Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 16, 1914, Image 3

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WHY DIVORCE IS SO COMMON higher the civilization, thr more nu­
merous are the grounds for divorce.
Cleveland Judge Who is Expert Gives 1 think the world affords no excep­
tion to this rule.
Cut in Local Market Is About Half
Wants a Federal Law.
Cent Under Last Week’s Mark.
Cleveland, O., July 8.—Why are so
many married people so unhappy?
That inquiry along with others of col­
lateral interest and vitality, was
brought to this city and laid before
Judge William B. Neff.
Off and on Judge Neff lias been
hearing divorce cases for sixteen
years. Since the first day of Januiyy
he has listened to nothing but stories
of matrimonal disappointment and
The twelve county judges, catching
step with the swiftly moving temper
of the community, took up the great
subject of divorce. They acted none
too soon. Families by the thousand
were going to wreacy and ruin.
The judges found that 498 divorces
were granted during the January
term of last year, 520 during the April
term and 637 during the term begin­
ning with September. They had
known about the situation in an in­
definite way. The figures however
surprised them.
"Each of us,” Judge Neff said, “ne­
cessarily had a standard of his own.
Some of us were liberal; others were
strict. Differences in tempermanent,
feeling and prepossession among the
judges led to uncertainty, confusion
and dissatisfaction.
“I suppose some of us were known
as ‘easy’ judges and others of us as
‘hard’ judges in divorce cases. Natur­
ally, attorneys and petitioners wanted
to go before the judges who were
liberal in their interpretation of th'e
law. There was more or less man­
euvering, no doubt, for position on
the court’s calandar.
“Willful absence of three years—
°*herw!se complete and entire neglect
of duty continuing for less than
three years should develop into a
cause of divorce. The law says that
total failure must continue for three
years. It follows inexoradly that a
partial failure should continue for at
least an equal length of time In
other respects the Ohio law is a mod-
ci for the whole country.
And now there is one phase of the
general marriage question about
which I think it is my duty to sav a
word. I approach it however, with
hesitation, but it is so threatening
to the physical integrity of our peo­
ple that 1 feel obliged to hint at it
if I can do no more. It ought to be
a criminal offense for anyone having
a taint of sex infection to marry. A
criminal ofiense, I said and I wish
you would lay stress on the state­
ment. Such a person as I have nam­
ed has no more right to enter the
marriage relation than has a small
pox patient to enter a church or hall
crowded with people in good health.
“I have seen, right in my court
room, the awful results of such mar­
riages, They are too terrible to talk
about in print. Nor are marriages of
the sort I am discussing simply occa­
sional. there are more of them
than the world knows, or possibly
would believe. I caution the mothers
and fathers of daughters about to be
married concerning what is, to my
mind, the saddest fact in all our
modern life.”
Cheese prices have dropped a half
cent in the local market, despite an­
nouncements to the contrary, and at
the same time the selling price of the
Tillamook product, delivered in Port­
land, is a half a cent lower than it was
the first of last week. Today quota­
tions run as followes:Tillamook twins
and triplets, 17 cents wholesale in sin­
gle cases, i6'4 cents in lots of three
cases or more. Young America’s, 17!.•
cents. Factory selling price, twins
and triplets, delivered in ~
1554 cents.
This morning 200 cases
mook twins and triplets
last week by Swift & Co.,
ceived by them and the price paid
was 1554 cents delivered here. Re­
ports have been in circulation for
some time that higher prices were be­
ing secured for this product in Cali­
fornia, and the Portland market was
being allowed to go begging insofar
as the Oregon product was concern­
ed. Attempts made to buy at Tilla­
mook under 16 cents, were unsucccs-
ful, dealers claimed, and no change
was apparent until a few days ago,
when Carl Haberlach, selling agent
for 19 Tillamook factories, announced
a reduction of a half cent. This has
now become effectivy.
R. A. Lee, manager of the Portland
house of Sw’ift & Co., stated this
morning that he is in receipt of a let­
ter from a source which cannot be
disputed, saying that the Seattle mar­
ket is loaded with cheese and the
market there is weak. The letter
states that Washington cheese is sel­
Judge for Undefended Cases
“In view of this general situation, Oregon State Fair Special Purses ling at 1 to 154 cents under Oregon,
and that the belief is general that the
the judges at a joint conference
Better This Year.
