Tillamook CHARTER AMENDMENTS. Headlight, July 23, owned by him within such time after the passage of the ordinance there­ for as the Common Council may deem proper, not exceeding 60 days, In order to cure a number of defects in the present and if such improvements be not City Charter and provided for the present floating in­ made by the owner within such time, Common Council may thereupon debtedness of the city, the Council have had the Citv the proceed to provide for the same by Attorney prepare a number of amendments to the char­ contract or otherwise as hereinbefore ter. In order that a general discussion of the matter 1 luthorized. Section 8: If the Common Council may be had and anyone who wishes may offer sugges­ shall desire to have such improve­ ments or any part thereof made, or tions, before the amendments are voted on, the Council the furnishing of materials therefor have ordered these published and the amendments pro­ done by contract, it shall direct the Recorder to give notice by publicat­ posed, and the Resolution for their publication, are pub­ ion not for less than three publica­ lished in the following : tions in the city official paper, in­ viting proposals for making said im­ Resolved, by the City Council oi paper. The City Engineer, within provements, or furnishing said mater­ the city of Tillamook: three days from the first publication ials, and may give such other notice That a measure to amend article 7, of said resolution, shall cause to be i inviting such proposals as it may a measure to amend article 8, a meas­ conspicuously posted at each end of : deem expedient, provided that not ure to add article 12, a measure to the line of the contemplated im­ ! less than 20 days time shall be given add article 13, a measure to add ar­ provement a notice which shall con­ I from the date of the first publication ticle 14, to the Charter of the city of tain in legible characters a copy of ; of said notice for the submission of Tillamook, prepared and submitted the resolution of the Common Coun­ I proposals thereunder. The Common to the council in conformity with the cil, and the date of its adoption, to- 1 Council shall have the power to recommendations of F. R. Beals, iretn r wi n a rtatsme it >t t e time . award the contract or contracts for Mayor, in his message, be published within which objections and remon­ said improvement, and to impose in two issues of the Tillamook Her­ strances thereto may be filed, and , such conditions upon the bidders in ald and in two issues of the Tilla­ the resolution published in the city 1 regard to bonds and securities and mook Headlight; and that the legal official newspaper shall also have i guarantees of the good faith and re- voters, citizens and taxpayers of Till­ published in connection therewith a I sponsibilitv of bidders for insuring amook City be invited to make and notice giving the information stated ' the faithful completion of the work file with the Recorder, within sixty in the notice to be posted by the City J in strict accordance with the specifi- days, objections and suggestions in Engineer. Proof of the publishing of j cations therefor, and to make all rules relation thereto for the benefit of the said notices shall be made by the affi­ and regulations in the letting of con­ council before the passage thereof, davit of the City Engineer, as to the tracts that may be considered by the and before submission to the voters notices posted by him, and of the Common Council as advantageous to for adoption or rejection; and the printer of the newspaper in which the City, and as a part of said regula­ costs of such publication be paid out Speh notice is published, as to the tions they may require that the con­ publication thereof, which affidavit tractor, or contractors, agree to main­ of the general fund. shall be filed with the City Recorder, tain and keep in repair all improve­ All engineering expenses, cost of ad­ ments made under said contract for A MEASURE period of time (not exceeding TO AMEND ARTICLE VII OF vertisement, cost of superintendency such and other incidental costs and ex­ 10 years) as the Common Council THE CHARTER OF TILLA­ penses necessary to carry into effect may determine. MOOK CITY. OREGON. Section 9: Such contract or con­ the resolutions and ordinances au­ Be it Enacted by the People of thorizing the improvement, shall be tracts shall only be let to the lowest Tillamook City, Oregon, as follows: included in the estimate of the entire responsible bid, for either the whole of Sectionl: Article VII of the Char­ cost and in the assessment upon the said improvements or such part there­ ter of Tillamook City, Oregon, is property benefitted by such improve­ of as will not materially conflict with hereby amended so that the same ment, except as to such part thereof the completion of the remainder shall read as follows: as the Common Council may in thereof, but the said Common Coun­ ARTICLE VII. said resolution and ordinances pro­ cil shall have the right to reject any Section 1: The term “street” as vide shall be paid out of the general and all proposals received by it if used in this Article shall be con­ funds of Tillamook City. they shall be deemed unreasonable strued to mean any street, avenue, Section 5: Within 20 days from or excessive, or which do not con­ boulevard alley or lane, or any public the date of the first publication of form to the rules of the Common road which is now or may hereafter the said notice required to be pub­ Council relative to the matter of re­ be opened or dedicated to public use. lished as provided for in Section 4 ceiving proposals and letting con- Section 2: The term “improve” of this Article, the owners of two- tiacts for street work, and provided, and "improvement” as used in this Ar­ thirds or more of the area of the further, that no such contract shall' ticle shall be construed to include all property within such improvement be let for a price in excess of the grading or re-grading, paving or re­ district may make and file with the City Engineer’s estimate of the cost paving, planking or re planking, ma­ Recorder a written objection to, or thereof plus 5 per cent. cadamizing or re-macadamizing, remonstrance against said improve­ Section 10: It