Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 30, 1914, Image 6

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    • \
Tillamook Headlight, July 30, Ihl4.
Artisans ’ Special Train Will Arrive
at Tillamook City August 15.4
State Press Flashlights.
JVIcKioley & Vanee, ?
The appropriation of $20,000 asked
for by the Forest Grove Commercial
club for additional study and research
relative to the insect, of midge, which ’ ■
is said to be threatening the clover
industry, is timely but Federal ex­
perts come rather high. W hy not re­
fer the matter to the State Agricult­
ural College? That is one of the pur­
poses for which the taxpayers are
maintaining that institution. If they
List of Fire Wardens Appointed for cannot find a remedy, being acquaint­
Tillamook County.
ed as they are with the soil of this
section of the valley, how will l*ie
G. W. Kiger, Tillamook. Ore., Super­ Federal experts sent from the East
vising Warden.
_ __
or those working in Washington p.
Appionted by Portland Timber Co. C. laborotories reach any beneficial
J. C. Bryant, timber,, Ore.,
conclusions?—News Reporter.
Colman Wheeler, ”
W. M. McClure, Rector, Ore.
There is no early question of the
Wm. Snyder, Nehalem, Ore.
absolute logic of putting the ports on
Appointed by J. H. Haak.
the Washington coast of the Colvtr-
C. E. Broughton, Timber, Ore., W ar- bia river in the Oregon district; that s
den-in-chief to choose subordinates. where they belong, geographically,
Appointed by Hammond Lumber Co. topographically, economically, as a
S. M. Batterson, Nehalem, Ore.
dispatchful business proposition; and
Scott Oby, Trask, Ore., Chief War­ the crowning logic of the issue lies in
den for Hammond on Trask river. making Astoria the first and last port
Appointed by County.
of entry for United States Customs
A. L. McCarty, Mohler, Ore.
within the Columbian territory. This
Appointed by Whitney Co. . Limited is to be demonstrated someday when
Tillamook, Ore., the real shipping interests of the rivet r51
Edgar Munson,
Chief Warden.
have been safely and sensibly adjust­
Wm. Tinnerstett, Tillamook,
ed and standardized.
Nor will it
G. W, DORR, Proprietor.
S. C. Woods,
ninimize the prestige of Portland an
M. J. Melchior,
iota either!—Astorian.
John Wilson,
Wm. Shaw,
The Bull Moosers certainly did put
W. D. Bodyfelt,
a beautifully finished plank into their
B. J. McCowell,
platform in Iowa. The plank has no
Notice for Publication.
before the last day of the time pre­
Appointed by Cook and Wheeler
“grain,” but is clear and clean of
scribed in the order of the publication
H. W. Drew, Tillamook, Ore.
flaws, is warranted to be thoroughly
Department of the Interior, U. S. hereof, towit; August 20th, 1914, and
Don Newman,
"dry” and is nailed in solidly. Here it Land Office at Portland, Oregon, if you fail so to answer and appear,
Howard Lamar,
is. "We believe that the manufacture July 13. I9I4-
for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap-
Max Beals,
and sale of intoxicating lipuors for
Notice is hereby given that Wesley ply to the Court for the relief prayed
Federal Patrolmen Appointed.
beverages is a social and economic B. Sutton, of Tillamook, Oregon, who for in the complaint, towit; for a de­
C. M. Thomas, Owens, Ore.
evil. Therefore, believing in the rule on May 10 1909, made Homestead cree that plaintiff is the owner in fee
W. H. Edson, Blaine, Ore.
of the people, we favor the submis­ Entry, No. 01778, for S. /i S.E. Li, simple of the following described
Appointed by Blodgett Co. Ltd.
Ore., sion of an amendment to our state N.E. % S.E. % and S.E. ’i N.E.J4, real property, towit; Beginning at a
Win. lllingsworth, Tillamook, C...,
and national constitutions prohibiting Section 9, Township I South, Range point 58.16 chains west and 42.15
Chief Warden.
the manufacture and sale of intoxi­ 8 West, W’illamette Meridian, has chains south of the northeast corner
Leonard Rush, Tillamook, Ore.
cating liquors as a beverage.” Look filed notice of intention to make fi­ of section 21, Tp. 1 N., R. to West of
Harry Loomis,
out there, Bull Moosers, you’ll have nal Five year Proof, to establish the Willamette meridian thence north
Arthur Reeher, Wilson, Ore.
to watch this piece of work in your claim to the land above described, 74 degrees east 7.08 chains fc| initial
Clarence Hoyt,
National Forest Rangers Appointed platform, or the Democrats of grape before the County Clerk of Tillamook point of tract herein conveyed, said
State Fire Warden, Otto Weaver, juice fame may "steal” it sofne dark County, Oregon, at Tillamook City, point being the southeast corner of
night.—News Times.
