Tillamook Necarney Mountain road. I housands of dollars have already been expend­ ed on this road, and all that remains Legal Advertisements. is a few miles to connect it with Clatsopcounty. Somehow our citi­ First Insertion, per line $ zens du not realize the importance of Each subsequent insertion, line. I this grand, scenic route into 1 illa- Business and professional cards • mook county, which is a source of ad­ one month ................................ miration to visitors. Large amounts of money have been expended to ad­ Homestead Notices .................... vertise Tillamook County, and we do Timber Claims ............................ not know of a belter advertising stunt Locals per line each insertion. than to complete the Necarney Display advertisement, an inch, I Mountain road and make it suitable one month .................................. for wagon and auto travel. At this { season of the year thousands of visi­ All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line . 05 tors would be traveling over and ad­ vertising the grand scenery that pre­ Cards of Thanks, per line.......... 05 sents itself, who would go away talk­ Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen ing of the delightful panorama. | Twenty thousand dollars would put etc., minimum rate, not ex­ the road in good shape, but what is ceeding five lines...................... .25 that small amount compared to the great benefits that would be derived. I Thousands of summer visitors would RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. come to Tillamook County every (Strictly in Advance.) year from Seaside andClatsop beach One year ..................................... $> 5° es if the road was completed, and Six months ........................................... 75 thousands would go through this - Three months........................................ 5° county to Clatsop county as well. It will be money well spent to complete . i. " ~ Entered as second class mail mat­ the Necarney Mountain road as well as a good advertising stunt, for where ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at is there in Oregon grander scenery Tillamook, Ore., under the act of than on Necarney mountian? Tilla- I ’ mook County has other seaside re­ March 3, 1879. sorts skinned for scenery, good roads and attractive features. THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. ‘ ’The fact that big business has de­ ADVERTISING RATES. Headlight, July 30, qualified. Many argued that this was ' sufficient. When some suggested be­ ing baptized again, a grave question arose. If the first baptism was gen­ uine a second would violate the doc- trin of one Lord, one faith and one AND baptism. Finally one elder, who had himselt been immersed, offered to administer baptism to the other. He contended that this would “cure” whatever ir­ regularity there might be in the im­ Kodaks make Photo- mersion 'of the fifteen. Some argued graphy so simple that that there was no more scriptural warrant for an ex-post facto proceed­ anybody can take good ing than there is under the American pictures, Let us show constitution. They were answerer with precedents of acts of legislature' you how easy it is. Just which validated indebtedness con­ the thing for that camp­ tracted without proper formality. One who is familiar with current Missouri ing trip or for vacation history cited the extra-legal commis­ on the Beach, a KODAK sions appointed by Gov. Maior with the expectation that they will be paid ■will make a permanent by a general assembly whose mem­ record to look over 09 bers have not yet been elected. One slave to logic even questioned the years roll by. Bring credentials of the second cider, argu­ your KODAK troubles ing that there was no affirmative to us. proof that he was a link in an un­ broken chain of immersed elders ex­ tending back to John the Baptist. He even raised a question as to who bap­ AtC. I. Clough Co. tized John himself. The controversy is good enough to THE last all summer and the citizens of Dow will think up arguments original ’ RELIABLE DRUGGIST. to them, which have filled many vol- ! Wier Spree times now popularly neglected. The | argument on succession is without • end to lovers of pure logic. Disregard for logical consistency in its discus­ sion brought Phillips Brooks into dis­ repute with the Anglican Church. His skepticism as to the necessity might Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., have been born but for his flippancy. I Surveyor. When a duly consecrated bishop se­ ceded from the church, Brooks glee­ I John Leland Henderson, Sec fully pointed to the fact that there retary Treas., Attotney-at was a bishop loose who could lay his Law, Notrary Public hands on one whom he listed. He de­ clared that there had never been such ecclesiastical commotion since the ■ Tillamook Title and rods on Olympus discovered that Abstract Co, Prometheus had stolen some fire and given it to earth-born mortals. But Liar, Antritt», R-il Estate, let us hope that more reverence may Surveying, Insurance. mark the dispute at Dow. Both Bhor.es. i». Kodaks Supplies. cided to retrench