Tillamook Headlight, Juh 6, IQ1 Minsker-Owen gest thing Tillamook has ever done We will send the fresh air kids back | BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON | From Cloverdale Courier: Editorial Snap Shots to Portland knowing that the world Board of Trustees Orders all Delin­ is full of good people, and that God At’the home of the bride’s -- Oregonian. quent Members Posted. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. 0w 8 en barent^ Is it "psychological” or "watchful I The Oregonian the other day told is love. „ , , ... The Oregon Bankers ’ association By "One who knows. waiting” free trade, Bro Trombley? I the story of the Chinese egg in the yesterday morning, occured the early At a meeting of the Board of Trus­ held its convention at Medford. I Oregon market. A great many thou- tees riage of their daughter, Ruth# u of the Commercial Club Tuesday sand dozen eggs have, since October evening, As to the value of dairy lands in I I j, much interest was manifest­ Schreiber Schiffman Wedding | The free text books question was frey C. Minsker, of Wheeler to W 1913, when the Wilson-Underwood snowed under at the school election Tillamook county, who wants to pay tariff went into effect, been imported, ed President Dwight took right - Th, A very pretty home wedding was ceremony took place in the presen,. . tares on ficticious valuations? i It is but the beginning. The exper­ hold of the bit like a veteran and was solemnized on the evening of Wednes­ 1 in Portland. fainilv fuu, . ce,f the family and a few invited assisted by the entire Board A typewriters’ speed contest was of bringing the little known ably We wonder whether Bro. Trombley iment day, July 8th, at 8 o ’ clock at the home Rev. F. S. Ford officiating. The The report of the Secretary showed egg of China into competition with that many members were delinquent held at Astoria Thursday. A silver ws becomingly gowned and depjuj will enter the free trade Democratic I the fine white egg of Oregon has been in their dues, and it was unanimously of Mr. and Mrs. S. Schiffman, Bay loving cup was the prize. baby in the Better Babies Contest? I successful. Next W inter the incom­ ordered that the following by-laws of City, Oregon, eldest daughter, Hazel with her husband on the earlv t Plans have been completed for hold­ for Tillamook. **** ing trans-Pacific steamers will be Ardella, was united in marriage to Stand pat, Bro. Trombley, stand loaded with them. The Oregon hen the Club be rigidly enforced without ing the first Chautauqua at Pendleton Mr. Minsker holds an important m pat, for the Democratic free trade I is up against it. We have excluded fear favor or exception, to-wit: Any Mr. Fred William Schreiber of Mc­ standpatters have knocked the life the Chinamen, but [ we ...... sition with the Wheeler Lumber c have opened member in debt to the club in any Minnville, Oregon, by Rev. D. A. Mac­ July 5 to 10. out of business. Andrew J. Dufur. Jr., first mayor and is held in high esteem by hi« °' wide our markets to the unbranded manner for a period of 60 days shall kenzie of Tillamook. Both young be notified in writing by the Secre ­ and one of the founders of Dufur, died ployers. The bride taught school and unsanitary Chinese egg; and we Another editor of the Bay City Ex­ eat it without knowing where it came tary. Unless said indebtedness is paid people were popular 0. A. C. students, Wheeler last year, and the good wishes aminer has throtvn up the sponge. from, except that a hen somewhere within 10 days thereafter, his name the groom being a member of ’ast years in Portland. Monroe adopted a new city charter of the people of Cloverdale ?0 with What’s the matter anyway, with the gave it to the world. and the amount he ows shall be post­ graduating class. sanctum sanctorium of that unfortu­ Preceding the ceremony Martin A. without much opposition. Out of 13 them to their future home at Wheeler Now is the butter. The price i» go­ ed on the bulletin boadr at the door nate newspaper. ing down. There was a 2%-cent cat of the club rooms, and if not paid Schreiber, brother of the groom sang votes cast only seven were opposed within 30 days thereafter, his name in Portland yesterday. The tariff is $100 Reward $100. Portland jobbers continue to the principal cause. , The Air crican shall be dropped and that fact re­ “I Love You Truly.” Mendelsohn’s to the charter. The readers of this paper will br "knock” because they cannot manip­ market is open to New Zealand and ported to the next club meeting. wedding march was played by Miss Thomas McParland of Banks caught ulate the price of Tillamook cheese. other foreign butter. There it a general demand among Maud Moon of this city who also play­ a yearling deer in his back yard, to to learn that there is at least one disease that science has been able to cur?” They appear to be exceedingly con­ The fact that the cost of living is the paying members that those who ed softly during the ceremony. which place the animal had strayed. all its stages, and that is Catarrh urn. cerned about Tillamook cheese, yet going down ought of course to be do not pay to help keep up the club The rooms were attractively decor­ He will keep it for a pet. Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cur." * reading between the lines, their ob- hailed with joy. But in these partic­ shall not enjoy its privileges as it known to the medical fraternity ! reduc- ­ ulars it is being done by the sacrifice costs $120.00 a month to run the club ated with marguerites and fern. The jest, if possible, is to force a reduc The ashes of Hurley Lutz, ex-county being a constitutional disease reoui™ constitutional treatment. Hall’s J tion in the price. and not an officer gets a cent of sal ­ bride was charming in a gown of ivory of the American producer. He is clerk, were scattered in the bay at Cure is taken internally, acting direct,. ary or pay, but are giving valuable crepe de chine and carried white roses. forced to divide his own maiket with the blood and mucous surfaces of the «2? Five to fifteen years in the State foreign competition. He sells either time to keep up the dub. The club is Her veil was arranged in Juliet cap Toledo, by the lodge of Elks, in ac­ thereby destroying the foundation of penitentiary for setting fire to a at a loss or without profit. cordance with the man's request. disease, and giving the patient strenrth k a credit to the city and it is a great building up the constitution and assisti.’ barn is a severe sentence to pass on Perhaps some eulogist of a Demo­ mistake that more of our citizens do and wreathed with tiny white daisies. A big street dance the last night nature in doing its work. The proprieu* anyone convicted of the crime of cratic tariff will explain how lower not help support it and put their name She was attended by her sister Miss have so much faith m its curative »¿J arson. When Sylvester Davis set fire prices for American staples and on its roll of members. It costs $10 Esther Shiffman who wore a dress of of the Salem cherry fair to be held that they offer One llnndred Dollars foA" that it fails to cure. Send for list < to the barn he probably had no large importations of foreign food­ initiation fee and $¡.5® a month for ros? colored silk draped with shadow July 25, 26 and 27 will be one of the case testimonials. 1 01 idea that he would be found out. stuffs, involving actual loss to the those ^Address H. 8. CHENEY A CO., Teledo. ----- living in the city, and $5 initia- lace and carried Dorothy Perkins roses. features of the celebration. This should be a warning to others American producer, will restore pros- tion fee and „2 $5.00 * j a year dues for Josephine county residents turned Sold by Druggists, 75c. v.ho are likewise disposed. The Oregonian We those living outside of the city, perity. Ti.v ...... * cannot. ----- I. V. - every The groom was accompanied by his out in force to attend the Cave Day Take Hall s Family Pills for constipation brother Martin A. Schreiber. Little want cheaper butter, certainly; but business man and. citizen^ wno Eggs are selling in China for sc. a will it benefit anybody if we get it property celebration, which was held under the p,„FV..j here and wants to increase Notice of Completed Contract. dozen, and the Democratic party al- below cost to the American producer? | the wealth and. population, should Miss Delma Schiffman was ring bearer. | auspices of the Grants Pass commer­ After the ceremony a delicious four lows them to come in free of duty join, for the club is now “doing cial club. and to compete with eggs raised in Notice is hereby given that U. G. Perhaps Bro. Trombley can explain something” along commercial lines, course supper was served by the Misses Richard Williams, former member Jackson, County Surveyor for Tilla­ this country, which are now selling Inez Bozorth and Jessie Warren. Be- ' as 100 letters are being written week ­ from 20 to 25 cents a dozen. We hope how it will benefit American produ­ ly and 200 circulars, rrew-spapers, etc., side the members of the immediate I of congress from Oregon, school di­ mook County, Oregon, has filed w the next State Legislature will com­ cers to allow foreign food stuffs to describing the wonderful vast virgin rector of Portland and the oldest prac­ this office his certificate of the com­ pel the eggs imported from China to come in free and make prosperous resotirces and golden opportunities families Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Simmons, i titioner before the Oregon bar, died pletion of the contract of Wells, be branded "Pig tail eggs,” and we of the entire county, are being sent Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mather, the Misses ______ hope the next legislator from this times. to prospective settlers for the county, Jessie Warren, Inez Bozorth, Edith at Portland. Leach and Company, on the A. 0. county will take notice of this and act The Oregon national guard, the Ida­ Foland County Road, near Beaver, urging them to come here, and, as a Watt, Maud Moon and Mr. A. Beebe- Tillamook Jottings. accordingly. result, people are coming daily, ques- hiser of this city, Miss Rosina Schrei­ ho national guard and