Hebo, Ore.
Oregon, on the 24th day af August, what is known as the Ralston 5 acre
tract, thence north 16 degrees west
Chief Ranger
Frank Cooper of Albany has pre­ 1914.
names as witnesses: 220 feet, thence south 16 degrees west
sented a bill to M. Sternberg & Co., Wesley Rush, George T. Kiehm, 23.456 feet to the northeast corner of
Cut Prices.
of that city for $35 damages on ac­ Leonard Rush and John Little all of tract sold by Geo. W. Kiger and wife
count of the death of a calf. It seems
to Frank Marey by deed dated Oct­
$1.00 and up a short time ago one of the firm’s Tillamook Oregon.
Cabinets, per doz
H. F. Higley, Register. ober iotn, 1902 and recorded in book
Post cards ..........
.50 and ui advertising men placed a cloth sign
“Z” of deeds page 31 records of Till­
.25 and Up on Cooper’s barn, which soon after
Enlargements . .
amook County, Oregon, thence south
Notice to Contractors.
Tillamook Studio.
the horses in the lot tore loose. The
16 degrees east 220 feet to southeast
Opposit Court House. innocent and adolescent bossy, not
Sealed bids addressed to the Coun­ corner of Marey tract, north 74 de­
realizing the deadly character of that
grees east 23.456 feet to initial point,
Attention: Live Stock Exhibit.
kind of advertising, ate the cloth, ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore­ all being in Tillamook County, State
swallowing the statements printed
It will be necessary to send in your thereon along with it. It is not stat­ ery warehouse, to be built at Neha­ of Oregon, and that it be adjudged
applications to Dr. Reedy at once ed that this caused its death, but as lem City, in said county, will be re­ that defendants have no estate or in­
and he will inspect your stock,
No even a calf can chew the rag with im­ ceived by the County Court at its of­ terest whatever in or to said real
estate, and that said defendants and
charge for this inspection.
punity, it is fair to presume the state­ fice in Tillamook City, Oregon on or each of them be forever barred front
County Fair Board.
ments taken on
... its stomach were
asserting any right or claim whatever
what caused its premature demise. at 10 o’clock a.m. and at that time in or to said property adverse to
The moral to this
is: "Put
your ad-
Each bid shall be accompanied by a plaintiff, and for such other or further
in the newspapers,
Nectucca farmers will have an after vertisements
certified check made payable to Tilla­ relief as to the Court may seem meet
harvest picnic, August the 8th, in the
mook County, for an amount equal to with equity.
This summons is served upon y.u
Mr. N. Smith grove, on the Blaine attracted by them.”—Capitol Journal. 5 per cent of the amount of such bid,
road, 5 miles from Beaver, from it to
which shall be forfeited to the county by publication by order of the Hon.
12 a m., music and speaking, 12 to I
in case an award is made and the bid­ Webster Holmes Judge of the Ci.’ciit
p.tn., big basket dinner. After dinner up subscriber, how really beautiful der shall fail, neglect or refuse for a Court for Tillamook County, Orcg-.n,
base ball game, races and other
period of five days after which the which said order is dated, July 8, 19’4
sports. Every body in the county 1'ake her defacto, and gazing steadily, award is made to enter into a con­ and the date of the first publication
hereof is July 9th 1914 and the date of
are invited to come and have a good
With a sharp click-click her teeth, tract and file a bond satisfactory to the last publication and the last date
the Court as required by law.
The bids are to cover the construc­ on or before which you arc required
together as, with comish glee, she
to answer is and will expire August
masticates her cud. Then, too, you tion of a Machinery Warehouse, 40X 20, 1914.
Free Canadian Homestead.
note her health-tinted, well rounded 60 feet for Tillamook County, to be
T. B. Handley and M. I. Gersoni.
cheeks as they grow a little more ro­ built at Nehalem, Oregon, according
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Why pay $50.00 to be located, We tund, through the aid of a luscious to the plans and specifications on file
give you full information where the hunk of gum. And, really who can in the office of the County Clerk.
best lands are in Western Canada imagine a fairer spectacle than that of _ The County Court reserves the
£100 Reward #100.
and British Columbia that are close her dainty up-turned nose, as it gent­ right to reject any and all bids. Dated
The renders of this paper will be pleased
to railroad and town; name of guide ly rises and falls in wave-like undula­ this the 22nd day of July, 1914.
