Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 16, 1914, Image 1

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    :d Contn«.
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Banking service is not an expensive luxury.
Some of the greatest services we perform cost
our clients absolutely nothing.
The individual needs this bank to help him
make his income go farther, and to turn some of
it into a permanent asset.
The small business man needs this bank’s
help to make his business grow.
This bank is here to serve all the people, and
its officers will be glad to talk to any having
need of banking service.
Tillamook County Bank.
Report of the Condition of the
At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of busi­
ness June 3O, i914.
Loans and discounts ............................... $300,291.29
Overdrafts secured and unsecured.........
Bonds and warrants.....................................
Stocks and other securities ........ ..........
Banking house .............................................
Furniture and fixtures.................................
Other real estate owned.............................
Due from banks (not reserve banks) .. ..
Due from approved reserve banks ........
Checks and other cash iteniB .................
Cash on hand.................................................
Other resources .............................................
Capital §tock paid in ................................. $75,000.00
Surplus fund .................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid.....................................................
Postal savings bank deposits ................
Deposits due State Treasurer.................
Individual deposits subject to check.... 284,307.88
Demand certificates of deposit.............
Certified checks...........................................
Time certificates of deposit.......................
Savings deposits.........................................
State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS.
I, Erwin Harrison, cashier of the above named bank, do
solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.—E rwin H arrison , Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me the 13th day of July,
1914.—C. A. McGhee, Notary Public.
Correct—Attest : M. W. Harrison, H. T. Botts, directors.
Gained in Deposits over last Published Report
Tillamook Headlight office is
ted opposite the court house.
Sa ¿..posit boxes for rent. TilU-
mok County Bank.
Housekeeping rooms, 8th street and
Stillwell Ave.
Blacksmith shop to rent next to my
office. T. H. Goyne.
Get your Land Plaster at the Tilla­
mook Feed Company.
Eugene France, of Aberdeen, Wash.
Was in the city on Monday. .
Leave orders for all kinds of wood
With the Tillamook Feed Co.
J. B. Fields and wife, of Astoria
were in the city on Monday.
Try those 25c dinners at the Old
Spanish Kitchen. The best in town.*
Fresh fruit delivered to any part
of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.*
For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River
bottom land. Inquire of Fran^Free-
We are in a position to make some
long time farm loans. First National
A Killer and wife and S. Keller, of
the Dalles, were in the city on Mon­
Will Spalding severed his connec­
tion with the electric light company
this week.
Good paying restraunt for sale, ap­
ply to J. S. Stephens, Tillamook,
The Tillamook Feed Company will
meet any price of any house on
equal terms.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market. 15 c.
per pound.
Lost 8-year old boy’s coat. Finder
please leave same at the Headlight
Auction Sale at Harris’ Bargain
Store, Saturday at 1:30 p.m, opposite
Ed’s Garage.
J. S. Wellington tire new editor of
the Bay City Examiner, was in the
city Monday.
For sale, a horse and Jersey cow.
Enquire of Westley Rush or write to
C. A. Collinge, R. F. D. No. 1 care
of John Little.
UHflAR’S variety store ,
Drop in and Liooic Around ”
The Commercial Stables is running
a daily auto stage to Netarts.
Born on Saturday, to the wife of
Ralph Welsh, a daughter.
E. E. Lytle of Portland, was in the
city on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Logan, of Port-
land, were in the city on Wednesday.
E. E. Mosier, wife and son, of Port­
land, were in the city on Wednesday.
Miss Charlotte Banfield canic in
from Portland to visit with the ed­
itor’s family.
There is no better place in the citj
than the Old Spanish Kitchen for a
good 25c meal.
For sale, Wilton rug 9X12, 1 willow
rocket, isanitary couch.—Mrs. Corn-
forth, over Star Theatre.
X acuum cleaners for rent with or
without attendant. Tel. 130J. The
Electric Store.
Mrs. A. A. Pennington returned :o
the city on Tuesday after visiting re­
latives at McMinnville.
T. B. Finney and wife will leave
this week for Bend, Ore., wheie they
will make their future home.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market. We
pay 15c per pound.
G. H. Heyatt, wife and child, of
Goldendale, Wash., were in the city
the first of the week.
