Tillamoolc H eadligliL Jtil> 0; IJ14 COeOCGGOOCCQOOGCQQQQQQ^^ jc’ and the criminal aspect of the case. I will be spared from forest fires this THE TIMBER MENS have reason to be lieve am arn sat I ADVERTISING RATES. fied from the examination that I hav year, and this can be brought about CONTROVERSY. made, that the County Court has ac by united action and prompt prose­ Legal Advertisements. counted for every cent of <»•« cution of offenders. out on the 184 warrants. whch« First Insertion, per line. $ .to District Attorney paid for bridges, roads or other County Bro. Trombley took a great deal of The Each subsequent insertion, line. 05 pleasure in accusing the snap shot Makes Reply. "fSÎ'Sk.enUWC ¡" Tiil.»»««. Business and professional cards man of being a Republican “Stand­ one month ................................ 1.00 patter." It is our turn to "come back” Mr. John T. Dougall, who claims to July 6, 1614. Homestead Notices .................... 500 at the Democratic, free trade spell be ail expert in "Looking out alter the interests of broken down Ç°rPo1?' Timber Claims ............................ 1 10.00 binder. The large saw mill at Wheel­ The Hammond Lumber Company. lions,” and who says that, for.the erected at a large cost, is closed A corporation of New Jersey and Locals per line each insertion. 05 er, down, and the sawmill in this city The Whitney Co., Ltd., a partner­ past four or five months he was dele­ Display advertisement, an inch, gated to look after the interests of will do likewise shortly on account of ship association of Michigan. one month .................................. Tillamook County," is in close touch SO stagnation in business caused by free Gentlemen:— trade. Lumber, with fishand the pro­ All Resolutions of Condolence On June it 1914. your representa­ with all the proceedings of the Coun- S l E lc L .05 duce of the farm, were placed on the tives Messrs Russell Hawkins, W B. tv Court, and is constantly investigat­ and Lodge Notices, per line free list, by the Democratic "stand­ ing and examining the present and Cards'of Thanks, per line.......... •05 patters,” in which Senators Chamber­ i McLeod and attorney C. G. Fulton, past records and county proceedings, have served notice upon me calling Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen lain and Lane took an active part my attention to the fact that, the and those especially relating to bridg­ And Senator Chamberlain wants to members of the County Court of Till­ es in 1913. 1 will gladly assist him in etc., minimum rate, not ex­ DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE. re-elected and will solicit the votes amook County, Oregon, during the everv way possible, consistent with : ceeding five lines .................... ■25 be of lumbermen, fishermen, dairymen, year 1913, issued about 184 warrants mv office, should he be in a position FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd & 3rd AVENUE WEST. etc., whose industries he helped place amounting to about $50,30000, for to’offer evidence or give information on the free list and in competition bridges, without any authority and whereby any gross misconduct mis­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. with cheap foreign labor. (Strictly in Advance.) without showing for what purpose or appropriation of funds or any breach for what material or labor said war­ of trust has been committed by any One year ........................................ $1-5° The market reports of the Tele­ rants were issued and paid by the official of the County, whereby your Six months............................................ 75 gram show that A. H. Lea, manager interests and that of the taxpayers in County. Three months........................................ 50 of the produce and dairy departments In the said notice, as taxpayers, you general have suffered; and will promptly comply with your demand of the Union Meat Co., is still the demand that I make a thorough ex­ that "the guilty parties be indicted amination and investigation of said Entered as second class mail mat­ "colored fellow in the fence some­ warrants and compel the county and prosecuted.” ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at We weld Cast Iron, Steel, Bronze, Should you have any consistent where,” for he has taken another jab Court to make certain entries upon Tillamook, Ore., under the act of at the cheese industry of Tillamook its records, showing the expenditures facts or information, which come Brass, Aluminum, Nickle Steel, Cop- J March 3, 1879. within the scope of my official duties County. Anyone reading his remarks made for bridges during that year 1 would suggest that you communi­ (¡913), and further, if the laws have I per, broken gears, pulleys, crank shafts, j following taken been violated, you demand that I cate or confer with me personally, THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. last week and the boilers and build seamless tanks. Do J from the Telegram can see the ear cause indictments to be returned and without the aid of the newspapers, proscute the guilty members of the I because premature publicity casting marks; I cutting and brazing, a doubt on a public official or act, un- , "The first car of Wisconsin cheese Court. Editorial Snap Shots. You also saw fit, to cause said less well founded and subsequently SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MILL AND to be shipped here by August West­ notice and demand to be published in