WaNidjL 4« Vol. XXVI. No. 9 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Al'GUST 6, !j'B®iaraiaiaßfaja/aiaaaaa®ajc HOME MAKING. The first step in buying or building a home is the Savings Account. Everybody should have a home of his own. A savings account with this bank, with regular deposits from the income, will provide the money for the first payment upon one. The sooner you begin, the sooner you will live in your own home. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, Tillamook County Bank. sgjajao/aisiSEEEfBEisfsiBßisjsjEisis/sisiHiffis/aisiafs TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS The Tillamook Headlight office is now located opposite the court house. Gambrinus Beer on draft at The * Lotus. Melons delivered free. Buy them at the Fruit Palace. Good house and lot for sale on easy terms. Apply to J. S. Stephens. * Safe deposit boxes for rent. Til'.i- mok County Bank. * Born, on Sunday, to the wife of T. Edwards, a girl. Blacksmith shop to rent next to my office. T. H. Goyne. * The county court is in session this week transacting county business. Gambrinus Beer by the keg or bot­ tle at The Lotus. . ♦ Try those 25c dinners at the Old Spanish Kitchen. The best in town? Fresh fruit delivered to any part of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace? For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­ man. ♦ We are in a position to make some long time farm loans. First National Bank. • House work wanted by the hour. Write to Myrtle Schroder, Tillamook- Oregon. Tan and sun burn, can be prevented with our tan and freckle lotion. C. I. Clough & Co. ♦ A large number of TiHamookers went to Rockaway on Sunday, the trains being crowded. S. G. Reed and Mr. Smith were in the city on Wednesday from the north part of the county. The Tillamook . Feed Co. will make you low- prices on all kinds of hay in carload lots. See Shrode. * If our work does not suit you tell us; if it does, tell your friends. Citj Transfer Company. * The government dredge was towed back from Nehalem and is now at work in Tillamook Bay. J. J. Johnson has returned from Florida and Southern States where he has been for several months. Mrs. Geo. Williams, of Bay City is at Dr. Wendt’s hospital in this city seriously sick. J. W. Parker, representing the Realty Associates of Portland, was in the city the first of the week. Jake Wolvinstine has opened a re­ pair shop down by the sawmill. Will repair any old thing. Boiler repairing a specialty. * Ow-ing to the war in Europe, it was found necessary to stop the pickling of salmon, and the fish will be canned from now on. Bring your chy:kens to the Tilla tnook Meat Company’s Market. W< pay 15c per pound. * Dairymen, if you have any heifei calves, 3 to 10 weeks old, see J. Mer­ rel Smith. He will buy them. * Mrs. Rinnan and two daughters, Misses Jessie and Dollie Rinnan, o: Columbus, Neb., are visiting at the Mills' home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Paine and child left for their home in Eugene or 2'ednesday, after visiting at th« home of Mr. and Mrs. McNair. Wanted to rent a dairy ranch, with stock, with io or more cows. Cash rent or shares. Address G. F. Hackett, Hemlock, Ore. * UAtfRR’S TIUUAmOOK. it OREGON- Drop in and book Around- li.So PER YEAR. _ Portland’s best beer. Gambrinus, at Mrs. Wilson is Dead. 1 he Lotus. ♦ News reached this city Thursday Wanted—live representative in Till­ amook. Advancement to parties show­ afternoon that Mrs. Wilson, wife of ing ability. Steady >osition. Legiti­ President Wilson had died that day ' mate proposition. Good money. Lady at the \\ hite House, which came as a or gentleman. Benn-Newman Mfg. surprise and many expressions of re­ Co., 409 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore. gret were heard. She had been sick for several months. W ork is progressing as rapidly as possible on the piece of concrete road uiat is being laid north of the city Tillamook People who will Enter­ This will give the county about hall tain Fresh Air Kiddies. a mile of concrete road, half of which is finished, with the exception of th» The following is a list of the people side, which