Tillamook Headlight, July 23, 1^41 of the road money appro­ It anvone needs “investigating it is j take out for this district to construct ■ the one man in Portland who is I priated road in one year, but we are firm­ “knocking'' Tillamook cheese and is the ly of the opinion that the County Legal Advertisements. “sore” and "peeved” because he can-1 Court should be given power to con­ First Insertion, per line * 10 not buy cheese at about t-c. a pound . struct the road in one year and to AND 05 and place it in cold storage. This is pay for it in three of four years out Each subsequent insertion, line. what the Homestead says: of the money for this district. This Business and professional cards "Considerable publicity seems to 1 would enable the people to have the one month ............................ ! OO have been g.ven to the I illamook use of the road, and would not in­ Homestead Notices ......... ... 5-00 cheese situation through differ ntpub- crease taxation, other th.ni for the in­ ¡¡cations of late. To one fimiliar with IOOO Timber Claims .... . on the outstanding warrants. situation it would seem that the terest Kodaks make Photo­ •05 the But the County Court cannot do this Locals per line each insertion cheese industry in the state of Ore­ until a vote is taken and the people Display advertisement, an inch, graphy so simple that gon is entirely too large to be bottled it consent so that the Court can 50 up by any one man and the sooner gives one month.............................. anybody can take good issue warrants to be paid for in an­ this trust is investigated the better it All Resolutions of Condolence nual installments. In justice to Bay­ pictures. Let ns show will be for the industry in the entire and Lodge Notices, per line 05 state We believe that the dairymen ocean, we believe the citizens who be­ you how easy it is. Just o? are entitled to the very highest mar­ lieve in a square deal would be will­ Cards of Thanks, per line that the road should be construct­ the thing for that camp­ ket price and should be given the ing Notices, Lost, Stray ed or Stolen benefit of any freight rate between ed under the conditions we have mer.- LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. ing trip or for vacation etc., minimum rate, not ex­ this eastern points and the coast but they tioned, and to bring DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, .25 the voters be giver, ceeding five lines our advice that oc ti e Beach, a KODAK must bear in mind that supply and to vote upon th:» a: FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST. demand should govern the price. an opportunity election will make a permanent No deeb: Why not establish a produce ex­ the November RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. vre* t >00(900000? □00000000090006COOCOGG09C0090SC03QO qq QOQ m ci cor ci ns.vnl to look over as change and illiminate all this one man there would be some he (Strictly in Advance.) prop-oeitK't who would oppose price? ” _______ years roll by. Bring but we believe that Uzwe a* >w-.:y One year ..................... $i.5° ws: KODAK trocblts ccwxty are of the voters of Till Six months ..................................... 75 The public is learning that there is fair minded and bei.ext ae we Three months.......................... 5° nothing free in business. All little that the Urge mbmm «i -axes courtesies, accommodations and gifts by the proper-.', owtx ~5 4 Entered as second class mail mat- cost money and the expense must be entitles the« ’’A: C. I. Clough Co. • er July, 1888, at the postoffice at taxed up against the business. When way out and lev the railways were liberal with trans­ sue 1 We weld Cast Iron, Steel, Bronze, Tillamook, Ore., under the act of portation to various classes of citi­ or twelve years IKE ____ March 3, 1879. zens whose favor they desired the road Brass, Aluminum, Nickle Steel, Cop­ TRUGGIST fare-paying passenger bore the bur- -Tirnrrtt. per, broken gears, pulleys, crank shafts, • i on traffic or it was assessed THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. den : Deutsch. I- . ~ >. against the freight department I e a : e Ki-T SfcS b boilers and build seamless tanks. Do customer who rides in a free bus LDL Jp a store realizes that the expense C’T S. x . xv . xl ’ vit . u.mi'' 1 n ztrt K cutting and brazing, Editorial Snap Shots such service is added to the • generii w.xl lit LT lui-cimxiiiiir. If everybody price of merchandise. I. — SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MILL AND "ij-t tuniiii» ’ll! V Ide-d crr»t Krse er Should a fire occur and the Hos: used the free bus the expense ? xn nu ¿-■c. i-t tt-r TXttt I le MARINE WORK, Company did not have enough to each purchase would be roiict v ■ ■. will 1« Tie u.”ti4 viæ' umiit* •.■¿T’i E. Henderson, Pre«., *x "deadheads' it a wirbcne water and pressure to extinguish it, The expense of v.ivpni n Titrz i tt Quick service our specialty. Serrtyw theater had to be born by the tickrt- who would get the cussing’ ’-«.