conclusively established, may irreper- fall as a result of his recent visit, ar­ ably injure the reputation and good the local newspapers of the County, ' MARINE WORK, Say Bro. Trombley, it is said that rived this morning, billed to a local without first waiting to ascertain ' name of an honest and well meaning you are a free trade, "pig tail” egg firm, and will be distributed by them. I whether Quick service our specialty. the investigation you de­ public servant, in whom the people While in the city a few weeks ago "stand patter.” have placed confidence by electing | Mr. West fall secured contracts for a mand would disclose facts such as I the person to his respective office. Remove carbon from cylenders in 20 minutes. j We wish to call attention to the number of cars of his cheese, and this would justify your position and give All work guaranteed. Yours truly, cause for criminal prosecution. road recently constructed to Netarts. is the first to arrive on the new order. . M. J. Gersoni, But there is this about it, the heavy Large quantities of Wisconsin cheese | In view of the fact that you have Dist. Atty, for Tillamook County. ’ At Hiner’s Machine Shop. travel there, especially the heavy have been coming here in the past 1 prematurely solocited the aid of the press, it is apparant that you desire auto trucks will have the effect of from other shippers. publicity and wish todiscredit and r - cutting it up. We are of the opinion "Foreign cheese is in something of No Jobs too Big and None too Small. Women Spend on What Some that it would have been economy to a demand locally, and appears to be fleet upon the honesty, integrity and Clothes. sincerity of the members of the steadily growing in favor, according have oiled this road. In fairness to the to dealers. It is reported that both . County Court. The Fairview Grange might discuss Canadian and Wisconsin shipments I public officials whose conduct you Members of the Chicago Dressmak- A. H. Lea’s statement, for it is a good here will be the largest on record and question, I deem it proper and exped­ ers’ Club say that a few women in ient to employ your tact of publicity subject for discussion pro and con. great quantities havi already arrived 1 Chicago spend $75,000 each on their As it is something that concerns the and been consumed. The Canadian | and make this my reply, likewise clothes; 100 social leaders spend $50,- through the agency of the newspaper. dairy industry, it wouldn’t be out of cheese has the call at present, it is . 000 each; 10,000 others get along on place for the Grangers to express understood, but Wisconsin cheese is * Your demand, that I examine and $5000; well-dressed clubwomen man- investigate the bridge warrants issued their opinion and let the world know making inroads into the trade. New i age to worry along on $tqoo apiece; whether Mr. Lea is a philanthropic Zealand cheese is also in fair demand during 1913, is hardly consistent with but the modest suffragists and church the law pertaining to the duties of or a “knocker.” “It is reported this morning that workers, who (though few of us have following the expose of the manner I District Attorneys; should such work probably noticed it) must dress about | require the services of an accountant We agree with the Mayor that an in which the cheese business in Orc- ' alike, spend the same amount, name­ ordinance should be passed compell­ gon is being conducted, an effort was ' or expert book-keeper, I have neither ly, $500. Having various causes much ing property owners to clean up made to sell a large quantity of Tilla­ the power nor means, by way of an at heart, they have other uses for around their property, and failing to mook cheese here, but the price quot­ appropriation, to secure such aid. The their money than displaying it on do so, the city marshal to clean up at ed was so high the opportunity to County Court alone has the power their backs. The social workers are, and authority to audit and investigate very properly, more modest still, the expense of the property owner. buy was turned down.” That's the proper stunt for the city • The Telegram docs not confine it­ such books and records of the County spending only $300. The stenogra­ as it may deem necessary for the dads to perform and the proper meth­ self to the truth when it says "an proper administration of the several phers, shop girls and factory girls od to have a clean, sanitary city. spend, respectively, $275, $250 and SOOOOGOSCCCOQOCOCOfiGQQGOaCOQO&BOQOaOQCCOOCCeCQCMOM effort was made to sell a large quan­ branches of County government. $200. As the wages of these girls can When a public officer, such as a tity of Tillamook cheese here, but There are men in public office who of the County Court, fails, not average above $15, $10 and $8, re­ resemble Eve in the garden of Eden. the price quoted was so high the op­ I j member neglects or refuses to perform an act spectively, it will be seen that they The tempter comes along in the guise portunity to buy was tur- “'1 down, ’’ specially enjoined by law, as a duty spend too much on their cloth'es, and turned of a contractor or a person with from an office, trust or sta­ yet they could hardly present a de­ something to sell and offers a bribe It is a healthy condition of affairs resulting tion, the remedy isby a writ of man­ cent appearance on less. They lose when cheese brokers like Mr. Lea in some shape or form. They partake damus, issued out of the Circuit Court something bv not making their own of the fruit offered, and this is why cannot stagnate the cheese market directed to such officer, and the clothes, but they must be very strong so many men holding public office and force the price down. Court may inforce the obedience of to sew much after finishing their fall from grace, and make the temp­ day’s work.