano, String, Band, disregarding our assurances that the that it is your patronage that makes before the last day of the time pre­ Voice Culture. mobilization measure* taken were in it possible for the local merchants to I scribed in the order of the publication Farmers 3usiness Course by Mail Free Are you hereof, towit; August 20th, 1014, and pursuance of no obiect hostile to her. carry complete stocks? address THK REGISTRAR. Germany demanded their immediate proud of vour home city as people if you fail so to answer and aooear, Corvallis. Oreeoe cessation. Being rebuffed in this de­ come to visit and congratulate you on for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap­ (tw-7-1* to IM>) mand, Germany suddenly declared its neat and attractive appearance?— ply to the Court for the relief prayed News Reporter. war on Russia. for in the complaint, towit; for a de­ I cree Russian's Honor at Stake. that plaintiff is the owner in fee I The great ban of American life to ­ EAT VIERECK’S “Today it is not the only protection 1 simple of the following described day is extravagance. We talk of sins real property, towit; Beginning at a of a country related to us and unjust­ I ly attacked that must be accorded, and abuses, like drunkenness, immor­ 'point 58.16 chains west and 42.15 BREAD, but we must safeguard the honor, the ality, dishonesty, divorce, and a dozen I chains south of the northeast corner dignity and the integrity of Russia and one other evils, but as a fact they . of section 21, Tp. 1 N„ R. to West of are all more or less comprehended by the Willamette meridian thence north and her position among the great extravagance, a part or outgrowth of I "4 degrees east 7 08 chains fee initial TILLAMOOK BAKERY, powers. "We believe unshakably that our it. This failing is common to every . point of tract herein conveyed, said faithful subjects will rise with the walk of life. The poor are extrava­ point being the southeast corner of unanimity and devotion for the <1c- gant as well as the rich. The “have , what is known as the Ralston 5 acre I fense of Russian soil; that internal nots” offend as do the “haves” what­ I tract, thence north 16 degrees west ever difference there is being in de ­ ■ 220 feet, thence south t6 degrees west discord will be forgotton in this _ _ _ feet __ _ to the ...... __ _ corner of , At All Grocers northeast threatening hour; that the unitv of gree and not in principal. Our nation- I _ 23.456 the emperor with his people will be­ al government is extravagant and so j t’ract~»old’b’v Geo. W. Ki'ger and wife come still more close and that Russia is our state government, our county ,o Frank Marey bv deed dated Oct­ rising like one man. will repulse the governments, and city governments. ober Iot|, IQO2 and recorded in book Most of our railroads are extravagant ■ "Z” of deed* page 31 records of Till­ iCOCOOCOOCCCeOOOSCCCOOCCCOC insolent attack of the enemy. “With a profound faith in the jus­ and are all heavily in debt, aud cor­ amook County, Oregon, thence south tice of our work and with a humble porations are extravagant and with 16 degrees east 220 feet to southeast Hence it is corner of Marey tract, north 74 de­ hope in omnipotent Providence in rare exception in debt. nraver we call God's blessings in Ho- natural that the individual also should grees east 23.4*6 feet to initial point, be extravagant and that debt should all being in Tillamook County. State ly Russia and her valiant troon*. (Signed) "NICHOLAS.” be a matter of course and insolvency of Oregon, and that it be adjudged not unusual.—Polk County Observer. that defendants have no estate or in­ ----- o------ terest whatever in or to said real German Emperor Disclose* Corre­ Man should abstain from whatever estate, and that said defendants and spondence With Ctar. is quite sure to lead him into sin. each of them be forever barred iron Berlin. Aug 3.