Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 23, 1914, Image 1

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No. 7
To the still, small voice which says :
“ Open an account NOW
at the Tillamook County
Bank ;
keep a proper
balance between income
and outgo ; lay up some­
thing for the future.”
There will never be a better time
to begin than RIGHT
Tillamook County Bank.
The Tillamook Headlight office is
now located opposite the court house.
Melons deliveredjree. Buy them at
the Fruit Palace.
Born on the 19th to the wife of
Clem Rust a girl.
Mr. and Mrs. Hovert are in on a
visit and Summer outing.
F. S. Whitehouse is shaking hands
with old friends.
The Womens Relief Corps will
meet on Saturday.
T .e price of Tillamook cheese
dropped half a cent this week.
Good house and lot for sale on easy
terms. Apply to J. S. Stephens. ♦
Safe ¿..posit boxes for rent. Tilli-
mok County Bank.
Housekeeping rooms, 8th street and
Stillwell Ave.
Dr. James Wiley came in on Tues­
day for a short visit.
Blacksmith shop to rent next to my
office. T. H. Goyne.
Try those 25c dinners at the Old
Spanish Kitchen. The best in town.*
Fresh fruit delivered to any part
of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.*
For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River
bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­
We are in a position to make some
long time farm loans. First National
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market. 15c.
per pound.
Jake Wolvinstine has opened a re­
pair shop down by the sawmill. Will
repair any old thing. Boiler repairing
a specialty.
For sale a covered wagon, horse,
and harness, horse weighs 1500 lbs.,
price $250. Apply at the Headlight
Married on the 15th of July at the
home of Rev D. L. Shrode, in this
city. Fred J. Biggs and Miss Mildred
Kodad, both of Tillamook.
I am still buying young calves. All
kinds, both male and female. See me
if you want all they are worth. J.
Merrel Smith.
During haying we will give you
daily Barometer reading, phone us
and find out if the weather is safe to
make hay, C. I. Clough Co.
Netarts Restaurant ready for busi­
ness. Home cooking. Quick Service.
Best Chef on Pacific Coast. A. F.
Julien, proprietor.
Misses Florence and Esther Free­
man arrived on Sunday from Corval­
lis to visit their brother Frank Free­
man, on the Wilson river.
Attorney C. W. Talmage with his
brother Marcus, left last week for
Southern Oregon, to be gone until
the first of October.
Dr. L. L. Hoy was unexpectedly
called away from the city on account
of sickness in his family at Garfield,
Wash., and will return about the 25th.
For sale two bull calves, registered
Jerseys. Brown Bessie stock. Sire
Brave Engineer. Apply to T. Me
Cormick, Tillamook Ore.
Clough’s Concentrated extract
Lee M. Travis and wife came in
from Eugene on Wednesday to visit Orange Cider makes a delicious, re­
freshing, cooling drink, 25c., 50c, and
the 'editor’s family.
Elmer Payne, of Eugene, is in for a $1.00 bottles at C. I. Clough Co. *
vacation and visiting at the home of
The Singer Sewing Machine for
Mr. and Mrs McNair.
sale on easy terms, at our home piano
E. S. Hamlin and Walter Holmes, and music store, Tillamook, Ore. A.
of Portland have been visiting with Lineback, manager. Both phones. *
the Mills family at Fairvrew.
Protect your valuable papers from
Rev. A. E. Minneman and wife, of the unexpected fire by renting one of
Olympia, Wash., are the guests of our safe deposit boxes. Only one
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Shultz.
dollar per year. Tillamook County
H. V. Morgan having bought land Bank.
in Yamhill county, left this week to
For sale, a horse and Jersey cow.
make his home there.
Enquire of Westley Rush or write to
Born on Tuesday, to the wife of M. C. A. Collinge, R. F. D. No. 1 care
J. Worthington a son; and to the of John Little.
wife of Ben Vantress, a girl.
Free, with each dozen post cards,
For spring housecleaning use an one cabinet photo. With each dozen
electric vacuum cleaner. For rent by cabinets or folders of that size we
* give an elegant enlargement free. Till­
the Electric Store. Tel. 130J.
Vacuum cleaners for rent with or amook Studio.
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains
without attendant. Tel. 130J. The
with bus, and will handle passengers
Electric Store.
and baggage to all parts of the city
The Tillamook Feed Co. will make Call or phone at the livery barn on
you low prices on all kinds of hay in Second avenue East.
carload lots. See Shrode.
Tents, Tent Flies, Camp Stoves,
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ Camp Chairs, Guns, Ammunition,
mook Meat Company’s Market. We Fishing Tackle, in fact most every­
Pay 15c per pound.
thing to make camp life a pleasure.
If our work does not suit you tell King & Smith Co.
