Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 30, 1914, Image 1

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    $1.50 PER YEAR.
People who succeed in saving
make a habit of it.
The saving habit requires de*
termined cultivation, but when
well rooted, grows fast. Its re­
wards are quick and certain.
You can start the saving habit
any time at this bank. The best
time is NOW.
Tillamook County Bank
■ ■ ]
County Bank Installs Statement Machine.
i •
Within the past few years banks the country 1
over have been discarding the balancing of pass < ’
books, using them for recording deposits only,
and are issuing statements. In accordance with
' this spirit of progress the Tillamoo k County
Bank has installed a bank posting and statement
I ’machine, the very latest device for this work, and
hereafter instead of bringing in the pass book to
< (be balanced, each customer will get a neatly <»
printed statement of his account when he wants it,
without any delav, and regularly at times agreed ; ,
¡’upon between himself and the bank; either’’
monthly or every two or three months as the |
< ^activity of the account way require.
j »
The ledger statement sheet is placed in the
, machine, the amount of checks subtracted from < r
* the balance of the day before and the deposit ( >
added, all automatically, and with the date auto- t
matically printed, a lever pulled, and the sheet is (
ejected from the machine with the amount of1'
checks, deposit and new balance correctly printed.
As no mental effort is required this saves much < ’
time and assures accuracy and neatness in
( ,
This system puts the bank on a par with the
best up-to-date city banks, enabling it to give as
II modern banking service to its patrons as they* •
1 1could get in the big cities.
The Tillamook Headlight office is
now located opposite the court house.
Melons delivered free. Buy them at
the Fruit Palace.
Good house and lot for sale on easy
terms. Apply to J. S. Stephens. *
Safe e’-posit boxes for rent. Tilli-
tnok County Bank.
Housekeeping rooms, 8th street and
Stillwell Ave.
25c dinners at the Old
Spanish Kitchen. The best in town.*
Fresh fruit delivered to any part
0 the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.*
Born on Wednesday, to the wife of
Lharley Cooper, a son.
For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River
bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­
e are in a position to make some
long time farm loans. First National
House work wanted by the hour,
n nte to Myrtle Schroder, Tillamook
vJ)r;.Jack Olson will be away for a
cation the first two weeks in
Black’smith shop to rent next to my
office. T. H. Goyne.
Lee M Travis, who has been visit­
ing at the editor’s home, left Thurs­
day for Eugt?ne.
The Till amdek Feed Co. wi'l tnalce
you low pieces on all kinds of na\*in
carload lot I. See Shrode.
If our work does not suit you tell
us; if it does, tc.’l y°ur inends. Uty
Transfer Company.'
Jake Wolvinstine .*»« °Pen‘tJ a J'?
pair shop down by th * sawmill.
repair any old thing. B<.''**er repair^ g
a specialty.
For sale a covered wag< ,n> horse,
and harness, horse weighs ’5°®
price $250. Apply at the
The dry weather of the past
weeks is causing a shortage of gr. •
it being the middle of June since t.
last rain fell.
Owing to the dry weather the past
six weeks, there is a great decrease
in the am-ount of milk taken to the
cheese factories.
Dr. T, P. Wise and Mrs. Wise and
son are in from Portland on a sum-
mer's vacation, and visiting at |he
home- of Sheriff Crenshaw.
Drop in and book Hrocind "
For sale two bull calves, registered
Miss Mathilda Franklin and Miss
Jerseys. Brown Bessie stock. Sire Elsa M. Clasusen, a sister of Attor­
Brave Engineer. Apply to T. Me ney Claussen are in on a vacation.
Cormick, Tillamook Ore.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
Attorney Johnson returned on
Monday from Wilhoit Springs, where mook Meat Company’s Market. 15c.
he went for the benefit of his health, ! per pound.
Mrs. Johnson returning with him.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­
The Singer Sewing Machine for mook Meat Company's Market. We
sale on easy terms, at our home piano pay 15c per pound.
and music store, Tillamook, Ore. A.