—Leslie’s Weekly, the writ depending upon the status ter's work so easy. and merit of the particular case. Mr. Ford’s New Project. “To authorize the issuance of a writ The city has a notice posted on the Notice. If the family of Henry Ford has a of mandamus, the petitioner must bridge across the slough with this in­ formation "Dangerous for light loads motto it probably emphasizes the fact show first, a legal right in himself to only.” It must be, then, that the that it spends its own money in the have the act done which is sought by TO ALL TO WHOM THESE bridge is O. K. for heavy loads. way it pleas'es. Ever since Mr. Ford the.writ; and, second, that it is the SPRESENT SHALL COME— plain legal duty of the officer to per ­ Should an accident occur and the city announced his profit sharing scheme GREETINGS. form the act, without discretion to do was sued for damages, wouldn't this he has received all sorts of free ad­ Notice is hereby given by the State notice be a fine thing for the oppos­ vice as to the best way to run his or refuse it. Board of Fish and Game Commiss­ This proceeding is not a criminal ing attorneys to poke fun at? Apart factory, treat his 'employes and spend ioners that, in accordance with the from this the city should place a steel his surplus wealth. Many of the vol­ prosecution, such as would devolve provisions of Section 5316 of Lord's upon a District Attorney as a part of bridge across the slough. It would be untary advisers have had little experi­ Oregon Laws, that portion of Tilla­ economy to do so. ence in accumulating fortunes. Their his duties to perform on behalf of a mook River, in Tillamook County, tax-payer or citizen; and in the ab ­ time has been occupied in devising Oregon, above a point 100 feet below Most everything that the Tillamook ways of disposing of fortunes. This, sence of a statute making it a crime the lowermost portion of the mouth for an officer to do or not to do a Commercial Club have taken in hand according to no less an authority than of Trask River, except that portion it made a success of. When the Port­ Andrew Carnegie, is much more diffi­ certain act or duty, I am unable to of Tillamook River within 100 feet comply with your demand that “ the land business men visited this county cult work. Yet it is in some respects any portion of the mouth of parties be indicted and prose­ from the club made a success of the local a far more pleasurable pursuit. One guilty Trask River, is hereby opened to cuted. ” arrangements, likewise the entertain­ of the pleasantest ways to spend an fishing, other than with Even in case of mandamus proceed­ salmon ment of the Third Oregon Regiment hour is by spending a mythical mil­ hook and line, commonly called ing, which you may institute through and the Butter and Cheese Maker’- lion. Consequently, when it became angling, from and after July 15, 1914, Conventions, and lastly the G. A. R noised about that Mr. Ford had more your personal council, our Supreme as approved by statute. Court held that "Mandamus should Encampment. It has taken hold of millions than he personally needed, State Board of Fish and Game the salmon hatchery controversy and everybody took a hand in suggesting not issue when it can produce no Commissioners. benefit to the relator. ” overcome that difficulty, and next ways of getting rid of them. By Floyd Bilyeu, B. E. Duncan, I understand that the bridges, to Geo. year it will give the glad hand to the But he seems to be a man of stub­ H. Kelly, and M. J. Kinney, which you have reference, have been State Grange. born opinion. He lives up to the fam­ Commissioners. built under the supervision of the ily motto in letter and spirit. Hav­ Dated at Portland, Oregon, June 9 Thos1? who accused the Republi ing just given a trifle of $3,000,000 to County Court and were all completed 1914. and paid for in the early part of 1013. cans at the presidential election of the Detroit General Hospital for the being "Stand patters” can now se« treatment and study of the prevention Hence, what benefit can you, as tax­ the fully of such an accusation, fot of cancer and tuberculosis because paver, derive? From the list of 184 bridge war­ Republicans stood pat for protection the Board of Trustees, of which he is of American industries and protec­ chairman, was hampered in its work, rants which you haw enumerated and tion of farm produce. The free trade he has concluded that he can devote called my special attention, I have Democratic party was placed in pow­ several millions more to the same taken at random a dozen or more er and as a result foreign manufac­ general line. But instead of follow­ warrants, and upon examination find tures and foreign produce is allowed ing the example of Mr. Rockefeller that, there was an itemized bill pre­ to undersell the home products, and Mr. Carnegie and other promi­ sented to the County Court showing which threw thousands of men out of nent philanthropists, who have chos­ for what material or labor the claim employment in tl.is country and gave en eminent experts to handle founda­ was made, that each bill was examin- plenty of em- 'oynrent to men in