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
J. C. Holden,
on the ground; full directions to get tions over the abysmal depths re­
disease that science lias been able to cure in
County Clerk.
maps and plats free;how to get home­ vealed at each pressure against her
all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hill'«
seekers tickets everything you need to mass? How deliciously tempting is First publication, July, 23rd, 1914.
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical 'fraternity. Catarsh
know and locate yourself, all for $3.00. that rose bud mouth as the maiden
being a constitutional disease, require« •
Remit amount by P. O. mony order fills it with a soft pliable chunk, and
constitutional treatment.
Hall’s Catarrh
and we will send you the complete champing like a festive goat revelling
Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon
Notice to Contractors.
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system,
information at once. Canadian Home­ in the luxuries of the succulent to­
thereby destroying the foundation of the
stead Company, 73, 6th St., l ort'and, mato can, she greets you in tones
Sealed bids addressed to the Coun- disease, and giving the patient strength by
Oregon. For reference. The Fann husky with gum.—Polk County Ob­ ty Court of Tillamook Counjy, Ore- building up the constitution and assisting
in doing its work. The proprietor«
Magazine Company,, 41/ f.tn.ima server.
gon, for the proposed improvement nature
have so much faith in its curative powers
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
at Jim Tompson Creek, on the North that they offer One Hnndred Dollars for any
Theodore Roosevelt has given out Fork of th'e Nehalem river, in said case that it fails to cure. Send for list of
that he desires to be called before county, will be received by the Coun­ testimonials.
Address H. S. CHENEY & CO., Telcdo,
OHN I.EI AND HENDERSON the Senate committee that has in
... ty Court at its office in Tillamook Ohio.
charge the bill to pay to Colombia City Oregon, on or before the 15th Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion
the sum of twenty-five million dol­ day of August, 1914, at 10 o’clock a.m.
lars, and tender an apology besides and at that time opened and read,
for supposed injury that country sus­ Each bid shall be accompanied by a
tained through the building of the certified check made payable to Till­
T illamook B lock ,
Panama Canal. He will fight with all amook County, for an amount equal
Tillamook -
. Oregon the force and impetuosity for which to 5 per cent of the amount of such
he is well known, and will defend his bid, which shall be forfeited to the
Room No. 261.
administration for the settlement that County, in case award is made and
was made and accepted by Colombia. the bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse
There is no means of telling to what for a period of five days after which
extremes the fine spun theories the the award is made to enter into a
present administration holds regard­ contract and file a bond satisfactory
ing national honor may bring us yet. to the Court as by law required.
Some of its members may dig up the
The bids are to cover the excavat­
Furnished for light house­
fact that we paid only seven and one- ing and grading of the County road,
half millions to Russia for all Alaska, and building a reinforced Concrete
keeping. Light, airy and
and start a treaty to tender her more Bridge and approaches, across Thom­
Don’t Experiment
Good water in
with a graceful apology for our sharp pson Creek, according to the plans
With Cheap Cars.
every kitchen. Rates rea­
bargain, or again, that our compact and specifications on file in the of­
Arc you one of the hun­
with Spain was too hard, upon the fice of the County Clerk.
dred« of automobile owner«
conclusion of the late war, and draft
The County Court reserves the « * ■ W*« «: ■ ■ « «■
who at the end of each season
a treaty with her returning the Phil­ right to reject any and all bids, Dated
ia disappointed in the purchase
on which you hoped to
ippine islands together with some this the 22nd day of July, 1914.
economise ?
millions as cash rent since our occu­
J. C. Holden.........
It so, we
have welcome
pancy, and our extreme regret that it
news for you and all others
County Clerk.
who have experimented with
ever happened. However there is no First publication, July, 23rd, 1914.
the cheap cars, made inostlv
Last publication. August, 13th, 1914.
to sell.
have plenty of airing and publicity
Every year at this time
before its passage is recommended bv
we dispose of all traded-in cars
that have come to us in part
the committee having it in charge —
payment on late model Win­
Umpqua Valley News.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
In manv case« the speed­
Oregon for Tillamook County.
ometers show that the cars
j Dairymen, if you have any heifer N. McMillan, as the guardian
have been run but from 5,000
to 10.000 miles while
calves. 3 to to weeks old. see J. Mer­
of the person and estate of
life is from 100.000 to 150,000
miles After thoroughly over­
Xavier Moreau
rel Smith. He will buy them.
hauling the only thing worn
(Frank Marey) an incom­
down is the price
petent person.
