1 F' rillamook Headlight, June 25, IÔ14 rr'U* HOTEL TILLAMOOK CASE. effect with the corporation, all of .‘.he sea,on ** fairly dry -t/v JJR. L. L. HOY, which would amount to a fraud and follow about two weeks after --- tnu nccitj Aller Judge Finds. Mismanagement and imposition upon the stock holders of should the second. Don’t delay this spraying | I 0 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON SOME BARGAINS IN CHOICE TILLA- __ ‘ Appoint* Receiver. the corporation. And under the state Li»e but ,4/x do .a it * at a. once. of facts of this defendant corporation, T illamook B lock , R. C. Jones, MOOK CITY LOTS. I » it was to too ° 8 great Judge Webster Holmes, in the in- 11 r^at a burden for it to County Agriculturist. Tillamook, - - Oregon junction sqit of John Leland Hender- bear and lose, and it appears to the son vs. Tillamook Hotel Co., P. J. Court after a consideration of the PREPARE FOR COUNTY < , £ 12) R ELMER ALLEN This property we are now offering was Worrall, Anna Worrall and Charles e'*dence in the case, that t the only | j FAIR. I ‘ platted by us from the acreage consequently it is ay to protect * the * interests of this r*z>s.»«_ 4 - « , . __ . Kunze, rendered the following decis- w?v (Successor to Dr. Sharp), | corporation is for the court to ap-1 MakeS the lowest in price of any property offered in Til­ ion: £ point a receiver, until «„ch o. Some Suggestions. DENTIST. lamook at the present time:— “This is a suit instituted by one of point a receiver, until such time as the stock holders of the Tillamook this corporation can be put upon a • It i* time that the farmers of the Commercial Htiilding, Tillamook KING ADDITION:— Located three blocks Hotel Company, a corporation, for solid financial basis, and a Board of County were beginning to think about west on 5th street from the High School. Every Directors can show to the Court that an exhibit at lhe local and State Fairs himself and in behalf of the other JACK OLSEN. stock-holders against the Tillamook the receiver is no longer needed when this tall. Now is the time to select the lot choice and sightly, 50x100 ft. with 10 ft. alley, j bundles of grasses and to prepare our Hotel Co., P. J. Worrall Anna Wor- i he will be discharged. 6 ft. sidewalk all in. Your choice of any of these DENTIST. And it also appears from the - evi- for exhibition. There has rail and Ch»s. Kunz, as directors of - -- , small fruits ------------------- ------ ----- lots for a short time at $275. & $300. (I. 0. 0, F Bldg.) the defendant corporation, for the dence that P. J. Worrall has --------- received ( oeen ---------- sever*! -------------- inquiries as --- to how to pre­ without any authority and in contra- pare samples and preserve the juicy purpose of an accounting, on the part STILLWELL PARK: Located just west of Tillamook - Oregon of the defendants directors and also vention to the orders of this Court, ' fruits so as to retain their color and King Add, this is very fine property, lots all 5000 £ the sum of $100 at one time and $30 shape. The County Fair Board have individually, and asking for the ap- square feet to the lot. One fine qua rter block of pointment Jf a Receiver for the de-1 at another tim«* and that he should a»ked me to aid them in this matter £ I i accnnnt tn tkn st-__ £___'and I fihall ha rvlnrl ♦ <-» Aa*Z*»*MA* i 10,000 spuare feet at $350, which you can’t beat I account to the corporation therefor, , and I shall be glad to give assistance fendant corporation. in this town or anywhere else. I The suit is predicated upon the and that he has received as pretended to any who wish it. ; > PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON theory of mismanagement on the part salary the sum of $100 a month since | 1° selecting grasses take those fairly $ GOODSPEED’S ADDITION:—.. Located the opening of the hotel until the j well matured though still of a good of the directors and particularly the East on 1st and 3rd streets, adjoining R. R. .1 Ore «nu mismanagement of P. J. Worrall who temporary receiver was appointed Kreen color, cut very close to the £ Bay City have for sale in this tract the choicest lots in the is president of the corporation and herein, and the Court finds that the Eri'und so as to getgood long bundles, sum of $100 will be more than his Dry in a dark place in a good draft of city. All high and sightly, 50x100 ft. to each lot. general manager. I . . . . ’ '—...... '1 QARL HABERLACH, Suits of this kind, must ordinarily serv,ce8 were worth during that time, >_ I I air so as to retain the natural color as Prices range from $250 and up. Terms, easy | and will not compel him to account i mucb as