and in many in- I 1 stances suspend operations entirely, for the purpose of bringing the peo­ The Albany Democrat has asked ple to their way of thinking will not Mr. Booth to explain how he came avail them anything in the end. Lo­ into possession of so much timber. cally speaking, if the timber owners It is now in order for the Democrat and mill men of this county think for to ask Free Trade Chamberlain how a minute they are going to win the much tax money he has received to support of voters in Tillamook Coun­ ty by forcing matters in a high hand­ support himself. ed manner and expect a reduction in As Washington County received taxes because of shutting down their $10,000 for the Rex-Tigardville road plants when the lumber market is from the State road fund, we don’t constantly improving, there is every see why a similar sum cannot be ob­ reason to believe that they will be tained from the same source for the sadly disappointed.”—Nehalem \ al­ Bayocean and Necarney Mountain ley Reporter. I The Reporter is wrong in diagnos­ road. ing conditions throughout the country Bro. Trombley takes a peculiar po­ What stagnation there is in business Mistreating His Relatives. sition when he advocates state wide is caused by the free trade policy of prohibition and boosts for Free the Democratic party, for lumber is Bro Effenberger Trade Chamberlain, who is known to on the free list. The spirit of a childless millionaire be fond of the cup that cheers. We should blame Senators Chamberlain who recently died in Texas leaving a remember on one occasion when and Lane, not the timber men and fortune running into the millions is Governor Chamberlain was so load­ mill owners,, for they voted to place supposed to be maliciously chuckling ed that he had to be assisted to the every thing produced in Tillamook in that bourne whence every traveler train at Astoria. I on the free list. W e know for a posi­ would fain return over the indigna- tive fact that it is impossible to man­ tion of his relatives. These relatives. Will somebody, please ask Sena- ufacture lumber at a profit for ship­ of various degrees, came from all tor Chamberlain why he was oppos- ping purposes and pay the high rate over the country following news of ed to free wool—but voted for it — of wages, and that the saw mills are their kinsman’s death. A vain search and was not opposed to free milk not closing down because of the was made for a will. None was and cream? Bro. Trombley, who is reason given by the Reporter. As found among the effects of the dece­ boosting Chamberlain, can explain money is going out of the country to dent. The attorney who transacted to the dairymen of the county why buy farm products and manufactured i the bulk of his business was inter­ Chamberlain is so inconsistent and articles, it is as plain as the nose on ' viewed. He said that the rich man unconcerned about the dairymen’s a man's face that the Democratic 1 had never to his knowledge, made a interest and so concerned about the party is doing everything possible to will. It was decided that he has died help the foreign producer and bring intestate and that the general law wool grower«. ----- o------ down the home producer to the for- would control the distribution of the Every time the snap shot man takes eign producers, standard, For an il- estate. While this did not add to a trip to Necarney mountain he feels lustration eggs in China are raised the inward sorrow of the ijelatives it greatly disappointed that the small and sold for 5c. a dozen and these caused some to put on deeper mourn­ stretch of road to connect with Clat- come in competition with Oregon ing and there was a new ferver in The egg’ sop county is not completed, their eulogies of the character of the snap shot man had that kind of a deceased. Steps for administration of feeling again the first of the week, the large estate were taken. His Cow and Her Men. and he feels like taking off his coat But an impecunious proofreader and make a strenuous effort to bring shattered the hopes of the rela­ The man with the cow finds that has this long delayed improvement to a tives by presenting a will, apparently climax. Every citizen in the county the range of prices for butter-fat runs executed in due form, appointing him should lend us their support and co­ lower in Oregon than a year ago. executor and directing that the en­ operation, for where therp is now There is nothing psychological with tire property be used as a trust fund only a few visitors buying beach pro­ him about the present Democratic for educating poor children. He ac­ perty for the- purpose of erecting times. Psychology will not mend a counted for his delay by explaining summer cottages, there would be hun­ hole in the pocket, nor silence the that it was at the request of the dreds if that road was put through to clamor in any empty stomach. had frankly A week or more ago the jobbing testator. The latter Clatsop County. price of butter in Portland went down stated that he did not desire even the cents per pound. Later the mar­ existence of his last will and testa­ There is no disputing the fact that ket