Rarely more than half is
Orange Cider makes a delicious, re­
allowed bv us when taking a
car on a trade deal of this kind.
freshing, cooling drink, 25c., 50c, and
We are aelHtig tbeee can foi
Will TenEyck, Alfreda Ten
iust what they cost us making
$1.00 bottles at C. I. Clough Co. *
our profit from the new car.
Eyck and also all other per­
Right NOW i« the time to
sons or parties unknown
I am still buying young calves. All
make a wise «election, as our
claiming any right, title, lien
with the problem of buying Harness
list is complete and contains
kinds, both male and female. See me
some great values, many
interest or estate in the real
yon will find it distinctly advanta­
if you want all they are worth. J.
of them fine six cylinder self­
estate described in the com­
starting cart
Our list is now
geous to come and do your select
Merrel Smith.
plaint herein.
ready and will l»e sent any •
itig here. You will get the best
where upon request.
During haying we will give you
the moat thorough and
daily Barometer reading, phone us
W ill 1 en Eyck. Aurcda Ten Eyck,
and find out if the weather is safe to and also all other persons or parties conscientious workmanship and be
charged the most reasonable prices.
make hay, C. I. Clough Co.
unknown claiming anv right, title,
lien, interest or estate in the real es­ We can supply single or doubl
Netarts Restaurant ready for busi­ tate described in the complaint herein. Sets or any single article that y- u
ness. Home cooking. Quick Service.
In the name of the State of Oregon, may be in need of.
Best Chef on Pacific Coast. A. F. you and each of you are hereby re­
quired to appear and answer the com­
Julien, proprietor.
plaint filed against you herein on or
Over 400 pieces of advertising mat­
ter were mailed this week by Secre­
tary Worrall, descriptive of Tilla­
mook county and city, and telling of
our vast virgin opportunities to citi­
zens of other states, mailing lists are
being supplied by the Great Railroad
interests, the Oregon Development
League, Sunset Magazine and from
other sources of citizens who actually
write inquiring of Oregon, with a
view of coming here. Strangers are
coming every day with a view of
Secretary Worrall expressed 500
booklets to the immigration Dept, of
G. N. R. R. at their request.
The Secretary of the Oregon De­
velopment League at Portland writes
as follows: "Send me more printed
literature descriptive of Tillamook
County. The ever increasing demand
for information of your wonderful
county has exhausted our supply. 1
am glad to see your club taking on
new life. Keep up the good work.”
Many of our citizens who were in
arrears for dues, are paying up and
realize their help is needed to en-
courage the club officers, who are
now doing something for the city and
All those in arrears for dues $3.00
will positively have their names post­
ed on club doors on Saturday August'
1st. Better see the Secretary at once
and keep your name off this list.
Arrangements are being perfected
by President Dwight to call an open
club meeting soon to discuss equal­
izing assessments and taxes. He is
now buisy searching the records in
the court house for information and
some surprises are in store.
question is of vital importance to
every tax payer, especially the far­
mers and merchants.
President is devoting much of his
valuable time towards making the
club, in fact, what it is in name, a
“Commercial Club” to better condi­
tions of all our citizens, and en­
courage emmigration here of those
who will assist in building up and de­
velop the county and city, and in his
good work he is being ably assisted
by the entire board of Trustees and
Secretary Worrall,
The new lock with a key for each
member in good standing, will go on
the club room's door Aug. 1st, so
that the club will not be imposed on
by those who do not contribute to its
Arrangements are being perfected
by the club Entertainment Committee
to give a grand reception, musical and
dance to the special train of 200 Art­
isans from Portland,
on Saturday
evening, August 15th, which reception
will be confined to club members and
invited guests, and will be the social
event of the summer season.
Come, join the club, and help boost.
The club can benefit you, and it needs
and deserves your assistance, as all
live progressive citizens are so rec­
ognized by their membership.
The special train bringing some 200
Artisans, their wives and friends,
with a special car for 75 poor children
from Portland, will arrive at Tilla­
mook city Saturday, August 15th
about 3 p.m. A large reception with
autos will meet the train and after
they have been roomed, a gib picnic
supper will be spread in Stillwell's
grove for them all. Everybody is in
vited to bring their lunch baskets well
filled with eatables and join this pic­
nic. Good music and speeches and a
general "get together” time will be
had for all. After supper, a carnival
and street dance free for all in the
streets until 9 p.m.. The people from
the country are especially invited to
this supper and street carnival. The
ig some fine musi-
Artisans will brinf
nans with them. (.