If our work does not suit you tell
us; if it does, tell your friends. City
Transfer Company.
Eat what you can—what you can’t
eat can. Buy your fruit Jar Rubbers
and jar lids from King & Smith Co.*
Cherries for canning a tthe Fruit
Palace. Mr. Lawson will deliver them
to any part of the city. Phone him. ♦
Dairymen, if you have any heifer
calves, 3 to 10 weeks old, see J. Mer-
rel Smith. He will buy them.
Bring your mail order catalogues
to the Tillamook Feed Company and
they will fill your order on the same
Hey there! Hay pulleys, Hay Forks
Hay Carriers, Scythe Blades, Snaths,
Oil Cans. See King & Smith for
your hay needs.
Save money on your hardware,
doors and windows. We can give you
a good price on terms. King & Smith
Jake Wolvinstine has opened a re­
pair shop down by the sawmill. Will
repair any old thing. Boiler repairing
a specialty.
The band will give a dance on Sat­
urday night at the opera house, which
will be known in future as the band
N. McMillian, guardian of F. X.
Marey, vs Will Ten Eyck is a suit
filed in the circuit court to quiet
I am still buying young calves, All
kinds, both male and female. See me
if you want all they are worth. J
Merrei Smith.
Take a gun with you on the Fourth.
A 22 rifle will give you great sport.
Guns and ammunition, all sizes and
calibers. King & Smith Co.
During haying we will give you
daily Barometer reading, phone us
and find out if the weather is safe to
make hay, C. I. Clough Co.
Netarts Restaurant ready for busi­
ness. Home cooking. Quick Service.
Best Chef on Pacific Coast. A. F.
Julien, proprietor.
Protect yourself! Sci^en Cupboards
Screen Doors, Wire Fly Screens.
High time to purchase. Fly time is
here. King & Smith Co.
Now is the time to look over your
machinery and get your repairs. The
Tillamook Feed Company carries a
supply for all machines.
Envoy O. Gunderson, of the Salva­
tion Army, and solicitor for the res­
cue home in Portland, was in the
county in behalf of that institution.
Clough', Concentrated
Orange Cider makes a delicious, re­
freshing, cooling drink, 25c., 50c, and
$1.00 bottles at C. I. Clough Co. *
The Singer Sewing Machine for
sale on easy terms, at our home piano
and music store, Tillamook, Ore. A.
Lineback, manager. Both phones. •
Protect your valuable papers from
the unexpected fire by renting one of
our safe deposit boxes. Only one
dollar per year. Tillamook County
Mare, 3 year old, 1,400 IU*
horse, 7 year old, 1,430 pounds;
first-class work horses. 7 8th Per-
chon. -Apply James Hiner, Tilla­
mook, Ore.
Free, with each dozen post ¿ards,
one cabinet photo. With each dozen
cabinets or folders of that size we
give an elegant enlargement free. Till­
amook Studio.
»1.50 PER YEAR.
The Sue H. Elmore came in from
Portland on Wednesday.
For spring houseclcaning use an
electric vacuum cleaner. For rent by
the Electric Store. Tel. ¡30J.
The Nehalem Valley Industrial
Fair and Floral show will be l.eld at
Nehalem on August 29, and no doubt,
will be up to the standard of former
local fairs there.
Attorney J. A. Jeffrey, of Portland,
was in the city last week with Mrs.
Jeffrey, sizing up the political situa­
tion, for he is the Democratic candi­
date for Attorney General.
Frank Viereck, who has been visit­
ing his parents for several weeks, left
on Sunday for California.
He took
his brother Albert to Portland for
Marriages licenses were issued to
C. C. Stamper, of Brighton, and Jen­
nie Shupbeck, of Barton, Ore; and
Fred J. Biggs and Mildred Kodad,
both of Tillamook.
Next Sunday the Tillamook County
Boosters’ Barul will have an excur­
sion to Bayocean going there by
boat. A band concert will be given in
the new’ natatorium.
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains
with bus, end will handle passenger,
and baggage to all parts of the ci;y
Call or phone at the livery barn on
Second avenue East.
It's a good rule to buy a sewir.g
machine v ith an established repu a-
tion fo- quality services. The White
for sale on easy terms at Jones
Knudson Furniture Company.
