Tillamook Headlight, June 25, 1914 CUZCO AND THE INCAS. Peru’s Ancient City Was on the Plan of ths Roman Camp. WOMEN WARRIORS. Ou* That Wil Mad* a H*roin* In 8pitt of Herself. I MATCHING PEARLS, MOLECULES ARE INVISIBLE. Orientals Believe In Sex and Affinity In the Gems. Y*t Their Track* Through Spac* Can Be Discerned. FLOWERS AS FOOD. In India th* Native* Eat Ba„j Blossom, Uncooked. In these days one would ¿irdl It came to be evident about tbe mid­ Most brides ure partial to pearls, and There are few countries that have d!::::cr of rosebuds a The ancient city of Cuzco, when first not nt one time or another bad women in some eastern countries no other I dle of the last century that. In order a _ dinner viewed by European eyes. was. accord­ soldiers In their ranks—either in dis­ Jewels are allowed to figure among tbe to explain certain facts connected with should we be Inclined to accept (he hu.. __ ’s ot th, blossom ing to the best authorities, a great and guise or openly accepted despite their 1 bridal ornaments. tbe relative weights of gases, matter vltutiou to dine ou the pumpkin vine. Yet some indiaL?,^ wealthy municipality of perhaps 200,- must uot merely consist of atoms, but In Persia tbe notion prevails that sex. England, France and Germany the old Aztecs, used to cst(ieln >X) souls How old It was at that time have all had military heroines. Ger­ tbe pearls themselves are susceptible that these atoms must have the power we have scant means of knowing. flowers, when properly prepared many. which traditionally demands of of married bliss. Among tbe hereditary of uniting Iu small groups. In form- great dainty. * Garcilasso would have us believe that Its women only softness and domestic­ jewelers of tbe Persian court it Is an Ing a compound, Indeed, ’bls must be there were only thirteen Incas in the So. in tbe same way, do native, ity. lias nevertheless bad its full share. article of faith that pearls have sex so For instance, carbonic acid gas royal family line from Manco Capac One of them. Eleouore Prochaska. bad and that every one has its mate. Its must consist of one atom of carbon, i..ny parts of India depend for to litiayna Capac. Montesinos, on the 1 her wages as a cook to buy her equal iu size and beauty. Tbe surest which, along with two atoms of oxy­ upon the blossoms of q'm hUiishl other band, assures us that tbe Incus saved equipment. In her last battle. way to avoid tbe dreaded pearl disease gen. forms a small group of three They do not need eve) to cook man's . . ruled a thousand years! Which are we flowers, but make a good mea| of J * Is to mount the pearls in pairs. If de­ to believe? No written history of tbe when storming some heights under prived of their mates they languish atoms. raw. These blossoms are described heavy fire, she snatched a drum from Tbe novelty of the conception was race exists—only tbe records of the sweet and sickly in odor and tast” and lose luster; hence the desire to julpus, those queer knotted strings a fallen Frenchman and beat the match pearls which has led to such ex­ In the notion that oxygen Itself, in the They are sometimes dried In the 8U charge as she advanced. state of gas, as it exists, for example, which were the Incas' sole documents when they are kept and sold in J “You can sew. cook, wash, slug and travagance. in the air, consists of small groups cf and for which no archaeologist has as ° It is said that the great glory of the atoms; in this case, two. To such small zaars ns a regular article of diet shoot better than any of us." said the yet discovered tbe key, tbe Rosetta The trees are so highly esteemed that comrade at her side admiringly, “and ropes of pearls given to Queen Alex- groups of atoms was given the name stone. ' indra by some of the princes of India molecules. A molecule Is that portion the threat of cutting down their bassla Cuzco's original plan was, singularly now it seems you can drum too!" was the perfect matching of almost of a substance which can exist in the trees will generally bring an unrul, A moment later she was mortally | enough, that of tbe Roman camp, a all of tbe pearls. Thus the eastern ' quadrangle divided by two intersecting wounded. As she fell she called to the experts believed they were assuring free state, as oxygen does in air. An tribe to terms. This Is perhaps not to streets Into quarters, with a gate on nearest officer, with a dying flash of atom generally exists in combination, be wondered at when it is considered i long life for these Jewels. It is believed that a single tree will yield from pride and humor: each face and towers at tbe angles. I to foretell misfortune for tbe owner of but atoms may and sometimes do ex­ to 400 pounds of flowers. The I’arsees "Lieutenant, I'm a girl!" Tbe Incas, like tbe citizens of tbe ist separately, in which case they also Another girl. Anna Luhring. only I pearls when they contract the pearl cook tbe flowers and also make sweet- United States, bud no more definite are termed molecules. 