Our drum corps and
band will turn out. At 9:30 p m., Sat­
urday evening, August 15th, a grand
musical, dance and reception in the
Commercial Club rooms, will be ten­
dered the guests, and while this re­
ception will be informal it is request­
ed that all the citizens wear their
"good clothes.” There will also be a
grand ball at the opera house by the
band that night, to which all are in­
Sunday morning
ijf at 7:30
, r a.m. every­
body will go to Bar View to spend
the day and enjoy a grand free "clam
bake” given by the citizens there un­
der the management of Mr. Oliver, of
the Hotel. The Artisans and Kiddies
will go too, and all the people of the
county are invited to go and take
their dinners and spend the day, ar
excellent dinner will be served there
for all who desire, at the Hotel.
The churches, lodges and organiza­
tions are all interested and working
to make a success of the affair. Com­
mittees have been appointed to raise
homes for the poor children while
here ten days. A moving picture out­
fit will come with the Artisans to
take views of the outing, and thus ad­
vertise the city all over the world.
The general committee composed
of committees from all organizations,
is as follows:
I. O. O. F.—Messrs. E. P, Curry,
Dr. Daniels, Edgar Munson.
Rebeckas — Mesdames,
Meyers, F.asie Mullin, J. S. Lamar, E.
A. Ball and Berenice Lucas.
Eastern Star—Mrs. Ira Smith and
Moose—S. A. Brodhead, R. W.
Watson, J. S. Lamar.
I. O. R. M — C. H. Woolfe, S. A
Brodhead, M. J. Gersoni,.
City Council—G. B. Lamb, Geo. Ed­
Commercial Club—Fred C. Baker
C. E. Trombley, Burr Beals, Jr., E. E.
Ginn, C. R. Worrall, W. G. Dwight.
Artisans—Mrs. Jennie E. Smith,
Mrs. Elsie O’Harra, Messrs, M. Wal­
ling, T. E. Epplett, Conover and C.
Tillamook Work Provided For
R. Worrell.
The Masons will appoint a commit­
Major Morrow, in his annual re­
tee next meeting.
port of harbor improvements in Till­
All Churches, pastors, and ladies’ amook county says:
auxilliaries are all helping
On Tillamook Bay and bar dredg­
W. R. C.—Mesdames Rose Wil­ ing was carried on between Bay City
liams, Lizzie Reynolds,
Margery and Tillamook until August 18, 1913,
and 17,000 cubic yards taken out, so a
. G. A. R.—C. E. Reynolds, Frank channel nine feet deep was opened
Severance, Sam Downs.
thraugh Long Jetty Shoal. After
The general committee met at the August the dredge was operated by
Commercial Club rooms Wednesday the Port of Tillamook. May 10 1914,
evening. Much enthusiasm was mani­ the dredge was sent to Nehalem Riv­
fested, and selected C. R. Worrall er to operate in the channel between
(eneral chairman; Mrs. Berenice Wheeler and Nehalem.
ucas, secretary; S. A. Brodhead,
On the Tillamook bar project Gie-
bish & Joplin have a contract and
IL Crenshaw, Mrs. Jennie E, Smith have attended
to the preliminary
and others will solicit money to buy work. It is expected the jetty will be
food for the poor children.
j constructed more than half by the
The G. A. R Committee donated I end of the next fiscal year. Naviga­
$5000 from funds left from the en- I tion has been carried on by 102 ves­
campment, and several others h:iv< I sels, carrying 15 passengers and 9185
donatod $10 dollars each.
A list of I tens of cargo, valued at $1,035,500.
all donors will be published later.
On the Nehalem bar the extension
Following sub-committees were ap- I of the south jetty seaward was under
pointed :
way in May. At the end of the fis­
Sleeping accomodations for the kid- I cal year the tramway was out 221 ft.,
dies—Mesdames, Myers, Mullen, Ball I and 5763 tons of rock had been dump­
Lamar, Leasia and Jennie Smith. This I ed.
committee will get buisy at once and I Reports on commerce there show
canvass. All those in either city or I that to vessels handled 4457 tons, val­
country will phone any of this coni- I ued at $67,311.