the regulars I IM n-1 1 a I tions as to equalizing assessed values ber of McMinnville, Inez Paul of Tilla- j from Vancouver barracks, Wash., will Oregon, and any person, firm or cor­ Mr. and Mrs. Riley and daughter, I f property and taxes> better roads, mook, Miss Helen Horning and Mr. foration, having objections to file to It is a shame that Bayocean is de­ prived of a wagon road, the sea side I of Chicago, are taking their outing better cattle herds, how to promote D. C. Howard of Corvallis were pres­ meet in annual encampment at Gear­ the completion of said work, may do hart Park July 12 to 20. resort that has spent more money in in Tillamook and will remain for the bay, river and deap sea fishing in ent. so within two weeks from the date of improvements than all the other about two weeks taking in the beach- The couple will be at home to their 1 An agate, containing a half-nfoon the first publication. miUons , of dollars beaches put together. If Bayocean friends after July 14 at their country and showing the "Man in the Moon” Dated this the 24th day of June, cheaper freight rates, dairy and home near McMinnville. have not been given a square deal it us, fishing, etc., Mr. Riley is connect I has been found by Mrs. N. J. Moore, should be given a square deal in the cd with the millinery firm of I). B. cheese matters, and many other vital 1914. of Agate Beach. It is one of the most future, for if there is a location justly Fisk & Co., of Chicago, New York, | questions are being considered by J. C. HOLDEN, entitled to a road, it is Bayocean, for remarkable agates ever found. the Board and arrangements made Paris, France, and is looking over County Clerk. COLD COMFORT. it is entitled to some benefit for the to discuss them in open meetings. An out-of-doors display representing large amount of taxes it pays into the the north western business affairs for Every progressive farmer and dairy- Oregon life will be one of the attrac ­ county treasury. Summons. that firm. "It’s simply ... great around man, who wants to sell out or stay It Came After the Little Faker Had tive features at the Panama-Pacific Got His Punishment. he remarked; "what wouldn't I should belong to the Club,. here, ” The city has made temporary re­ The Secretary was ordered to put The east end small boy had sadly exposition at San Francisco. The ex­ In the Circuit Court ____ __ _____ of of ____ the State pairs to the bridge across the slough Chicago do with tons of this great a Yale lock on the door and give misbehaved aud was locked in his hibit will cost about $10,000. Oregon for Tillamook County. north of town, which was in a dang­ atmosphere?” each member a key, so that those room. Pretty soon his mother heard The following officers were elected N. McMillan, as the guardian erous condition on account of the All entries for the Better Babies’ who are too selfish to help pay ex­ him calling. of the person and estate of by the Oregon Pioneer association: large amount of gravel placed on the penses and keep up the club, shall be Frances Xavier Moreau "Muvver,” said the shrill voice, “I’m President, T. T. Geer, 1851; vice-pres­ approach, which was removed. It is Contest must be filed with Mrs. M. F. kept out of the club rooms; and it (Frank Marey) an incom­ fortunate for the city that no accident Dunstan, superintendent of this de­ is right. Why should a few public goin' to bust the window and fall ident, Charles B. Moores, 1852; sec­ petent person. occurred, for it would have been a partment of the Tillamook County spirited citizens keep up the club ex­ out!" Plaintiff, retary, George H. Himes, 1853; treas­ costly affair for the city. The bridge The mother made no reply. Again penses, that others may enjoy its • vs. urer, Charles E. Ladd, 1857; directors, is none too safe now, especially when Fair, by July 25th. Up to the present privileges, who pay nothing. the shrill voice arose: Will TcnEyck, Alfreda Ten autos hit the bridge at a lively gait, time about 70 mothers have applied By-law No. 14 will also be strictly “Muvver, I’ve found some matches, John W. Minto, 1848; Henry L. Pit- Eyck and also all other per­ r’— for cards to enter their babies and a enforced towit: The Thursday even­ for then it shows its weakness. The tock, 1853; Nathan K. Bird, 1846. sons or parties unknown city can't put in a new bridge none tbo large number of these have been en­ ing socials and dances shall be re­ an’ I’m goln’ to set fire to the cur­ The Oregon apple box will become claiming any right, title, lien soon, and it will be lucky if some ac- tered. It is the intention of the Fair stricted to club members, their wives, tains." interest or estate in the real The mother remained indifferent the standard apple box for the entire cident don’t happen before then. estate described in the com­ Board to have the contest previous families and lady friends, and visitors Once more the voice hailed her: United States, if congress can find from outside coming with them, this plaint herein. Our esteemed contemporary, the to it will considerable “Muvver, don’t you smell Bumfln' thne to pass the