QR. L. L. H0\ SOME BARGAINS IN CHOICE TILLA- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , MOOK CITY LOTS. Tillamook, This property we are now offering was platted by us from the acreage consequently it is the lowest in price of any property offered in Til­ lamook at the present time:— I $ $ BEFORE AND AFTER TAKING THE BETTER BABIES TREATMENT FROM THE WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION ? « KING ADDITION:— Located three blocks west on 5th street from the High School. Every lot choice and sight’y, 50x100 ft. with 10 ft. alley, 6 ft. sidewalk all in. Your choice of any of these lots for a short time at $275. & $300. STILLWELL PARK:— Located just west of King Add, this is very fine property, lots all 5000 square feet to the lot. One fine qua rter block of 10,000 spuare feet at $350, which you can't beat in this town or anywhere else. GOODSPEED’S ADDITION:—.. Located East on 1st and 3rd streets, adjoining R. R. . I have for sale in this tract the cho: '"st lots in the city. All high and sightly, 50x100 ft. to each lot. Prices range from $250 and up. Terms, easy payments. Oregon. - - . ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), $ DENTIST. Commercial Building, i • Tillamook R. JACK OLSEN. $ I ¡ > On the above property you can make no mis­ take in making an investment NOW You can have your own terms of payment to suit your convenience, in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or yearly payments. The price, the terms and the property are all more than any investor could possibly desire. Make your selection now before it is too late. Tillamook I w.c HAWK- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bay City The Great AJBSTIC t'.fgl’U QARI. 1IABERLACH, A I'TORNEY-AT LAW. T illamook B lock , .Oregon . . Tillamook < leaning, Pressing ami Repairing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery Photo/rwh /Kn lAs LlUian f. BlOy Mufa ROLLIE W. WATSON, Tillamook’s Leading These pictures , show Elizabeth babies will over-eat. but the gain of ( SUMMONS. Gaines, a cunning Vermont baby, be­ five points out of a possible one thou­ Sub-Division Agent. TODD HOTEL. fore and after taking the very newest sand, just by care, proves that the In the Circuit Court of the State of INSURANCE LOANS RENTALS form of treatment for children—the Better Babies Contest is a thing we Oregon for Tillamook County Better Babies Idea. The best part of mothers all n'eed. It makes us stop John Matela, plaintiff this treatment is that it includes no and think. We understand it is not vs. medicine, and is taken, not only by enough to have a good baby, a pretty, Sanni Matela, defendant. the baby, but by th'e mother. It might healthy baby, we want a best baby. I To Sanni Matela, the above named be termed “General intelligence in think Elizabeth will be a better baby defendant: care and feeding of babies.” all her life because of what I learned In the name of the State of Ore­ In July, ¡913, Mr. and Mrs Frederic at the Better Babies Contest in Bur­ gon: You are hereby repuired to ap­ E. Gaines, of ¡52 Pine Street, Bur­ lington. Such contests certainly put pear and answer the complaint filed lington, Vermont, entered their dau­ the mother on her metal and show against you in the above entitled ghter, Elizabeth, in the Better Babies her, as nothing else will, the possibil­ Court and suit, on or before the last Contest, held by the Klifa Club at ities of motherhood and what a heal­ day prescribed in the order for the their Neighborhood House. Elizabeth thy child can mean to the family and publication of summons made herein, scored 89 per cent. to the state.” which said order was made, and is Now, in a Better Babies Contest, In addition to the above prize of dated May 28, 1914, and if you fail the family treasure may not win a twenty-five dollars, presented by the so to answer for want thereof, the prize, but every mother is sorely tried Klifa Club, Elizabeth has received a plaintiff will apply to the Court for if her baby does not reach the 90 per Better Babies medal in bronze, pre­ 1 the relief prayed for in his complaint cent mark. Every time Mrs. Gaines sented by the Better Babies Bureau of on file herein, towit; that the bonds IJ"~ it"*”- of matrimony now existing between looked at that score card with its 89 the Woman's Home Companion. A .’