Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 25, 1914, Image 8

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    Tillamook Headlight, June 2 », I<h4.
authority of the State or of the I mt- of one year from the date of te
■ - ■
certificate of sale issued by the \|, '
I owned by him within such time after of within said district.be dividedI into ed States, and any sum or sums of shal if no redemption shall have been
subdivisions, or zones. paraHeUmg money assessed for improvement or
the passage of the ordinance there­ the margin of the street to be im repair of a street, or benefit assessed made the then acting Marshal shall
for as the Common Council may
widening, straightening execute and deliver to the purcha-er
deem proper, not exceeding 60 days,
or ext«n«n*t»
street, o,-,u[t‘l his heirs or assigns, upon applicat'j0 ’
and if such improvements be not
or‘ L>r•the therefor, a surrender of such certifi
in order to cure a number of defects in the present made by the owner within such time, include all the lands within the d'*; |
construction or repair of a sewer or cate a deed of conveyance of tin pro­
City Charter and provided for the present floating in­ the Common Council may thereupon trict lying between lhV r ,"elhh drain, entered upon such hen docket perty sold, reciting the <1 ription of
to provide for the same by and lines drawn parallel therewith shall be collected in the manner here­ the same as described in the docket
debtedness of the city, the Council have had the City proceed
contract or otherwise as hereinbefore and 3; feet therefrom, lhe Second
of city liens, the amount paid, the
Attorney prepare a number of amendments to the char­ I authorized.
subdivision shall include all lands ly­ inafter
Section 17: Notice shall be given name of the owner, or that the name
within the district lying between bv the City Recorder to the owner or of the owner is unknown, the date of
ter. In order that a general discussion of the matter shall desire to have such improve­ ing
lines" drawn parallel with and 35 and
ners of any such lot or part ‘here­ doecketing the lien, and that the pro.
may be had and anyone who wishes may offer sugges­ ments or any part thereof made, or -o feet respectively, trom said stree ow
of, or tract or parcel of land, of the perty was sold for delinquent assess­
tions, before the amendments are voted on, the Council done by contract, it shall direct the margin, lhe Third subdivision shall entrv of such assessment in said lien ment for street improvements, or foj
all lands within- the dtstr c docket, specifying the amount there­ opening, laying
have ordered these published and the amendments pto- Recorder to give notice by* publicat­ include
Ling between lines drawn parallel of, within five days after the entry straightening, extending or changing
posed, and the Resolution for their publication, are pub- ion not for less than three »publica­ wit h and 70 and 105 feet respectively thereof in said docket, which noice grade of streets, or construction of
tions in the city official paper, in­ from such street margins. Provided, shall be given by mail if the postof­ sewers, or drains, as the case may be
iished in the following :
viting proposals for making said im­ however, that should the proper > fice address of the owner or his agent and that said assessment was due and
provements, or furnishing said mater­ abutting upon the street or streets to
Resolved, by the City Council of paper. The City Engineer, within ials, and may give such other notice be improved be divided into blocks is known, and if unknown by address­ 1 unpaid at the time of sale, and that
three days from the first publication
ing the same in the name of the own- no redemption had been made. Such
the city of Tillamook:
inviting such proposals as it may of less than 210 feet, the improvement
That a measure to amend article 7. of said resolution, shall cause to be deem expedient, provided that not district shall not. unless SP«««11? ./r at Tillamook City, Oregon, and deed shall de executed conformably
a measure to amend article 8, a meas­ conspicuously posted at each end of less than 20 days time shall be given provided bv resolution establishing also bv publishing the notice thereof to the laws of the State of Oregon so
ure to add article 12, a measure to the line of the contemplated im­ from the date of the first publication the same, extend further back ’han in one issue of a weekly newspaper as to make it legible for record, and
the same shall operate to convey t0
add article 13, a measure to add ar­ provement a notice which shall con­ of said notice for the submission of to the center of any such block, and published in Tillamook City.
