Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 02, 1914, Image 1

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    Vol .XXVI.
No. 4.
Advantages of a A 11 f
Checking Account ^qataBank.ce
Not the least of the advantages of
having a checking account at this
bank ¡is the acquaintance which it
promotes between the depositor and
our officers.
This acquaintance enables our
officers to get in touch with the
interests of the depositor, and to
lend all the co-operation consistent
with conservative banking.
Our officers gladly welcome the
opportunity to extend the facilities
of the bank to new depositors.
Tillamook County Bank.
The Tillamook Headlight office is
now located opposite the court house.
Store closed all day July 4th. Open
until 10 p.m. night of 3rd. Haltom’s *
Safe (.'¿posit boxes for rent. Tillt-
mok County Bank.
Blacksmith shop to rent next to my
office. T. H. Goyne.
Get your Land Plaster at the Tilla­
mook Feed Company.
Leave orders for all kinds of wood
with the Tillamook Feed Co.
Home made bread every day by
Mrs. Cornforth over Star Theatre.
Born, on Saturday, to the wife of
F. E. McLaughlin, of Blaine, a son.
Fresh fruit delivered to any part
of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.*
Farm for sale, 40 acres $5,000, terms
apply to L. J. White, Tillamook Ore.
For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River
bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­
Geo. J. McDonald, of the Equitable
Saving and Loan Association, is in
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Farbes, of Ore­
gon City, were in the city, on Sun­
J. W. Day, agency director of the
New York Life, was in the city on
We are in a position to make some
long time farm loans. First National
The Tillamook Feed Company will
meet any price of any house on
equal terms.
Mrs. Belle Handley came in from
Bend on Saturday to visit relatives
and friends.
Mrs. A. A. Pennington left on Sat­
urday to visit relatives at McMinn­
The Tillamook Boosters’ Band will
give a dance on J61y the Fourth at
the opera house.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla-
mook Meat Company’s Market. 15«.
per pound.
For sale, Wilton rug 9X12, 1 willow
rocker, 1 sanitary couch.—Mrs. Corn­
forth, over Star Theatre.
Vacuum cleaners for rent with or
without attendant. Tel. 130J. The
Electric Store.
An informal dance will be given at
the Tillamook Commercial Club on
Thursday evening.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market. We
P*y 15c per pound.
If our work does not suit you tell
us; if it does, tell your friends. City
Transfer Company.
Dr. L. E. Hewitt has taken office
rooms in the Tillamook Building,
Vrhere he moved this week.
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains
with bus, and will handle passengers
and baggage to all parts of the cky
Call or phone at the livery barn on
Second avenue East.
$i.5o PER YEAR.
For spring housecleaning use an
electric vacuum cleaner. For rent by
the Electric Store. Tel. 130J. ♦
W. F. Haberlach and wife, of Clack­
amas, who were visiting here return­
ed to their home on Tuesday.
Mrs. D. A. Pennington, mother of
A. A. Pennington, returned to her
home at McMinnville on Friday.
Eat what you can—what you can’t
eat can. Buy your fruit Jar Rubbers
and jar lids from King & Smith Co.*
Cherries for canning a tthe Fruit
Palace. Mr. Lawson will deliver them
to any part of the city. Phone him. ♦
Dairymen, if you have any heifer
calves, 3 to 10 weeks old, see J. Mer-
rel Smith. He will buy them.
Bring your mail order catalogues
to the Tillamook Feed Company and
they will fill your order on the same
Hey there! Hay pulleys, Hay Forks
Hay Carriers, Scythe Blades, Snaths,
Oil Cans. See King & Smith for
your hay needs.
Dr. Arch Stewart and wife and nep­
hew, of Portland, came in on Wed­
nesday, to spend a vacation on the
Jake Wolvinstine has opened a re­
pair shop down by the sawmill. Will
repair any old thing. Boiler repairing
a specialty.
I am still buying young calves. All
kinds, both male and female. See me
if you want all they are worth. J.
Merrel Smith.
Married in this city at the M. E.
Parsonage, by the Rev. W. J. Weber,
the pastor, Claude H. Gudge and
Miss Edith R. Selfridge.
During haying we will give you
daily Barometer reading, phone us
and find out if the weather is safe to
make hay, C. I. Clough Co.
Netarts Restaurant ready for busi­
ness. Home cooking. Quick Service.
Best Chef on Pacific Coast. A. F.
Julien, proprietor.
Protect yourself! Screen Cupboards
Screen Doors, Wire Fly Screens.
High time to purchase. Fly time is
here. King & Smith Co.
Now is the time to look over your
machinery and get your repairs. The
Tillamook Feed Company carries a
supply for all machines.
