'Tillamook Headlight. J\il> 9, I« 14 _ I .. 25.00 B. F. Barrett, typist... .............. Ike Wells....... BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON ... 45.00 Wheeler Timber Co., lumber. .. C H. Wells ... 20.00 J. G. Kennedy, anto hire.......... S. W. Monroe 3.45 Tillamook Water Works,............ Oiling of all the main roads of Polk Court met on Wednesday, July 8, O. S. Morris.. . 3.45 Mutual Telephone Co.................. M. J. Cone .... Coast Power Co., 1 ights ........ with the following officers present: county was completed last week. 6.25 G. Dorr.......... .3.45 Burroughs Adding Macl me Co. Homer Mason, Judge presiding; H. M. W. Whitney.... Prompt action by Mrs. A. Austin, 2.25 repairs. .........;.................. 22.50 Farmer aud F. L. Sappington, commis­ W. Parsoll.... 3.00 wife of Albany’s chief of police, pre­ 10.00 Hiner & Reed, welding.............. sioners; J. C. Holden, Clerk; H. Cren­ Rob Neilson ... J. C. Holden, express................ 1.82 vented the escape of a prisoner her 5.95 2.00 J C. Dye.......... shaw, Sheriff. 3.75 Hotel Ramsey, board.................. 6.50 husband had placed in the city jail. A. N. Davies.............. 30.00 H. A. Bell, towing scow............ It is ordered that claim of Lake- F. M. Oliver, shoveling gravel Young prune orchards in the coun­ F C. Feldschau, contract West ocean Lumber Co. for $2.30 be contin- M. Reust, cutting brush............. 10.00 BeaverCreek Bridge......... 2808.57 try about Monmouth are making a 8.75 L. E. Partridge, labor.................. i rapid growth, surpassing apple, pear Bales. Erskine and Heyd, county ued. V. Donlson, hauling gravel.... .. 7.50 Fair Buildings ............ ... .80 J. 00 and cherry trees in many places. It is ordered that claim of W. J. James Smith, cutting brush ..... 17.50 Stephens and Henry Woolfe Stephens and Henry Woolfe, for $16.00 J. Dye, hauling gravel................ 78.75 W. J. judgment An order has been placed tor 80,000 in case against eoun- 67.50 1 ................................................. — on Judgment be, and is berebv contin­ y. Pangburn, labor...................... 62.50 • 11. * *• vv ''Y I 1 pounds, or 40 tons, or two carloads, of IC. Weagel, shoveling gravel. J. E. Reedy, County Veterinarian 30.00 j paper for use In printing the initiative ued. B. Weagel, shoveling gravel....... 26.25 S. Hushbeck, board county In the matter of the petition of Geo. I H. Eplett, labor......................... 58.75 T. poor...................................... o. 00 pamphlets. This amount of paper is 23.75 Z. W. Lyster, labor sufficient to print 300,000 copies of a R. Edner and Clarence Edner for a E. W. Knight & Son., milk county gateway, the same is confirmed and Bill Smith, grading and dragging 41.86 poor .................................. 8.54 pamphlet with 128 pages. road......................................... Tillamook Meat Co. co. poor .... 3.00 made a right of way. H. B. Johnson, labor................... 41.86 Grand Leader, mdse. co. poor. .. 21.30 ! Retail meat, poultry, fish markets 50.00 Hull Johnson, hauling gravel ..... 15.45 and grocery stores do not come under Bills For Road District No. i McMillan, mdse. co. poor John Mix, labor ........................... 23 75 W. 5.00 the workmen's compensation act, ac­ S M. Wendt, services co. poor ... John Krumlauf, labor.............. A. Holden, hauling gravel.......... 35.00 Tillamook Headlight, printing ... 24 90 cording to an announcement of the Harry Mitchel, labor ............... G. C. Vaughn, hauling gravel...... 15.00 Tillamook Herald, printing ....... 10.41 state industrial accident commission. ....... 55.00 Nels Nelson, labor.................... J. Erickson, labor............. ........ ..... 13.75 Alex Anderson, Jr., hall rent for 5.00 The commission said the businesses Chaa. Morgan, labor ............... C. Davis, hauling gravel ..... ..... election............................... .... 55.00 A. Krumlauf, labor................... A. Daiby, labor ........................... were not of a hazardous nature. Taylor canvassing election John Paquet, labor ............ C. O. Pilgrim, labor..................... .. 