1 disease. meats of them. eighteen, was traced and claimed by TILLAMOOK COMMERCIAL name for tbelr country than Tavan- Now, can molecules be seen? Is their "Nobody would be Inclined to deny CLUB. tlnsuya, the Empire of the Four Prov­ her father after she bad enlisted, but I Some readers may remember that existence a mere assumption? The an­ inces. The four streets of the capital, her captain refused to dismiss so fine tbe first whisper of coming misfortune swer to that question is. No, they can­ that smoked fish and smoked meat art for the beautiful Empress Eugenie a soldier. agreeable varieties in our bill of fare, Member* Who are in Good Stand­ prolonged by great roads, divided it A young dressmaker. Sophia Kruger, arose when tbe news was spread not be seen, but artificial molecules but few, perhaps, would feel ready to Into four main provinces, each under ing—Their Occupation. can be made which correspond so plead guilty to a taste for smoked flow, the dominion of Its governor. When who made her own uniform before en­ abroad that her pearls were spotted tbelr people came to Cuzco they lodged listing. won the Iron Cross for bravery. and crumbling away. Of course, tbe closely in tbelr behavior to real mole­ ers. And yet. when we give to the Tillamook City is proud of its Com­ In tbelr own quarter, where they ad­ Marla Werder, a farmer's wife, serv French Jewelers would have derided cules that the existence of real mole­ clove Its well earned place among fla. mercial Club rooms. They are the hered to their national costumes and ed. undiscovered, with her busband aud tbe eastern notion of sex and affinity cules Is practically certain. Moreover, vorlngs we are making use of a was promoted to be n sergeant, al­ In pearls, but the keepers of the shah’s although no one has ever seen a mole- I smoked flower bud. The buds grow on equal of any on the Pacific Coast, the customs of their own province. jewels believe in It, and they have cule, still the track of a molecule mov­ a small evergreen and are plucked The city today retains the same though be remained a private. and the city and the county is getting An amusing contrast to these genu­ preserved many of tbe crown Jewels ing through space has been seen, and. from the ends of the branches More much free advertising, not only general plan, its two principal streets inely gallant women Is afforded by . for centuries. Modern jewelers are al­ just as Robinson Crusoe was right In they expand. Then they are dried In throughout Oregon, but in California being virtually the old main thorough­ Johanna Stegen. who quite by acct- I ways on tbe lookout for opportunities inferring the existence of man Friday the sun and smoked over a wood fire fares. its two eastern quarters lie over our cheese. Every business man upon steep hillsides; the You do not find from bis footstep Imprinted in tbe two western dent won a reputation for heroism. of matching pearls. — should esteem it an honor to belong are in the valley, where runs a little She and a companion. Caroline Berger, them so anxious to match diamonds sand, so the real existence of a mole­ to give them the brown color.-Phllj. delphia Press. to the club. More of our citizens river, the Huatanay, spanned by were caught by chance iD tbe fighting ar rubies. And it Is curious that cule may just as certainly be inferred persistent searching generally discov- should join and help support it. A city bridges. lines at the battle of Luneberg. Caro­ from the track It leaves.—Sir William line fled to what cover she could find, ers that all pearls have doubles in size, Ramsay in Harper’s. USELESS THINGS. The northeast quarter was the Paia '".ithout a live commercial club is known as a dead place and new peo­ tine hill of this South American Rome tore off her apron and began binding luster and weight—New York Sun. Ghosts of the Past That Were Formi. ple with money to invest shun it. and contains the palaces of the kings, the hurts of the wounded who hud COLD COMFORT. dable In Their Time. crawled there also. for each Inca, after the manner of tbe BATHS IN PARIS. Every business and professional man, Johanna, spying a heap of cartridges. ! Roman emperors, built bis own abode, “An enumeration of the useless," who have the good of the city at scorning to live In that of his prede­ tore off her apron also and began to , it Came After the Little Faker Had says Richard Jeff) les, “would almost bj They Are Something In the Nature of heart, and their own welfare, should cessor.