Section 18: Whenever the owntr the purchaser a fee simple title t0 the
ticle 14, to the Charter of the city of tain in legible characters a copy of proposals thereunder. The Common the said subdivisions shall be pro-
Tillamook, prepared and submitted the resolution of the Common Coun­ Council shall have the power to portionately reduced in size as- to of any such lot or part thereof, or said property free and clear of all in.
to the council in conformity with the cil, and the date of its adoption, to- award the contract or contracts for such part of said improvement dis­ tract or parcel of land upon which an cumbrances, except for taxes as men­
t e time
assessment has been levied and tioned in Section 16 of this Article
recommendations of F. R. Beals, irecn twins : ts.u tne it
said improvement, and to impose
provided Upon the delivery of such deed the
Mayor, in his message, be published within which objections and remon­ such conditions upon the bidders in trict. unless the resolution establish­ docketed
said district shall provide tha for, shall desire, he may within thir- Marshal shall file a certificate of sale
in two issues of the Tillamook Her­ strances thereto may be filed, and regard to bonds and securities and ing
ald and in two issues of the Tilla­ the resolution published in the city guarantees of the good faith and re­ said subdivision shall be ot the full I tv days after notice of such assess­ I with the Recorder, and it shall be a
mook Headlight; and that the legal official newspaper shall also have sponsibility of bidders for insuring width herein originally provided tor. i ment is first published* apply to the public record. Upon delivery of such
voters, citizens and taxpayers of Till­ published in connection therewith a the faithful completion of the work Provided further, that in case 01 the City Recorder of Tillamook City to deed all of the proceedings required
construction or repair of sidewalks
or directed by this Article in relation
amook City be invited to make and notice giving the information stated in
strict accordance with the specifi­ the Common Council may in estab­ pay said assessment in installments to the making, levying and docketing
file with the Recorder, within sixty in the notice to be posted by the City cations
as hereinafter provided, and there­ I
of such assessments and the sale of
days, objections and suggestions in
regulations in the letting of con­ trict there for provide that the total after no warrant to enforce the col­ the property for the satisfaction
relation thereto for the benefit of the said notices shall be made by the affi­ and
lection of such assessment shall issue
council before the passage thereof,
I or be enforced, except as provided thereof, shall be presumed to be reg­
ular, and such deed shall be prima
and before submission to the voters notices posted by him, and of the Common Council as advantageous to charged against the lots or tract im­ by this article in such cases.
for adoption or rejection; and the
I Section 19: If within 30 days from facie evidence of the regularity of all
proceedings required to be had under
costs of such publication be paid out
publication thereof, which affidavit tractor, or contractors, agree to main­ said sidewalks are to be constructed the date of the entry of such assess­ the provisions of this Article and of
of the general fund.
shall be filed with the City Recorder. tain and keep in repair all improve­ or repaired, in which case no part of ment in said lien docket the whole or title in the grantee.
All engineering expenses, cost of ad­ ments made under said contract for the cost shall be charged or assessed any portion of the sum assessed upon
Section 24In any action, suit or
vertisement, cost of superintendency such period of time (not exceeding against any other property than that a lot or part thereof, or tract or par­
TO AMEND ARTICLE VI1 OF and other incidental costs and ex­ to years) as the Common Council immediately fronting and abutting cel of land, remains unpaid, and such proceeding instituted in any court
owner shall not have applied for for the recovery of any lands sold for
I 1 upon said street so improved.
penses necessary to carry into effect may determine.
Section p: Such contract or con­ 1 I The rate of assessment per square leave to make payment in install­ any assessment under the provisions
the resolutions and ordinances au­
Be it Enacted by the People of thorizing the improvement, shall be tracts shall only be let to the lowest foot in each subdivision shall be fixed ments as hereinafter provided, upon of this act, the party claiming to be
Tillamook City, Oregon, as follows: included in the estimate of the entire responsible bid, for either the whole of on the basis that the special benefits order of the Common Council a war­ the owner as against the holder of
Sectioni: Article \I1 of the Char­ cost and in the assessment upon the said improvements or such part there­ , conferred on a square foot of land in rant for the collection of the same the deed from the Marshal, must, with
ter of Tillamook City, Oregon, is property benefitted by such improve­ of as will not materially conflict with subdivisions First, S.ec.ond and Third shall be issued by the Recorder di­ his complaint or answer as the case
hereby amended so that the same ment, except as to such part thereof the completion of the remainder respectively are related to each other rected to the marshal of Tillamook may be, pay into the court the a-
Whenever such assessment mount of the purchase money for
shall read as follows:
as the Common Council may in thereof, but the said Common Coun­ as are the numbers 55, 3° and '5'‘re­ City.
