Tilla SQOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCQOOOOOOCeOQQQOQQQOQOQ be as strict as the federal rules gov­ stain on our flag. To argue, in the ADVERTISING RATES. erning the operation of a still, for face of this that we are not apologia- I example. 1 his would soon dispose ing is obvious quibbling. Legal Advertisements. I of the foolish jokers and limit the First Insertion, per line.............. $ ■l0 offenders to the intentionally criminal State Encampment. .05 ' against whom society would have to Each subsequent insertion, line. continue to wage incessant war. Business and professional cards The delegates from the Shepards- town Post and Womens Relief Corps one month ................................ 1.00 who attended the State Convention Homestead Notices .................... 5-00 The Farm in Real Life. at Tillamook last week returned the Timber Claims ............................ 1 10.00 latter part of the week tired but full Locals per line each insertion. •05 Why is it that railway magnates, ■ of praise for the good people of Till­ Display advertisement, an inch, presidents of banks and heads of amook for the fine time given them. • 5° great enterprises who must perforce This 1914 convention is the best lh> one month.................... . ........... I do business in cities, almost all try state has ever known, and was All Resolutions of Condolence ' to have homes on farms in the coun­ enough to enthuse the most indilitr- and Lodge Notices, per line. 05 try, where they develop soils, plant ent to a proper regard for their coun­ I Cards of Thanks, per line.......... .03 crops and breed animals? It is be- try. On Wednesday morning the parade I cause there is wearisom monotony in Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen ' piled-up brick and stone. There is six blocks in length made up of the etc., minimum rate, not ex­ confusion in crowded streets and patriotic men and women from all ceeding five lines...................... •25 clanging trolly cars and hot, smokey over Good Old Oregon was a thing railways. These things man has long to be remembered. There Was I made, and they are needful, but they hundreds of flags in this march and it RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. I are not life, much as the farm boy seemed to make these honored \ et- (Strictly in Advance.) erans young again to march with fife ■ may ìmncrinP imagine thf>m them tn to ì)é* be. One year ........................................ $’ 5° Life is in the open country. Life is and drum and Old Glory floating so Six months ........................................... 75 in the growing grass, the waving field proudly over head. The Clatskanie delegation have Three months....................................... 5° of wheat, the springing corn. Life is many good reports to make as to the in the trees and birds, lite is in the generous way in which they were developing animals of the farm. Entered as second class mail mat­ ! Any man who works with the land, ¡treated while in Tillainook,_ such as ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at who feeds a field and watches the re­ free reseptions etc. On Thursday Tillamook, Ore., under the act of sult, gains a real fundamental know­ ! afternoon more than two hundred ledge of the underlying foundation I automobiles were furnished to take March 3, 1879. on which rests all our civilization. It ’ the visitors through the surrounding | country where they visited the cheese makes him a sober man, a thoughtful t THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. man, a reverent man, and if f he exper- ; factories. They are already looking __ iments wisely, a hopeful optimist.. forward to the next encampment — , Life is where things are born and live which will be held in McMinnville one year hence.—Clatskanie Chief. and grow. On the farm is real life. What do we Gain by It? i - th ' Kodaks AND Supplies Kodaks make Photo­ graphy so simple that anybody can take good pictures, I.et os show you how easy it is. J ust the thing for that camp­ ing trip or for vacation on the Beach, a KODAK will make a permanent record to look over as Dring years roll by. your KODAK troubles to us. $ $ LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd & 3rd AVENUE WEST $ Oxyaccetaylene Welding At C. I. Clough Co. We weld Cast Iron, Steel, Bronze, Brass, Aluminum, Nickle Steel, Cop­ per, broken gears, pulleys, crank shafts, boilers and build seamless tanks. Do cutting and brazing, THE RELIABLE » DRUGGIST. Wier Sprechen Deutsch. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MILL AND Oregonian. 