— Seri bner's Mu gazl ne. Got Hi* Punishment. fill it. for she mistook them for rouleaux i an enumeration of everything hitherto a Public Function. support it, for a commercial club of coin. A passing officer supposed The east end small boy had sadly pursued.” American tourists when they visit needs their assistance and co-oper­ naturally she was carrying ammuni­ misbehaved aud was locked in his What a pile of junk the men of the HISTORIC NOTRE DAME. tion to tbe front and gave her orders Paris find unexpected difficulties in room. Pretty soon his mother beard world labored to produce! ation. All club members are invited gratifying their desire for a bath. Con ­ to the meeting to be held next Mon­ Checkered Career of the Wonderful where to take It. orders which she ditions are slowly changing for the bet­ him calling. Heap up all the books that are of no dared not disobey. Apronful after "Mnvver,” said the shrill voice, “I'm possible use, tbe contents of ancient day evening, when a new president Parisian Cathedral. ter, however, and some of the hotels apronful of cartridges she carried—and goln' to bust the window and fall libraries, books of heraldries, tbeo- and treasurer are to be elected. There Some account of tbe history and tbe next day found herself acclaimed have introduced bathrooms, an innova­ gonles and discarded sciences, books ot will be a lunch and cigars and gener­ vicissitudes of Notre Du me appears in a heroine! tion brought about mainly to satisfy out!" The mother made no reply. Again wrangling and tedious arguments the al discussion how to boost the city the London Strand Magazine. The Her apron was tied to a staff aud American demands. A writer in the the shrill voice arose: world has willingly forgot, and tbe first cathedral was erected In the year borne proudly at tbe head of tbe regi­ New York Sun tells how the bath is and county. “Muvver, I’ve found some matches, myriads of chaff products that pour usually enjoyed; 528 by Cblldebert and afterward de ­ For the information of those who ment. Men cheered her. tbe king Like most Intimate affairs In France, an' I’m goln’ to set fire to tbe cur­ like a ceaseless Niagara from the mod­ are desirous of knowing who are now molished. the same site being used for praised her. and she sat at bis right ern press; heap them up into one the present building, which was begun band at a banquet. Later she married the bath partakes of the nature of a tains." supporting the club, we give below In 1163 and finished In 1351. The mother remained Indifferent mountain, and from Its top you could public function. There is also a choice and was lionized by tbe fasblouable the names of those who are in good look down upon the Himalayas. Alexander III. laid the foundation in the matter. The ambulance bath Once more the voice hailed her; “Muvver, don’t you smell sumfin' standing, There are a number of stone, the first mass being celebrated ladles of Berlin.—London Tatler. Think of the ruined cities of the ori­ was one franc fifty a bath, or you got Even this drew no re­ ent, the ghostly temples of Egypt, the members who are behind in their by the patriarch Heracllus. Tbe grand a season ticket for one franc twenty. burnln’?" No Title Pag* In Early Books, sponse. broken fragments of castles by the dues, but their names are not includ- old building has been sorely beset by The Idea of a title page did uot oc- A man wheels a bandcart, which car­ "If you don’t smell nothin’,” the Rhine nnd the Danube, the Coliseum, many dangers and has witnessed many ries a receptacle filled with hot wa ­ ed in the following list: "The books cur to the early printers, voice went on, “it’s ’cause 1 pulled off the Golden House of Nero, the Garden strange and stirring scenes. Bacon, Ralph Ray Feed Co. started straight off with •luclpit' or ter, surmounted by a tub, to your door. all th’ match heads an’ swallowed ’em, of Hadrian nt Tivoli! Think of the use­ Tbe reign of terror In 1793 led to He brings the tub on bis bead to your Baker, Fred C. Tillamook Headlight 'Here beglnneth,’ without author's or an’ I’m goln’ to die. Do you hear that, less sciences men studied, the faded re­ such disgraceful orgies within the pre­ Baker, W. F. Tillamook Headlight cincts of the cathedral that it was publisher's name. This causes much room and returns with the hot water, muvver; I’m goln' to die.” ligions they once believed, tbe inconse­ difficulty In attributing earlier works two covered pailfuls at a time. He Barnes, C. S. Ramsey Hotel closed to tbe public as a place of di­ to the proper sources.” The idea of a then