“f. buying public, This falsely terr nee ■ oar Remove carbon from cylenders in 20 minutes. '.3 Le.i-d Henderson. Sec- Tt't vtixiii rruir wil t '. iut n "free” things are gradually b •e-.r f /tie -run Tre-a» . Attoiney-at- rr-i'' v il i.imra.- n it tion of the dairymen and cheese pro­ Congress and the severs., state er • memm u.: reilhtctuns arinr. Tf t At Hiner’s Machine Shop. ducers of Tillamook County, that it laturcs to abolish rai’wa. piss-et pe.Tjnt o iii:i T*.'«« :c smnrt Tillamook Title and is the large packing companies that telegraph franks. Theaters r.i'e beer tin Snii.iic ” t j>u.-et. iu-Ti are endeavoring to reduce the price forced to reduce or * •"— 'he free □r tii ' nif i tenetk. mrnnie u-i. v No Jobs too Big and None too Small. Abstract Co. hi: -.tn list by necessity. It is of cheese. Wouldn't that jar you’ mnrit n; zi>en here e will abuse of free delivery M Liar. Abstracts. R‘.il Estate, I VMOCOOOGO0QÖOOCCOQOGO9OQOCCO8GQO9OQOCCCGO&9GGQOOOI one of -.hi - ttie ju-npie n •'! t Ixr. ««.'.< " -: have to be checked, being ■ Surveying, Insurance. | mu.: c.'iniptr s -t-i;rri. cost of It would only take a few minutes to the large elements in the h Put rv entk rcn&e tcrw irl Both Phones. of the fix the road at the city limits, north living The newspaper is v i '.nt juimtemi ; 5 or a of town, where the planked city road last institutions to attempt TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. I ii-•: :.a: lit tetai : - joins the countv road. Every auto this abuse of giving away the v .-.O'.s has paid rrnrie tax co" 5 ■ ■ 3>a i in. ar m driver has a right to cuss such anti­ thing it sells—its ‘pact more than S XC. 306 Massachi setts quated road building and connection more '.hat S:.~oc.x>0. Penns •vat.ia in this age of good roads. The snap shot man was ask:- t e mere than S3.ooc.ooo Michigan, ! other day whai it would cost r & oiioo. Ohio, $9:4.000; Oregon, $909.- A man by the name of "Joe" Know­ hard surfaced highway through he 000. New J ersey, $716,000; Conrecti- les has entered the forest near Grants county by one of our citizens who be­ cut. and Rhode Island, $733,000; Mis­ "Schooling in youth should invariably be Pass in a nude state, to remain there lieves that it is a waste of money to souri, $657,000; Texas, $361,000; Min­ directed to prepare a person in the best way Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. for the best permanent occupation for which for four weeks, taking no provisions construct any more macadam roads nesota, $372,000; Virgina, Sic.’,000; he is capable. ’ — President C. W. Eliot. for the main road through this county | Louisiana, $159,000; Maryland, Dela­ with him. Why don’t Governor XV ?st This is the Mission of the get next and send his private secre­ It is hard to tell, for the reason that ware and the District of Columbia, different materials are not of the $832,000; California, $888,00-5 and tary, Miss Hobbs, with a delegation from the National Guard, and have 1 same value, At a rough guess, from Kansas, $49,960.11. the naked man arrested? Knowles i $10,000 to $15,000 a mile. We are not Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Mon­ is violating the laws of man. the laws I going to contend that it would not be tana and all the Western States, with Forty-sixth School Year Opens j of God, ami the laws of comrnoi I economy to construct hard surfaced the exception of North and South &OOG0COGC0OOOOOQiSG0OOS05O000OOOOOOOOOOO0«0» Mr. ____ Carnegie large number of game birds turned provements at that seaside resort, i an atheist and intimated that his chief lose in Tillamook County. This is a the last expenditure being $75,000 for purpose was opposition to religion. good move and should be encouraged. the natatorium, making it the most That this particular charge was un­ About 15 years ago some of the citi­ attractive resorts in Oregon. We just and unfounded was out zens made up a"pot” and imported have also frequently referred to the some time ago, while at pointed same Chinese pheasants, with the expecta­ large increase in taxes that are paid time expressing regret that the Mr. Car­ tion that they would propagate. At into the county treasury on account negie so greatly misunderstood the first they began to multiply, but for of these improvements. The proper­ aims and practices of denominational want of proper protection they were ty a few years ago paid below $100 in colleges. Since this criticism was soon killed off. and since then very taxes whereas it is now paying some­ made it has been explained that Mr. few of these birds have made their where about $8,000 annually. Yet for Carnegie’s refusal to aid ’ sectarian” . way into this county. That ought to all that, Bayocean is deprived of a schools is lorgely due to the fast that be a good illustration of what will wagon road and the property owners happen again should other game birds and taxpayers in that part of the such institutions have organized of friends capable of support­ be turned lose