We offer th;: best of professional
treatment and
prompt deliveries and every induce-
ment any studio can. See our work
and offers. Tillamook Studio.
For sale a gasoline engine, five
horse power, in good condition. Will
be sold cheap for $75.00 including
magneto, which is worth $12. Apply
to Alfred Larson, Tillamook Ore. ♦
There has been a lot of damaged
wheat shipped into the market and
sold to the ranchers, lhe Tillamook
Feed Company handles nothing but
good wheat.
Don't be deceived in buying cheap
flour, when you can get Dement's
Best Blue Stem hard wheat flour at
the Tillamook Feed Company, The
"best" flour on the market,
money back if not satisfied.
All kinds of cement work in a first­
class manner and foundation and
chimney blocks at reasonable prices.
Will guarantee any work. A. E.
Docrge, ) ith street and First avenue
West, 1 iliamook.
The First National Bank
of Tillamook
Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM,
And invites the Public to call and make an
inspection of the room and its equipment.
Netarts Hotel ready for business.
First-class cooking. Meals at all hours.
Rooms and good beds.
G. \V, DORR, Proprietor.
ifei^ÆlôJryc’f^rt^cîJôliyjôJciriJWiMöJöJ Äfö JSJ^iSJcirSJp’rrUìSJSrtìfbUtìfQf SicHRiclJö^öföMrirf’irr J
Tillamook County
Low round-trip season and week end fares from various
points on P. R. <Sr N. ; also between all P. R. & N Bead
A meeting of the Fair
be held at the office of
erintendent W. S. Buel, next Thurs­
day, July 23rd, when all the superin­
tendents are to be present. Anyone
having any suggestions to make the
Fair Board will be glad to hear them.
Tobacco and Cigar Salesman wan ­
ed to Advertise. Experience unnec­
essary. $100 monthly and traveling
Expenses. Advertising
Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigars.
Send 2C. stamp for full particulars.
Hemet Tobacco Co., New York. . *
Fishing in Tillamook Bay started
on Tuesday, with about 80 boats.
There was a good run and the first
night the boats averaging from 250
to 500 pounds. The price for large
fish is 4c. a pound, and the prospects
look good for a good run of fish.
Mrs. L. H. Levermar and daughter
Rowcn, of Sedero Wooley, Wash.,
arrived in this city last Saturday,
July 11th, and are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. N. W. Barker, and they ex­
pect to remain here the remainder of
this month.
H. T. Vance and Fred McKinley
will open a real estate office in the
Commercial Building, having rented
part of the store building adjoining
the Ray Feed Co.’s store. They are I
connected with the real estate firm
of Dorr E. Keasey &• Co., of Port­
land, both of whom are live real
estate rustlers.
A. Letcher, wife and two daughters,
of Grants Pass, came in this week to
visit the city, and was greatly sur­
prised to see the wonderful improve­
ment that had taken place the past ■
few years. Mr. Letcher was in the
jewelry business in this city some few
years ago, and has been taking a pl
summer outing in his auto.
A serious runaway accident occur-
ed at Cloverdale on Wednesday,
when a team, belonging to Carl Hab-
erlach, became scared and could not
be controlled. Martin Blaser was
driving and Mrs. Blazer and her baby
were in the wagon with him. 'Hiry
were all thrown out and th v wagon
passed over Mrs Blaser’s limbs, and
she was rendered unconscious, The
wagon was smashed, but the team
escaped with a few scratches.
10.30 JA.M.
TILLAMOOK _4:45J’.M. and 5 15 I’M
Parlor Observation Car mt ‘ Seashore Special.”
Good Fishing in the Salmon berry mid Neluilem Rivers.
I usurpnssed fishing in the Salmonberrv mid NeliaV ni
rivers, as well as other Tillamook County stream '.
Call for’our brand new folder,
P. R
” Tillamook County
Folders and full information
from any I’. R. & N Agent
or from
General I’a senger Agent, Portland, Or.
On account
a Perfect Range, Furni-
in my stoic, get busy.
to dispose of stock—|
The Pacific Salvage Co.,
Across the street from Hanibey Hotel.
E i gene E. P age . Prop.