*>s; if it does, tell your friends. City
It’s a good rule to buy a sewing
Transfer Company.
machine vith an established repara­
Dairymen, if you have any heifer tion fo- quality services. The White
calves, 3 to 10 weeks old, see J. Mer- for »ale on easy terms at Jones
Knudson Furniture Company.
rel Smith. He will buy them.
Drop in and book Äroand ”
$1.50 PER YEAR.
W e offer the Lesi of professional boat and the launch was towed to
treatment and Garibaldi, the passengers glad to git
prompt deliveries and every induce­ back to land.
ment any studio can. See our work
.account oi the anidride of A.
* H. On Lea,
and offers. Tillamook Studio.
of the Union Meat Co., in
For sale a gasoline engine, five "knocking" the cheese price and the
horse power, in good condition. Will co-operation system of the dairymen
be sold cheap for $75.00 including I of Tillamook County, there arc a
magneto, which is worth $12. Apply number of dairymen who arc opposed
to Alfred Larson, Tillamook Orc. *
to Mr. Lea, who is superintendent of
Those who were successful at the the dairy exhibits at the State Fair,
recent teachers’ examination 111 this holding that position, and they think
county, are Elsie K. Londershansen, that is something that should have
Mrs. Elma Brown, Verne Dale Bain been entrusted to the State Dairy and
Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM,
Food Commissioner.
and Miss Audie Stone.
All kinds of cement work in a first-
class manner and foundation and Anderson is a suit filed in the circuit
chimney blocks at reasonable prices. court to restrain the defendant from
Will guarantee any work. A. E. in any manner making any use what­
And invites the Publie to call and make an
Docrge, 11th street and First avenue soever of plaintiff’s wharf, and from
West, 1 iiiamook.
tying up thereto any boats or vessels,
A car load of water melons, the and from interfering with the use of
first car lot ever shipped to Tilla­ the wharf, and from trespassing upon
mook, arrived here on Wednesday the property, the plaintiff asking for
for J. L. Lawson, of the Fruit Palace.
They were distributed amongst the defendant. Attorney H. T. Botts rep-
resents the company.
different grocery stores..
The Shakespeare Club met on Fri-
Ed Leach, deputy game and fish
warden, informs us that he can pro- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. F.
cure from 200 to 500 game birds for C. Baker. There was a large atten­
Tillamook county, provided that the dance and a number of invited guests v
people are willing to have a closed present. Miss Charlotte Banfield
rendered several vocal pieces and
season next year.
Mrs. Waymire was brought from gave a recital, and she was highly
Hillsboro on Wednesday and is now complimented for the part she took
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. in entertaining the club. The hostess
Frank Freeman. Mrs. Waymire has served a dainty lunch which is al­
been quire sick since February, suf­ ways one of the pleasing features of
the club’s meetings. This is the last
fering with heart trouble.
gathering of the Shakespeare Club for
Tobacco and Cigar Salesman want­ the season.
ed to Advertise. Experience unnec­
g . w. DORK, Proprietor.
Mason Fruit Jars.
essary. $100 monthly and traveling i pt.
Jars per doz......................... 70c.
Expenses. Advertising
Smoking, 1 Qt. Jars per doz ..................... 85c.
Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars !4 Gal Jars per doz .................... $115
Boll Special Jars.
Send 2c. stamp for full particulars.
points to assist them. They report a aid Crenshaw. Jimmie and Mabie
1 Qt. Jars per doz ...................... $1.10
Hemet Tobacco Co., New York. *
Fa Gal. Jars per doz.................... 1.40 rousing meeting and a speech from Harrison, Robert Hays, Elvin Smith
H. T. Vance and family came in Jar caps porcelain lined per doz .20c. Mr. Worrall that was full of ideas and Richard Bryan.
Mrs. Haltom held air informal meet­
from Portland on Wednesday to Jar Rubbers per doz.................... 10c. and plans how to do things and ac­
for .........................
complish results, rather than hot air ing of the club at her borne W ednes­
make their home in this city. Mr. 3 doz
Queen Jclley Glasses,
and theories. They will post notices day, the 15th. The afternoon will be
Vance will be connected with Fred 8 oz. per doz....................
McKinley in the real estate business 3 doz for .........................
$1.00 to clean up, backed by the Board of remembered as one of the most «le­
Ten per cent discount on screen Health. The citizens got together lightful and unique that the club bas
and they will have offices next to the
doors. Fixtures free with each door. Tuesday and cleaned up their beach. ever held.
Ray Feed Co.
Ten per cent discount on adjustable
The Hotel, Tent City anti cottage',
Married on July 19th, at the home winder screens. King & Smith Co.
Free Canadian Homcatead
are filling up rapidly and Barview
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kebbe, Sr.,
Why pay $50,00 to be located, We
Clarence C. Jackson and Miss Rosalie Bar View Organizes a Commercial
give you full information where the
Alfreda Kebbe, both of Tillamook.
best lands arc in Western Cañad »
Swastika Club.