recovered the loss. Now it has ment to become known until thirty the’ large auto trucks carrying 3% advanced 2'Z cents more. But it is days had elapsed following his death. yards of gravel, do considerable dam- still shy 2% cents from the price a He said that he wished his relatives 4?e to roads, especially dirt roads in year ago. This is the time of year to enjoy the anticipation of riches for wet weather. As auto trucks have that period. It is not necessary to de­ when butter usually advances. Huc- 1 come to stay, something will have to scribe the disappointment and indigna tuations from day to day are to be be done to meet the new conditions tion of the relatives. They are ready of auto travel and auto freighting, expected. to withdraw all the kind things they The Oregon farmer who _ works and the additional cost of mainten- have said about the rich relative and early and late to milk his cows and ance of roads. Take the main high- enter him in the meanest man contest. wav through Tillamook county, for sell the product to the nearest cream­ But it is not likely that the will will ery finds that there is an intimate an illustration. It is plain to every be accepted without contest. The observer that some other method or relation between the tariff and his mere fact that they were disinherited Yet we hear material will have to be used—either Initter-fat revenues. will not be as conclusive of the inca­ oil or hard surfaced—as the cost of from Democratic sources that the pacity of the testator as will the re­ maintenance is on the increase owing importations of New Zealand butter quest he made of the executor. This do not affect him at all. He knows to auto travel and heavy trucking. will be used as proof of insanity of better. the most malignant type. But if the We are wondering how the women 1 The farmer and his wife—the man will be upheld there may be other will vote on the eight hour law at the with the cow and the women with the ' remedies. A few months ago the Su- I next election. Should it carry, no hen—are anxious to have some things j preme Court of a Southeastern state employee or servant will be permitted explained. One of them is. If it is the duty of Oregon people to i upheld a verdict of $to,oco damages to work more than eight hours. Of course, the hired man and the hired support Oregon industry by buying in a libel action against an estate girl will vote for the measure; in and using Oregon products* why is based on derogatory reference to fact most every employee will do the it not the duty of the American pro­ I plaintiffs in the will of a relative. same, for it means less hours of work ducer to buy and use American prod­ I his may be precedent enough for a for them. But what about the em­ ucts’ Vet the same voices that howl suit for actual money laid out and ex- ployer, where does he get off? The loudly for home industry and its pro­ , pended for railraod fare, mourning Oregon System, which many of our tection declaim noisily for free trade ■ attire and other expenses, and for While all this hap- politicians boasted a about, isresponsi- —with New Zealand and China and mental anguish. "ioliticians I pened after the death of the testator Ide, but it is dollars to dough nuts all the world. How can the Oregon market be it had been wickedly planned and ior- that not one of the candidates will say much about it at the coming kept for the Oregon producer if it is seen by him. The proofreader could election. They will have another to be Opened up to New Zealand but­ be named as co-defendant. since he was a fellow-conspirator. The surviv­ stunt to fool the people for the pur- ter and Chinese eggs? „ not ........ ......... be willing to I Why is it unpatriotic to buy auto ing relatives may pose of catching votes. supplies in Seattle or Detroit—both put more good money into the case, I almost of , n a spvvuiUllVC speculative h---------- - • any ’••J lawyer . v This is tough on Free Trade Cham­ American cities—yet the essence of but t-------- ' ' * ., berlain: "Why should we be worried Democratic patrotism to encourage turn would tike the case on a contin- 1 would be a good case if about Chamberlain?" asked Secretary the purchase of butter from New Zea­ gent fee. It McAdoo, “He threw us down on the land and eggs from China?—Oregon­ he lost. It would be an interesting experiment and he would receive canal tolls bill. We could afford to ian. much advertising out ......................... of it if h ie , lose several Senators of that type." t,r.." t got no other reward. L„, the .’