55% Acre Bearing Orchard. lll III III ». Ill III HU HI HI HI HI «H! ÿ The one industry which the Demo- ' The constitutionalists must be try­ MARINE WORK, Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., cratspromised to take care of in re­ ing to force something by their arrest I have offered me a 55% acre, high­ Qis ru ûT'nr of a British counsel. vising the tariff was farming. In ly improved fruit orchard tract, which 4 Surveyor, Quick service our specialty. angling for farmers’ votes they bait­ Kidnapping appears to be one of the I is located about 5 miles out from the « John Leland Henderson, Sec Remove carbon from cylenders in 20 minutes. ed their hook with the farmers’ free favorite campaign arguments in 111- city of Salem.— retary Treas., Attomey-at list and in angling for urban dwellers’ nois local option fights. All work guaranteed. I am told that this place is one of Law, Notrary Public: votes they used the free market bas­ the best places in Marion county and champion The pigeon is still the ket as bait. They slurred over the a big producer. At Hiner’s Machine Shop. fact that whatever they gave to the aviator although it has too much All of this place in bearing orchards ■ Tillamook Title and | farmer they took from the manufac­ sense to loop the loop. principally Italian prunes. There are No Jobs too Big and None too Small. Abstract co. turer and his workmen and that In addition to tjie poor, it seems some Spitzenberg Apples. Bartlett whatever they gave to the consumer that we are to have Congress always Pears and 250 English Walnut trees « Li.v, Abstracts, R Ml Estate, 4 in his free market basket they took with us hereafter. which are six and seven years old. ■ Surveying-, Insurance. from the farmer. There are‘also a good many cherry The Presbyterian snoyd Saturday trees of good marketable fruit pro­ « The farmer now has his free list Both Phones. and the consumer is saving 2% cents adopted a resolution favoring state- ducers and are about 20 years old and a TILLAMOOK OREGON. a pound on his butter in consequence wide prohibition in Oregon. A nota­ fine large trees. 5 hi 111 in lavi» of New Zealand importations. A de­ ble feature in connection with the in ir hi in There are good buildings consisting cided check has been given to the resolution is a clause requesting the : of house, barn and outhouses and a dairy Industry of Oregon, and men General Board of Temperance of the large prune dryer of 500 bushels per who contemplated engaging in it have church not to send temperance work- | large brune dryer of 500 bushels per held off. Land does not sell as freely ers into th'e state and not to make e 1 day drying capacity. Water is piped or at as high a price, the demand for expenditures from a fund of $50,000, ’ to all of the buildings from a fine all the commodities which would be raised for the campaign in five north­ I spring. used or consumed on dairy farms is western states, without consulting the I There is a good sprayer and other restricted and there is less employ­ synod. In other words, the syuod farm and orchard tools too numerous ment for labor in producing these takes the position that the prohibi­ to mention that I am sure will be put tion campaign in Oregon should be in with the place; altho they are not commodities and on the farm. The question natuially arises: Has waged by Oregon people. The reso­ listed with the contract, but was anything been gained by this state or lution reveales the ■exercise of good I stated so verbally. by the United States through this sav­ judgment. Too many important pro­ There is also an electric dynamo on ing to the consumer in the price of hibition workers might injure a cause the premises and electric lights butter at the expense of the farmers’ which now seems certain of success. throughout the dryer. profits? With more land improved, — Eugene Guard. | I have this place for sale or trade more creameries built, more farmers A newspaper in Hope, Ark., gave as follows:— Price, $20,000. Terms, in the country to buy of the neighbor­ Opie Read to the world of American $5000 to $7000 in good county proper­ ing towns and with more labor em­ letters and now a newspaper of the ty or city property that is worth the S33 ployed, should we miss that extra same bustling little town gives that money, and will assume mortgages nickle in the price of a roll of butter world, or as much of it as it can on property to $5000 or $6000, this with the problem of buying Harness as much as we miss the prosperity reach, something still better. It is would make from $10,000 to $13,000, you will find it distinctly advanta­ which flew away with the advent of the Hope Gazette which is now print- ' which the owner of this place would geous to come and do your select the Democratic party to power? ing a chapter of the Bible in each of put into a place here in this county. These are questions which both its weekly issues. In the latest issue The balance of the purchase price of ing here. You will get the best farmers in tire country and consumers