Haying Seas°n will soon be on. We are better prepared to take care of your needs in this line than ever before You should get everything in ship shape now and not wait until the last minute and find that you need a new Rope Block, Carriei or some other item that must be had to carry on the work. See the items we list below. Look at the prices we submit, and above all, every item is dependable and of high quality Myers’ Clover Leaf Hay Carrier MACHINE OILERS. Hay Fork Pullevs * Several kinds, both in hard wood sheaves and solid maila­ A large assortment of Mowing Ma­ ble iron, ranging in price 75c., 35c. and 25c. each. chine Oilers. Prices 10c., 15c., 20c. and 25c. Harpoon Forks SCREEN DOORS The above illustration represents the Clover Leaf Un­ loaders made for wood track. This carrier is fitted with a wide open mouth to receive the fork policy. The rope sheaves and track wheels are all fitted with large turned bearings. The machine is both swivel and reversible combined in one machine. Bv this device the machine can be reversed by re­ versing the swivel or by drawing the rope through from end to end. - - - - _ it c (in Carrier for Steel Track - - $5.00 Steel Track, per ft, - - - 1 5c. Hanging Hooks for wood or steel track $10,00 25 INCH TINE Large assortment of Screen Doors. Priced according to size and quality. Prices given include hinges and fix­ tures to hang door. Priced at $2.35, 2.25, 2.00, 1.85, 1.75. 1.35, 1.25. Little Giant Grass Hook. Every home needs one. Price . ... - No. 2. Village Blacksmith Grass Ilook. Hand forged, offset handle so that hand is above ground. Highest quality ------- WIRE FLY SCREEN. BLACK. 20in. wide. per lin ft., 4c. 5c. 26in. ,. 6c. 28in- 30in. » ♦ 7c» J » 7Jc. 32in. 36in. „ 8c. No. No. 1. underneath No. 1. Double Harpoon Hay Pork, - - - cross bar. Price No. 2. Single Harpoon Hay Fork, length over all 36in. Genuine Nelliss. None better. Price No. 3. Same as No. 2, only I6in. long overall. Price $1.75 2.25 3.00 Mowing Scythe Snaths Patented adjustable loop fastenings, mailable iron fer­ rules, finest selected and well seasoned hickory, var­ nished and well finished. Price, with wrench > 9 Hoes Scythes 9 » 9 9 9 9 GALVANIZED. Extra quality, solid steel blade and shank, all in one piece, extra selected hickory handle, polished, none better. Price ... - - 50c. Rakes. Wood Hay Rakes. Price 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 » 9$ Mailable steel bow rakes, 13 teeth, mailable ferrule and cap, bronzed, extra selected, well seasoned and pol­ 75c. ished, hickory handles. Price 10 wooden teeth, wire braces. 20in. wide, per lin ft., 5c. 6c. 26in. 7c. 28in. 30in. 8c. • » 8jc 32in. 9c. 36in. - 35c. Long Handle Hay Forks, Our genuine black Roven, with wide heal, polished edge high grade solid steel, with heavy rib. Price - 85c. GERMAN Scythe Blades, imported from Germany. 'This is the third year for them in this county. They give excellent service. Price - - - $1.SO SWEEDISH Scythe Blades imported from Sweeden. If you want to enjoy mowing with scythe, try one of these. Price ----- 1.25 ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREENS Garden Hose With galvanized frame and wire, 50c. and 45c. Wood frame and black wire screen, 3 for $1.00, each 35c. SPRINKLE CANS. These fine Hay Forks, oval tines, 4}ft., bent handles of extra selected second growth hickory, polished, 70c. heavy ferrule and cap, the best made. Price 75 c. Same as above, only with 5ft. bent handle. Price 85c. Four tines and 4i ft handle, otherwise same as above " Rope. Extra Superior Manilla Rope, the best that can be had, all sizes, at one price, per pound Nonkink Hose, not a tape hose, but a moulded hose- Does not kink, therefore, will not break, and with a little care will last for years. Price 25 ft or over, 17ic. per foot Price less than 25 ft, per foot 18c. Couplings furnished free with this hose. Hose nozzles 40c. Scythe Stones. <■ Mowing Machine Oil. Per quart, 15c. H arvester O il . Half gallon, 25c. Gallon, 50c. ElKE'S GCNUtNt INDIAN PONC Watering Cans, heavy galvanized iron. Well made- Pike s Black Diamond Scythe Stone. Price * Priced according to size, 90c., 85c. ,75c. Carborandum Scythe Stone, fast cutting, non-glazing, KING & SMITH CO., Tillamook, Oregon /5c. 20c.