Oregon product would be eliminated
adopted a set of rules under which
from the Seattle market entirely ow­
all contested cases were to be sent to
Salem, Ore., July it.—Frank Meri- ing to the increased market of Wash­
one room and there heard by one dith, secretary of the Oregon State ington cheese, which is of equal qual­
judge. Our purpose was to obtain Fair, announced to day that the spec­ ity, but w’hich is bringing a lower
more uniformity in the interpretation ial prize for the dairy exhibits this price. For the last two weeks accord­
of our divorce laws and a more care­ year would be much more costly and ing to the letter, Tillamook interests
ful examination of the cases.
numerous than 'ever before in the his­
been trying to move cheese in
Thousands of dissatisfied husbands tory of the association. The prizes have
without success.
and wives, rich and poor, native and were obtained by A. H. Lea, superin- | Seattle
That prices have been too high
alien, have appealed to Judge Neff tendent of the department, who has here
is the belief of Mr. Lee and
from first to last for relief from the written to Mr. Meredith that he ex­ several
other dealers, and they are of
yoke that wearies and galls. They pects to add more prizes to the list th'e opinion that Tillamook cannot
would make a procession several which has already been forwarded to get along without the Portland mar­
miles long if brought together. The him. The list is as follows:
ket, despite efforts to do so. In Cali­
judge has set oh the bench and listen­
Dairy cows—Hazelwood milking fornia conditions are about the same
ed to their stories, true and false, and machine, donated by Hazelwood as in Seattle and a market must be
thus has qualified himself as an ex­ Milking Machine Company, Spokane, found for the Oregon product. For
pert in one of the greatest social pro­ value $300..
| this reason, so dealers say, prices
blems of the time.
Dairy butter—Highest score, one 1 have been lowered.
“Undoubtedly the most prolific United States Cream separator, do- I This morning a wire was received
cause for the failure of families and nated by Vermont Farm Machine Co. ' by two Portland houses from Seattle
a subsequent appeal to the courts,” Bellows Falls Vt., value $85; second offering as much cheese as they
he said, "is hasty, ill considered and prize, Gold Coin poultry tonic, do­ could handle at 15 cents laid down
romantic marriage—the sentimental nated by Monroe & Crisell, Portland, here. The result was that with a
marriage is distinguished from what value $10.00; third prize, four-bottle scarcity of home-made cheese on the
I call the prudental marriage, as i; Babcock tester, donated by Monroe market, the Seattle offer was accept­
practiced in Europe, before there can & Crisell, Portland, value $5; fourth ed and two cars will arrive here by­
be an engagement.
prize, 30-pound milk and cream scale, ! Wednesday.
donated by Monroe & Crisell, Port- i "There is no denying the fact that
When Should Men Marry
there is a market here for Tillamook
“So believeing, so knowing, in fact, land, value $4.
DisplayDairy products—Solid silver | cheese,” said Mr. Lee, “but dealers
I say that children should not be per­
mitted to marry. Marriage it not a service, donated by Southern Pacific will not stand to be held up and will
right; it is a status conferred by law. Company, value $100. Cost of booth not buy when prices are so high. Let
them come down to a reasonable ba­
No girl under the age of 21 is fit to not to exceed $25.