P° ssible and then tie up in £ be brought in the name of the cor­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. payments. poration against the Directors, and therefor to the corporation, at this bundles about 4 inches in diameter, £ T illamook B lock , this is invariably the rule unless the time. And the defendant Anna Wor-1 Trim the butta off evenly and keep in On the above property you can make no mis­ ç complaint states the facts which rail has received the sum of $35 per . a dry dark place 80 they will not bleach Tillamook "... .Oregon take in making an investment NOW. You can shows that the Directors are in con­ month as salary and it appears to the ■ | out In * regard to fruits, the following is < ’ have your own terms of payment to suit your court she has fully earned that sum trol of the corporation so far as I taken from an article written by W. sarchet convenience, in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual holding a majority of the stock is of money and has in reality earned a : 0. Longyear of the Colorado Agricul­ . The Fashionable Tailor much larger sum, but has received no or yearly payments. The price, the terms and concerned, and where it would be tural College. ! ( i more than $35 per month and she the property are all more than any investor Cleaning, Pressing- and Repairing futile to ask the Directors to in fact A great many experiments have been should be allowed to retain that. And I and in effect bring suit against them­ could possibly desire. a Specialty. it appears to the Court that Miss made in the attempt to find some fluids selves. The complaint in this suit or solutions in which the more perish- i ( Worrall has received certain sums of Make your selection now before it is too late. shows the facts to be that the defen­ Store in Heine Photographic £ money at the rate of $25, per month able fruits could be kept for exhibition * > dants P. J. Worrall and Anna Worrall Gallery as secretary, and she will be allowed at fairs and expositions. Some of these hold the majority of the capital ROLLIE W. WATSON, Tillamook’s Leading to retain that as it appears her ser­ have proved very satisfactory for cer­ stock of -the corporation, hence it vices were reasonably worth that sum. tain fruits but it is doubtful whether Sub-Division Agent. TODD HOTEL. $ qp H. GOYNE , would be idle for the stock holders But since the opening of the bar, the any process will ever be discovered by to request the directors to sue them­ INSURANCE LOANS RENTALS time being uncertain but fixed about which the softer kinds, such as straw­ ATTORNEY-AT LAW. a selves on the grounds alleged in this Aug.* 17th 1913, and from that time berries and raspberries can be kept for /¡/W*e shifts** complaint. until the time of the appointment of any considerable length of time with­ Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , The evidence shows that there has the temporary receiver, herein, the out much change in color. been mismanagement, whether de- Tillamook - Oregon. defendant P. J. Worrall will be re­ The specimens to be preserved should signedly or from lack of ability it is be the most perfect obtainable, free quired to account and pay over to immaterial and unnecessary for the J. CLAUSSEN, the defendant corporation at the rate from all blemishes and imperfections. Court to decide. And it also shows . LAWYER. of $65 per month, on account of liq­ In most cases fruit of a fair degree of there is internal dissatisfaction a- ripeness is better than partly green uor consumed by him for his own DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. mong the stock holders all of which personal use, the property of the de­ specimens. Exhibition jars should be contributes to the jeopardizing of the fendant corporation, without any of clear white glass, preferably with 2’3 T illamook B loch interests of the corporation , and if right or authority so to do. And the ground glass stoppers. The tall cylind­ Tillamook - Oregon continued, would render it absolutely Court finds he is indebted to the cor­ rical form is desirable, especially for insolvent. And the evidence shows to the smaller fruits. poration in the aggregate sum, at the T. BOALS. M.D., the satisfaction of the Court that the said rate of $65 per month, during The sorted fruit is first carefully defendant corporation was tending that period from the 17th day of Aug­ placed in the jar which is then filled A Perfect Baker — absolutely dependable, every day, year in. upon insolvency, and bordering upon ust, 1913, and the date of the appoint­ with clear watsr. After standing a PHYSICIAN.’ AND SURGEON. year out. Built on honor, of tho best materials. insolvency at the time of the trial of ment of the temporary receiver. And short time the water is poured off so as Surgeon S. P. Co. Outwear» Three Ordinary Ranges this suit. The old rule was stockhold­ it appears to the Court further that to remove all particles of dirt from the (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) TAc only ranrre made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. ers, minority stock-holders, had prac­ the defendant directors should be re­ jar and contents. The jar may then be Malleable iron can’t break —charcoal iron won’t ruet like eteel. Tillamook .... Oregon. tically no relief. That they were at strained and enjoined perpetually filled with the preserving fluid and kept Economical In Fuel the mercy of the majority stockhold­ from interfering in any manner with in a dark, cool place till the time for The ream» of the Majestic are riveted (not put together with bolts and r.tovo ¡nitty)— they will altvay» remain air tight, Frequent examination T E. REEDY, D.V M„ ers, but the trend of modern decisions the management of the said hotel so exhibition. betause neither heat n<>r cold a (Teets them. The Majettic oven . is lined throughout with pure aabeato» board, U « has been to relax this rille and furth­ long as it is in charge of and in the should be made to determine how well held in place by an open iron grating you can see it- and it stays theru always. Air tight joints and ¡Hire asbestui VETERINARY. er, to give the Courts of Chancery hands of the Receiver to be appoint­ the fruit is keeping. If the liquid be­ lining as; ura an even baking heat, waving one-half tho fuel. jurisdiction to protect the interests ed by the Court in this suit, and dur­ comes colored from the fruit, it should All the property until the further order of this court (boiled and cooled) enough to make 100 parts. This may be made up by meas ­ Huilding. of the corporation, yet the stockhold­ in the sum of five thousand dollars. ure as follows:—Formalin, 1 pint; salt er’s financial interest therein is rep­ TILLAMOOK. - ORE And plaintiff will recover in this resented by the shares of stock which suit his costs and disbursements a- solution, two pints; water, 17 pints. he owns, and in a way his rights and gainst the defendants P. J. Worrall, When made up the solution will keep —lias at, copper rewvotr which I tta like a tea kettle, through a R. I.. K. HEWITT, indefinitely. copper pocki-t Btamped from one pi« co of copper, netting agninut Lined interests are analogous to that of a Anna Worrall and Charles Kunze. left hi'ii'l lininfr of lire box. It boils 15 KalloiiH or water in a very with OSTEOPATHIC Another solution weaker in formalin few minutes mui by turning a l»v««r th< frmne an I rc-nervoir moveg partner, and it would be simply de­ Pure away fro. > ’re An ex'lusive patented feature. (¿present has also been used satisfactorily. The Asbesto« PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. <’ h f'/m ilix*H HWiy with shoveling ashes ventilated ail» nying the rights of the minority stock pit prevent« floor fr«wn catching tire ath cup catches nsh«*s. Board proportions areformalin, 3 parts; Aik ui to »how you the gri ’ attJl improvement CONTROL OF POTATO BLIGHT. OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. holders who are beingimposed upon «•»•cr put in a 1 iinfte. salt solution 10 parts ; water enough to Don’t Huy the rang«, you expect to last a life or subjected to the loss of their prop­ Both Phones. time "unsight, uns»*« n,” or you’ll I«o sure t<> be dis­ make 100 parts. appointed. Come to our store, and See the i.rwiE Made of erty for a Court to refuse to take Afo/.’.ir/c — have it« many exclusive features ex- The common blight of potatoes Residence anti Office in Whitehouse For raspberries the following mix­ Charcoal Blaliied find out why the Majc.tic is itronger jurisdiction and protect their rights can easily be controlled in a dry sea­ ture is recommended:—Formalin, 1 »an all other ranges where most rangus are weskest. Iron, Residence, It 1» the be: t range at any price aud it should and interests. And it appears to the son but it takes more care and spray­ part, glycerine, 10 parts; water 89 be ut >oux kitchen, addin* TILLAMOOK, OREGON FOR SALE BY 300% to Court from the evidence adduced that ing if the season is wet. The method parts. life of P. J. Worrall individually, is unfitted of control is by using Bordeaux mix­ Strawberries may be preserved fairly ,T HOTTS, Range ALEX. McNAIR & CO.’ for the management of the affairs of ture as a spray. It will be necessary well in a saturated solution of common the defendant corporation, that