Tillamook] Headlight, June I ■ i 25, 1014 fl everybody cent of the porcelain from Japan Siciney E. Henderson, Brea. way who would have been denied importation Surveyor. into the United States by the pro­ Legal Advertisements. i, Sec- fl bill lohn Leland Henderson posed amendment to the tariff First Insertion, per line........... $ .10 Âttoiney-at- ■ <> retary Treaa., A"“,r The Champion Optimist «that sought to bar goods made by Each subsequent insertion, line. 05 Law, Notrary Public ■ children under 14 years of age. Ja- Business and professional cards AT THE Hope springs eternal in the breast pan officially protested against the « one month .............................. too Tillamook Title and Homestead Notices .................. 5.00 of the Prohibition party. H. P. Faris amendment. Abstract co. of Clinton, Mo., national treasurer of Dr. Williams says that the great Timber Claims .......................... 10.00 1 that party, predicts that a Prohibition need of Japan is conscience and he Law, A* strai ts, Real Estate, Local» per line each insertion. •05 candidate will be triumphantly elect­ speaks in praise of the work of the Surveying, Insurance. Display advertisement, an inch, ed in 1920. It it a party of heroic faith Christian missionaries in giving Ja­ Both Plior.es. • SO I one month ................................ ? a faith scarcely justified by its his­ panese high ideals. He quotes emi­ All Resolutions of Condolence OKEGON. TILLAMOOK tory. The first candidate, James Black nent men who are non-Christians as « and Lodge Notices, per line 05 of Pennsylvania, was nominated by declaring that Christianity will mean El III III 11 « * * • • * * ® Cards of Thanks, per line......... •05 the Temperance party in 1872. He re­ the national salvation of Japan, Count Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen ceived 5608 votes in the entire coun­ Okuma being among the number. etc., minimum rate, not ex­ try. In 1876 Green Clay Smith of Ken­ The change from feaudalism to mod­ ceeding five lines.................... ■25 tucky was the Prohibition nominee, ern industrialism in Japan was rapid. receiving nearly 10,000 votes. There The Japanese have displayed an effi­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. has been a candidate every four years ciency which is little short of marvel­ GOOD OLD I.W. , (Strictly in Advance.) since, the vote ranging as high as 258, ous. But as the mayor of Tokio, the One year ..................................... $15° 536 for Silas C. Swallow of Pennsyl­ Six months ........................................ 75 vania in 1904. There was a slump of seventh 1 city of the world in size, Three months.................. 5° 5000 the next four years and a furth­ said in 1 addressing a gathering at the Taisho Exposition, “something is er slump of 45,000 between 1908 and Entered as second class mail mat­ 1912. The vote in 1912 was 43,480 less wrong with Japan.” He gave con- ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at than it was in 1888, after twenty- science as his view of the need. “We enry renshaw Tillamook, Ore., under the act of four years’ aggressive campaigning, do not want to lose our art and beau­ WHISKEY ty and our practical materialism,” he March 3, 1879. in spite of the increase inthe popula­ said, “but we must have something tion and the extension of the fran­ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. chise to women. The only campaign more. We must have a conscience, a . . 0 soul, a national faith. Materialism in which the party had any notice- alone means ruin." This statement * M 5/V11 able effect on the results of the nat- of the mayor of a heathen town will Editorial Snap Shots ional election was that of 1884. It is The Whiskey With- be regarded by Christians as a Mace­ Isn’t it a fact that when business is conceded that the vote given St. John donian cry for help. out 2 best at the beach resorts, business is in New York was one of the half doz­ en things that lost Blaine that state Pure, mellow, with a flavor also best in this city. We Eat Too Much Meat. and the presidency. that tickles the palate and lingers in the memory. The cause of prohibition has stead ­ seems that we heard Attorney It I FOR SALE BY The curtailment in the consumption Duniway say something about the ily advanced without regard to the ; K F. LAUGHLIN, tail trying to wag the dog in the ho- Prohibition party. The party, singu­ of meat by the people of the United Tillamook, lar as it may seem, has not been States resulting from high prices may itel case. strong in the states where prohibition not in the end prove to be an unmix­ We hope that the stockholders in sentiment has been highest. In 1912 ed evil. A diet too largely composed the Hotel Tillamook are not in the there were only 945 votes for Chafin of beef, pork or mutton is not con­ same predicament the stockholders in Maine, out of a total of 142,105, sidered healthful. Many ailments that MARRY TO