Lineback, manager. Both phones. *
slightly used, can be seen at the Till­
For sale, a horse and Jersey cow. amook Feed Co. To be sold for lit­
Enquire of Westley Rush or write to tle over half price.
C. A. Collinge, R. F. D. No. 1 care
of John Little.
children, can do plain sewing, willing
Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM,
Work wanted by young woman, is to go to beach. Five dollars a week,
a trained nurse, but will take any inquire at the Headlight Office.
kind of work, and can milk cows.
Wanted—live representative in Till­
Apply tn N. E. Wilson, care of Sam amook.
Advancement to parties show­
ing ability. Steady position. Legiti­
Protect your valuable papers from mate proposition. Good money. Lady
And invites the Public to call and make an
the unexpected fire by renting one of or gentleman. Benn-Newman Mfg.
our safe deposit boxes. Only one Co., 409 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore.
dollar per year. Tillamook County
inspection of the room and its equipment.
T. E. Alexander and wife arrived
in this city on Monday evening,
Mrs. Louise Mattson and daughter, having used a novel method oF carry­
Miss Ida Mattson, of Kansas City, ing their camping outfit. They had
Kan., came in on Tuesday on a visit, a specially designed dog cart, with
Mrs. J. P. Allen being a sister of Mrs. bicycle wheels, drawn by four Rus--
sian hounds. The cart carried about
200 pounds and Mr. and Mrs Alex­
Tents, Tent Flies, Camp Stoves, ander
it over the Wilson River.
Camp Chairs, Guns, Ammunition, When hiked
arrived here three of the
Fishing Tackle, in fact most every­ wheels they
were out of commission ow­
thing to make camp life a pleasure. ing to some
parts of the road being
King & Smith Co.
* bad.
Rev. H. D. Chambers, archdeacon
Diocese of Oregon of the Episcopal of interest in Tillamook county this
Church, was in the city on Wednes­
Mr. Huston was an aspirant SlBiaEIBI5JBEfBI3JBJBJ2IBJ3I2®®BEfBíSEIé1J3r<Jfr1fílErtaJÍLÍc!f2l<ír0I¿fcy3ÍSEJi',jrBfEIi?13EfálBfcHcJé!ErrI
day with a view to starting an organ­ week.
but Mr. Hawley
ization of that church in this city.
beat him at the primary election. He
L. R. Wheeler and F. W. Crandall, was delighted with Tillamook county,
of Portland, were in the city on a va­ especially with the fascinating scen­
cation this week, Mr. Wheeler is ery on Necarney Mountain, which he (
one of the parties who bought the considers the most beautiful in the
Evening Telegram.
State of Oregon. He thinks Tilla­
County is making a great mis­
It’s a good rule to buy a scwir.g mook
in not completing the Necarney
machine with an established rep-.r.a- take
tion fo- quality services. The White Mountain road.
On account of the celebration at
for sale on easy terms at Jones
Rockaway August 1st and 2n,d, the
Knudson Furniture Company.
following extra steam trains will be
Lost a new Goodyear automobile run Saturday and Sunday night:
tire on Fairview road between Will Leaves Tillamook, 8:45 p.m.., arrive
Easom’s and Trout’s, Saturday even­ at Mohler, 10:03 p.m.. Leaves Mohler,
ing. Finder please return to Claude 10:20 p.ni., arrive Tillamook, 11:35 p.
Ackley or Kennedy’s Garage.
m. Leaves Tillamook, 12:01 a.m., ar­
All kinds of cement work in a first- rive Mohler, 1:19 a.m.. Leaves Mohler
class manner and foundation and 1:35 a.tn., arrive Tillamook 2:50 a.m.
chimney blocks at reasonable prices. No. 148,the Motor, due to leave here
Will guarantee any work. A. E. 5:45 will leave here at 6:30 p.m. and
Docrge, 11th street and First avenue run forty five minutes late Tillamook
to Mohler.
West, 1 iiiamook.