said resolution and ordinances pro­ cil shall have the right to reject any spectively, and shall be ascertained shall have been paid to the City which the particular tract of land or
Section 1: The term “street” as vide shall be paid out of the general and all proposals received by it if in the following manner:
Treasurer, who is hereby authorized lot sought to be recovered was sold,
used in this Article shall be con­ funds of Tillamook City.
they shall be deemed unreasonable I The product of the number of and designated as the person to re­ together with 20 per cent thereof
strued to mean any street, avenue, I
Section 5: Within 20 days from or excessive, or which do not con­ . square feet in subdivision First, Sec­ ceive the same, the Treasurer shall additional, and also interest on said
boulevard alley or lane, or any public the date of the first publication of form to the rules of the Common ond and Third respectively, and the issue a duplicate receipt for said pay­ purchase money from the date of sale
road which is now or may hereafter the said notice required to be pub­ Council relative to the matter of re­ numbers 55, 30 and 15 respectively, ment and file one copy thereof with to the date of the institution of such
be opened or dedicated to public use lished as provided for in Section 4 ceiving proposals and letting con­ shall be ascertained, and their sum the City Recorder, and the Recorder suit at the rate of six per cent per
Section 2: The term “improve” of this Article, the owners of two- tracts for street work, and provided taken, which sum shall be divided in­ I shall upon receiving said duplicate annum, together with all the costs
and "improvement” as used in this Ar­ thirds or more of the area of the further, that no such contract shall to the total cost and expense of such receipt immediately cancel said lien and expenses of sale and of record­
ticle shall be construed to include all property within such improvement be let for a price in excess of the ■¿improvement. The products of the upon said docket of city liens by en­ ing the said deed, and also any and
grading or re-grading, paving or re­ district may make and file with the City Engineer’s estimate of the cost resultant quotient and the numbers tering upon the face thereof an entry all taxes the purchaser may have
paving, planking or re planking, ma­ Recorder a written objection to, or thereof plus 5 per cent.
I 55> 3° andls respectively shall be the of the satisfaction of such assessment paid on said property with the legal
re-macadamizing, remonstrance against said improve­
Section 10: It shall be the duty of separate rates of assessment per signed by himself in his official ca­ •interest thereon from the date of
graveling or re-graveling, and all ment, and said objection and remon­ the Common Council to fix the time square foot for subdivisions First, pacity.
payment thereof for the benefit of
manner of bridge work and roadway strance shall be a bar to any further in which every such improvement Second and Third respectively. The 1 Section 20: Such warrant shall, for the holder of said deed, his heirs or
improvement or repair, and all man­ proceedings in the making of such shall be completed, and it may ex­ total assessment thus ascertained the purpose of making sale of such assigns, in case his or their title un­
ner of constructing and repairing improvements for a period of six tend such time should the circum­ against each separate lot, or part of, real property upon which assess­ der such deed shall fail in said action,
sidewalks, cross-walks, gutters, curbs, months. Provided, that if any such stances warrant. The Common Coun­
tract or parcel of land, or other ments are delinquent and unpaid, be suit or proceeding. Provided further,
manholes, culverts, sewers, drains objection or remonstrance shall be cil shall have power and authority to lot,
within such district, shall deemed and held as an execution that the person claiming title under
and tunnels within any of the streets signed by the agent or attorney of make all written contracts, to receive property
as the amount to be against said real property for the the deed of the Marshal shall have
in Tillamook City, or any part of any property owner, there shall be and approve all bonds authorized by levied and assessed
against each amount of said assessment with in­ judgment against the party claiming
I filed with the recorder within the this
any such street.