shall be the duty of graveling or re-graveling, and all ment, and said objection and remon­ the Common Council to fix the time manner of bridge work and roadway strance shall be a bar to’any further in which every such improvement improvement or repair, and all man­ proceedings in the making of such shall be completed, and it may ex­ ner of constructing and repairing improvements for a period of six tend such time should the circum­ sidewalks, cross-walks, gutters, curbs, months. Provided, that if any such stances warrant. The Common Coun­ manholes, culverts, sewers, drains objection or remonstrance shall be cil shall have power and authority to and tunnels within any of the streets signed by the agent or attorney of make all written contracts, to receive in Tillamook City, or any part of any property owner, there shall be and approve all bonds authorized by any such street. Section, to provide for filed with the recorder within the this Section 3: The Common Council, time provided for such objection, or the proper inspection and whenever it may deem it expedient, remonstrance, the written authority supervision of all work done under is hereby authorized and enpowered for the signing of such objection or the provisions of this Article, and to to order the whole or any part of the remonstrance, and otherwise such do any other act necessary to secure streets of the City to be improved, signatures shall be disregarded. the faithful carrying out of all con­ to determine the character, kind and Section 6: If no such objection or tracts and the making of improve­ extent of such improvement, to *levy remonstrance properly signes as afor­ ments in strict compliance W'ith the and collect an assessment upon all said be made and filed with the City ordinances and specifications there- lots and parcels of.land specially ben- Recorder within the time designated, 'for. Section it: Whenever any street efitted by such improvement, to de­ the Common Council shall be deem­ fray the whole or any portion of the ed to have acquired jurisdiction to improvement is completed in whole cost and expense thereof, and to de­ order the improvement to be made, or in part to the satisfaction of the termine within the limits hereinafter and it may be thereafter, and within City Engineer, he shall file a certi­ specified what lands are specially ’three months from the date of the ficate of the completion and his ap­ benefitted by such improvement, and final publication of its previous reso­ proval of such work so completed the amount to which each parcel or lution, by ordinance provided for the with the Recorder, who shall there­ tract of land is benefitted. Provided, making of said improvement, which after publish notice of such comple­ however, that whenever the owners shall conform in all particulars to the tion for not less than two puplica- in fee of two-thirds or more of the plans and specifications previously tions in the city official newspaper, àrea of the property upon which an adopted. When the Common Coun­ stating therein when the acceptance assessment for improvement will be cil shall have so provided for the of the same will be considered by made shall petition the Common making of an improvement as afor­ the Common Council, which time Council to order improvements to be said, Tillamook City shall be deemed shall be not less than ten days from made upon any of the streets of the to have appropriated and acquired the date of the first puplication of City, specifying the particular por­ ownership of all earth above grade, said notice, and at that time, or at tions thereof upon which the improve­ and within the street lines for said any time prior thereto, any owner of ment is desired, it shall be mandatory improvement, and no private owner­ any interest in, or the agent of any upon the Common Council to pro­ ship shall thereafter be claimed in property within the assessment dis­ ceed with the making of such im­ said earth. The Common Council trict of said improvement may appear provement in the manner prescribed shall have power and authority in and file, or make objections to the in this Article. Provided further, providing for any street improvement acceptance of said improvements, and that if said ow’ners of said propor­ also to provide for placing in the said objections shall be considered tion of said property shall in and by street where said improvement is to and the merits thereof determined by their petition agree upon the char­ be made, all necessary surface pipes the Common Council, and if it ap­ acter of improvement which they de­ for water, gas, heat, power, sewerage pears that said work or improvement sire to have made and the material or any other purpose, and all con­ has not been completed in accordance to be used therein, the Common duits for electric wires and other pur­ with the specifications and contracts, Council shall be bound by the selecr poses that are or may hereafter be the Common Council shall require tion so made, and in causing plans necessary. The Council may also the same to be completed before ac­ and specifications and estimates of provide a certain time after any cepting it. Whenever any work or the cost thereof to be made, the same street improvement is made during improvement is accepted by the Com­ mon Council the Recorder shall en­ shall be made upon the basis of the which it shall not be torn up or dis- dorse the approval of the Common character of improvement so select­ 1 turbed, and shall also have power and authority to provide that no opening Council on the certificate of the City ed. after the assessment Section 4: Whenever the Common of any street shall be made without Engineer, is and made and docketed, the Council shall deem it expedient, it first obtaining permit therefore, and therefore Mayor and Recorder shall draw war­ may, or upon petition presented in the Common Council shall have rants on the fund created for said im­ power to prescribe and enforce all conformity with Section 3 of this Ar­ provements in favor of the parties en­ ticle, it must provide as in this Arti­ rules regulating the opening of street titled thereto. When any work or surfaces in all streets of the city cle prescribed for the improvement improvement shall have