mittee how many children they can I
take to sleep Meals for all children I
in the city will be furnished free of | Port Commissioner Goes to Wash­
charge in the basement pf the Chris­
tian church, by different ladies in
charge of Mrs. Jennis Smith, and a I F. A. Rowe, Comissioncr for the
committee as follows was appointed Port of Nehalem, left for Washing­
to solicit donations of everything to ion D. t Monday morning to appear
cat for the children, to-wit: Mcs- before the Boaid of Army Engineers
iLimcs, Rose Williams, Wade, Burke. in an effort to secure needed appro­
Reynolds, Curry. Anyone willing to priations for this harbor.
donate eatables, cooked or uncooked,
The bills introduced by Senators
please notify this committee
Lane and Chamberlain have been
A committee to arrange the Still­ turned down by the Army Engineers
_ pressure is
well Grove for the supper and decor­ and unless some ___
ate it and the city and streets is: C I brought to bear upon the ! matter ...
E. Reynolds, chairman, Messrs Wai- order to secure another hearing there
ling, Lamar, Conover, Dr. Daniels is no assurance of getting an appro­
and Geo. Lamb.
priation for inner harbor work.
Committee on band music—Mrs
Two years ago Commissioner C. If
Jennie F. Smith, R W. W atson A D Wheeler was sent to Washington al­
Perkins, and Dr. Monk.
so to get government aid in building
Committee on drum corps—C. F the Nehalem jetty and, through the
Reynolds, 1.. V. Eberhart.
efforts of ex-Senator Bourne, the
Automobile Committee—J. W. Mad­ project was favorably acted upon by
dux, chairman, Messrs Epplett, Cur the Board of Army Engineers anil
ry, Everson, Watson, Case, Snod- passed in the senate by amendment
giass, Hiner and Ackley. The commit­ to the river and harbor oil.
tee will arrange for automobiles to go
It is believed that Mr. Rowe will a!-
to the train with general reception so succeed in getting results so that
committee on Saturday afternoon the inner harbor improvement work
August t5th.
may be carried out as approved by
General Reception Committee meet the local engineers in Portland.
special train—M„,
avor, F. R. Beals
Mr. Rowe expects to be gone about
chairman, Grant Mills, E. T Haltom, three weeks.—Nehalem Valley Re­
Webster Holmes, H. T. Botts, A K porter.
< ase, M. Ackley, I.. Hiner, Burr
Beals, Jr., W G. Tait, Erwin Harri­
Jackson—Kebbe Wedding
son, W. J Stephens, J. C. Hol<len-H
Crenshaw, C. I. Clough. Carl HaFer-
Married on July 19th. at Mohler
lach, J. II. Dunstan, Chas Kunze.
Oregon, at the home of the bride's
Anyone desiring to contribute eat­ parents. Mr and Mrs Fred Kebbe Sr.,
ables or rooms can phone Dr. McGee, the Rev. D. A Mackenare. pastor of
and all should remember what Christ the Presbyterian Church, performing
said for poor children, "Whosoever the ceremony, Mr Clarence C Lick-
shall give to drink unto one of these son an«l Miss Rosalie Kebbe. ’ The
little ones, a cup of cold water only, decorations were gladiolias, sweet
verily 1 say unto you he shall in no peas and carnations
Mtss Selma
wise lose his reward.”
Chairman W orrall will select and Kebbe was bride's maid and the best
publish next week the reception com­ man was Felix Kebbe. After the cere­
mittee for the Commercial Club re­ mony the happy couple received the
best wishes and congratulations of
^Tillamook County as usual, will en- those present. 1 he guests at the
right, and show the poor "Kid wedding were: Mr. and Mrs Fred
r>7 ’ R.'ka » *”»»«bvrK. I va I.qn-
^^^Llhr tunc of their
tlrlerg Dore Lundberg, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Myers, Felix Kebbe, Mr. and
Mrs V. D. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs.
McCamish, Fredrick J Gardmlme,
Ernest Kvbbe, Mita Busch Alfred J.
An-ierson, Selma Kebbe, Mrs. Elsie
O’Hare Floyd and Lyle O Hare,
Dora Lundburg, Mr. and ■ Mrs. Fred
Kebbe Jr , Stanley Kebbe, Harold
Kebbe and Albert Anderson,
and Mrs. Jackson will be at home
after August 3rd, at Mohler.
Ground Floor. Commercial Building,
Opposite Todd Hotel,
’ If you want to sell or trade your ranch
or city property, list it with us.
Netarts Hotel ready for business. I
First-class cooking. Meals at all hours. I
Rooms and good beds.
Î Ocean Crest
I Apartments,
Car Ca
? Portland, Oregpn. . I
W.A, Williams A Cc