retires to the courtyard and waits By this time the mother was thor­ quential wars of history, the reams ot Beals, F. R. (Mayor) real estate vine worship fu 1794. but was reopen title page with names seetns first to till you have finished the bath. His oughly incensed, and, hastily preparing antiquated law, tbe gold gathered to­ Reals, B. L. Sr. County Treasurer ed in 1802 by Napoleon The interior have occurred to a Cologne printer cheerful whistle floats up to the win­ a cup of mustard and hot water, she gether only to be misspent! Think ot Beals, B. L. Jr. cashier Tillamook fins suffered severely at times at the named Therhoernen about 1470, but It dow to the accompaniment of your hurried upstairs. the useless passions, dreams, thoughts bauds of the mob and individuals and desires of men( Buel, Gail student “ if you ’ ve swallowed match heads, ” splashings as a reminder that you was not generally adopted until fifty The worst offender was perhaps Louis One is sometimes tempted to think should not linger—which you are not she announced, “you’ll have to swal­ County Bank years later. The early punctuation XIV., who. carrying out Ills father’s Botts, H. T. attorney was very simple, consisting of an ob­ tempted to do In the cramped quarters low this to keep them company." And that we front the great questions of life,« vow, caused the destruction of the then she poured the nauseating stuff love nnd death ns freshly, with as lit­ lique line nnd a full stop. One of the of a French bathtub. Case, A. K. machine shop fourteenth century stalls, the high al tle advantage from experience, as the down his throat The foreign lady's bath is a sort of first books to Introduce the colon and Chase, O. W. fish merchant tar embellished with gold and silver A little later the aggravating young­ cave man.—Dr. Frank Crane iu Wom­ notes of Interrogation and exclamation gala day for the neighborhood, If fre- Claussen, E. J. attorney statuettes, the cloisters, tombs nnd quent, the event is discussed by the ster, sadder, wiser and much bumbled, an’s World. Clough, C. I. druggist unique stained glasswork. in 1845 was a "Lactantlus" printed at a mon­ neighbors across the way. ‘‘Truly, concluded to take the balance of bls astery near Rome In 1465. — imprint. restoration was necessary in many ’Crenshaw, H. sheriff that costs dear; they are bien des mil­ punishment in silence. No Promotion. parts of the building, the work being Dolan, A. T. cement contractor lionaires. ces dames Amerlcalnes!” Tbe late Bishop Doane of Albany, a ”1 didn't really swallow the matches, London's Gunpowder Alley. successfully undertaken by Lassus. Dwight, W. G. financial broker strict conservative, had ills own views The city coroner, who commented And the children flock to count the muvver,” he contritely explained. Vlollet le Due and Boeswlllwald. Franklin, A. H. lumber “I knew you didn't sonny,” replied as to woman's place in the world. No upon the "funny" name of Gunpow­ pails ns they are turned out. All of In 1871, also during the commune. this is well calculated to make the occa­ feminist this good Tory bishop, no ad­ Fitzpatrick, F. U. S. service Notre Dame was menaced with grave der alley (off Shoe Innei and confess­ sion one of keen embarrassment for tbe mother.—Cleveland Plain Deaijr. vocate of “newness” of any sort Groat, John U. S. Engineer dangers owing to the fury of the ed that he bud uever heard of tt. may the foreign lady. Bishop Doane believed In marriage Tipa For Tennia Players. Ginn, E. F. druggist communists, who. having effected an nevertheless have heard of (he poet One of the faults of the inexperi­ of tbe real old fashioned kind, and to Haberlach, Carl, cheese broker entrance, collected all tbe available Lovelace, who died in (he alley two Modest Fitzgerald. enced doubles player which is most bridegrooms at weddings he used some­ The ''hairs and other combustible material years before tbe restoration, Haltom, E. T. department store Edward Fitzgerald was utterly care­ persistent is standing still. This Is times to mnke a little speech. lodging In which he died was a mls- and. piling then) In a bonfire, drencb- Harrison, Erwin Tillamook County “My young friend,” he would say to ed with oil In the center of the choir, arable one. but probably seemed to the less of his fame. He lived to be an one of those necessities in doubles that Bank poor poet released from prison a glori­ old man, yet not one In a million of are often overlooked But no partner the pale and nervous bridegroom, pat­ attempted to destroy the cathedral Holden, J. C. County clerk by fire, The evil designs of the in ous palace, for he was philosopher his fellow countrymen regarded him as can do