J. C. Hayter, formerly proprietor
Joseph Aufdermauer, of Orctown
was in the city on Wednesday. He the Polk County Observer, was in
will leave next week for Falls City, the city on Tuesday, it having been
where he has bought propertv and over 30 years since he was in Tilla­
will make his home. Most of Mr. mook. W. V. Fuller, superintendent
Aufdermaurer's friends look for him of forest rangers, and P. A. Finseth |
came in with him. Mr. Hayter is a I
to return to Tillamook.
strong Republican and opposed to j
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank free trade. He makes the prediction 1
Heyd, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vierick, Mr that Polk County will go strongly j
and Mrs. L. E. Mills, Mr. Collins, Republican at the next election, for |
Miss Fitzgerald and Mrs. A. Harper, the reason that most everything rais- 1
with well filled baskets, went to Bay­ ed in that county have been placed on 1
ocean, where they enjoyed swimming the free list,
_ <?1
in the natatorium.
Tobacco and Cigar Salesman want­
essary. $100 monthly and traveling
Expenses. Advertising
Smoking, ; New Shipment of Cups just received. Lots of Large Sizes. New Patterns.
Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars.
Send 2C. stamp for full particulars.
Hemet Tobacco Co., New York. *
A new perfection Oil Cook Stove
will make your summer cookin~ a
pleasure. A quick hot fire and a cool
kitchen to work in. Can not be beat
for fruit canning. Take one of them
with you on your outing trip and
your wood troubles are over.—King
& Smith Co.
A. F. Coats Lumber Co.'s saw mill
in this city closed down on Saturday
on account of stagnation and low
prices of the lumber market, brought
about by the Democratic free trade,
as lumber is on the free list. While
the mill is shutdown a number of re­
pairs will be made.
At a special meeting of the City
Council on Thursday evening Blaine
Hays resigned as City Recorder and
John Aschitn was appointed by
A Few Contract Goods Excepted.
Mayor Beals, which was confirmed
by the council. David O’Donnel was
appointed water commissioner in the
place of P. W. Todd.
George Dunstan vs. W. C. Hawk
and Mrs. E. B. Miller, doing business
under the style and firm name of
Bay City Drug Co., is a suit filed in
the circuit court to recover $30.56 be­
ing balance of an account owing the
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., for mer­
The dance to be given on Saturday
evening at the Band Boy’s Hall is for
the benefit of the Fresh Air Kiddies,
the hall and music being donated for
that purpose. This is a laudable ef­
fort to give a large number of poor
children a summer’s outing in this
county, and should meet with the sup­
port of our citizens.
' After a most pleasant visit with
s'(r. and Mrs. Frank Heyd, Mrs.
thur Harper, of Portland and Miss
ti;. abeth Fitzgerald, of the Dalles
have gone to Rockaway beach
for a
°u*>nK- Mr. and Mr«.
Hevd and a party of friends went to
the beach Wednesday for an out­
ing with their friends.
Webster Holmes, in the case
of T B Potter Realty Co. vs. Axel
Anderson, in which the plaintiff ask
ed for a temporary restraining order
to prevent th* defendant from mak
me use of plaintiff s wharf, and from
g up thereto any boats or vessels
and from interfering with the use of
the dock, etc., refused to grant a tem-
pcrary injunction.
For »ate a gasoline engine, five
horse power, in good condition Will
be sold cheap for $75.00 including
We Give Gold Bond Trading Stamps on ail Cash Purchases.
magneto, which it worth |u. Apply
to Alfred Larson, Tillamook Ore. • .
The First National Bank
of Tillamook
Flashlights !
You Choice
See Window Display
Everything Reduced,
Help yourself to the bountiful savings and help us
clear the shelves in readiness for the New Fall Stocks.
You’ll pay more than present Prices if you wait until
this sale is over. Don’t Wait. Don’t Delay. The pre­
sent is your buying time.
Every Man^and
Tremendous Sacrifices in WASH GOODS.
Extra^Special Values in SHOES.
Dress Goods, Blankets, Comforters,
Table Linens^Curtains, Towelings,
Napkins, Sheets, Underwear, Silks,
Ribbons, Hose, Millinery, Notions