28.75 Frank returns ........................... • • 8.00 After many months of correspond­ Frank Hobson, supervisor D. B. Darby, shoveling gravel 1 -00 Joe Swaha, labor................ ....... T. F. Larsen, hauling gravel ... 25.00 E. W. Stanley canvassing elec­ 3.20 ence between the state railroad com­ tion returns...................... Everett Dean, Engineer......... W. Harris, shoveling gravel........Jh50 9.15 mission and the officials of the South­ & Anderson, mdse Torrv Krumlauf, labor............. A. Holden.......... ....................... 20.00 Tohl 27.00 ern Pacific and Oregon Electric, the Alex McNair & Co., mdse ........ 2.50 Edwin Leno, labor.................. John Weber, grading................... 27.50 T. E. Epplett, salary ................ 55.00 two railroad companies have agreed Fred Paquet, team .................. Fred Burton, hauling gravel. 40.00 U. G. Jackson surveyor’s office... 48.10 to a rate of $2.25 on coke shipped from George Benson, team .............. Frank Blaser, hauling gravel 307.85 Alvin Jurhs, team .................... N. Weber, loading gravel............ 17.50 U. G. Jackson surveyor’s office... 39.70 Fairfax, Wash., to Salem. Mildred Babbit, team............... Zena Biser, hauling gravel ... 42.50 W. S. Campbell, assessor’s office 316.84 The immense flag provided by the 27.50 C. A. Johnson, assessor’s office.. John Langly, team .................. E. Drake, loading gravel J. M. G. ncui.cu,, Kennedy, auto .................. hire.......... 12.00 people of Oregon for the gigantic tree Louis Brooks, team................... C. E. Black, loading gravel......... 20.00 u. 103.40 Rufus Kennedy, team ............. C. R. Funk, hauling gravel....... 27.50' F. L. Sappington, com. salary 102.00 that is to do service as a flagpole In Valentine Stoker, team........... B. Everhart, loading gravel...... 21.25 | H. M. Farmer.com. salary....... 100.00 front of the Oregon building at the U. B. Willis, team ................... J. Maguire................................... 15.00 I Homer Mason. Judge salary .... 131 33 Chester Crow, team ............... J. W. Liisberg, gravel ............... I.75 | W. S. Buhl, County school supt. 208.33 exposition was raised at San Francis­ Edward Tirpin, team................ Wm. Latimer, gravel................... 4.65 B. L. Beals, county treas. office 208.33 co, the ceremony being the principal 10.55 1 H. Crenshaw, sheriff's office.... Huston Dent, team................... C. Ackley, gravel. feature of the Fourth of July celebra­ E. M. Crane, team.................. Alex McNair, Mdse.................... 6 30 J. C. Holden, clerk’s office......... 258.33 1.75 tion on the exposition grounds. Frank Crane, team .................. 5.00 H. C. Wilt, bridge work............ V. Holden, gravel ................. D. E. Wood, bridge work ......... 10.85 The state printing board has decid­ Otis Perrv, labor..................... Dolph Tirinerstest on Hughey Creek 2.50 Howard Crane, labor ............... contract.................................... 197.27 Dan Billinger, bridge work..., 14.00 ed to bring the state printing depart­ E. Bales, bridge work ................ Hiram Crane, labor ................ Connie Dye on contract at Jenkins’ ment under the workmen’s compensa­ Valentine Stoker, labor ......... Bridge........................................170.04 E. W. Erskine, bridge work.... 16.00 8.00 tion act. The construction work on Miami quarry rock, .................. A. K. Case, mdse ...................... 8.35 Frank Heyd............................... . 16.00 Rufus Kennedy, wood.............. A. E. Holden, gravel................... 14.90 Ed Schilling, bridge work......... 14.40 the Tumalo irrigation project has been Wm. D. Bodyfelt, bridge work.. Edw. Leno, labor...................... Delsman & Dolan, on contract Bav brought under the act, so all the haz­ Frank Crane, gravel ............... City Tillamook Road................421.87 Scharff, bridge work................... 3.20 ardous industries under the super­ Valentine Stoker, ” ............. W. B. Sutton, et al road work. .. 