will be graveled. who will entertain the fresh air kid­ who will be brought to Tilla­ Tobacco and Cigar Salesman want­ dies mook County with the Artisans’ ex­ ed to Advertise. Experience unnec cursion Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM, on Saturday, August 15. Ac­ essary. $ioo monthly and traveling commodations is needed for thirteen Expenses. Advertising Smoking children, and those who would Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars more to provide homes for these poor Send 2c. stamp for full particulars like children should communicate with Hemet Tobacco Co., New York. * Mrs. Hoover or Mrs. Smith. » \\ ill Maxw ell. 2 boys, ij Marriage licenses were issued toGu\ Vedder and Stella Pitts; Chas Ken lohn Schild, 2 children. nedy and Irma Hancock; and Reed Frank Bester, 2 children. inspection of the room ami its equipment. Farmer and Freda Schoppert. Coun Sid Anderson, 3 children. ty Clerk Holden was called up be Mrs. Burton, mother and 4 girls. tween twelve and one o’clock Friday V. Jacobs, 2 children. SAFETY SECURITY SERVICE. morning, and issued the last twe Mrs. Marolf, 2 children. licenses. Mrs. Lucas, 2 boys. Mr. Thomas, 4 children. There is a considerable decrease in Mrs. Weston, 6 girls. the amount of milk received at the E. Herring, 2 children. cheese factories the past week owing E. Donaldson, 2 boys. to the dry weather, it being about the John Little, 4 children. third week in June since rain fell, and Mrs. Myers, mother and 2 children. the prospects look favorable that the Mrs. Dick, mother and 3 children. dry weather will continue until the John Tucker, 2 children. 9OOOO9OOQOC«OOOOOOOOQOCOQ«O0OGOO&O&O&!XZ>GOQ9GC fall rains in September. Mrs. Tilden, 2 children. Miss Gertrude Kirkwoo J, who has Mrs. Hogan, 2 children. had charge of the nulii.iery depart­ Mrs. Elliott, mother and one child. other information apply to Mrs. . Mary To Bayocean. ment at the Stillwell store, departed Mrs. Buel, 2 children. ----- o----- F. Dunstan, Supt. ofJContest. this week. After visiting at her hor.i Mrs. John Dunston, 2 children. The launch Olive leaves Tillamook Babies from 6 months to IQ months she will take in the milliners eon ven­ at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Leaves Bay­ should report in the morning of Aug. tion to be held this month in San ocean at 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. the 24 for scoring. Art Department, County Fair. Francisco to get in touch wi’h fall Round trips 75 cents. Sundays Babies from 19 months to 48 months new models. leaves at 9 a.m. only. Fare 50 cents. in the afternoon of August 24. Mrs. Shrode, in charge of this de­ On Sunday afternoon a local organ­ ization was formed for the purpose of partment, wishes to announce that Better Babies Contest, Amounts Received for June Cheese. assisting in the work of the state dry prizes offered are not for sketches The scoring of the Better Babies campaign and for the purpose of from life alone but that copies will Following is the amount of money placing Tillamook in the “Dry” col­ have due consideration. Everybody Contest will be held in the Commercial umn again. The officers are: Attor­ is urged to exhibit their water sketch­ Club Rooms, at Tillamook City, on received at the different factories for oil and pen sketches, also kodak cheese: ney T. H. Goyne, president; Walter es, ’’ as . hand . painted . . Monday August 24th, all day and even­ June Beaver .. $ 2.735 00 Baker, vice-president; Attorney H. T. pictures as well china. 2,257.00 Blaine ..................... ....... ing: Botts, secretary; A. L. Thomas treas- 4,722.00 nrer. The following is a list of the Exam­ Central .................... ....... 5,27200- ining Physicians who will have charge Clover Leaf ............ ......... Call for Bids. In connection with the State Fair Springs ...... ......... ,,416.00 of the Contest: Dr. R. T. Boals, Chair­ Cold there will be a dahlia show and prizes ......... 1,746.00 East Beaver Tillamook City will receive bids up man, Tillamook; Dr. S. M. Wendt, Elwood will be offered for the best display o .............. 