BECOME MEN. 1 I < ’ ■ were in in the old opera house build­ although Maine is the pioneer afflict the human family are pretty prohibition state. The high mark of conclusively traced to carnivorous In Korea Males Are Looked Upon aa ing. Children Until They Wed. the prohibition party vote was reach­ living. With the exception of the peo­ Our Democratic friend, Bro. Trom­ ed in Kansas in »886. It has oniy a- ple of Austrailia and Argentina, who The Koreans marry very young, gen­ BIG BONFIRE, DANCING, bley, ought to take a trip "outside”, bout one-fourth as large a vote now. get cheap meat from their great erally between the ages of twelve and and then he would realize what a Oklahoma, although it has twice up­ herds of cattle and sheep, the Amer- fifteen. For a woman to reach twenty BOAT, FOOT. HORSE AND SACK RACING. slump there is on account of free held state-wide prohibition at the cans are credited with the largest per without marrying is considered a ter­ rible (bing. A peculiarity of these For Cash Prizes. trade. polls, gave but 2185 of its 254,389 capita consumption of meats. In Aus­ weddings Is (bat they would appear to votes to Chafin in 1912. The party tralia and Argentina 250 pounds, and be a matter of Interest to every one AMUSEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. We heard some one say that the was once commonly called the Third in the United States 170 pounds per except the parties mostly concerned, Coos County dairymen were getting party. It became that in 1884 and held inhabitant per annum is the present who often see one another for the first Democratic prices for their cheese the place in 1888. But in 1892 Weaver, estimated rate. The British who are time on the wedding morning. This is and that Tillamook County dairymen of the People's party, took the place the largest meat eaters in Europe, because In a Korean household the Bis Ball Game on the beach, were receiving Republican prices. with nearly five times as many votes. consume a little less than 120 pounds boys are kept apart from the girls, the TILLAMOOK vs. NETARTS. father and the sons occupying the The Gold Democrats were third in per annum. The County Agriculturist is giving front of the house and the mother and 1896. It regained its place in 1900, » It raay in the end turn out that a some timely advice in regard to po­ only to lose it in 1904 to the Social­ daughters living in the rear of the es­ Extreme Low Tides will make it possible to get ipermanant reduction in the cost of tablishment. Moreover, In their social tato blight. The greatest blight the ists. In 1912 it was fifth, the Socialist living may result from the larger con­ life the boys are not allowed to mix I > around the rock and in the caves. farmers have to contend with today party outnumbering it over four to sumption of vegetable foods that cost with the gentler sex. is the Democratic free trade blight. one. Surf bathing, deep sea fishing. less than meat. If the meat rate and The parents and friends arrange the Whatever may be the future spread the death rate shall be concurrently match in accordance with their own Good. Another moss covered house ? disappeared from the business section of prohibition, there is nothing to cut down what has been esteemed a Interests, and If both parties agree and GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS the bargain Is concluded the formali ­ lead the disinterested observer to great deprivation may prove a bless­ this week. As the winter is passed ties are of the simplest. There Is no First Class Restaurant and Hotel. Charley won’t need the moss any look upon the political party ing in disguise. religious ceremony and no legal con­ ? longer to keep him warm at nights. committed to that as its chief cause tract. as being a great factor in practical Accommodation for Everyone. This is a billion-dollar country in Early on the wedding morn the best We are going to be a strong advo­ results. The mass of Americans are more ways than one. Young as elec­ man arrives to tie the bridegroom’s Bring your family and friends. cate of oiled roads in the future. Bet­ intensely practical when it comes to tricity is in service it costs the coun­ pigtail in a knot on the top of his head. voting. They do not look upon exer ­ try a billion dollars annually. ter get busy, Judge, and experiment This not only remains forever ns nn Everyone welcome. with a stretch of road so that the peo­ cise of the franchise as the mere reg­ outward and visible sign of his condi­ ple can judge for themselves as to its istration of abstract views, but re­ While traveling with 700 members tion, but entitles him to wear a bat for gard it as a practical choice between of the Salvation Army, Col. Roosevelt the first time tn his life and to be value and Worth. candidates for office. The elections . ought to be able to pick up a few treated ns a man and enter public life. As economy and less taxation ap­ held through-out the country since