the last of the Four Gospels was his place to be secured by a balance qualities, the most thorough and of farm products in the towns should printed and the editor, writing to the mortgage, or cash or terms to be conscientious workmanship and be ponder. The chief consideration with Little Rock Board of Trade, which suitable to purchaser. charged the most reasonable prices. the voter this year is the eminently has interested itself in the novel en­ Don’t you think that this would practical one, how to revive general terprise, gave assurance that the cir­ suit \Ve can supply single or doubl you? prosperity.The Underwood tariff has culation of the Hope Gazette has Sets or any single article that you If you want to go take a look at brought what we now see. It is hard­ been markedly increased as a result this place I will go with you at any may be in need of. ly what we bargained for. of the new feature, and that the paper time or will place you directly in will continue the publication until the touch with the owner. last of the New Testament is printed. Yours very truly, Misuse of the Wireless. Rollie W. Watson. I It will then begin agian with the first chapter of St. Matthews and reprint :« a in in ; k a. « * ir* «« Nearly all discoveries and inven­ all of it. It might be asked what is Notice Closing Streams. tions which have been of service to the matter with the Old Testament I the world have also affarded the that it should be debarred the privi­ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE malevolent and reckless opportunities lege of the circulation of the Hope I to work injuries or cause annoyance. Gazette. W'e are convinced that it PRESENTS, that, whereas for the The first lighthouse suggested the use carries thrilling stories which would purpose of propagating, stocking and I of false lights to smugglers and come as the most complete news to protecting the salmon fish which fre­ I quent the waters of Nestucca River ELMORE PARK, wreckers. The development of •en­ readers in many sections. and its tributaries, in Tillamook, j ■ graving and litographing was seized ROCKAWAY. Ambassador Da Gama, speaking at County, State of Oregon, the State upon and utilized by counterfeiters. Even discoveries by bacteriologists Niagara Falls after the A. B. C. me­ Board of Fish and Game Commiss- | ■ Furnished for light house­ and biologists have been used by per­ diators had taken an indefinate re­ ioners has decided to close the said R ........ and reviewing the work they had Nestucca River and its tributaries ! keeping. Light, airy and verts in the practice of crime. The cess, a theory that education would reduce accomplished, was rightly congratu- ab°ve a point on said Nestucca River i sanitary. Good water in crime finds no support in experience. latory over the fact that they have 5>ne hundred (ioo) feet below the 8 every kitchen. Rates rea­ of the confluence ¡ i ig a ; lowermost u portion yui nun ui mt connucnce Our prisons are filled with tnen who thus far succeeded in preventing ■ sonable. ; ‘ of Hom Creek and the Nestucca Riv- arc keen of intellect and skill? 1 in war between the Unites States and e* r > t ft prevent t* 1* n fishing i I. ». i.. t by . _ _ any ___ I that was the ...» original, i cr therein many arts and sciences. The entire Mexico, As ...... 0000000090009009900009000900000000900000009000 then appeared, rhe the oniy only pur- pur­ means whatever, except with hook I world is concerned at the possibi.'.- and, as s men of __ mediation line, commonly called angling, | < ' the ' tender ' 2_____ ' by ties of the misuse of wireless teleg­ pose of raphy, a few striking instances having the three South America republics, ; for salmon fish during the period of shown how probable it is. The world the mediators are to be congratulated time hereinafter specified. NOTICE was startled a few weeks ago by a upon their success. The ambassador I NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE report that American liner Sibera made it clear that the mediators have, IS HEREBY GIVEN by said State had run aground and was sinking off regarded the government by Huerta Board of Fish and Game Commiss­ the coast of Formosa This report as the government of Mexico, very ioners that said Nestucca River and was accepted and British and Japan- properly, indeed, since Mexico has no its tributaries above a point on said esc cruisers were rushed to Formosa other government and has had none | Nestucca River one hundred (ioo) for relief. The friends of many pas­ other since Huerta's inuaguration. ■ feet below the lowermost portion of sengers were in sore distress until The Washington administration hav­ the confluence of Horn Creek and the the Sibera arrived at Manila and re­ ing refused to recognize such a gov­ Nestucca River, are and each of them ported that it had