Cheese—First prize $25 donated by ‘ sis and stocks will not accumulate to
become a mother. No young man un­
der 23 is fit to be a farther. Prohibit Columbia Supply Company, Portland any extent. I believe, with conditions
persons under these ages from mar­ DeLavel Dairy Supply Company, j in California and Washington as they
rying and then encourage prudential Seattle and Monroe & Crisell, Port-' are reported to me by unquestionable
marriages, the marriage of France land; $10 worth of Marchall’s rennet authority, prices will drop here still
and Germany, stripped off what •extract and $10 worth of merchandise lower. Tillamook needs the Portland
might be called its aspect of bargain­ if highest scoring cheese is made with 1 market and we will patronize Tilla­
ing. Let congeniality of tastes, sim­ Marchall’s rennet extract; silver cup mook so long as we can reasonably
ilarity in education and culture, iden­ donated by J. B. Ford Company, do so. But we mill not pay inflated
tity of interest, family relations and Wyandotte, Mich., value $25; second prices.” ______________
family associations weigh decisively. prize, $12.50 donated by DeLavel
Supply Company, Seattle; Co­
If this were done our divorce courts Dairy
lumbia Supply Company, Portland,
throughout the land would not be and
Monroe & Crisell, Portland;
working overtime. Many families,
prize, plated cheese trier, donat­
too, break down over the subject of third
“Schooling in youth should invariably be
to prepare a person in the best wav
money. Related to this question are ed by Monroe & Crisell, Portland, directed
for the beat permanent occupation for whicn
those important domestic factors of
’—President C. W Kliot
of Cheese—$25, donated for
neighborhoods, housing, clothing and the Display
Is the Mission of the
food. Thousands of crafts arc wreck­ cheese by Union Meat Company,
ed upon these reefs. Move into a Townsend Creamery, Hazelwood Co.,
street and that street tells yon how and Portland Pure Milk and Cream
many servants and automobiles you
Forty-sixth School Year Open«
must keep, how you shall dress, what Company. scoring creamery butter—
you shall eat, what you shall drink $30 Highest
donated by Monroe & Crisell, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1914
and what your amusement shall he.
Supply Company, DeLavel
Write for Illustrated too-pag« Book­
“The emancipation of women is Columbia
Dairy Supply Company, Union Meat let, ‘‘THE LIFE C areer ,” and for Cata­
another cause of family failure. Wives Company,
won't submit to being kicked and Cream Company, Hazelwood Cream­ log containing full information.
Degree Courses — AGRICULTURE :
knocked down by their husbands. ery,
Creamery Company; Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus­
They will not submit to a thousand stag Townsend
and one indignities they would have B. Ford, value $25; $10 in trade, do­ bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture.
passed over in tearful silence forty nated by DeLavel Dairy Supply Co.; Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY,
years ago. Another cause for divorce silver cup, donated by Worchester logging E ngineering , home E co
is the weakening of religious sanc­ Salt Company, valued at $10; silver NOMICS: Domestic Science, Domestic Art,
Electrical, Irrigation,
tions. Whether this proceeds from a cup,
by Diamond Crystal Highway, Mechanka', Chemical, Mining.
broader general intelligence or a Salt donated
Value $50. Second Ceramics. COMMERCE. PHARMACY.
greater laxity of morals I shall not prize, Company,
$20, donated by Townsend INDUSTRIAL ARTS.
undertake to say.
Company, Hazelwood Co.,
Vocational Cowrrw-Agrlculture, Dairy­
“It is undoubtedly true that fewer Creamery Meat
Company, Portland, ing, Home Makers’ Course, Industrial
persons now are kept from appeal to Union
Milk & Cream Company; pair Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course.
the courts of divorce out of consider­ Pure gold
cuff links, donated by Bal­
School of Music— Piano, String, Band,
ation of piety than at any other time solid
four-Guthrie Company, value $20; sil­ Voice Culture.
in our history. Club life and night ver
cup donated by Oregon Agricul­
Farmer! Buitneu Course by Mail Free
life in the cities > and the love of
value $15.
amusement are also to be counted turist,
Corea Ilia rireeer
with the causes for divorce among Solid gold Elgin watch, donated by (tw-?-15 fo *-»>
the American people.
