Tillamook Headlight, July 2, 101-4, rHEESE INDUSTRY AT MERCY having a man like Mr. Haberlach U OF ONE MAN. hndmg a market for their product which the award is made to enter in­ to a contract and file a bond satis­ factory to the Court as required by Tillamook Product for South, City SOME BARGAINS IN CHOICE TILLA­ law. Slighted, and Importa are Heavy. The bids are to cover the excavat- MOOK CITY LOTS. grading of the County road, I > I (Telegram) building a reinforced concrete arch That the cheese business of the across West Creek, according to the State of Oregon is controlled by one plans and specifications on file in the man, who makes prices for the pro- office of the County Clerk. This property we are now offering was duct’at will, and that fully per cent Said work to be completed on or platted by us from the acreage consequently it is of the cheese made at Tillamook is betore August 31st, 1914. The County shipped to California, and the Port- HABERLACH MAKES REPLY. Court reserves the right to reject any the lowest in price of any property offered in Til­ land market slighted and given over » ____ and all bids. Dated this the 15th day lamook at the present time:— to the product of other states and for- of June, 1914. eign countries, is asserted by A. H. Shows that Lea is the Colored Fel­ J. C. Holden, County Clerk. low in the Fence. KING ADDITION:— Located three blocks Lea, manager of the produce and First publication, June 18th. dairy departments of the Union Meat Last publication July 9th. west on 5th street from the High School. Every I Company. Mr. Lea has just returned < ’ When asked fur an expression of lot choice and sight ’ y, 50x100 ft. with 10 ft. alley, I from Tillamook, where he has been opinion on Mr. Lea’s article, Carl Notice of Completed Contract. looking into the cheese situation. 6 ft. sidewalk all in. Your choice of any of these “The cheese output this year,” he Haberlach, secretary for a number of Notice is hereby given that U. G. I • lots for a short time at $275. & $300. says, “will be upwards of 4,500,000 the 1 illamook cheese factories, at Jackson, County Surveyor for Tilla­ 1 pounds in Tillamook, which is an in­ first laughed and -aid that he thought mook County, Oregon, has filed in crease over a year ago. Up to the any one could read between the lines this office his certificate of the com­ STILLWELL PARK:— Located just west of I present time not a pound of June pletion of the contract of Tillamook King Add, this is very line property, lots all 5000 and see what was the matter with cheese has been put on the market, square feet to the lot. One line qua i ter block of and the milk season is still at its Lea, but finally consented to give out Bay Construction Co. on Section “A” of the Garibaldi-Wheeler Road, and height, and I do not believe the sup­ the following statement: 10,000 spuare feet at $350, which you can’t beat ply will fall off to any materia 1 ex­ The trouble with Mr. Lea is proba­ any person, firm or corporation, hav­ in this town or anywhere else. tent during July, owing to the heavy bly the same as the little school boy, ing objections to file to the comple­ rains they have had there. Of the he got spanked and now is crying’ tion of said work, may do so within Located GOODSPEED’S ADDITION:— cheese being made, fully 90 per cent about it. Something over a month is being sent to the markets of Cali­ ago an effort was made in Portland two weeks from the date of the first East on 1st and 3rd streets, adjoining R. R. .1 fornia. The last quotations received to depress cheese prices, and, the (publication. have for sale in this tract the choicest lots in the from San Francisco show new cheese C regonian printed the following un­ Dated this the 25th day of lune,1914. is selling there at ll'/i and 12% cents der date of May 21st: city. All high and sightly, 50x100 ft. to each lot. J. C. HOLDEN, a pound, and yet I was told by Carl “The cheese market is very weak County Clerk. Prices range from $250 and up. Terms, easy Habvrlach, secretary of the Tilla­ with supplies accumulating. The lo­ mook Creamery Association, a com­ cal market is now practically on a 15 payments. SUMMONS. bination of 19 Tillamook factories, cent basis. Outside markets are also Ç that he was getting 16 cents, Tilla­ soft. California dealers are taking In the Circuit Court of the State of On the above property you can make no mis­ mook, for all the cheese turned out of orders for Southern Oregon cheese at Oregon for Tillamook County take in making an investment NO\\ . \ ou can his factories, and h'e. didn’t care 14'j cents.” John Matela, plaintiff whether he sold any to the Portland have vour own terms of payment to suit your 1 he next day the following appear­ vs. market or not. He added that he ed in the same paper, namely: Sanni Matela, defendant. convenience, in monthly, quarterly’, semi annual didn’t like the Portland market very “Cheese was weak. The expecta­ To Sanni Matela, the above named or yearly