without proper pro­ county have a right to feel aggrieved bodies tection here, for Tillamookers arc that they have been discriminated ing them and his aim was to help in­ pretty good shots when they go hunt­ against. With the exception of Neah- stitutions that have no such organiz-> ing, and unless the birds are plentiful Kah-Nie, other seaside resorts have ed support. they are soon exterminated, To oh- shown very little enterprise in niak- An "insidious lobby” has reached viate this it is proposed to have a ink attractive and permanent im­ closed season in Tillamook county provements, as have been made at the White House and been very1 graciously received. Business men for one year. Bayocean at a large outlay of money. representing themselves and many Take, for instance, Netarts, thou­ commercial interests have been heard Our contemporary foolishly accus­ sands of dollars have been expended , there in protest against pending beg- ■ ed us of "knocking" the cheese indus­ upon the road to that place, but little , islation, of which would, try of Tillamook county. It is easy or no money have been expended by they fear, the be effect injurious to trade and enough to make such a charge, but property owners there in making ini- ( commerce. e hail the spread of another thing to prove it. We want provetnents, and we are safe in say- : light in dark W places. intelligent to ask Bro. Trombley some direct ing that little or no increase have individuals and bodies Such were, about questions: "Wasn’t it the aimand been made in taxable property on ac- ' this time last year, called insidious purpose of President Wilson and the count of the large expenditure for lobbies by Mr. Wilson himself for Democratic party to reduce the price the road. Another thing, thvre are only trying to keep in touch with the of everything raised on the farm, and more residents at Bayocean in winter ' Congress and opposing then pending wasn’t the new tariff law passed for than there arc at Netarts. It is now ! CARACOLA COFFEE, 10 pounds for $2.50. believed to be as hurtful to that and other purposes?" Of course six years since the agitation first legislation business as any pending now. If it it was. That being the case: "Wasn't started to give Bavocean a way out, is RLB^ CARACOLA COFFEE, 1 pound for 27c true that such exertions of legiti­ it the intention of the Democratic par­ and we are willing to admit that it mate influences constitute insidious German-American Coffee. 1 lb. can, 30c. German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can, 85c ty to reduce the price of cheese, with has not been given a square deal, lobbies, it is equally true that the in- other farm products, so that the con­ when compared with the large stdious lobby of thxi summer of IQI4 sumer could live at less expense and amount of money expended upon the is not less insidious than the one of the producer to receive less for his Netarts road. It is true that the pro­ ORANGE LABEL, J pound, 35c. products’” The real "knocker" then, posed road to Bayocean has been 1913. In fact, it could not be less so, I ORANGE LABEL, I pound 65c. of the cheese industry of Tillamook surveyed and the plans accepted, and if psychological statesmanship has Her Majesty’s Blend. ’ pound 25c. not found a method of subtraction County is the Democratic party, of that a small part of the road is partly Her ‘'tajeaty’ »lend, i pound 50c. Her Majesty ’ » Blend, 1 poundl.00. which Bro. Trombley is an exponent improved at what is known as the which canw^irk below the cipher mark Capital Household, pound 25c. and stand patter, and one of those I Imore ranch. The county promised Putting such a miracle even beyond who have done the "knocking" of Til­ $4.000 against the same amount sub­ the power of psychological states­ we must conclude that such lamook cheese. scribed by property owners and busi­ manship, statesmanship has learned the truth ness men of this city. At that rate it that there. is neither lobby nor insid- We are surprised that the Pacific will take ten to fifteen years before tousness in the exercise of the right Homestead should publish therot as is Bayocean will have a road. We ad-I of petition and remonstrance by any ontained in the following paragraph init that it is too much class of American citirena. advertising rates . Kodaks Supplies. $ f I $ ? ? $ Oxyaccetaylene Welding $ -! □ m HINER & REED, THE LIFE CAREER Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. OREGON AGRICULTURALCOLLEGE Delivered. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO F. C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line. SPECIAL GROCERY PRICES QUAKER OATS. Large Package Small Package 25c CRESCENT BAKING POWDERS. 5 Pound Can, Regular Price $1.00, . now 85c 3 Pound Can, Regular Price 70c. - now 55c 1 Pound Can, Regular Price 25c. - now 20c Bancj 1 runes, 10c. a pound. Fancy Dried Peaches, 10c. a Pound Coffee and Tea Special. 1 Ridgray’s High Grade Teas RALPH C. BACON, Mgr. Grocery Dept. »0000090 I DAV T WW