for separate lot or part of lot, tract, par­ terests and costs, and the Marshal against said deed for such amount as
Section 3: The Common Council, time provided for such objection, or the
shall, within 60 days from the receipt the court may adjudge reasonable
whenever it may deem it expedient, remonstrance, the written authority supervision of all work done under cel of land or other property respec­ of said warrant, sell the property for the bringing or defending of any
is hereby authorized and enpowered for the signing of such objection or the provisions of this Article, and to
therein described. Such sale shall be such action, suit or proceeding, re­
to order the whole or any part of the remonstrance, and otherwise such do any other act necessary to secure Common Council may, in its discre­ at public auction to the highest bid­ gardless of the result of such suit,
tion, at the time of establishing any
streets of the City to be improved, signatures shall be disregarded.
the faithful carrying out of all con­
for cash in hand, and shall take action or proceeding, or whether he
to determine the character, kind and I Section 6: If no such objection or tracts and the making of improve- . ' local improvement district, further der
place at the front door of the build­ be plaintiff or defendant therein.
extent of such improvement, to levy remonstrance properly signes as afor- ments in strict compliance with the provide that any portion of the cost ing
in which thc Common Council
Section 25: Whenever any lot or
and collect an assessment upon all said be made and filed with the City ordinances and specifications there- of the making of such improvements,
or any specified part thereof, shall holds its sessions, and the Marshal tract or part thereof sold for delin­
lots and parcels of land specially ben­ Recorder within the time designated, 'for.
1 ’ be paid out of the general fund of shall give notice of such sale by pub­ quent assesinents as herein provided
efitted by such improvement, to de­ the Common Council shall be deem­
Section it: Whenever any street
lication thereof once a week for four brings more than the amount of the
fray thc whole or any portion of the ed to have acquired jurisdiction to improvement is completed in whole Tillamook City.
Section 13: After such apportion­ consecutive and successive weeks in assessment and all costs and charges
cost and expense thereof, and to de­ order the improvement to be made, or in part to the __________
satisfaction of the
termine within the limits hereinafter and it may be thereafter, and within City Engineer, he shall file a certi­ ment shall have been made of the en- a weekly newspaper published in Till­ of collection, the surplus shall be paid
specified what lands arc specially 'three months from the date of the ficate of the completion and his ap­ tire cost and expense of such im- amook City, and by posting such to the City Treasurer, and the person
bdnefitted by such improvement, and final publication of its previous reso­ proval of such work so completed provement, the Common . Council notice for a like period of time in executing such warrant shall take a
4 ti <- amount to which each parcel or lution, by ordinance provided for the with the Recorder, who shall there­ shall give notice of the time and not less than three public places in seperate receipt for such surplus and
tract of land is benefitted. Provided, making of said improvement, which after publish notice of such comple­ place for hearing objections thereto said city. Such notice of sale shall file the same with the Recorder on
however, that whenever the owners shall conform in all particulars to the tion for not less than two puplica- . by publication for two consecutive contain a description of the lot, or return of payment of the warrant,
in fee of two-thirds or more of the plans and specifications previously tions in the city official newspaper, weeks in a weekly' newspaper pub­ lots, or parts thereof, tracts of parts and the Common Council shall order
area of thc property upon which an adopted. When the Common Coun­ stating therein when the acceptance lished in Tillamook City, which time thereof, naming the block in which tsuch surplus paid to the person or
assessment for improvement will be cil shall have so provided for the of the same will be considered by shall not be less than 15 days, nor the same is situated, that the same persons entitled to the same, on de­
made shall petition the Common making of an improvement as afor- the Common Council, which time more than 30 days, from the date of is to be sold for said delinquent as­ mand, upon receiving satisfactory
Council to order improvements to be said, Tillamook City shall be deemed shall be not less than ten days from such notice, and at the time and place sessment, with the amount of said proof that such person is the one en­
made upon any of thc streets of thc to have appropriated and acquired the date of the first puplication of fixed in such notice, or at such other assessment, interest and costs to date titled to receive such surplus. Pro­
City, specifying the particular por- ownership of all earth above grade, said notice, and at that time, or at time as the hearing may be adjourn­ of sale, including cost of advertise­ vided further, that whenever any
tions thcreof upon which the itnprove- and within the street lines for said any time prior thereto, any owner of ed to, the Common Council shall hear ment, due upon each lot or tract or property is offered for sale for delin­
ment is desired, it shall be mandatory improvement, and no private owner­ any interest in, or the agent of any and determine all objections to the part thereof, together with the name quent assessments as herein provid­
upon the Common Council to pro- ship shall thereafter be claimed in property within the assessment dis­ apportionment of the cost of such of thc owner or reputed owner, or ed, if a sufficient amount is not paid
ceed with the making of such im- said earth. The Common Council trict of said improvement may appear street improvements, and upon such that the owners are unknown as thc therefor to pay such assesment to­
provement in the manner prescribed shall have power and authority in and file, or make objections to the hearing may make such changes same appears upon said docket of gether with all costs and expenses of
in this Article.