1,852.00 ... . . these flowers. As Tillimook County 2 o’clock p.m. August 7th, 1914, for Tillamook; Dr. W. G. McGhee, Tilla­ Fairview ......... 10,289.1» is naturally adapted to the grswing oi the furnishing 120 yards of gravel mook; Dr. Thos. R. Monk, Tillamook; Long Prairie ......... 4,660.00 dahlias, it is hoped that those who delivered on the streets of Tillamook ....... 12,, 146.00 Maple Leal make a specially of these flowers will City as directed, for repaying streets. Dr. L. L. Hoy. Tillamook; 1 Dr Jack Moliler .... s. 114.00 enter them at the State Fair. Par­ For further particulars see City Re­ Olson, Dentist, Tillamook; Dr. W. C. Neskowin .. .... 2,808.00 ticulars can be obtained by .applying corder. Hawk, Bay City; Dr. Randle, Nehalem Orctown 2,967.00 John Aschim, to Frank Meredith, the ’.c< re-.a-y. 1,617.00 Pleasant Valiev . and Dr. J. L. George, Cloverdale. City Recorder of Tillamook City Or. 6,960.00 A birthday party was given on Fri­ lhis contest will be open only to the South Prairie ........... ......... 4 50.00 Sand Lake .............. day in honor of the birthdays of F. examining physicians, mothers, nurses, Three 5,938.00 Rivers........... D. Bester, Mrs. C. B. Stoker, a sister Attention, Live Stock Exhibitors. officers and committees in charge of I illaniook.............. . . . 11,091.00 of Mr. Bester, and A. G. Beals. A the work. The awarding of prizes. | Alder Vale .............. ....... 1,600.00 chicken dinner was served on the It will be necessary to send in your diplomas, certificates and score cards river at Bester’s ford. Those present __ , „, ; j to Dr. L Reedy at once will be made one day of the County Total ..................................... $90,640.00 were Mr. and*Mrs. A. G. Beals and applications family, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Stoker and and he will inspect your stock, No Fair when the babies will be exhibited. 1 The average price of buttei fat was a little over 30 cents tor the factories family, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bester and charge for this inspection. Date to be announced later. For any | near Tillamook. County Fair Board. family, when a most pleasant time was participated in. Have you a farm for sale,if so, write ilSie,aiB®®3®a®B®a®aE!faaa®aaffl®a®aefflja®a®a®arajaia^ jj@R^jcirrireLiaraf2rt5rafcyc,rrLrirfc,fr?ie,fa«arc»»fwre>ftji to R. Mills, P. O. Box No. 245 Port­ land, Oregon. We want to buy a farm Free with Your Cash Purchases-—Emblematic Oregon State Silverware- i j for cash if not over $4,000, or will pay more for a good place on terms. In answering this ad, please state num­ ber of acres cultivated, price per acre, and state what stock and machinery go with the place. Prefer cheap land a at $20 to $60 per acre, but will con­ sider highly improved farm at better price. * On Monday afternoon a fire alarm was turned in on account of a fire in the roof of Attorney H. T. Botts’ residence, which took some time to extinguish. Mrs. Botts and her niece Miss Maud Overfelt were resting at the time and the latter becoming frightened jumped from the balcony over the front door, and sprained her wrist. A good deal of the furniture was removed. Mr. Botts is insured for I >1,400. The supreme court in the case of John Leland Henderson vs. Tilla­ mook Hotel Co., a corporation, P. J. Worrall, Anna Worrall and Chas. Kunze, on a motion of and applica­ tion filed for an order restoring the AT THE property to the possession of the ap­ pellant, and foran order directing A 4. Gaylord receiver of the defendant | corporation to so turn the property I over, the supreme court ordered and j adjudged that upon the service upon him of a copy of this order by the 1 sheriff, A. H. Gaylord turn over to the appellant all the property of every kind and nature received by him under his order of appellant as receiver, and that he account to the I KJ appellant for all moneys due and re- pl ceived by him as such receiver and that said property be turned over to the appellant, and that they be and ?