more tommy rot . Big Packing Companies Still “Knock­ ing Tillamook Cheese. From the Telegram. .. . That discrimination is shown again­ st this city by the interests in control of the Tillamook cheese situation, is the opinion of at least one man whose firm handles immense quanti­ ties of cheese annually. The statement was made this morn­ ing by R- A. Lee, manager of Swift & Co., who stated that recently he had endeavored to purchase close to 2000 cases of the Tillamook product at 15% cents, delivered in Portland, but had been turned down by Carl Haberlach, the selling agent for 19 Tillamook factories, who would not ship any cheese to him for less than 1514 cents, although a few days ago he had sold him 129 cases at the price Mr. Lee offered. “Late yesterday,” said Mr. Lee, "I received word from Seattle that agents of Mr. Haberlach were in that city and were offering any number of cases of Tillamook cheese to the trade there at 15 cents, delivered in Seattle, but he refused point blank to sell me several hundred cases de­ livered here for less than 15% cents. Why? It looks to me like rank dis­ crimination and will result in but one thing. I shall bring all my cheese, and we handle thousands of pounds of it every year, from Wisconsin. Mr. Haberlach has succeeded in loading California with Tillamook cheese and now is apparently trying to do the same thing with the Washington market and is passing us up. Why he should sell to Seattle for a half a cent less than to us, is a mystery I am un­ able to explain.” Reports from California show that there is today in storage in that state 1,484,167 pounds of cheese against 870,915 pounds at this time last year, or a gain of 615,252 pounds. In the opinion of Mr. Lee and others, the Portland market is to be left until the last and then an effort is to be made to unload remaining stocks here, but at prices lower than now quoted. Mr. Lee believes that Tillamook cannot get along without the local market but also feels that unless conditions are changed, out­ side cheese will be the ruling factor here. ______________ Why and Wherefore. Assuming that the Journal is hon­ estly seeking information when it asks why the Republicans of Oregon should vote for R. A. Booth for Uuit- ed States Senator, The Spectator hastens to enlighten its knowledge­ hunting contemporary. The Repub- licons of Oregon should and will vote for R. A. Booth because Mr. Booth is a Republican. And there is much more to voting for a Republican senator and .'or- gressman than the esteemed Demo cratic Journal would have us believe There is protection to Oregon s in­ dustries. That is something. There is a living price for the millmen for their lumber, to the farmer for their products, and to the sheepmen for their wool and mutton. All these things amount to something, and ate among the reasons why Republicans should and will vote for Mr. Booth. The Spectator hopes this short statement has given the Journal a little light. And now, may The Spectator ask the Journal a question? Why should the Republicans of Oregon vote for Mr. Chamberlain? What has Mr. Chamberlain done for the Oregon farmers, sheepmen, and lumbermen that they should become non-part’ sans, and vote for his return to the Senate? It is true, the price of wool has advanced since Chamberlain vot­ ed for free wool. But was that due to the removal of the tariff? If it was, political economy is a monstrous fraud, and Senator Chamberlain has been grossly deceived by it. Senator Chamberlain in a spirited burst of eloquence declared that free wool would ruin his constituents in Oregon and piteously begged that his fellow Democrats would not sacrifice then in the interest of the foreign sheep­ owner. Even if the increase in the price of wool was due to the free trade tariff, Senator Chamberlain cannot point with pride to that fact, because in his spirited speech he op­ posed t’.e removel of the tariff; then his love for Democratic principals proved greater than his regard for his constituents, and when the Demo­ cratic whip cracked he voted for the thing that he said would bankrupt the wool growers of Oregon. Why should any Republican vote for Mr. Chamberlain?—Spectator. high school fund Law tn heVntod WWW De voted «« on »4. at at.- the I Next Election. : No tuition shall be paid for a high school pupil to any district, except to the district in which his parents or guardian shall actually reside, during the time of said pupils attendance in such district; provided that the tui- tion may be paid for a high school pupil to a district other than his resi­ dence district if the high school is not in session in the residence district of such pupil; or if such pupil has com­ pleted the course of study offered in his resident district; or if he has ob­ tained the consent of the county high school board to' attend school in a district other than his residence dis­ trict. Q AI.VIN R. WORRALL, * Tillamook County | Petitions are being circulated to secure the required number of signa­ tures to place upon the baiiui at the BEACHES AND FISHING STREAMS foming election in November the High School Fund Law” for Tilla­ mook County. Under this law the county high e the “Cull school board will have power to con- be fully eu- tract with districts to teach the high Xnv hott la, school studies and instead of the dis­ tricts where high schools are estab­ lished being burdened with such ex­ RESEMBLES THE PIED PIPER. pense, the expense will be born by the whole county. This will more Eastern Oregon Paper Warns Again­ SEASON AND WEEK-END FARES. st Sending Taxes Higher With equally divide taxes for their support New Laws. and permit of high schools being es­ Low round-trip season mid week end tares Hom various tablished in central locations. Very sensibly realizing that nearly We are giving the law as published points on P. K. N X. ; also between all P. R. X X Peach in Oregon School Laws for 1013 as all the new laws proposed to be enac points. follows: ted under the Initiative or by the COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL FUND. Legislature will add to the burdens of FOUR TRAINS DAILY. 