suffered no acci­ ernment in Mexico, and having an­ is hereby closed to fishing by any dent and had not been within too nounced, at the beginning of the dif­ means whatever, except with hook mile» of Formosa. Who sent the ficulties which brought the tender of and line, commonly called angling, false warning and why it was sent are mediation, that the question in issue for salmon fish, from and after 6 was not with a Mexican Government, I o’clock P. M. on the 15th day of July, puzzling mysteries. The London Electric Review, in but with an individual Mexican, there' A. D., 1914, until said streams are commenting on this danger, shows will doubtless be casuists claiming opened to salmon fishing again in with Section 5316 of ‘that the authors of such messages that the Brazilian ambassador is not accordance may preserve the anonmity at pleas­ precise in saying that ‘‘there is an in­ I Lord’s Oregon Laws, and it is and will be unlawful to fish for, or take ure, with little risk of detection. Re­ ternational side, of the conflict." or catch any salmon fish by any quirement that all wireless operators Notwithstanding the repeated as­ procure government licenses may re­ surance by the State Department means whatever, except with hook duce the evil, but it can not abolish that the proposed Columbia treaty, and line, commonly called angling, the said period of time above it. But little apparatus is required already ratified by the Columbia Con­ during specified. and it may be temporialy erected and gress, contains no apology for our Any and all persons whomsoever easily removed. The direction of a recognition of the Panama Republic in violation of this notice sender may be ascertained, but wheth­ so soon after it was organized, the so.fishing will be prosecuted as by law provid- er he is ten or fifty miles away it is campaign being conducted bv the cd. impossible to determine. The op­ friends of the treaty appears to have State Board of Fish and Game portunity of forging a message is as its sole basis the contention that Commissioners. practically unlimited In time of war we at least owe an apology. Seizing By Floyd Bilyeu, B._ Duncan, a whole nation could be thrown into on a rather boastful declaration of Geo. H. Kelly and M. E. J. Kinney, frenzy by false messages. False re­ former President Roosevelt about Commissioners. port» on securities might cause great how he took Panama without waiting Dated at Portland, Oregon, June o Kl B\ CAKACOLA COFFEE, 10 pounds for $2 50 fluctation in stock markets. f?r Congress to debate the matter, 1*14. All of these presume malevolence the RUBY CARACOLA COFFEE, 1 pound for 27c. Xcw York World now publishes and sinister motives. But the chief the evidence it gathered to use in de- German-American Coffee, 1 lb. can, 30c. German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can, 85c I danger at present is from people tense of a liable suit, the purpose of without moral responsibility, though which was to show that the Panama nu________ • w. « __ * EAT VIERECKS without real malevolence. Practical revolution was not a spontaneous up­ jokers with twisted conceptions of rising, but was engineered bv inter­ humor have already caused much an­ ORANGE LABEL, J pound, 35c. persons and received official aid ORANGE LABEL, 1 pound 65c. noyance. Cries, of distress must be ested BREAD, and comfort from the United States. Her Majesty’s Blend. 1 pound 25c. heeded, for it is not safe to doubt It should be born in mind that this Mer. cstJ' 9 lend, J pound 50c. their genuineness. The value of the evidence was never used and was not Her Majesty’s Blend, 1 pound 1.00. Capital Household, ?. pound 25c. wireless is so great that it must be subjected to attack or even unfriend­ TILLAMOOK BAKERY, protected from impairment. Severest ly examination. It glosses orcr Col­ penalties for false messages must be ombia's preceding the rev­ provided by law and the law must be I olution. behavior Senor Reyes, has addressed enforced rigorously. This can best be accomplished tinder the license a public letter to President Wilson At All Grocers. regulations. The supervision should in which he declares our attitude to­ ward Colombia and Panama t»ut - s i ■ HINER & REED, N Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. Delivered. Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO W.A, Williams A Cc Ocean Crest Apartments, F- C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line. SPECIAL GROCERY PRICES QUAKER OATS. Large Package 25c. S mall Package CRESCENT BAKING POWDERS. 5 Pound Can, Regular Price $1.00, now 85c 3 Pound Can, Regular Price 70c. now 55c 1 Pound Can, Regular Price 25c. now 20c Fancy Prunes, 10c. a pound. Fancy Dried Peaches, lOc.a Pound Coffee and Tea Special. Ridgray’s High Grade Teas RALPH C. BACON, Mgr. Grocery Dept. D A X/ O il/V T CK W W