—The German gov­ There are Total Abstinence Societies asserting anv right or claim whatever ernment has issued a white book re­ in the Church but no Prohibition So­ I in or to said propertv adverse to counting the events leading up to the cieties. A Catholic may belong to the I plaintiff, and for such other or further war and giving the texts of the tele­ Prohibition Party and vote for Pro­ relief as to the Court may seem meet grams exchanged between the Ger­ hibition. but it is our observation that with equity. man Emperor and the Russian Em­ Party Prohibition treads preciously This summons i* served upon V"U peror. near rock reefs of distraction to our bv publication by order of the lion. The government insists that it personal liberties It is a point well Webster Holmes Judge of the Ci-c tit worked shoulder to shoulder with taken, and we believe every Catholic Court for Tillamook County. Ore< n, Great Britain in mediatory action and parent should encourage tneir chil­ which said order i* dated, Jn'v 8, 19'4 supported every proposal in Vienna dren to abstain from the use of intox­ and the date of the first yiblbaiion from which it thought a peaceful so­ icating beverages, at least while in hereof is Julv oth 1914 and th- date of their teens for the good of their the last publication and the last date lution could be hoped. While all such measures were being bodily health and spiritual advance­ on or before which von are required denied to the German representative ment. We are not among those who to answer is and will expire Aug is' at St. Petersburg, and even before the believe in legal prohibition, but we 20, iota. Austrian answer to the last British- believe in parental prohibition. Par­ T. B Handley and M. T. Ge-soni. German mediation proposal could ents have a right and duty to prohib­ Attorneys for Plaintiff. reach Berlin, Russia ordered a gener­ it the use of liquor for children. This al mobilization. business of parents saying that thev Free Canadian Homestead. The German Emperor in a telegram permit their children to cat and drink called attention to the menacing whatever they eat and drink them­ Why pav S^ooo to be located. We character of the Russian mobilization selves is nonsense. The child doesn’t give vou full information where the Rl’BY CARACOLA COFFEE, 10 pounds for $2.50. and the continuance of his own activ­ think as a man. it needn't eat like a best lands are in Western Cant'd 1 ity in the direction of mediation. man—Father I.cMiller in Verboort- and British Columbia that are .dose RCBY CAKACQI.A COFFEE, 1 pound for 27c. On Tuly the Russian Emperor sent Roy Calander. to railroad and town: name of cnidc the following telegram to the German on the ground; full directions to get man . meriean Coffee, 1 lb. can. 30c. German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can, 85c Emperor: I Out of the labyrinth of figures, maps and plats freethow to get home­ "I thank thee from my heart for thy facts, and near facts on the Question seeker* ticket* everything you need to mediation, which leaves a gleam of of railway rates, the main points of know and locate Yourself, all for $3 00. hope that even now all may end contention have for weeks been slow­ Remit amount bv P. O' mony order ORANGE LABEL. ’. pound, 35c peacefully It is technically impo'ssible ly emerging President Ripley, of the and we will send you the complete ORANGE LABEL. 1 pound 65c. Her Majesty's Blend. 1 pound 25c. to discontinue our military operation, great Santa Fe system, has with an infprmation at once. Canadian Home* which has been rendered necessary admirable appearance of Candor help} I ! »«ead Company, 7.1 6th St.. I o't'vid, , r. CSLV !* lend, J pound 50c. Her Majesty'« Blend. 1 poundl.U0. by Austrian mobilization. We are far cd to set forth before the country the Oregon For reference. I he Firm Capital Household, J pound 25c. from wishing war, and so long as ne­ point of view of the railway men in Magazine Company,. |t f.immi gotiations with Austria regarding an article in the January Atlantic, Bldg., Portland. Oregon. Servia continue my troops will not savs Current Literature. He does not z ■ Undertake any provocative action. limit himself to the specific question Live chicken* wanted at the Tilla­ KJ give thee mv word upon it and I of rates, but endeavors to correct gMtwith mv strength in Gori's grace what he feels to be false position in mook Meat Company'* Market. 15«. for the rd me­ general tn which the people have per pound. . .. ♦ ADVERTISING RATES. Clough’s Fly Spray. i ’ $ LAMB-SCHRADER CO.MPAXY. $ i> Oxyaccetaylene Welding Ì HINER & REED, x Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. THE LIFE CAREER Delivered. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO SPECIAL GROCERY PRICES. QUAKER OATS. Large Package - - 25c. Smail Package - CRESCENT BAKING POWDERS. 5 Pound Can, Regular Price $1.00, now 85c. 3 Pound Can, Regular Price 70c. now 55c. 15c. 1 Pound Can, Regular Price 25c. now 20c. Fancy Prunes, 10c - a pound. Pancy Dried Peaches, lOc.a Pound Coffee and Tea Special. Ridgray’s High Grade Teas. RALPH C. BACON, Mgr. Grocery Dept. DA\/ © T CK UU