payments. The price, the terms and well, anyhow. tion of dealers is that prices will go defendant: “I happen to know that California materially lower as the season pro­ In the name of the State of Ore­ the property are all more than any investor is very loyal to her home products, gresses.” gon: Y’ou are hereby repaired to ap­ could possibly desire. and Oregon products are looked upon On both days prices were quoted pear and answer the complaint filed there as foreign. That makes it ap­ to the retailers in said paper at 15 against you in the above entitled Make your selection now before it is too late. pear rather strange to me that there cents. Court and suit, on or before the last is such an everlasting demand for Or­ Now­ as I understand it, Mr. Lea’s day prescribed in the order for the egon cheese in that state at such an people had a contract with the Red publication of summons made herein, advanced price, provided that it is be­ Clover people to take their output on which said order was made, and is ROLLIE W. WATSON, Tillamook's Leading ing paid. I believe there is a colored daily quotations of the Oregonian, dated May 28, 1914. and if you fail TODD HOTEL. Sub-Division Agent. fellow in the fence somewhere. less t cent and freight to Portland. I so to answer for want thereof, the "Keeping Oregon cheese off the took this up with the Oregonian, and plaintiff will apply to the Court for LOANS RENTALS INSURANCE Portland market has resulted in open­ at this time have a letter in my pos­ the relief prayed for in his complaint ing the local market to foreign busi­ session from the editor to the effect on file herein, towit; that the bonds ness. Canada is shipping large quan­ that they got their quotations from of matrimony now existing between tities of cheese to this city for local Mr. A. H. Lea, and another house, plaintiff and defendant be forever consumption. Just recently, August and acknowledged my complaint was dissolved. Westfall, of Wisconsin, was here and just. This summons is served upon you, Now why should Mr. Lea squeal? by order of the Honorable Webster arranged for the placing of several cars locally. New Zealand is shipp­ Well a few days ago they remitted Holmes, judge of the above named ing cheese here right along. Let this Red Clover for their May cheese Court, dated this 28th day of May, market stay open to foreign stuff and and they were enabled to pay their 1914, and the date of the first publi­ what is the result? When an 'effort is patrons thirty three (33) cents for cation of this summons is the 28th made to get Oregon cheese back in butter fat. At the same time the day of May, 1914, and the date of the the good graces of the consumer, it other factories around Tillamook last publication, 9th of July, and the will not ^wanted; they will have de­ with the same or larger making the last date upon which you are re­ veloped a taste for the foreign stuff charge paid as follows: Maple Leaf, quired to answer on or before is, and and won’t accept any other. Suppose 386 c; Tillamook Creamery, 38.3 c; will expire on the 9th day of July, we pay out $3000 or thereabouts for Fairview Dairy, 38c.; Elwood Cream­ 1914- T. B. Handley, a car of foreign cheese, what becomes ery Co., 38.7 c; Long Prairie, 36H c., Attorney for pliantiff. oi the money? We never see it again and South Prairie Creamery, 37.3 c. A Perfect Raker — absolutely dependable, every day, year in, Now Mr. Lea doubts whether or and yet most of that has been receiv­ year out. Built on honor, of the best materials. Notice. ed from Oregon people, but do they not we are getting such an advanced Outwear3 Three Ordinary Ranges benefit from it? Is it wise to keep our price in California and says it seems strange to him why there should be The nrtlv range made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. own cheese off the home market? THESE TO ALL TO WHOM Malleable iron can’t break charcoal lion won't rust like steel. “1 claim it is not right for one man such an everlasting demand in Cali­ SPRESENT COME— SHALL I wonder if GREETINGS. to sit upon his throne and sav: “Tin fornia for our product. Economical In Fuel price of cheese this week shall be so he thinks 1 am digging down into my The of the Majestic are viceted (nut put together with Notice is hereby given by the State pockets to make up the differ- own bolts and stove putty)—they will always remain air fight, much and you must pay it or go with­ Board of Fish and Game Commiss­ because Di ther host n >r cold afreets them. The Majestic out. I don’t care because I have all ence of an average of 5 cents for ioners that, in accordance with the oven is I red throughout with pure asbestos board, the cheese there is to sell and I shall May butter fat. 1 twould take more provisions of Section 5316 of Lord’s held In place by an open iron grt.iing you can see it —and it stays there alv’&ys. Air joints and pure asbeetoe ship it where I please.” And yet that than my year’s salary to do it.” Oregon