13.75 Ike Darlin, labor ...................... George J. Poysky is Independent vision of the state have been given Frank Strueby, water rent ..... Total..................... $2689.96 protection under the new law. Candidate for Surveyor. Dan Davidson, shoveling gravel There were 94 industrial accidents Road Dist. No. 3. Emil Ross, shoveling grave)... George J. Poysky, deputy county reported to State Labor Commission­ J. W. Thompson, hauling ” ... Edwards, team .......... _ S u surveyor, has announced his intention er O. P. Hoff last week, this being P. E. Allen, ” ” ... ' Lester Edwards, single .... P. S. Frost, Shoveling............. ' Wayne Franklyn, single.... to run for the surveyor’s office a3 an the largest number reported any week Fred Hagge, ” ............ ' John Riley, single............... independent candidate. Mr. Poysky has this year. Three of the accidents John Anderson, ” ........... Roy Riley, single ............... been in the County Surveyor’s office were fatal. J. O. Foulke was killed W. S. Linkhart, ” ........... ' Ike Riley, single ............... All Simpson, hauling gravel.... for the past three years and is well at Coyote in connection with railroad John Redberg, single.......... Chas. Rand, grading................ Ole Redberg, team.............. qualified for the position. He is a grad­ work. Duke Staul was killed at Goble S. G. Reed, grading........ ......... W M Glick, team................. uate of the civil engineering depart­ while logging. Claude Beaman was W. F. Cain, foreman ............... ' F Lyster, team.................... ment of the University of Oregon and killed while logging at Camp Creek. A. Miller, single ...................... Geo. Heilmeyer, team........ John Wall, single .................... has had considerable experience in that FJ Ayer, roller................... A. W. Cornell, a farmer living near Felix Kebbe, man and team.... Chas. Jenson, single............ line outside of his work for this county. Riddle, Douglas county, never saw a Ernest Kebbe, ” Frank Nelson, single.......... > » He was engineer for Diking District streetcar In his life until he came to E. Clark, Ward Sappington, team ... If Geo. Ludtke, ” No. 1, of Cowlitz County, Washington, Eugene in his automobile and the first Orval Kelio, team ............ . f t Fred Hart, Loyde Kelio, team .............. and prepared the plans and specifica­ one he saw he collided with. He ran W. Brobst, single Con. Newbull team............. tions for dikes, pumping machinery into an Eleventh avenue car with his igle Geo. Loerpabel, sin,, O. E. Mattoon, team ......... and controlling works to be built at an automobile as he entered the city. E. A. Worthington, man 4 team Claude Hussey, single......... Guy Loerpabel, single.............. expenditure of $100,000.00 to reclaim He appeared greatly chagrined and Leslie Jenson, single............ Fred Zaddach, team ................ J C Cochran, team............ 3,000 acres of overflow land. He is still offered to pay for the damage done to Fred Kebbe, Jr., single........... I Fritz Drebert, single acting as consulting engineer for that the car, although his automobile was Leslie Barber, man and team . .'John Bailey, single............. district. Joe West, man and team ........ damaged more than the ear. Q O Castner, team............... August Ludtke, man and team Joe Jenck, team.................. Poysky is a self made man. He earn­ Deputy Sealer of Weights and Bert Rittenhouse, ” Tony Jenck, team............... ed his way through the University bv Measures Buchtel announces that all James Moore, M J Jenck. single................. fishing on the Columbia River and counties but two will soon be equip­ G. T. Dougherty, ” John Jenck, team................ graduated from the school with honors. ped with weight-testing and measur­ Chas. Robisch. single............... P J Burgato, single............. L. Pierson, single ................... Fred Lyster, team............... He has made a particular study of road ing apparatus. Mr. Buchtel has re­ Joe Shuffell, single .................. 1,1 W Hester, team................ building in this County and is well ceived equipment for Baker, Harney, M. L. Barber, single................ Geo. Heilmever, team........ versed in the practical as well as the Lincoln, Mauheur, Union and Umatilla Homer Davis, man and team .. Fred Dunham, single.......... Walter Walling, ” theoretical side of the work. Lee Lyster, single............ . counties, Immediately after testing Burton Rice, single.................. ■ Lester Forkner, single... . The County Surveyor’s office in the the apparatus it will be divided and IL L. Sappington, single......... Robert Lyster, single......... future will require a far greater degree forwarded to the various county Homer Davis, man and team... R L Huston, single............... of ability than in the past. Under new clerks. C. Atwood, rockman................. Roy Woods, team................. J. Balmer, engineer ............... laws that have been enacted by the A H Forkner, team............. Twenty-nine measures will be voted P. E. Guildhouse, single ......... A A Imlali, Toller............ legislature, the County Court is requir­ on at the general election in Oregon W. B. Heisen, single ........... Eugene Hester, single ...... ed to have plans and specifications! next November, which is nine fewer Fred Witte, single ................... John Feldshau, single including cross-sections and estimates, than were submitted to the voters at Geo. Miller, single ................... Martin Shoultson, single ... J. W. Tohl, single .................... prepared for all work, whether new the last election. Eleven of the C. C. Murphy, roller .......... Paul Wooke. single .................. Ftank Coder, single . . road or repair work, SE relieves these troubles almost priated for municipal supply are Tur­ •• " labor...... .............. .. 5.00 IL Beall A Co. machinery........ 36.75 *-'• MEDIATELY, __________ ____ _____ we „ t ner. Marshfield. North Bend. Beaver­ We ... are __ glad Joe Monohon, Islxir....... ... 27.50 Lumber Co., lumber 326.00 are Tillamook agents for Adler-i- ton, Myrtle Point and Falls City. Ed Staseck,hauling gravel ... 15 (X» Wheeler Coats Lumber Co., lumber 233.27.................... J. S. l.aiuar, Druggist. Commissioners Meet. Notice of Completed Contr^ NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAt Notice is hereby given th Jackson, County Surveyor fOr mook County, Oregon, han; this office his certificate of the pletion of the contract of'u- York. Pennsylvania and New Leach and Company, on lhe ' Poland County Road, near B* Illinois Lead in Income and Oregon, and any person, firm 0”’ Corporation Excise. foration, having objections to fit' the completion of said work, ' Washington.—New York, Pennsyl- so within two weeks from the vanla and Illinois paid more than half the first publication. of the $71/86,146 turned into the na- Dated this the 24th day of tioual treasury In income and corpora- 19I4- tion taxes during the fiscal year just J. C. HOLDEN, closed. A detailed statement of col­ _____ Coui>ty Clerk. lections made public showed that these three states contributed $37,- r 931,717. DR Specialig WENDt Wo Eye New York alone paid $12,528,247.03 in individual income tax, while the Fit Glasses at K entire amount paid by Individuals Reasonable Prices Guaranty throughout the country was $28,306,- 336.69. The empire state paid $9,766,- OllN I.El AND HENDERSoj 248.57 of the $43,079,810.44 paid as ATTORNEY corporation tax by all states. Pennsylvania ranked second in both AND individual and corporation taxes. Its COUNSELLOR AT-I.AW. corporations paid $6,096,305.28 and its T illamook B lock , individual income tax collections - - . orem amounted to $3,176,095.28. Illinois Tillamook ■ was third in the list, with corporation Room No. 261. taxes amounting to $4,293,649.68 and ■ IH ■: Hi Ml » individual incomes aggregating $2,- 076,171.11. 3 Federal Board Choices Confirmed. Three of the members of the federal reserve board nominated by the presi­ dent—Charles S. Hamlin, W. P. G. ELMORE PARK, Harding and A. C. Miller—were con­ ROCKAWAY. firmed by the senate. The nominations of Paul M. War­ Furnished for light house­ burg, of New York, and Thomas D. keeping. Light, airy and Jones, of Chicago, have not been acted sanitary. Goo l water in upon by the banking and currency every kitchen. Rates rea­ committee and probably will not be sonable. before the end of the week. Messrs. Hamlin, Miller and Harding take the oath of office within a few days, and the work of setting in