Provided further, providing for any street improvement acceptance of said improvements, and therein as shall be necessary to make city liens, and shall also specify the sa'.s in connection therewith, the
tha,t if said owners of said propor- also to provide for placing in the said objections shall be considered such apportionment equitable and time and place of sale, and that the Mayor of Tillamook City is hereby
lots, or parts thereof, of tracts of land empowered and authorized to bid for
:.'C. of said property shall in and by street where said improvement is to and the merits thereof determined by just.
Section 14: After the hearing pro­ described therein will be offered for and in behalf of said city the amount
their petition agree upon thc char­ be made, all necessary surface pipes the Common Council, and if it ap­
acter of improvement which they de- for water, gas, heat, pow’er, sewerage pears that said work or improvement vided for in Section 13 in this Article, sale to satisfy the assessments, in­ of such assessment, together with
sipf to have made and thc material or any other purpose, and all con­ has not been completed in accordance and after making such changes in the terest and costs due upon each tract, said costs and expenses assessed
10 be used therein, thc Common duits for electric wires and other pur­ with the specifications and contracts, apportionment as are therein provid­ lot or parcel of land, or part thereof, thereon or charged against said prop­
Council shall be bound by the selec­ poses that are or may hereafter be the Common Council shall require ed for, and when the same shall have and each lot, tract or parcel of land, erty or each part or parcel thereof,
tion so made, and in causing pl at is necessary. The Council may also the same to be completed before ac­ been fully determined by the Com­ or part thereof shall be sold separat­ and if there be no higher or better
and specifications and estimates of provide a certain time after any cepting it. Whenever any work or mon Council, the Common Council ely. Providing however, that all de­ bidder such land, lot or parcel of land
the cost thereof to be made, thc sahie street improvement is made during improvement is accepted by the Com­ shall declare and assess the same by linquent assessments assessed in one or part thereof, shall be sold and be­
shall be made upon the basis of(the which it shall not be torn up or dis­ mon Council the Recorder shall en­ ordinance upon the property benefit­ ordinance may be included in one come the property of said city, sub­
character of improvement so select­ turbed, and shall also have power and dorse the approval of the Common ed, which shall be described therein, notice, and all such sales shall be ject to redemption as hereinbefore
i authority to provide that no opening Council on the certificate of the City- and each lot, part of lot, of parcel of made between the hours of 9 o'clock provided, to be paid for by wariant
Section 4 W henever the Common ' of any street shall be made without Engineer, and after the assessment ground shall be assessed with its pro­ a.m. and 4 o’clock p.m. Provided fur­ of the city upon the general funds
Council shall deem it expedieht, it first obtaining permit therefore, and therefore is made and docketed, the portionate share of such cost as here­ ther, that said sale may be postponed thereof. Whenever the city shall ac­
may, or upon petition presented in ( the Common Council shall have Mayor and Recorder shall draw war­ inbefore provided, and said assess­ in like manner as now provided by quire title to any such property the
conformity with Section 3 of this Ar­ I power to prescribe and enforce all rants on the fund created for said im­ ment shall be final and conclusive, the laws of Oregon for the adjourn­ same may be sold by order of the
ticle, it must provide as in this Arti­ rules regulating the opening of street provements in favor of the parties en­ and the said ordinance shall further ment of sales of real property upon Common Council at such price, and
cle prescribed for the .improvement surfaces in all streets of the city titled thereto. When any work or direct the Recorder to enter a state­ execution.
such terms as it may seem proper.