Laws, that portion of Tilla­ lining assure an even baking hunt, caving one-half the fuel. for keeping our cheese off the As is the very assertion made’ to in< mook River, in Tillamook County, All doors drop to form rigid shelves. Na springs. Mai! abh iron oven racks slklu out automatically, hold­ while I was in Tillamook. There ar< Portland market, that is all non­ Oregon, above a point 100 feet below ing whatever they contain. only three independent factories ir sense. We sent a total of 1119 cases the lowermost portion of the mouth of cheese to Portland last week, by Tillamook, and 1 think they send theii of Trask River, except that portion of Tillamook River within too fcAt supplies here, but the other 19 do not rail and water. When the market was in bad shape from any portion of the mouth of because their selling agent dosen't see fit to do so. There are no excuse in Portland and was being quoted to Trask River, is hereby opened to the trade at the same price we salmon fishing, other than with for cheese prices being so high at the asking, it was of cru-;e hook and line, commonly called present time and the only reason for were hard for dealers to do much business, angling, from and after July 15, 1914, it is that the man that controls the situation says that is the price hi and for a while we sent most of our as approved by statute. cheese to California. The result was State Board of Fish and Game wants. certain Portland dealers soon Commissioners. “Just as sure as these conditions that that we could get along By Floyd Bilyeu, B. E. Duncan, i continue something is going to hap discovered without them, and of course then pen to the dairy interests of Tilla many of them were anxious to Geo. H. Kelly, and M. J. Kinney, I Com missioners. amook. Other men are being forced buy. If misery likes company, 1 Dated at Portland, Oregon, June 9, into the business and Tillamook fac might add for Mr. Lea’s information —hnfl of» mMMFF re ■ 'I'o’r v ' hi its H’to a ba ket tie, through a emip'T (• • t stni: io <| 1 -<->n • j • copiwr betting rkh list torics will have competition which that last week we sold 300 boxes to a 19I4. Lir.ed I fl hand 1 :t.rn ot hr*- i < \-, i. t ’> xallonn 01 wat< r in h v- ry with they cannot afford to have. . The .... timi firm that had sold cheese in the val­ i> vf m.nut i.iul I y t ii ninv' a b ’ " t ■ Í > .•■rn- r.twl i- xtv ir inovta Pur. ©way frotu iire. An ••J nG-d <“»ture. flpettend is coming when California will turn ley at 15% cents and 1544 cents, and Notice Closing Streams. < '» »'in d< 'a a •. t/ . ’h i-’ iv ’tfn« r 1 rentllated ash Asbesto« f tt vei»t.z flex.r cutr-ii.n« tì.'i ufir cuf» <.itchcr. ashen. Board down Tillamook cheese; and then they paid 11s 16 cents Portland for it. / ft u< to sh. V you tue g. taust tinprovtnnent watch for the awful slump that will ver put in a rature. Mr. Lea says he claims it is not KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE hon t buy the l’irv yô’i «• :p-«t to liât a ’»fa follow in cheese prices. When thaï right for one man to to sit upon his PRESENTS, that, whereas for the p “urwigtit, un. on,” • y< u'íi t*J hur« ío bo dis- • iirJ"..ar L.. L The future of the Tillamook dairy in luck for them when in the same para­ and its tributaries, in Tillamook, addin* FOR SAIA. BY 300% to dustry is at a stake and something graph he says that there is no excuse County, State of Oregon, the State life of should be done, I believe, to save it.’’ for cheese being so high at present Board of Fish and Game Commiss­ Rance Cheese prices here today are quoted and “the only reason for it is that the ioners has decided to close the said at 17 cents for Tillamook twins and man who controls the situation says Nestucca River and its tributaries triplets, and 18 cents for young that is the price he wants.” Now he is above a point on s id Nestucca River Americans, with 16 cents as the buy­ surely loyal to Tillamook. Why one hundred (tool feet below the ing price at Tillamook. should we take less than market con­ lowermost portion of the confluence ditions justify? We have a good arti­ of Horn Creek and the Nestucca Riv­ (From the Nehalem Times cle and people arc willing to pay the er, to prevent fishing therein by any The article of H. L. Lea, appearing price. We are selling it as fast as it means whatever, exc pt with hook in the Telegram of last Saturday, is ready to ship, in fact have more and line, commonly called angling, would indicate that the Portland sold now than we can send off this for salmon fish during the period of cheese buyer is slightly peeved. He week. Have 1120 boxes sold in Cali­ time hereinafter specified. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE deplores the unwise policy of the Til­ fornia now. lamook County cheese makers of sell­ Lastely he says something has got IS HEREBY GIVEN by said State ing their cheese at tire best possible tc- be done to save the dairy industry Board of Fish and Game Commiss- price and thinks that our dairymen of Tillamook. First, of course, fire ioners that said Nestucca River and are going to the bow-wows because Haberlach, break up what organiza­ its tributaries above a point on said they do not humbly bow to the tion we have, fire the inspector, and Nestucca River one hundred (100) cheese combine in Portland and pray let Lea run things. Maybe we could feet below the lowermost portion of for it to take our cheese at the low­ then get prices down to where Cali­ the confluence of Horn Creek and the Nestucca River, are and each of them est price they are willing to ofcr. fornia cheese is selling for. " ' article ‘ I 11 he whole reads like one The only thing the majority of is hereby closed to fishing by any from a man who came to the county farmers of Tillamook don’t like of means whatever, except with hook to the "alfalfa whiskered Rtibes" of the present situation is that ctrtain and line, commonly called angling, Tillamook County to slip someth! farmers in the Red Clover district for salmon fish, from and after 6 over on them when they >v«..c not should let a man like Lea have 1 illa­ o’clock P. M. on the 15th day of July, looking. He found the dairymen hen mook cheese to knock our prices with A. D., 1914, until said streams are *T feel it my duty to 1-11 others what not the easy m irks he h.-i t figured but if they want to dance they are al­ opened to salmon fishing again in Chamberlain s Tablets li.iv« don« i 1 and, instead, found them wise to th< so paying the fiddler. Lastly I wish accordance with Section 5316 of writes Mrs. L. Dunlap, of Oal. cheese market. Then he hikes back to add that Mr. Lea cannot serve two Lord's Oregon Laws, and it is and Grove. Mich. ‘T lmvo to Portland and bewails the coming mas’ers, he can't get Red Clover peo­ will be unlawful to fish for, or take suffered with pains in my back and tinder fate of those who arc too ignorant ple more money for their cheese than or catch any salmon fish by any my should t blad* fur to sec the great advantage of selling we are getting, and at the same time means whatever, except with hook e. number of /< aia, on a low Portland market instead of buy cheese cheaper for his house and line, commonly called angling, during the said period of time above also with a poor appe­ reaching out for good markets. than market prices. specified. tite and constipation. Mr. Lea makes the greatest mis Any and all persons whomsoever I tried all of the rem­ take of his life when he think** the so fishing in violation of this notice I Notice to Contractor». edies that I heard of. 1 illamook Cheese will have to beg will be prosecuted as by law provid­ and s nnnibcr of better Tillamook County, Oregon, on or be­ Dated at Portland, Oregm, June 9, they n help- '1 my chees’e. It comes from a particularly fore July 10th, 19U, at 10 o clock, A fttomarh; by their and at that time opened and read. 1914. favored dairy district and is manu M Each g«ntle action my bow bid shall lie accompanied by factured by men trained in their pro els be< ame moie reg Cows for Sale. fession. Cheese making is a science, a certified check made payable to ular. Today I feel like not a convenience, as Mr. Lea Tillamook County, for an amount praising them to all equal to 5 per cent of the amount of . thinks. who suffer as I did. I r Mr. Lea does not like the idea oi such bid. »hich shall be forfeited to j Three cows for sale, three yearlings I they havii cured ins and made uiy County, in case an award is made 1 and one yearling bull. Apply to Zeno 1 having Mr. Haberlach turning him the worth L .’.ng ’ down because of the measly Portland and the bidder shall fail, neglect or | Bicser, Tillamook, Ute. i price. The dairymen arc fortunate in refuse for a period of ten days after I I I I I I I I I I I and the knocking yell of "monopoly” by Mr Lea will fall flat. The chances afe ,hat if Mr. Lea was in the cheese making business in this coun­ ty. lie would do exactly what the Till­ amook County cheese makers arc do­ ing anil are going to continue to do- look out for themselves and sell on the best market. Ç 0R. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON : > T illamook B lock , Oregon. Tillamook, R. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), ; » DENTIST Commercia! Building, Tillairo k R. J ACK OLSEN, 4 I Tillamook c. • Oregon HAWK. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (»r.'g.’n Bay City ^\R1. HABERLACH, ATTORNEY ATI.AW. ? SANCII E l'. The Fashionable Tailor Store in Heine Photographic Gallery II. G 1YNIÌ, A I TORNEY-AT LAW. onice- Ori’osiTK C ourt Tillamook Oregon. 2!3 T illamook B lock Tillamook Oregon T. BOA1.S, M.D., Some of the Reasons Why PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Tillamook .... Oregon J E. REEDY, D.V M„ VE TERINA RY. ( tregou Hie Great Charcoal and Malleable Iron ALEX. McNAIR & CO. H ovsk , Local Office in the Commercial Building. ORE TILLAMOOK J J T. BOTTS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Hooks tn < >flH . Taxes l’ai