«rlsct ftakar r:b -litnly d.-i-endablc. everyday, year tn, year out. Built on lior-.u, of tho best inatoriidu. per cent, she felt that it was a reflec­ There is to be a Better Babies Con­ plaintiff and defendant be forever tion on her qualifications as the test h'ere soon. Mothers are urged to dissolved. Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges This summons is served upon you, mother of dear little Elizabeth. enter their babies in this contest and 7A« on/v rc.-.c« hki J- j cuti. ely of « barcoal and nialloabla bon, Li a H l able iron can’t break—charcoal iron won't rust like steel. When the Klifa Club offered a learn, as Elizabeth’s mother did, what by order of the Honorable Webster special prize of twenty-five dollars wonders can be worked in the care Holmes, judge of the above named Economical In Fuel for the baby who had not won a prize and feeding of babies, whose parents Court, dated this 28th day of May, The erams of tho Majestic are rieetzd (not put together with at the July contest but who would gain health and wisdom at Better 1914. and the date of the first publi­ boltsand puttj) —they v/ili always remain air tight, cation of this summons is the 28th I ..■tail D' '.he 1 it li<»r < »hl ,'ifl fi them. The Majestic show the greatest improvement dur­ Babies Contests. oven In lined throughout with pure asbestos board, day of May, 1914, and the date of the ing the ensuing six months, Mrs. held in place by nil open iron prating you < an see it— and last publication, 9th of July, and the Gaines determined that Elizabeth it u.tuys there always. Air tight j n;.i and pure aHbestos lining a . uro an even baking heat. Having one-half the fuel. the last date upon which you are re ­ should touch the 90 p'er cent mark. Summons. All cL-ors drop to form tigid shelves. Nu springs, quired to answer on or before is, and On January 29, 1914, six months AfaHcable iron oven racks Slide out automatically» bold« will expire on the 9th day of July, iug whatever they contain. after the first contest, the improve­ ment contest was held. The babies In the Circuit Court of the State of I9I4. T. B. Handley, were 'examined and tested according Oregon for Tillamook County. Attorney for pliantiff. to the Better Babies Standard Score N. McMillan, as the guardian Card by the same physicians who had of the person and estare of conducted the first examinations. Frances Xavier Moreau Notice Closing Streams. This second contest aroused greater (Frank Marey) an incom­ interest than th'd first, especially petent person. among physicians and mothers. Eliz­ Plaintiff, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE abeth Gaines fulfilled her mother’s vs. PRESENTS, that, whereas for the Charcoal and Malleable Iron hopes by showing the greatest im­ Will T'enEyck, Alfreda Ten purpose of propagating, stocking and provement in six months. She went Eyck and also all other per­ protecting the salmon fish which fre­ better than 90 per cent. She gained sons or parties unknown quent the waters of Nestucca River five points and scored 94 per cent. claiming any right, title, lien and its tributaries, in Tillamook, And this is how Mrs. Gaines tells the interest or estate in the real County, State of Oregon, the State - ban o', copper vrLi q L- r f.» like a tea kettle, through a story of Elizabeth’s wonderful im­ estate described in the com­ Board of Fish and Game Commiss­ Lined ' frpP*T po«l<. t ».tuinned ireai ;• of copin-r. M-ttmg against provement: l ie 'i ■' <1 . nin»< of fir- l>. x. ti < J • > p 'i ■ - i s ai< 1 in n very plaint herein. ioners has decided to close the said with L few rr'nitf . and bv turn ii£ u lever thefrain • an«L<»v<-hnK f J-.e , n-ntltaa d ■i.i/t tarium and she weighed 7% pounds. To the above named defendants above a point on said Nestucca River Bo aid rfvcnt-3 floor from catching fir* -«»■./•< up catc hes anhc*«. To all appearances she was a normal, Will Ten Eyck, Alfreda Ten Eyck, one hundred (ioo) feet below the Ark tit to nhow you the greatest hnprovement st ranges are wc-akest. Iron, P i - the l.