of any street by proceeding in the i which it may deem necessary to se- improvement shall have been let or ment of the said assessed cost in the I Section 21: The Marshal execut­ on Section
26: All of the provisions
following manner:
I cure the replacing of the street in performed by contract, the same docket of city liens as provided for ing such warrant shall immediately of Sections 3245 to 3253, both inclu­
It shall require the City Engineer good condition. And the Common shall be paid out of the funds receiv- in this Article.
issue a certificate
of sale to the sive, of Lord’s Oregon Laws, are
to prepare and present to said Com­ i Council shall further have the power edfrom assessments made as in this
Section 15:
The docket of city purchaser for the property sold, stat­
mon Council plans and specifications and authority, whenever the grade of Article provided, or out of funds de­ liens is a book in which must be en­ ing therein that the sale is made sub­ hereby made expressly applicable to
for the improvements desired, and any street has been established, to rived from the sale of bonds issued tered by the Recorder the following ject to redemption, and that a deed all assessments for street improve­
estimates of the work to be done, and authorize the owner or owners of any upon application of the owners of matters in relation to assessments will be issued thereon at the expira­ ments under the provisions of this
the probable cost thereof, and the property thereon to cut down or fill property assessed for said improve­ for the improvement and repair of tion of the time for redemption if no Article. Provided, however, that in
all such cases the application to pay
engineer shall file such plans, speci-
up such street in front of said prop­ ment, and no payments shall he made streets, and the construction and re­ redemption be made prior to said
by installments provided for in Sec­
fications and estimates in the office
erty according to such grade under upon any such contract except out of pair of sewers and drains, and the date \\ it bin one year from thc date tion
3245 of Lord's Oregon Laws
of the City Recorder. If the C om • the supervision of the City Surveyor the funds provided by assessment and benefits and damages assessed for ot the sale the owner, or his succes­
mon Council shall find such plans,
or City Engineer, at the expense of by bonds issued in conformity with opening, widening, straightening, and sor, or any person having a lien by may be made within.30 days after
notice of assessment is first publish­
specifications and estimates to be such owner or owners. In giving such the provisions of this article.
| extending streets, and changing the judgment, decree or mortgage upon ed instead of within 10 days as in
satisfactory, it shall approve the authority the Common Council may
Section 12: When the whole of the grades thereof: First, thc number or the property sold, or anv part there­ said section provided. And provided
same and shall determine the bound­ impose such terms and conditions as improvements covered by any one letter of the lot assessed, and the let­ of, may redeem thc same by thc pay­
aries, of the district benefitted and may be necessary to secure the de­ ordinance therefor shall have been ter or number of block in which it is ment of purchase money and twenty further, that interest on all unpaid
to be assessed for such improvement, posit of earth or other matter exca­ fully completed and accepted bv the situated, anil if a separate assessment per cent thereon, with interest upon installments shall be paid semi- annu­
ally by the property owners, or other
and the action of the Common Conn vated from the street upon any part Common
P',rcbase money from thc date
Council, the Common Coun­ is made upon a part of a lot, or tract
ci) in creating such assessment dis­ thereof which may need to be filled, cil shall then cause the cost of such of land, a particular description of of the sale to the time of redemption persons required to make such pay­
ment, instead of annually as provided
trict shall be final and conclusive. and to charge fees for such permits work or improvement to be appor­ such part of lot of tract; Second, the and
°f 6 PCr Cent per ann™, in Section 3249 of said Lord's Oregon
Thereupon the Common Council to cover any expense incurred by the tioned to the property affected there­ name of the owner thereof, or that and the amount
ot any taxes which Laws.
shall, by resolution, declare its pur­ City in the survey and inspection of by within the improvement district the owner is unknown if such be thc
haveUnaM*'r h,s hci” o'-assigns may
pose of making such improvement, the work to be done.