mo­ EAT VIERECK’S tion the new federal banking system can begin at once. The secretary of BREAD, the treasury and controller of the cur­ rency are ex-officlo members of the board, which consists of seven mem­ I TIIJ.AMOOK BAKERY, bers. The five will constitute a quo­ rum to do practically all preliminary business. Borah Continue» to Fight Harbor Bill. At All Grocers There is little likelihood that the fight being made against the river ■and harbor bill in the senate will ac­ complish its defeat, though it is be­ lieved that the bill cannot go into ef­ fect much before August and may not become operative until a later date. AND Senator Borah, of Idaho, who is holding up the bill, intends to hold up the conference report later, unless congress grants some of the legisla­ tion asked by the west. As a means Kodaks make Photo­ of accomplishing his purpose, he has so simple that graphy offered an amendment to the bill au­ thorizing a loan of $50,000,000 to the anybody rati take good reclamation fund, and is demanding pictures, Let us show that that amendment be accepted by you how easy it is. Just the senate. His contention is that the the thing for that camp­ river and harbor bill, with few excep­ ing trip or for vacation tions, carries no direct benefit to the states, where the government is build­ on the Beach, a KODAK ing irrigation works. will make a permanent Colombian Treaty is Likely to Fall. record to look over as The administration by a party vote years roll by. Bring will be able to secure a favorable re­ your KODAK troubles port from the foreign relations com­ to us. mittee of the senate on the Bryan treaty with Colombia, but senators op­ posed to that document assert posi­ At C. I. Clough Co. tively that the administration will not THE be able to force ratification by the senate. It requires a two-thirds vote RELIABLE DRUGGIST. to ratify and more than a third of the Wier Sprechen Deutsch. senate are said to be opposed to the treaty. National Capital Brevities. I - — ■ Major General Wood, former chief W ■' « si ■ « • « « ■ of staff of the United States army, I Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., has been ordered in command of the Surveyor. eastern department of the army. In a wordy altercation over the Nic­ aragua treaty before the foreign rela­ tions committee. Senators Root of John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas., Attoiney-at- New York and Smith of Michigan g Law, Notrary Public nearly came to blows. It Is said that leaders are hoping Tillamook Title and that a vote on the Hobson prohibition ■ Law, Abstracts, R*al Estate, amendment to the constitution will be - Abstract co. Surveying, Insurance. had in the house about August 1. Both Phones. The United States has bees asked TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. by Consul General Cheshire of Can­ HI • ton. China, to send aid for the 2,000,- 000 people who are said to have been rendered destitute by the recent floods In two southern provinces of China. The house passed the bill repealing the provision that anyone who was in any way active on the side of the rebels during the civil war should not be eligible for the collection of claims from the government. Claims total­ ing $165,000,000 will thus be revived, it is said. President Wilson will fill all va­ cancies where negroes are now em­ ployed by other negroes. In accord­ LSr--- Li ■ 'tfp ijb -i) ance with a promise which he made about the time of his inauguration. with the problem of buying Harneas White men will not take tht places of you will find it distinctly advanta­ the blacks. geous to come and do your select The San Dominican situation con­ ing here. You will get the best tinues to be a puzzler for President qualities, the most thorough and Wilson. He admits having received a conscientious workmaaship and be report that the American gunboat charged the most reasonable prices. Machias had fired on one of the war- , We can supply single or doubl ring factions because they had vlo- Sets or any single article that you lated an agreement not to bombard may be in need of. the rebel city. J Ocean Apartments Kodaks ’! Supplies. $ .HARNESS' W.A, Williams* Co. St 80 in; 19