Raker bill, which . the fair, __ as _ ___ take __ .. I does not include member’s sons over Defendants. Herald, the Democratic free trade time to judge the babies, especially I 18 years of agi, no others will be ad- burnin’?" Even this drew no re- was favorably reported recently to To the above named defendants booster, gave the snap shot man a as the superintendent 'expects there I mitted unless they have an invitation spouse. the house by the committee on coin­ Will Ten Eyck, Alfreda Ten Eyclc, "roasting" this week. We feel sorry “If you don’t smell nothin’,” the be about 100 entries. The Board ‘I1 writing from the entertainment and also all other persons or parties that the Democratic organ is ro will , „ . , I Commtttee, and present it at the door voice went on, “it's ’cause 1 pulled off age, weights and measures. claiming any right, title, "peeved” because free trade is bring­ of Examiners will consist of seven | 3nd n0 m<.mber can invite more than In an opinion asked by C. C. Spen- unknown hin I all th' match heads an' swallowed ’em, lien, interest or estate in the real es­ ing about lower prices and stagnation I doctors and onc dentist, once any male resident of this city I I'm goin' to die. Do you hear that . cer, of Oregon City, Attorney-General tate described in the complaint herein. in buMnes*. ics, Bro. Tromblev, it is I or county, and that on-e only with a an' Crawford has held that the bonds of In the name of the State of Oregon certainly a calamity when one of the The grand jury was called together view muvver; I’m goin’ to die." to getting his membership, and home newspapers takes so much on Monday and brought in i. true any member violating this rule is By this time the mother was thor­ school clerks must be double the you and each of you are hereby re­ oughly incensed, and, hastily preparing amount of money it is estimated they quired to appear and answer the com­ fÀL°rr* iVCr>'lhing bin against Sylvester Davis charged I fi^'jYw'by the By-law' Placed on The free’list.^The' Demo’ with arson' Hc arran^'1 beforf Strangers, visitors are welcome to a cup of mustard and hot water, she will handle. The bonds must be ap- plaint filed against you herein on or before the last day of the time pre­ cratic party handed the producers of W Webster Holmes and pleaded the club any time on presenting a hurried upstairs. proved by the school boards and the scribed in the order of the publication .. .. . J card, which can 'be obtained by any “If you’ve swallowed match heads,” county school superintendents. hereof, towit; August 20th, 1914, and Tillamook County a lemon when it . 1 guilty. He was sentenced . to the from President Dwight or she announced, “you’ll have to swal­ if you fail so to answer and appear, came into power, and Bro. I romblev State Penitentiary for not less than member Commissioner Campbell has an- Secretary Worrall, anyone under the low this to keep them company.’’ And for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap­ _ , is trre squeezer who is now handing ,. out the juice five Jcars the minimum an I intern influence of liquor will be refused ad­ then she poured the nauseating stuff nounced that the state railroad com­ ply to the Court for the relief prayed mission henceforth would insist upon for in the complaint, towit; for a de­ _____ J years the maximum penalty for the mission to the club and no “drinking” down his throat all commission merchants in the state cree that plaintiff is the owner in fee _ A great many persons are visiting | crime. Davis set fire to a barn belong­ is allowed in its rooms, the club feels A little later the aggravating young ­ Tillamook County at the present time ing to Mrs. Smith, which contained that their elegant rooms, with all ster. sadder, wiser and much bumbled, observing the commission merchant simple of the following described magazines, papers, social games and real property, towit; Beginning at a some for the first time, and They arc greatly surprised to find finely con­ cattle and hay, and these were des­ billiards have been imposed upon and concluded to take the balance of his act enacted by th-. I 1st legislature. point 58.16 chains west and 42.15 punishment in silence. The secretary of the interior has arc determined to stop it and the troyed, after which he left the county. structed roads and substantial steel chains south of the northeast corner “1 didn't really swallow the matches, designated a tract of 284,000 acres of of section 21, Tp. 1 N., R. 10 West of ami concrete bridges It was wise as Davis was taken to the State peniten­ Board asks all members to help them. If club members in good stand ­ muvver, ” he contritely explained. well as economical for Tillamook tiary on W ednesday by E. T. Epp- land in Oregon for entry under the en­ the Willamette meridian thence north ing have friends visiting, or strangers “1 knew you didn’t sonny,” replied larged homestead law. Most of the 74 degrees east 7.08 chains fee initial < ounty to get out of the old rut of lett. in the city, or commercial salesmen building make-shift roads and poorly point of tract herein conveyed, said tbe mother.