Clough’s Concentrated
Orange Cider makes a delicious, re­
freshing, cooling drink, 25c., 50c, an<^
$1.00 bottles at C. I. Clough Co. *
The Singer Sewing Machine for
sale on easy terms, at our home piano
and music store, Tillamook, Ore. A.
Lineback, manager. Both phones. ♦
Protect your valuable papers from
the unexpected fire by renting one of
our safe deposit boxes. Only one
dollar per year. Tillamook County
Free, with each dozen post cards,
one cabinet photo. With each dozen
cabinets or folders of that size we
give an elegant enlargement free. Till­
amook Studio.
Drop in and book Around-
Store closed all day July 4th. Open
until 10 p.m. night of 3rd. Haltom’s *
Save money on your hardware,
doors and windows. We can give you
a good price on terms. King & Smith
S. D. Moon who was awarded the
contract to carry the mail between
this city and Cloverdale, commenced
the four year contract on the 1st. His
bid was for $1,598 annually.
It’s a good rule to buy a sewing
machine vith an established repif.a-
tion fo- quality services. The White
for sale on easy terms at Jones
Knudson Furniture Company.
We offer the best of professional
treatment and
prompt deliveries and every induce­
ment any studio can. See our work
and offers. Tillamook Studio.
There has been a lot of damaged
wheat shipped into the market and
sold to the ranchers. The Tillamook
Feed Company handles nothing but
good wheat.
P. J. Worrall has appealed the hotel
case to the
Court, and attorney S. S. Johnson,
who was one of the attorneys for Mr.
Worrall, has withdrawn from the
Don't be deceived in buying cheap
flour, when you can get Dement's
Best Blue Stem hard wheat flour at
the Tillamook Feed Company, The
"best" flour on the market,
money back if not satisfied.
All kinds of cement work in a first­
class manner and foundation and
chimney blocks at reasonable prices.
Will guarantee any work. A. E.
Docrge, nth street and First avenue
West, 1 iiiatnook.
You are losing the chance of mak­
ing a good catch if you do not pur­
chase your fishing tackle of a firm
who have been in the business long
enough to know what is what in the
fishing tackle line. King & Smith Co.
pioneers in the tackle business.
Frank Lightfoot was arrested on
Saturday, charged with threatening
to burn the house ar.d take the life
of James Hudspith, but when taken
before Justice Stanley he dismissed
the case on tire recommendation of
Attorney Winslow.
F. W. Talbot, with his wife and
family, who previously resided in this
city, came in by the water route on
Saturday, in the launch Frolic, which
was built in this county, and over
which there was considerable litigat­
Marriage licenses were issued to
Claude H. Gudge and Edith R. Sel­
fridge; Edward Hanankrat and Mag­
gie Rieder; Leo B. Sander and Miss
Thresa Durrer; Maurice J. Bays and
Crystal M. Johnson, which make 12
marriage licenses issued in June.
The gasoline launch Olive will run
an excursion to Bayoccan on the 4th,
leaving this city at 9 a.m., and return­
ing will leave Bayocean at 5 p.m.
Fare for the round trip 50c. This will
be the opening day at Bayocean for
the season.
C. H. Waymire will lecture at the
U. B. Church on Sunday evening on
the work being done by the Rescue
and Protective
Association. Mr.
Waymire has been working for this
association and he is desirous of in­
forming the public of what it is doing
along these lines.
F. C. Feldshau has completed the
concrete bridge over West Beaver,
which is the first bridge of that char­
acter ever built in Tillamook County,
and he has made a good job. He was
awarded another contract last week
to build a contract bridge over Kill-
am creek.
Gilfred Stillwell who gave the five
acre tract for use of the public school
children, returned to the city last
week from California. It is seven
years since he left the county and
while away was quite sick, but is feel­
ing much better. He was greatly sur­
prised to see so many improvements
in the city.
The County Court opened the bids
last week for the construction of a
contrete bridge across Killam Creek
when there were two bidders. Dels-
nian and Dolan’s bid was for $4,998.00
and F. C. Feldshau $4222 50, the
Court accepting the latter bid and
awarded the contract to Mr. Feld-
The Shakespeare Club was admira­
bly entertained last Saturday by Mrs
Wm. G. Tait, when there was a good
attendance of members and invited
guests, it proved to be another en­
joyable gathering, the hostess serv­
ing a most delicious lunch. The next
meeting this month, will be the last
of the season, when Mrs.. F. C. Baker
entertaines at her home north of
town. She will have Miss Lottie
Banfield. of Portland, to assist her,
who will give a recital.
Take a gun with you on the Fourth.