for­ tions, Mr. Ford has determined to •cd by the County Court and allowed correct and that warrants were eign countries. start a school of research of his own, as and drawn and paid in ac­ from the ground up. He expects to ordered cordance with such approval and ac­ There appears to be an impression produce his own cancer and tubercu­ cepted bills or claims; and there is a * that the large crops will bring about losis experts just as he takes green similar claim or bill on file with the business activity and prosperity hands and turns them into automo­ County Clerk for every one of the 184 Don't be fooled in that way. During bile experts. It is hardly likely that warrants to which you have refer­ the last Democratic administration he will ignore the rich heritage of ence. the crops were good, and some per­ several thousand years of medical re­ I also find, among the 184 warrants sons argued that it was overproduc­ search, but he apparently aintes to which you claim amount to over $50,- tion that caused the business and fi­ get men who are of unbiased mind. and were paid for bridges, that a All mvn engaged in scientific re­ 000, nancial stagnation that prevailed at large number of these warrants were that time. The LTnited States is going search fancy that they know no devo­ issued and paid for labor and material through the same experience now as tion except the truth as it is gradually on road work and for other County it did then. The country is being revealed, but Mr. Ford evidently con- and they had no application made the dumping ground for foreign •liuK-s that they delude themselvs. purposes to bridges or cost of bridges as vou manufactured goods and farm pro He will produce a crop of original in­ claim. ducts on account of Democratic free vestigators who will become Ford ex­ I agree with you that the County trade That’s the whole secret in a perts in prevention and cure of tuber­ Court was delinquent in its system of culosis ami cancer Mong with the keeping the records pertaining to nutshell. innounccmcnt of his plan came a bridges; and that it has not complied This is the time of year when «every statement from a New York physi­ strictly to the letter of Chapter 207, precaution should be taken to prevent cian that cancer is caused by a meat Laws loop, requiring the superintend- forest fires, and although the fire diet and excessive use of alcohol and ant or assistant in charge of bridge wardens have done good service in coffer. But it is not likely that the construction work, to prepare and file m-nv ^o)C0LA COFFEE' 1° pounds for $2.50. recent years, the citizens can do much funds will be diverted and used in a with the clerk a full and complete de­ RCB5 CARAC0LA COFFEE. I pound for 27c. to prevent forest fires by taking pro­ propadanda against these habits. The tailed statement, giving name, loca­ per precautions themselves and see to working out of Mr. Ford’s plan will tion, length, width, style, character German-American Coffee, 1 lb. be watched with interest by the it that their neighbors do the same etc. of each bridge. There are how­ -------- can, 30c. German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can. Sac One of the best preventative* is for world, regardless of the gratuitous ever, of record, a number of verified criticisims that are expected. It sure ­ the citirens not to take any chance« statements which appear to have in starting a fire, for it is well known ly can not do harm any it may do been intended to fill the requirement, •uych good. The simultaneous an ­ that it is a hard matter to put out a I-.-VÌEI.. ; pound. 35c' but are not as full anil complete as ORANGE LABEL. 1 pound 65c. fire once it is started during the dry nouncement that he wilt immediately the statute requires, which is the fault Her . Iajesty s Blend, i pound 25c. louble the capacity of his automobile season it is campers and hunter« Her CSLV 8 lend, pound 50c. of the superintendent or supervisor J will give more concern to and the negligence of the County Her Majesty’» Blend, 1 pound 1.00. especially the latter, who are th« ’»ctory rivals. Capital Household, jpound 25c. cause of the most trouble and whe Court. need watching most, but there are a« Since you have no motive other well citirens who will not exercis« Save money on your hardware. than the welfare of the tax payers good common horse sense in setting loots and windows. \\ e can give you and the County at large I presume out fire, and it is from these source« you were, to a large extent, either the greatest danger is feared. It is » good price on terms King A Smith misinformed or careless in vour infer­ • • Io be hoped that Tillamook County Co. ence concerning the bridge warrants CEME1TT, ILIZfcÆZS, szsiazz, Z^ZZSZS SZSTCK Z^ZZ^ZEZ CLAT, ^SFZI2Ù.LT, COAL. LA M B-SCHR ADER COM PAN Y. Oxyaccetaylene Welding HINER & REED, Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord Delivered. Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO F. C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line SPECIAL GROCERY PRICES. QUAKER OATS. Large Package 25c. S mall Package 15c. CRESCENT BAKING POWDERS 5 Pound Can, Regular Price $1.00, now 85c. 3 Pound Can, Regular Price 70c. now 55c. 1 Pound Can, Regular Price 25c. now 20c. Fancy Prunes, 10c. a pound. Fancy Dried Peaches, lOc.a Pound Coffee and Tea Special. Ridgray’s High Grade Teas. ralm ?ÄX. RAY & CO ■ .... .................................................................................... ....