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. lands embraced in this designation lie point being the southeast corner of come to the President or Secretary constructed wood bridges, and the in the Deschutes and John Day river what is known as the Ralston 5 acre .zrttizeni sec the wisdom of this as County Court Lets Contract for and get a card of admission, good for Tip» For Tennis Players. two weeks, after that they must pay they sec the wonderful transforma­ basins. tract, thence north 16 degrees west Another Concrete Bridge. One of the faults of the inexperi ­ $1.50 a month dues, same as members, tion that is taking place along these 220 feet, thence south 16 degrees west Dental work to the estimated value enced doubles player which is most except visitors, salesmen, etc., who lines. And there is not a district in 23.456 feet to the northeast corner of The ’ounty Court met on Friday only .stay a day or two at a time, may persistent is standing still. This is of $2000 was performed on prisoners tract sold by Geo. W. Kiger and wife the county but what can look with pride on these improvements and ad­ and attended to some few matters as have an annual card, free of charge one of those necessities In doubles that at the state penitentiary during the to Frank Marey by deed dated Oct­ but all cards must be sign'ed by the are often overlooked. But no partner last week by applicants for licenses ober loth, 1902 and recorded in book mire the policy of those w ho havebven follows: President and Secretary to be recog­ can do justice to bis team unless instrumental in making these perma­ "Z” of deeds page 31 records of Till­ Tillamook Bay Construction Co., nent changes. nized. Information can be had from he moves after every shot to the cen­ to practice dentistry in Oregon who amook County, Oregon, thence south appeared for examination at the regu ­ final payment section “A" Garibaldi Secretary Worrall, President Dwight, 16 degrees cast 220 feet to southeast or trustees, F. D. Small, C. S. Barnes, ter of the angle of the return. In other lar semi-annual session of the Oregon corner of Marey tract, north 74 de­ The Nehalem Reporter deplores the Wheeler road, $994.45 allowed. words, both men must constantly closing down of the large saw mill at grees east 23.456 feet to initial point, C laim of E. B. Barthrop, for $27.75. C. W. Miller. Geo. Henderson, C. W. change their positions, moving back state board of dental examiners. Talmage, Ira Smith, John Groat, also Wheeler. It is still fresh in the mem­ was continued. Interpreting the county division law all being in Tillamook County, State and forth toward one side or the other, treasurer Fred C. Baker, and vice- ory of the snap shot man that the of Oregon, and that it be adjudged Claim of Beaver Lumber Co., for president, Chas. Kunze. according to where they have sent the for G. B. Putnam of Bend, Attorney- that defendants have no estate or in­ people of the north end of the county General Crawford holds that if a coun­ I m II. if the net man has volleyed deep $23.40, was continued. voted for a “change” of administra- terest whatever in or to said real Food For Thought. into the right hand corner both play ty is to be divided into three counties, estate, and that said defendants and tion. Now that they are experiencing In the matter of bids for the con­ the “change” with free lumber, free struction of a concrete bridge over era move across to the right. The each of the two new counties must each of them be forever barred from fish and free agricultural produce, right hand player thereby protects tbe receive 65 per cent of the vbte cast asserting any right or claim whatevrr To the Editor of the Headlight West Creek near Beaver the bidders they evidently don't appreciate Dem­ shot down his own side line, and the in its proposed boundaries, and 35 per in or to said property adverse to August the ¡5th is the time set for ocratic stagnation in business. There were Delsman \ Dolan for $1,648.00 seventy children from Portland to left hand player protects the cross plaintiff, and for such other or further was nothing wrong with the Repub­ and F. C. Fcldschau for $.1,336.06. visit Tillamook. They are coming court shot down the central diagonal of cent of the vote cast in the balance relief as to the Court may seem meet of the territory, including the other with equity. lican party, was there, and no doubt, The latter was awarded the contract. uninvited. They arc never invited the court—Outing. the voters in the north end of the proposed new county. In other words, This summons is served upon y>u any where. They are children who In the matter of a public crossing county will be glad of the opportun- ' by publication by order of the lion. the attorney-general holds that when have been deprived of all the privi ­ Lubricant For Aluminium. ity to vote that party back into pow­ at Idaville, it appears that the cross- Webster Holmes Judge of the Ci.’ciit of childhood. Hollowed eyed er, for the Democrats have placed ing over the P. R. X- N. Co. track leges Many