< t 1 ..it*;“ ul any price and U ahuulu right away, and the poor little baby In the name of the State of Oregon and line, commonly called angling, be your kiuhcn, adding for salmon fish during the period of weighed less than six pounds wh'cn I you and each of you are hereby re­ FOR SALL BY 300% to time hereinafter specified. brought her home, three weeks old, quired to appear and answer the com­ life of NOTICE NOW, THEREFORE, but after the fourth week sh'c seemed plaint filed against you herein on or Range ALEX. McNAIR & CO. to take a new start and she improved before the last day of the time pre­ IS HEREBY GIVEN by said State Commiss- Board of Fish and Game ~ every day. Our baby was brought up scribed in the order of the publication hy rule—was fed, bath'ed, taken out­ hereof, towit; August 20th, 1914, and ioners that said Nestucca River and IS CAILOM All CO»**'« doors, put to bed regularly every day, if you fail so to answer and appear, its tributaries above a point on said PC SCAVO“» Nestucca River one hundred (too) was alwaws in bed and asleep for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap­ WIL GA/t vou SOLioO every night at six o’clock, and this ply to the Court for the relief prayed feet below the lowermost portion of WATf" the confluence of Horn Creek and the has always bexm followed up and she for in the complaint, towit; for a de­ / Nestucca River, are and each of them has developed into a perfect little cree that plaintiff is the owner in fee girl. simple of the following described is hereby closed to fishing by any Entire Top When the Klifa Club announced a real property, towit; Beginning at a means whatever, except with hook Door a ar, a Better Babres Contest last July, it point 58.16 chains west and 42.15 and line, commonly called angling, Frames for salmon fish, from and after 6 seemed to methere could not be any chains south of the northeast corner made of Malleable baby healthier or betfer than mine. of section 21, Tp. t N.. R. 10 West of o’clock P. M. on the 15th day of July, She seemed so well and happy. But the Willamette meridian thence north A. D., 1914, until said streams are Can't breal opened to salmon fishing again in she had a little cough, the kind so 74 degrees east 7.08 chains f100 Reward <100. 1 trie! all < f tho retn- eaten something that did not agree asserting any right or claim whatever The rrailers nt this paper will lie pleased ediew that I heard of, with her. Here were two defects in or to said property adverse to [ to le.rn th.t there la «t least one dreaded anil a numlier of d< which the average mother would say. plaintiff, and for such other or future disease that science ha, been able to cure in torr but got no relief. *■“»» me, ‘They really do not matter; relief as to the Court may seem meet ’all it« stages. and that is Catarrh. Hill« Finally a friend told a>l babies have them at times.’ with equity. I Catarrh Cure is the lr positi»» cure now me to try Chamber J “When the contest was over I de­ This summons is served upon yu known to the medical fraternity Catarrh lain a Htoma< h and bring a constitutional disease require, a cided that my baby should never have by publication by order of the Hon. constitutional treatment Hall’« Catarrh Liver Tablet» I got them again if intelligent care and pre­ Webster Holmes Judge of the Ci cut Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon a bottl" of them and and mucous surface« of the system, ventive methods would work. I start- Court for Tillamook County, Orcg' i. thcblood they »n helped my thereby destroyine the foundation of the which said order is dated, Ju’y 8, 19’4 disease, revising her diet. and Kirin« the patient strenath b> Btotnar-h; Jiy their ’W hen I took her back to the Jan­ and the date of the first p ibbcation building up the constitution and a-sistina gentle action my bow nature Tn doing it« work The proprietor« uary contest, the doctors found her hereof is July 9nt por< li can lie lit every night until midnight and regiHter not over fifty cent« per month on the meter. E lei IRK LlOUl K um . COMF aa * 1 ILl.AMooK W ill S paldino , Manager. ANO