campaign songs. “We’ll Roll the Old He may be a mere child, twelve years of nge. but he has no longer any right pears to be the disposition of a large 1912 have in practically every in­ Chariot Along" might make a hit. to play with Ills boy friends and must number of our citizens, it is well to stance illustrated this attitude. It is choose Ills associates among old men. consider the advisability of the school this fact which has led all political no has now all civil rights and Is The electric device which permits district spending more money at this observers who are not swayed by telephone users to see each other at a expected to behave accordingly. If, on time, for taxes will be much harder their emotions to realize that the distance of several miles is remark­ the contrary, a man is unable to afford to collect next year than this. (next struggle in the country will be able, but of little use. Who wants to the luxury of a home and a wife, be between the Republican and Demo­ may reach the nge of fifty, but he must The Democratic administration is cratic parties. Only a small percent­ wait at the telephone until the other still wear bls pigtail down his back, BEACHES AND FISHING STREAMS not going on the theory of patroniz­ age of Americans knowingly shoot party takes time to primp up? has none of the advantages of citizen­ ship nud Is expected to play with kites, ing home industry. Money is going their ballots into the air. Tillamook County beaches have been aptly called Gen. Huerta has informed the Mex- marbles and such like. Any folly be out of the country in large amounts ican delegates at the Niagra Falls may commit is excused in the same to buy articles manufactured in for­ Jap Cries for Help. Nature s Playground.’’ Resorts where the “Call conference that ex-Senator Charles way as the naughtiness of a child who eign countries, and this is not only of the W ild and the Life Outdoors can be fully en- Is not responsible for his actions. draining the country of money, but Japan is comparatively bankrupt A. Towne, who is now in Washington The wedding ceremony Itself Is most joyed now open for the Summer visitor, New hotels, throwing thousands of men out of both in morals and money, conclude* to oppose the appointment of a con­ simple The whole function consists of new cottages, new camping grounds; employment. Dr. Walter Williams of the Missouri stitutionalist as provisional president a procession when the bride and bride­ of Mexico, is not acting for him. The School of Journalism, who is home groom are conducted by tbeir respect­ Two pleasing features in connection from a world tour. He says that the question raised does not seem to be ive relations to n dais. There they are SEASON AND WEEK-END FARES. with the G. A. R. Encampment were restlessness has become so great that important. There is no doubt of what put face to face and probably, as al­ the receptions given by the ladies of in order to prevent a revolution the the former senator from Minnesota ready stated, see each other for the Low round*trip season and week end fares from various the Tillamook Commercial Club and first time They merely glance at one points on P. R. & N. ; also between all P. R. & N. Beach government was forced to recall has been doing in Washington, and another, then bow. and the knot is tied Grange. A little hospitality went a Count Okuma from retirement and less doubt that he is representing a points. long way in helping to make the en­ make him prime minister, although faction in Mexican politics which op­ Indissolubly.—Wide World Magazine. campment a success. We want to but a few months before the count's poses a constitutionalist succession. FOUR TRAINS DAILY. Fingers and Forks. express our thanks to the ladies and magazine had been suppressed by the It is not to be presumed that he is A New Yorker was speaking of a to make it more successful it would- LEAVE TILLAMOOK 7:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. Japanese Government as too radical acting only for himself and wholly on London horse show be attended. p’t be out of place for the ladies of "A feature of the show,” be said, in its advocacy of reforms. The his own motion in taking the active LEAVE TILLAMOOK 4:45P.M. and 5:45 P.M. the club to give the ladies of the books read most avidly in Japan just part he is taking in the politics of “was the magnificent riding of certain Grange a reception during the County Arab chiefs. These chiefs gave a din­ another country. It is now some now are the most radical socialistic fair. ner one evening, an Arab dinuer. and Parlor Observation Car on ‘ Seashore Special." publicaions of Europe and Amctici. years since Mr. Towne ceased taking they ate the first course-koua kous— an active part in the politics of his Good Fishing in the Salmonberry and Nehalem Rivers, Most everybody il congratulating Dr. Williams compares the present own country, but he has never ceased with their fingers I nsurpassed