\ 22 rifle will give you great sport,
îuns and ammunition, all sizes and
alibers. King & Smith Co.
¿Mare, 5 year old, 1,400 lbs
loree, 7 year old, 1,450 pounds;
tirat-clas8 work florae». 7-8th Per
chon.--Apply Jainea Hiner, Tilla­
mook, Ore.
> I
Fairview Birthday Club met at the
home of Mrs. A. Marolf.on July 1st.
Sh'e. was assisted by Mrs. Dunstan
and daughter. The programme com­
mittee, Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Holden
each favored the club with select
readings. Thé committee for next
meeting is Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs.
Thomas and Mrs. Mapes. After de­
licious refreshments, consisting of ice
cream, cake, and lemonade, were ser­
ved, the meeting adjourned to meet
at the home of Mrs. M. Ackley in
August. Four members are' to be
remembered at that time , Mrs. Dur-
rer, Mrs. Ogg, Mrs. Tinncrstet and
Mrs. Ackley.
The First National Bank
of Tillamook
Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM,
And invites the Publie to call and make an
inspection of the room and its equipment.
Swastika Club.
Mrs. Carl Hunt was hostess to the
Swastika Club Friday, June the 26th.
A delightful afternoon was spent in
sewing and games. One of the games
being exceedingly novel in that the
answers of th'e guests formed the
guest’s and member’s names. A de-
licious luncheon was served to the
members and guests who were Mes-
danies Clough, Todd, Wheeler, Bales,
Crenshaw and the Misses Wheeler,
Overfelt, Anna and Marie Holden.
Many thanks are due to Messrs.
Clough, Bales, Crenshaw, Botts and
Haberlach for conveying the mem­
bers and guests to anil from Mrs.
Bays-Johnson Nuptials.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Dunstan, foster parents of the bride,
on Tuesday, June 30th, at 11 a.m.,
when Miss Crystal M. Johnson was
united in marriage to Maurice J. Bays
of Pacific City, Oregon. Rev Herbert
F. White, of the United Brethcrn
Church, officiating. The bride is a
school teacher having taught at the
Fairview school last year, while the
groom is a dairy farmer at Pacific
The home was tastily decorated for
the occasion with ferns, roses and
evergreens. The bride wore a messa-
line silk gown trimmed and flounced
with silk shadow lace, with a long
flowing bridal veil to complete the
attire. After the ceremony about 27
guests enjoyed the bounteous dinner,
a feature of which was the cutting of
the beautiful bridal cake. The guests
were the immediate
family and
friends of the contracting parties.
Many beautiful and useful presents
were received by the bride. The
young couple are well and favorably
known here, the Bays family having
lived in the county over 20 years, Mr.
Bays' father being the Hotel man at
Beaver. Their friends and relatives
join in wishing them a long and pros­
perous married life.
Sander Dürrer Wedding.
A large congregation gathered at
the Catholic Church on Tuesday
morning to witness the wedding of
Leo B. Sander and Miss Thresa Dur-
rer, which was performed by Rev. F.
Van Clarenbeck the pastor. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jos Durrer, and a young women
greatly respected in the communit /,
and the groom is the son of the late
Jos Sander, who formerly reside I in
this county, but removed to Medford
about eight years since . At noon the
bridal party was entertained at 'lie
home of the bride's parents and in the
evening Mr. and Mrs. Durrer give a
banquet to a large party at .he
Grange Hall at Fairview, which was
largely attended, This was followed
by dancing and refreshments were
served. Mr. and Mrs. Maurace J.
Bays, who were married the same,
day attended the gathering, and a
general goot time was indulged in to
celebrate the happy events.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sanders left on
the train the next afternoon for Med­
ford, where they will reside. They
were the recipients of many useful
presents, and they left with the best
wishes of a large number of friends
for their future happiness.
Call for Bid*.
District No. 1 will receive bids for
supplying 8 cords of four foot wood,
vine maple, crab apple or spruce
limbs, to be delivered at Fairview
School House, in said distort on or
before August 15, 1914.
Board of Directors,
More Crawford, Clerk
Capsize Drill and Aparatus Drill by
U.S Life Saving Crew.
Races and Acquatic Sports.
Clam Bake and Camp Fire.
\11 Day and Night Dance.
Fourth of July
Celebra tion
at ;
big bonfire , pancini ;,
For Ciitsh Prizes.
Extreme Low Tide» will make it poHHibk* to get
around the rock and in tile cave».
Suri bathing, deep sea fi»hing.
First Class Restaurant and Hotel.
Accommodation for Everyone.
Bring your family and friends.
Everyone welcome.
Dancing at Bar View.