361 County Court to Submit Ques­ the taxpayer, the Moro, Sherman tion. county. Observer, has the following LEAVE The County Court, at any general editorial on the 31 measures that are election to be held in any county af­ before the people. It shows that not LEAVE ter the passage of this act, upon the only will they send taxes higher but presentation of a petition signed by some of them are aimed at distract­ ten per cent or more qualified school ion of property and industries. It l’arlor Observation Car on Seashore Spot • electors of said county, must submit says: "During the last primary campaign, Good Fishing in the Salniotibcrry and Nehalem Rivers. the question of creating a county high school fund to the qualified and the same issue will again come to Unsurpassed tisliing in the Salmonlx 1 tv ami Xelrilcin electors thereof. Such election shall the front as the day of election draws rivers, as well as other 1 illamook County streams. near, is the pledge of the man for of ­ be conducted in the manner provided by law for conducting elections. The fice for economy in public affairs and County Clerk shall give thirty days more particularly and insistent is lie Call for our brand notice that the question will be sub­ in declaring for lower taxes. “ In this same connection if recent mitted to the legal voters of the coun- I ty. The ballot for such election shall past elections and the proposed contain the words For County High measures coming before tlje people School Fund-yes;” For County High at the November election has demon­ School Fund—no;” and the voter strated nothing else it has at least shall indicate his choice as provided convinced the great majority of ser­ ious minded and thinking people of in the Australian ballot law.” Oregon that a few agitators are try­ 362— Board, How Constituted. Whenever it has been decided by ing to convince the people of the any county, at any election, to create state at large that the more initiative a high school fund, in accordance Í legislation the people of Oregon en­ with Sec. 361, such fund shall be un­ act the nearer the government is to der the control of a county high the people and there are some who schol board, consisting of the county actually believe that if all the reject­ judge and th two commisisoners, the ed initiative measures of the last few county treasurer and the county years had been enacted this state would be nearly perfect; school superintendent, who shall act government in truth the government of the in their official capacity as such board when state has become one of experiment the county judge to be exoffico chair­ and that to the detriment of the peo­ man, and the county schol superin­ ple who make up the population. tendent ex-officio secretary. The "Under such a circumstance of what members of the board shall serve practical use is the pledge of the can­ without compensation. for economy in office when the 363— Board to Contract With Dis­ didate voters shift more and larger tax bur­ tricts. to themselves? Particularly It shall be the duty of the county dens there are other methods, not high school board, within thirty days when provided, for getting the horse in the after returns have been canvassed by barn. the regular canvassing board of said "Adoption of one amendment pro­ county, if a county high school has posed would result in destroying the been provided for in accordance with value of extensive farm lands in the Sec. 362, to contract with all dis­ Willamette Valley: would destroy the tricts that maintain a high school, in valuy of large investments in the A Perfect Baker- ’••joluMy <■. 1 r ilhma of writer in u Very with the county treasurer shall pay such the lines along which the great crops few minutes and by tutanr a h \ th«’ trait.i tn'l re..« rvuir muv» h Pure away fr»n 1 Anex *luAivopibestoa This is the brighter side of a picture p/i prevent? tlo r froei < at«-f. ng tire o up< nt< hesaNhes. county high school fund; provided Board Atk lit to ^h<>w you the greatest inipruwmeitt that the total amount of such war­ which has for months bevn showing w^~r ptit tn a ranttv. Don’t buy the range you expo t to last a life rants shall not exceed the amount of none but dark ones. To dissipate the time “unaijpit. tin: < <;n,’* <»r ynu*ll I m > »»ure t<» dta- money actually in the hands of the darker lines, even if but temporarily ai jic.ntcd. v^onv to our «turn, ana ace the Made of A/ 'h’stjc — have its many »'xclusivo features ex- treasurer to the credit of the county and while the crops are moving, S96as a national figure. As a politi- *al preacher he was powerful, but aside from his peace treaties, which will rwt give him any special strength with ordinary voters, there has been little about his work in office which has not dimmed rather than bright­ in Residence District. ened his fame. LAWYER, BUSINESS COUNSELOR,.TITLES, ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY PUBLIC. 25 years' experience. Consultation Free. Commercial Club Bld . Tillamook. QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Oregon. Tillamook, ELMER ALLEN D R. (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building. Tillamook Tillaiuock Oregon Hay City P. R Oregon QARI. HABERLACH, A I’TORN E Y-AT LAW. T illamook B lock . Tillamook /fregoli rQ H. GOYNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon. Some of tbo Reasons Why Oregon PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bklg ) Tillamook - Oregon, J E REEDY, D. V M., VETERINARY.' The Great M aje Both Phoned. Oregon STIC R. I.. E, DANIELS. CHIROPRACTOR. ANGE E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Both Phones. R. I.. D Residence and Office in Wbitebou.e Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Ht HTS, VJ'TORN E Y-AT-I.AW. omplete Set of Almtract Hooka in Oftice. Taxen Paid for Nou Rewidenta. T illamook B lock , Tillamook G. Mt i.EE, rabbit». . - — M D. f PHYSICIAN Made My Life Worth Living .... Oregon Both Pilonen. & SURGEON. Oiliee : Next iluor to Star Theatre I ( • K< >RGE Will ET T VJ ATTORNIA' AT I AW I < »reyoii • ilhimo.jk A 15 Walt Mazda TILLAMOOK El.i.ilklC I.1GU1 F uel C omhan > WlM. UMNO, Manager. AND