fishing in the Salmonberry and Nehalem "An Englishman asked for a fork for themselves that the G. A. R En­ status in Japan to the pre-revolution to take an active interest in the af­ period in France. bls kous kous. When it was brought rivers, as well as other Tillamook County streams, campment took place last week, /w- fairs of his clients since he aban­ to hint a young chief said: While complimenting the Japanese ing to the heavy rain the last few doned populistic politics and went "T beg your pardon, but I don't see Call for our brand new folder. “Tillamook Conntv days. It may be well to mention that on their politeness, hospitality, am­ into law practice in New York and how you can bear to ent wltb a fork.’ bition, enterprise, intellectual alacrity that it was first proposed to hold the Washington. That he has been acting ’ " ’I.' the Englishman replied, 'was Encampment this week, but after and acumen, physical strength and for the Huerta party, or the cientifi- about to remark that I didn't see bow Charley Reynolds had studiously con­ dexterity and “a practical wisdom cos, as they are called in Mexican po­ you could bear to eat with your sulted all the weather oracles it was akin to that of the canny Scotch,” litical terminology, is not to be doubt­ fingers.' Folders and full information “'But my fingers,' said the Arab, | leeijed to hold it one week earlier. the Missourian asserts that their ed. Huerta's denial of having per­ If you want to know what kind of commercial morality is almost a jest. sonally retained him can be taken for are clean-clean I know It. I see to from any P.R. & N. Agent It myself. But you. sir. bow can you weather there will be this time next Japanese manufactures are pro­ what it is worth. or from .... The fact is un- feel sure altont the cleanness of your year, consult Charley, for he is the nounced 20 to 30 per cent inferior demable that he has been working at fork?'"—New York Tribune. JOHN M. SCOTT greatest living weather prophet left to foreign goods of the grade they Washington for Huerta's party. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. of the eld school of weather prophets profess them to be. The catalogues Japanese Festival Cara. of a St. Louis jewelry establishment Most Jspntiese towns bare a shrine Something should be done to put a and a St. Louis hardware firm are or temple dedicated to the tutelary together, and until the last veî« stop to crowding wagons and buggies sold to Japanese manufactures. These deity of the city. At ( eno. In the Iga off the public roads by autos. Com­ catalogues suggest désignés which province, several beautiful decorated pianti are becoming more frequent are imitated and the products are • cars are kept at the «brine, and ligure annually In a curious procession When in this respect, and it is time to pros­ palmed off as “imported" goods. The the day of the festiral arrive« hun­ There is nothing about the registra­ ecute the auto owners who persist in prevalence of the social evil, licensed Having depopulated the universities dreds of pious worshipers drag the tion in either Pennsylvania or Iowa the president now threatens to rob speeding and endangering the lives by law, especially in factory towns, cars by means of ropes through the to justify a hope that the president's of others, especially women who may are described by Mr. Williams. Until the House of its most active members gayly decorated streets of the city— speeches would do much good. happen to be driving teams. Public recently children under t; years of ternane |, dow.*from U.‘ drone to to fill appointive posts. spooaml. It nctsdireetlv on the blood thereby, they lielteve. greatly pleasing roads are not intended for speedways* A girl who gets the thimble in the If Roger Sullivan's campaign trip* age have been worked in factories «nd mucous surfaces of ibe srstem Th?? the gods of the shrine The Cars are The average auto driver is careful and fim.r ‘tobar» tor wonderful examples of Japanese dec­ wedding cake three successive times are followed by rain the farmers may {îmouY;1;urr •"* for •»*"« readily gives half of the road, but it over twelve hours a day. It is esti- ! orative art. _ richly ornamented with in a season should be warned against induce him to run for president. It mated that 25 per cent of the raw || who imagine that they have * «> •TOM». 0. nud lacquer work.-Wide accepting the first offer of marriage is a shame for a single state to mo­ »»Ik, jo per cent of the tea and 70 per ' Fake Halt s F»mil, Pin. for coastipatioa. gliding World. she receives. nopolize the rainfall. ADVERTISING RATES. the right of way and should get out of their should be prosecuted. I 9 * PEOPLE’S STORE TO SATISFY'! f « N CREDITORS Entire stock of Men’s Furnishings,'! Rain Coats and Children’s Suits, and«; Boots and Shoes. Must be sold at once. Sale starts on Saturday, June 27 H C Sheriff. , $ < ! Fourth of July HAPPY CAMP, NETARTS ¡ ' $ $ I $ í A Tillamook County P. R.