____ H is the freedom
"Another cause
$20, donated by Townsend
with which questions of sex are treat­ prize,
Creamery Company, Hazelwood Co.,
ed in fiction, in art, and particularly Union Meat Company, Portland Pure
on the stage Boys and girls get false Milk and Cream Company.
notions of life; they become familiar
Tallest butter maker attending fair, GREETINGS.
with evil and, marrying, carry their $5; shortest butter maker $5; heaviest
Notice ¡s hereby given by the State
unsound ideas into their home* > butter maker, $5; lightest butter mak­ Board
of Fish ana Game Commiss­
think, too, that the constant inter­
ioners that, in accordance with the
mingling of males and ferrates. in
Butter maker with largest family, provisions of Section 5316 of Lord’s
school, workshop, office and society $10; second prize, $5, all donated by Oregon Laws, that portion of Tilla­
lead to entanglements hard to disen­ Townsend Creamery Company, Port­ mook River, in Tillamook County,
tangle. The larger opportuni’ic; no.v land, Pure Milk & Cream Company. Oregon, above a point too feet below
enjoyed by women for earning money Union Meat Company, Hazelwood the lowermost portion of the mouth
have made them independent of bad
of Trask River, except that portion
husbands, while modern inventions Company __________
of Tillamook River within too feet
give wives more leisure, and id'encss,
from any portion of the mouth of
Notice for Publication
naturally, means discontent and a
Trask River, is hereby opened to
longing for things out of reach.
salmon fishing, other than with
"There may be a note of pessimism Land Office at Portland, Oregon, hook and line, commonly called
In what I have said so far. You must
angling, from and after July 15, 1914,
13, 1914- ,
... ,
remember, however, that I have been July
as approved by statute.
hearing divorce cases irregularly for B. Sutton, of Tillamook, Oregon, who
State Board of Fish and Game
sixteen years. During the last 30 on May 10 1909, made Homestead Commissioners.
days I have beard more than 100 Entry, No. 01778, for S. Vs S.E. 54,
By Floyd Bilyeu, B. E. Duncan,
cases , in which were exposed every N.E. 54 S.E. ',4 and S.E. 54 NE.'/z, Geo. H. Kelly, and M. J. Kinney,
imaginable phase of brutality, drunk­
9, Township I South, Range Commissioners.
Dated at Portland, Oregon, June 9,
enness, infidelity and delinquency 8 Section
West, Willamette Meridian, has
and so serious wxre the situations filed notice of intention to make fi­ I914-
brought out in the testimony offered nal Five year Proof, to establish
in those cases that it was almost claim to the land above described,
enough to destroy one’s confidence before the County Clerk of Tillamook
in human nature.
District Np. 1 will reserve bids tor
County, Oregon, at Tillamook City,
“Divorces, nevertheless are neces­ Oregon, on the 24th day af August, supplying 8 cords of four foot wood,
sary. In primitive times and in early
vine maple, crab apple or spruce
civilization but a single ground was 1914
Claimant names a» witnesses limbs, to be delivered at Fairview
recognized for the granting of a dis­ Wesley Rush, George T Kiehm. School House, in said district on or
solution of the marriage contract and Leonard Rush and John Little all of before August 15, >9>4-
relation-. As the world progressed
Board of Directors,
and a wider field of humanity pre­ Tillamook Oregon.
Kost Crawford, Clerk.
H. F. Higley, Register.
dated, other grounds were added. The
T illamook B lock
This property we are now offering was
platted by us from the acreage consequently it is
the lowest in price of any property offered in Til­
lamook at the present time:—
(Successor to Dr. Sharp),
Located three blocks
west on 5th street from the High School. Every
lot choice and sight’y, 50x100 ft. with 10 ft. alley,
6 ft. sidewalk all in. Your choice of any of these
lots for a short time at $275. & $300.
STILLWELL PARK:— Located just west of
King Add, this is very fine property, lots all 5000
square feet to the lot. One fine qua rter block of
10,000 spuare feet at $350, which you can’t beat
in this town or anywhere else.
ADDITION:—.. Located
East on 1st and 3rd streets, adjoining R. R. .1
have for sale in this tract the choicest lots in the
city. All high and sightly, 50x100 ft. to each lot.
Prices range from $250 and up. Terms, easy
- Oregon
Store in Heins Photographic
ROLLIE W. WATSON, Tillamook’s Leading
Sub-Division Agent
B lock
213 T illamook
Both Phone
300% IO
life of
Residence anilofliccin Wliitelioiine
Connoisseur« $
know that it* delicioiu flavor
i* beyond comparison. Find
out lor yourself. Order bom