he to apply at least three times if the ■alt, and better still in a fluid com­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 5 CAI LOM ALL COFFER has heretofore held in conterjpt the season is very wet it may be necess­ posed of formalin, loz; alum, I drachm; PE-CRVOIA Com(>lete Set of Abstract Hooka in orders of this court made heretofore ary to double the number of applica­ glycerine, 5 oz ¡and water 3 pints. WILL GIVE T iffice. YOU »OILINC made in this suit, and that he is not tions. It will require from 40 to 100 WATER Red curt ant« keep best in a solution Taxes Paid for Non Residents. ‘jtted by nature ot have the manage­ gals, of mixture per acre according corrosive sublimate, 1 part; glycerine, T illamook B lock , ment of the hotel, not being adapted to the size of the vines. 10 part* ; water 90 parte. The corrossive Tillamook .... Oregon. to meet and make friends with the The mixture used is known as the sublimate must be dissolved in hot Both Phones. patrons of such a place, all of which 5-5-50 mixture and is made as fol­ water and the solution and fruit pre­ tends to jeopardize not only his own lowsPour into a barrel 25 gallons served in it should be labeled POISON, cable G* McGEE, interest, but that of the other stock­ of clean water; then weigh out 5 lbs. as it is very deadly if swallowed. holders of crushed bluestone, or copper sul­ The glass stoppers of bottles and or Clack It is also claimed, and was testified phate, and after tying it in a piece jars may be made perfectly tight by PHYSICIAN & SURGEON to by P. J. Worrall that he had a con­ of coarse sacking suspend it just be­ smearing tha ground surface with a tract with the defendant corporation neath the surface of the water by small amount of light colored vaseline Office : Next door to Star whereby he was to receive a salary means of a stick laid across the top This wil) also prevent in a great meas­ ure the sticking of the stoopers when of one hundred dollars a month, of the barrel. In another vessel slack Theatre. is desired to remove them. board and lodging and what liquors 5 lbs. of fresh lime carefully by pour­ it R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist. be might personally see fit to con­ ing on small quantities of water at ( ' KORGK WII.I KTT sume, but the records of the corpora­ a time, the object being to obtain a V J “I feel it my duty to tell other« wont Notice. tion introduced in evidence, fail to smooth creamy liquid, free from grit. ATTORNEY-AT LAW Chaml*rlain> Tablet* have done for show any such a contract and such a When the lime is slacked add enough me.” writes Mr* L. Dunlap, of Oak THESE ALL TO WHOM TO contract could only have been enter­ water to make 25 gals. As soon as the Tll.LAMOOK COMMERCIAL BUILDIX«*! Grove, Mien. “I have COME— SHALL SPRESENT «'iff**r«l with pain« in ed into, if at all, by the act of the blue stone is dissolved, which will re­ GREETINGS. • Oregon ' tny liaek ati'l under 1 il l a monk majority of the Board of Directors, quire an hour or more, pour the lime Notice is hereby given by the State my (boulder blade for which should appear upon the min­ milk and blue stone solutions togeth­ Board of Fish and" Game Commiss­ h number of yeari, utes of the Directors. And it would er using a separate barrel and stirring ioners that, in accordance with the also with a poor appe provisions of Section 5316 of Lord s tile and constipation. amount to a fraud upon the stock­ constantly to effect a thorough mix Oregon Laws, that portion of Tilla­ I tried all of the rem­ holders for a Director, being in con ing. This solution should be made mook River, in Tillamook County, edies that I heard of, Oregon, above a point 100 feet below trol of the majority of ihe corpora­ only as fast as it can be used as it and a ntnubor of doc­ tors. but got no relief. tion, either as owner himself or in spoils on standing any length of time. the lowermost portion of the mouth of Trask River, except that portion Finally a fri come and do to'if .elect I I Oil your front porch ran tie lit Trask River, is hereby opened to board and lodging and the right to which it is applied. A knapsack spray­ Liver Tablets. I got mg here. Vo l will get II e teat every night until midnight a bottle of them and qualities, the moat thorough end consume liqur which would be in ex­ er or a _ good force pump and fine salmon fishing, other than with and register not over hook and line, commonly called they igxin helped my ‘ ■ r than fifty centa per month cess of the earning capacity of the spray nozzle are much ■ better ~---- ----- I conac lemioiia work maaahip i nd be angling, from and after July 15, 1914. storna