machinists, especially those two new counties are being created Court for Tillamook County, Orcgcn, and hungry. They live in a few shab ­ most everything raised in Tillamook now in use, is located on private by rooms in Portland, their sole sup­ employed in the motor engineering in at the same time out of one county the which said order is dated, July 8, 19'4 County on th'e free list. percentage of the vote that must be and the date of the first publication property , and not in the proper lo­ port is a poor worn out mother, who dustry, are frequently called upon to work in aluminium. To satlsfactorf'r obtained is the same for each pro­ hereof is July 9th 1914 and th? date .slaves over her wash board, or scrubs One reason that the pressure is re­ cation to benefit the public, it was re­ every day in the week. She is never do this work various lubricants have posed new county as though only one the last publication and the last date duced on the water system, especial­ solved that the Railroad Commission able on or before which you arc required to promise her children anything been tried, which, however, owing to county was being created. ly on Mondays’ is on account of wash­ to answer is and will expire August ask them what they would like to their volatility, are of little use A ing machines being attached to the be requested to have said crossing or "We want to everlastingly kill off 20, * I9U- She, her self, has been deprived suitable lubricant is tallow or co. system. But suppose a serious fire moved to a point where it will con­ eat. T. B. Handley and M. J. Gersoni. all the pleasures of this life, yet if bier’s wax. This latter does not dis single tax; that's what this measure occurred while all these washing ma­ nect with the established county road. of Attorneys for Plaintitf. you talk to one ot those brave moth­ is for," declared T. J. Fording, of Port­ chines were attached to the system, solve quickly and consequently does ers she will tell you that she prays land, when he submitted a copy of a what would become of the city? The God to give her strength to care for not flow as freely as the volatile oils - proposed constitutional amendment tj Wanted to rent a Dairy Ranch business portion of the city would be her little ones. On Sunday they can’t American Machinist. DR. WENDT, wiped out. It is all right to use the secretary of state. The measure, I have a client who wants to rent a go to church. They have nothing fit water for domestic purposes, but it Eye Specially which Mr. Fording said would be ini ­ to wear. The street is their play Going On. don t seem right to us that the water small Dairy Ranch with a view of ground. These are the children w;c * Fit Glasses at A terrible noise of thumping and tiated, bears the name of David M. commission should be expected to purchasing the same. Must have are planning to bring to Tillamook provide the motive power to do the from to to 15 cows Reasonably dose for a ten days vacation. Will the kind stamping came from Bob's room early Dunne. It proposes to amend section Reasonable Prices Guaranteed- one morning family washing, If there was plenty to Tillamook City. Will pay cash ren­ 1 of article IX of the constitution. The and generous people of Tilla­ of water there would be no objection, tal from t to 3 years or work the hearted "Robby. Bobby." called his mother measure provides that no property, to mook, turn an opportunity for real but the principal is wrong to allow same on shares. from downstairs, "what Is going on exceed in value the sum of $300, shall What have you to offer in the way charity down5 I think not. I have up there?" anyone to use water for power pur­ ¡JOHN LELAND HENDERSON poses without making a charge for of trade for property in the Willam­ every reason to believe the people of be exempted from taxation, and that "My shoes," replied Bob. the amount of water used. Fire pro­ ette Valley or Portland. I have a Tillamook County will give the kid­ this provision, when once adopted, I ATTORNEY dies a time that they will never for­ tection is of more consequence and a number of inquiries. shall never be amended, except by I List votir trades—or sale property get, every man in town a boy; again AND importance just now than power Lovs's Parados. for the family washing machine. Arc with this office. We will try and every woman, a girl , and our slogan "f ovf results In many paradoxical two thirds vote of all the electors who COUNSELLOR AT LAW. be "Just keep on smiling." A play sitimi ions." remarked the the business men and propertv own­ place your stuff. may participate in any general or spe­ pntfosnor. ground is being planned, a tent city, ers satisfied to allow this dangerous T illamook B lock . Rollie W Watson. "What Is <>!«•?" cial election wherein a change in the and entertainments, and if every body condition of affairs to exist? "To kevp the lute of h not her one system of assessment and taxation is i Tillamook • Todd Hotel Ruilding . - - Oregon- will help we can make this the big- Your Butter. THE COMMERCIAL CLUB Bust return if Buttalo Eipi'WÇ proposed. Room No. 261.