Tillamook Headlight, June 25, SUPERIOR OREGON- MADE RANGE Is Cheaper and Better than Eastern Ranges. moving a stick here and a stick there, lee for it was still raining and as we a most successful way he has of keep­ were chilled through and through, we ing a fire from burning. Brown at did not take time to rest. At two o'clock we halted again and tl.e other end fixing some fi face is a regular fish baro I ginning to tell on us, and we were the people of lillamook know that I • u ter «nd it now enone like a hot I glad to walk to keep warm. As we we have been used to such praise and j Alter griddle-cake with nice xcllow butter I crossed a small slough I thought that adulation from our cradles. I I had seen that place before, Brown th.it preachment we started down the ! all over. •/.Where ’* your he shouted I and Snider w ould certainly have seen street, three abreast with chins high ! 1 vc been working all morning I our tracks in the soft mud. Therefor and shoulders well thrown back, and I I said nothing, but followed, for Snid- ihe light of expcctancj tierj eye; j putting the hut in order," said I ! “That will do to tell," laughed he. I er had told me once that w e would hut afak and alas! there was no ■ "Well" says I, "I begin to see that I I find the trail belter if I would just cam* to meet us. 1 he I..m,I was pl.i\ - I if 1 am to report every detail oi thia I I shut tny eyes and follow. But sonic ing sure enough, but itwas serenading J expedition to the Society at Clover-I I time later Brown recognized »crotch, the butchers hoys and instead of j dale, keep the hut in repair, do the I I and there could be no mistake in the playing "Conquering Hero" it w.i- 1 I identity of that tree, "We have come playing Ash t slough >under before also, didn't ‘ TAKE ONLY ONE DOSE.” of this ranch, that you two fellows I I vou fellows see anv footprint» •" a-k We want to tell those in Tilla- don't bawl me out to tny fellow citi- I «1111 suffering from stomach or zens when we get back to Tillamook said Snider, "but they point- bowel trouble that we are agents for and say that 1 am no fisherman If I I ed "Yes," the other way." "Of course they you don’t promise that each one can I pointed the other way," said 1, for we the simple mixture of buckhcrn lick his own dishes clean,” said 1. I marched up that hili on the other bark, glycerine, etc., known ns Alder i-ku. the remedy which be After dinner we all went fishing, I side of the slough, walked around and in the evening when we cleaned I ’.hat big tiee anil now we .tic OR our catne famous bv curing uppen- dicitis. This it the most thorough our trout and salted the biggest ones I ■' av back to Skookum again.” tM?irLvle,,n*er known and JUS I down we found that we had 42 nice I "It is a pity that you fellows don’t ONE DOSE relieves sour stomach, fish. recognize your own footprints when Snider hated the idea of putting I you see them," said I,with disgust. gns on the stomach and constii.i the fish-can out in the brook over I "Now we will have to rehearse all of tion almost IMMEDIATELY You wi'l t>e surprised at the QUICK night to keep cool, for he was afraid I that grand march again, and we will action of Adler i ka J. S Lamar, a bear might get them "Snider," I liaveto see if we can find our way druggist. RE BY CARACOLA COFFEE, 10 pounds for $2.50. says I, "you will either have to put I back to that big tree and if we can’t the fish out in the brook, or else sit I Rl BY CARACOLA COFFEE, 1 pound for 27c. find a trail there we will have to try up with them, for w e only have one I , German-American Coffee. 1 lb. can, 30c. German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can. hoc ’blanket and I never saw a blanket | to find Fawcett Creek, and if we Can’t do any better we will have to big enough for three, and a case of wade down, as we wailed up. fish.” We succeeded in finding the big Brown had gotten so excited that tree, and in locating the creek, and morning when the red automobile after searching awhile we also found ORANGE LABEL, J pound, 35c. ORANGE LABEL. 1 pound 65c. _ honked at his door that he came away the trail leading down the north fork Her Majesty ’ s Blend. 1 pound 25c. land forgot his blanket, and Snider Her Maj csty’s lend. *, pound 50c. It was »till up hill, and down hill, (had such a mean way of getting up over logs, and under logs, through Her Majesty's Blend, 1 pound 1.00. Capital Household, J pound 25c. in the middle of the night and com­ brush, gulshcs, and ravines; but we plaining that he was cold, and fling were now able to follow the trail. “ “ • • «J at me for appro At ten o’clock we ate a lunch of xp my share of the cheese and crackers, while standing X on a three hundred foot log, bridging d the camp the ereck. There was no hope of Si one end -’aitir., a fire and cooking ivun cyl- TILLAMOOKERS “SOAKED.” Their Experiences Skookum Lake. GET at I. AM B-SCII RADER COM PA X Y. Oxyaccetaylene Welding SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MILL AND MARINE WORK, HINER & REED, ALLEN PAGE, First Street, near the Court House. Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord Delivered. Black and White Cigars Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO Once smoked will convince all. The only long filler PURE TO- BACCO CIGAR to-day for 5c. ' ’ 50 Box $2.00. At C. I. Clough Co. J SPECIAL Ì GROCERY PRICES QUAKER OATS - 25c. Small Package CRESCENT BAKING POWDERS. Large Package - 15c. Pound Can. Regular Price Si.00. - now 85c. 3 Pound Can, Regular Price 70c. - now 55c. 1 Pound Can, Regular Price 25c. - now 20c. F< incv Prunes, 10c. a pound. Fancy Dried Peaches, 10c. a Pound Coffee and Tea Special. EAT VIERECK’S Ridgray’s High Grade Teas. BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKERY, At All Grocers. RALPH C. BACON, Mgr. G rocery Dept ooooooo RAY & CO.