• they are hereby authorized to hold if the same until the further order of the court, and the said appellant hav­ ing given a bond on appeal, and also I' t bend to stay the execution of said order appointing a receiver which bond was not approved by the court below, said bond is now hereby ap- iroved and ordered to stand as the iond in the case on appeal. The First National Bank of Tillamook I.O.O.F. BUILDING. For sale two bull calves, registered Jerseys. Brown Bessie stock. Sire Brave Engineer. Apply to T. Me Cormick, Tillamook Ore. Jos. Baumgartner vs. James Chris­ tensen is a suit filed in the circuit court to recover $100 on a promissory note. An application of Harmony skin cream at night keeps the skin white soft and free from blemishes. C. I. Clough Co. ♦ For sale, pair of angle dial scales, slightly used, can be seen at the Till­ amook Feed Co. To be sold for lit­ tle over half price. * Young girl wants to take care of children, can do plain sewing, willing to go to beach. Five dollars a week, inquire at the Headlight Office. Netarts Restaurant ready for busi­ ness. Home cooking. Quick Service. Best Chef on Pacific Coast. A. F. ♦ Julien, proprietor. I am still buying young calves, All kinds, both male and female. See me if you want all they are worth. J. * Merrel Smith. Work wanted by young woman, is a trained nurse, but will take any kind of work, and can milk cows. Apply tn N. E. Wilson, care of Sam Tomlinson. * •/ Protect your valuable papers from the unexpected fire by renting one of our safe deposit boxes. Only one dollar per year. Tillamook County Bank. * The members of the county court went to Pleasant Valley on Wednes­ day as John Theiler claimes he is damaged $1,000 by the county putting in a culvert across the road in 1912. It’s a good rule to buy a sewing machine v ith an established rep ra­ tion fo- quality services. The White for sale on easy terms at Jones Knudson Furniture Company.- * Lost a new Goodyear automobile tire on Fairview road between. Will Easom’s and Trout’s, Saturday even­ ing. Finder please return to Claude Ackley or Kennedy’s Garage. * While horse back riding at Netarts on Wednesday morning, the horse stumbled and threw Mrs. Broughton violently to the ground, breaking her arm. She was brought to the city and Dr. Boals set the injured limb. Perry DeLillies, who graduated at the Tillamook High School, and went to Alaska with several other young men from this city, was taken sick with fever, and a message from Alas­ ka states that he has lost hie voice. Dr. L. L. Hoy returned from Gar­ field, Wash., on Wednesday, and his wife will follow later. Dr. Hoy is located in the Tillamook block, in the office previously occupied by Dr. Kerron. All kinds of cement work in a first- class manner and foundation anu chimney blocks at reasonable price*- Will guarantee any work. A. t. Docrge, nth street and First avenue West, 1 iliatnook. Mrs. and Miss Munson, who are in Stockholm, were to return to the United States at the end of the pres­ ent month, but on account of the war it is hard to tell when they will be able to leave there. The management of the Gem thea­ tre closed down on the Gayety show it that place of amusement because it was below the standard. Mr. Smith is to be congratulated upon WATER MELONS aoc EACH. ----- o----- this for it is his aim to give the peo­ ple clean shows, but that did not WATER MELONS came up to what was represented. WATER MELONS. VARIETY STORE, 1914 1500 WATER MELONS SHIPPED US BY MISTAKE MUST BESOLD TAKE YOUR PICK FOR ao cent». EACH. RAY 4 COMPANY. Tillamook, Oregon. R. C. BACON, Manager. Cut Prices. $1 00 and ■! Cabinets, per doe. .50 and up Post cards .25 and Up Enlargements Tillamook Studio. Oppotit Court House. Like January, August Sales Brings Greatest Values Friday, Saturday, MONDAY and throughout the week. “Bunkie” Days Stillwell Store Introducing many Departments that should be just as popular as the others, we will make them come to the front with a I SLASHINGand a THRASHING of PRICES I that will cause a furore in this store for the next ten days, thronging our aisles with eager, enthusiastic, con­ servative, money saving buyers. Each day some i lí­ tense,out-of-ordinary special bargains will be displayed. I rii I I a I I WATCH THE WINDOWS. DO NOT MISS A DAY ITS MOST IMPORTANT BRING YOUR CASH. STILLWELL'S.