..v rela- ,vl„. I But Dow's Theological Quandary. Whether Secretary McAdoo voiced tives should be willing to make some only his personal views, or whether he reflected the opinion of his father- The members of the Holiness sacrifices themselves as a public duty. in-law, the Senator did not know, Church at Dow, 111., and doubtless Cynical millionaires should be taught but it is well understood in Washing­ many who belong to no church, but that they cannot make sport of their ton that the President feels keenly who dearly love an argument, arc poor relations" with impunity. the desertion of Democratic Senators wrestling with a grave theological during the canal tolls fight, and is problem Fifteen converts were re- J. Pierpont Morgan declined to “an­ disposed to hold the view that all centlv baptized by immersion the swer" the jo.ooo-world report of the Democratic Senators, regardless of only form of baptism recognized by Interstate Commerce Commission on their personal beliefs, should stand that branch of believers. There was its New Haven investigation when by the administration. no question as to the phssical ad­ the Boston Post requested a state­ George must be sweating drops of equacy of the ceremony. There was ment from him. He did not base his blood. He was not in favor of free abundant moisture in the Father of refusal on the ground that as an ob­ wool, but was controlled by the Dem­ Waters and there was not a dry ject of criticism his utterances would ocratic caucus and voted for it. as thread or hair on any of thesubjects enjoy the presumption of impar­ well as free trade for lumber, fish, at conclusion of the rite. But it seems not tiality the public gives its sworn offi- eggs, milk, cream, meat etc., which that the officiating elder had not him­ cers when they have he did not object to be placed on the self been immersed In his youth, be­ quasi-judicial inquiry. concluded a He doubtless free list. Its beginning to be seen fore his religious views were crys- had this in mind, I......... but he 3>i eferred that the Democratic party is domi­ talized, he had been sprinkled. The to emphasize the itnpropct^ method nated by bosses, and if Senators and Holiness Church docs not regard ..... in making up its Representatives don’t do the bidding sprinkling as baptism at all. The the public pursues the people of read- of Boss Wilson the bosses have no question arose as to the right of an ing only Hv^accuses headlines and’ heeding vni/ only i more use for them. unbaptized elder to baptise others jne the t.ilk talk of demagogues. demagogue«. Consequent- Consequent-1 The next county budget should con- j I he fifteen converts were worried. ly he has concluded, for the present. ‘ I hey had submitted to immersion in taiu sufficient money to complete the the best of faith, supposing the cider to make no more appeals to the pub-, Editorial Snap Shots. 1941. I ■ w s a ■ TILLAMOJK - ■ 31 nr im ■ W'liBi - L A MB-SCH R A DER COM PA N Y. DOCKS : WAREHOUSE, FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd & 3rd AVENUE WEST Oxyaccetaylene Welding We weld Cast Iron, Steel, Bronze, Brass, Aluminum, Nickle Steel, Cop- per, broken gears, pulleys, crank shafts, boilers and build seamless tanks. Do cutting and brazing, ! ’ SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MILL AND MARINE WORK, Quick service our specialty. Remove carbon from cylenders in 20 minutes. All work guaranteed. HINER & REED, At Hiner’s Machine Shop I No Jobs too Big and None too Small. OREGON. » w m in ■ 1 Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. THE LIFE CAREER Delivered. "Schooling in youth should invariably be directed to prepare a person iu the best way for the best permanent occupation for which j he is capable.’’—President C. W. Eliot. This is the Mission of the Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load A.-F. COATS LUMBER CO OREGONAGHICULTURALCOLLEGE Forty-sixth School Year Opens SEPTEHBER 18th, 1Q14 Write for illustrated too-page Book­ let, “T he L ife C areer ," and for Cata- log containing full information. Degree Courses — AGRICULTURE : Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus­ bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture, Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY, logging E ngineering . H ome E co ­ nomics : Domestic Science, Domestic Art, ENGINEERING: Electrical, irrigation, Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining. Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACY. I ndustrial arts . Vocational Coarsw-Agriculture, Dairy­ ing, Home Makers’ Course, Industrial Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course. School of Music— Piano, String. Band, Voice Culture. F- C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line. Farmers Business Course by Mail Free Address THE REGISTRAR, (tw-7-15 to 9-9) Corvallis, cireeoti EAT VIERECK’S BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKERY, I At All Grocers. SPECIAL GROCERY PRICES. QUAKER OATS. Large Package - - 25c. Small Package - CRESCENT BAKING POWDERS. 5 I ound Can, Regular Price $1.00, - now 85c. 3 Pound Can, Regular Price 70c. - now 55c. 15c. 1 Pound Can, Regular Price 25c. - now 20c. Fancy Prunes, 10c. a pound. Fancy Dried Peaches, lOc.a Pound Coffee and Tea Special. RCBY CARACOLA COFFEE. 10 pounds for $2.50. RIBA CARACOLA COFFEE, 1 pound for 27c. German-American Coffee. 1 lb. can, 30c. German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can. »5c Ridgray’s Higfi Grade Teas. ORANGE LABEL, ?. pound. 35c.' Her Majesty’s Blend, { pound 25c. Her Majesty's Blend, 1 pound 1.00. RALPH C. BACON, Mgr. Grocery Dept ORANGE LABEL. 1 pound 65c. Her Maj esty’s lend, ‘ pound 50c. Capital Household, ’ pound 25c. RAY & CO.