Rev. D. A. Mackenzie, pastor of the
and British Columbia that are close
I to railroad and town; name of guide
The progressive citizens, sonic 25
Presbyterian church performed the
Two special meetings of the Swas­
in numbers have organized the Bar
the ground, full directions to get
tika Club have been held this month. on
. and plats tree,how to get home­
A. K. Case has sold eleven Over­ View Beach Progressive Club, with Friday, the 10th, was the date of the map
seekers ticket , everything you need to
land cars this season and three auto H. S. Hewitt president; R. E. Jack- annual picnic supper given to the know and locate yourself, all for $3.00.
trucks. The Overland is one of the son, vice president; H. A. Brimhall, husbands and families by the club Remit amount by I’. O. mony order
and we will send you the complete
best autos placed on the market for secretary, and director of publicity; members.
Harrison's Grove was information at once. Canadian Home­
the money. Ed Hadley had another F. C. Robinson, treasurer. They meet chosen as the picnic grounds and a stead
Company, 73, 6th St., Portland,
car load of Fords shipped to him a every Monday night and have started most delightful time was had by Oregon. For reference, '¡he Ferm
few days ago, making 50 of the Ford
those present. The members and Magazine Company,, |l> 1 anima
machines he disposed of this season. town and camp. They intend to push guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Miss DeTar, in Haltom’s suit and civic improvements and advertise T. Haltom, Mr. and Mrs. Koch, Mr.
coat department, will leave for the their beautiful beach. Last Monday and Mrs. Crenshaw, Mrs. Botts, Miss
East Monday, July 27, to buy womens night the club invited Cal Worrall, Overf-lt, Mr. ami Mrs. Harrison, Mr.
ready-to-wear, and any special orders secretary of the Tillamook Commer­ and Mrs. Bryant. Mr. ami Mrs Miller,
entrusted to her carewill be intelli­ cial Club to meet with them and as the Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. * 1
Colonel is always ready to boost all
gently taken care of.
Smith and Mrs. Hays. The children
parts of Tillamook County, he was
Dr. Bulgin commenced a series of present and gave them many good present were: Earl, W’anrla, Rowena,
I and Comilc Haltom, Gerald and Don-
revival meetings at the Christian
Church on Sunday, and Prof. G. L.
Rose, singer and choir master, is as­
sisting him. Dr. Bulgin is a most
successful evangelist and logical
speaker. The meetings are to be
held in the skating rink in future.
A new perfection Oil Cook Stove
will make your summer cookin- a
pleasure. A quick hot fire and a cool
kitchen to work in. Can not by. beat
for fruit canning. Take one of them
with you on your outing trip and
your wood troubles are over.—King
& Smith Co.
On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Alva Williams gave a party in honor
of their cousin, Miss Jennie Shrode,
of Eugene, who is visiting them.
There were about 30 young people
present and a delightful evening was
enjoyed by those present. Games,
music and a dainty lunch were the
features of the evening.
T. B. Potter Realty Co. vs. F. D.
$25 to $30 Hart Schaffner &
WASH GOODS, vailles to
Mitchell is a suit to recover money,
Marx SUITS .........
the defendant having agreed to pay
17c. yd.
Men's and Young Men's $15
certain amounts for property bought
WASH GOODS, values to
SUITS, now going at .......
9.85 ; I
at Bayocean, which he has failed to
14J,c. yd.
do, and the company now sues for
Men 's HA TS, values to $3
44c. yd.
$101-97, $29107. $20977 and $3.23. At­
torneys Johnson and Claussen repre­
sent the plaintiff,.
Men's $5 PANAMAS
3.6.5 ;
values to $2 now going at
R. F. Zachmann had to shoot one I
of his horses on Sunday, the result of |
Men's Flors helm $5 Oxfords
1.50 ;
an accident while driving on Netarts I
beach. When near Fall Creek, where 1
to $1.50
values to 22.50, now going at
the sand is soft, the double tree of the
buggy broke and the team ran away.
values to 30.00, now going at 14.85
to $1.75
When near Cone’s store the team fell,
one of the horses breaking its front
right leg. and had to be shot.
On Sunday Captain Early and the
life saving crew went to the assis­
tance of the launch Arab, which
docks at Garibaldi After the launch
Complete Outfits for the FISHER
had crossed the bar something went
Everything for the BEACH:
MAN : Boots, Hats, Aprons, Flan­
wrong with her engines. There were
six passengers on board, including
Bathing Suita, Caps, Shoes, etc.
nel Shirts, Arctic S >x, etc.
Dr. Tyler Smith and son of Sheridan.
They were transferred to the lite
\ The First National Banki
of Tillamook
Netarts Hotel ready for business.
First-class cooking. Meals at all hours.
Rooms and good beds.
Harvest Sale !
Continues and Improves as it Progresses
Here are a Few of the Many Bargains we are Showing :