established therefor as required by case; Third, the sum assessed upon intereu ft. P°n Sa'd proPcr’y. with 1 Section 27: For all of the purposes
describing the same and including
Section 7: Immediately after the the ordinance authorizing the same, each lot or part thereof, or tract of
tbeleon at the legal rate of this Article the Surveyor of Till*-
said estimate of the probable total Common Council shall have deter­ in the manner following:
. land or part thereof, and thc date of from the date of such assessment to "took City shall be deemed to be the
cost thereof, and also defining the mined by ordinance to proceed with
Each lot, or tract, or part thereof, I the entry thereof; Provided, however,
1 ,O ,hJ,Ci*> Recorder for the City Engineer, and the Common
boundaries of the assessment district any improvement or work as herein­ within the limits of said improve­ that a failure to enter thc name of the m.rrh"
Council is authorized to employ such
10 be benefited thereby and assessed before provided, the City Council ment district abutting upon any street owner, or a mistake in thc name of shMlhbeer;i NO,iCC °f ceeiemption assistants for the Surveyor as may
provided for
therefor, which district shall be des­ may proceed to make the whole or improved, shall be liable for the full the owner in such entrv, or the entrv bv thè 1/
° lbe Sute of Oregon be necessary to enable him to proper-
ignated as "Local Improvement Dis­ any part of such improvements, or cost, or the proportion thereof here­ I I“' a name other than the true owner, for ,1
the redemption of real property . ly perform any and all of his duties
trict No.----------- .” The action of the may proceed to let by contract the inafter mentioned, or making said shall not render void or vitiate such from sale upon execution
arising under this Article or other­
Common Council in declaring its in­ furnishing of all material for the improvement upon half of the street I assessment or in any way effect the I
tention to improve any street or making of such improvements, and in front of and abutting upon said lien ot I illamook City or the proper- scribVd°u it rA ridemPtion as pre-
Section 28: The Common Council
charsin» thhe fore«o,n8 Action dis-
streets, or any part or parts thereof, to have the labor in making such im- lot, tract or part thereof, and also | ty described in such lien docket.
Tillamook City is hereby author­
directing publication thereof, approv­ provements performed under the for a proportionate share of the cost I Section 16: The docket of citv feet »f * th pr°PCfty from the ef­ of
fect of sale upon such assessment ized and enpowered to establish by
ing the plans a^d specifications and direction and control of the City of improving intersections of two of
and .f made by the owner or h , suc ordinance the grade of any street
estimates aforsaM, and determining Engineer. Or. the Common Council the streets bounding the block or hens ,, .1 public writing, and from the
cessor m interest, thc ownership of within Tillamook City when such
the district benefited and to be ass­ may cause all or any part of such im­ tract in which such lot, tract or part date of thc entry therein of an assess­ said
property is thereby restored tn grade has not been established, and
essed thereby, may all be done in one provements to be made by contract thereof is situated, but the said total ment upon a lot, or part thereof, or
,>arfd °f ,and- or a P’rt est. but'iiCma°dehby Vhen’Xlhor"‘he I may require from the City Engineer
and the same resolution The reso­ in the manner provided in this Ar­ cast shall be apportioned in accord­ ’h'rar'
all maps and data it may deem necs-
thereot the same ,0 entered is hcre-
lution of the Common Council declar­ ticle, provided, that the Common ance with the following plan:
sary in relation thereto. After the
declared to be a tax levied upon, =tePra‘bde,S:e,^edetdoTeP,i°n
ing its purpose to make such improve­ Council may. in its discretion, permit
Said local improvement district and a lien upon and against such lot
a nart r>t 5r?de.
an>’ street has been estab-
ments shall be kept of record in the the owner of any part of the property shall, for the purpose of ascertaining
judgment, decree
mortgage or I ls lcd
the Common Councd the
office of the City Recorder, and shall which is to be assessed for the cost the Amount to be «i^ncssed u^ninst or part thereof, or tract of parcel of his
be published for three consecutive of such improvement, to make the each seperate lot, tract or parcel of land, which lien shall have priority °'her hen as the case mav be and I s‘?,lnS ma-v bc hy the Common Coun-
over all other liens or incumbrance's
nav be inforc- ‘ Jk ,h'reafter changed pursuant to
p»btic*uuns m
cilv ofl|eia| nrwg. improvement in front of the property
land, or other property or part there­ thereon, except taxes imposed under
I the., following provisions:
Section 23: After the CXDiratirkn
bencvcr it shall be deemed ex­
pedient to change the grade of any