justice to his team unless ting him on the back, ‘‘you are now Henderson, J. L. attorney and ab­ "endlarles were. were, however, happily enough already to have written that a poet, even if they bad heard bls he moves after every shot to the cen embnrking on a long, hazardous voy­ srtacts “stone walls do uot a prison make." name mentioned as an old chum of Al­ ter of the angle of the return. In other age, and I bid you remember the Fin­ frustrated by the arrival of the na Yet he translated words, both men must constantly nish proverb. Henkle, R. N. undertaker In this alley also lived the notorious fred Tennyson. tloual guard. “For tbe Finnish sailors have a Heyd, F. contractor astrologer. Lilly, the Bldropbel ut 'The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam" change their positions, moving back long years before his death. He kept snd forth toward one side or the other, proverb to this effect: Hewitt, L. E. physician “Hudibras.”—London Chronicle. Misters Are Second Clsss. “ Tbe man who on the ship of matri­ it “chucking about," apparently not according to where they have sent the Henderson, Geo. deep sea fish pro- Though one cannot decide what is a thinking It worth publication, and ball, if the net man has volleyed deep mony signs as mate will never get pro­ •ady by rule of thumb, there are cer A Cura For Hiccups. moter 'aln kindred problems that can be Fill a glass tumbler with clear, co Id when be did print a few copies nobody into tbe right hand corner both play moted.' ’’—New York Tribune. Jackson, U. G. County surveyor solved In that way. and the railway water and place on a table. Then let took any notice of it Today it is i one era move across to the right. The Keldson, J. E. First National Rank Bettor Than a Clock. •ompany knows how to solve them. the patient stand where he or she cao of the most famous poems in the right band player thereby protects the Kiger, G.VV. capitalist world. "My father," said the small boy to Are you. for Instance, an esquire or look directly Into the glass and fix tbe shot down bls own side line, and tbe King, B. E. hardware only a plain mister? The railway cotn attention about the center of the I** left band player protects the cross the lady who was calling on bis moth­ First He'd Heard of It. Kunze, Chas, dairyman er, “is a great man. He knows what oany can tell at once. If you hold a tom of the glass tor about a mlunte. Harry returned to Sunday school, court shot down the central diagonal of time it Is without even looking at hl» Lamar, J. S. druggist second class season ticket any letter when the patient will find that tbe tbe court—Outing. watch.” Labowitch, L. dry goods merchant comes addressed to Mr. Blank, but If hiccups have entirely disappeared. •fter a long absence, on the day on which tickets for the annual picnic "What do you mean. Tommy?” vou rise to a first class you become This has been known to cure the most Lawson, J. L. Fruit Palace Lubricant For Aluminium. were distributed. He trembled iu bls queried the visitor. ' I.amb, B. C. agent steamer Sue H at once A Blank. Esq That Is where violent cases of this uncomfortable dis­ •eat when the teacher began a quiz Many machinists, especially those “Oh, when I holler out an’ ask him the roll wav has the pull over the mo- order.—Londou Family Herald. Elmore ou the lesson of the previous Sunday. employed in the motor engineering in what time it is In the morning, he al­ torbiis. on which there are no classes.- dustry, are frequently called upon to Leach, M. F. meat market Fiually bls turn comet London Globe. ways says It's time to get up. An' To Maks Vinegar. “Harry, who slew Goliath with a work in aluminium. To satisfactori’v when I ask him what time it is in the Mason, Homer County judge Save the parings and cores of apples pebbls?" do this work various lubricants have Maddux, J. W. City Transfer evenin', he alius says, 'Time to co to One Worse, and put them I d a jar with warm wa­ "Honest, teacher," said Harry, “1 been tried, which, however, owing to A^cNair Alex hardware Blnks, with a yawn, said to a finti ter enough to more than cover them don t know; I didn't even know he was their volatility, are of little nse. A bed, Tommy.’ Oh, I tell you my father Mendenhall, B. Haltom's ertnan: Set In a warm place for several day»: dead."—New York Press. suitable lubricant is tallow or cob­ Is a great man!"—St. Louis Globe- Mills, Grant grocer “’rime ain't very valuable to you. then strain and add one pint of mo­ Democrat. blers wax. This latter does not dis brother; that's plain. ti ere I been lasses to a gallon of the water Put 1» Miller, C. W. lumber solve quickly and consequently does Just th* Other Way. Her Forebodings. mwntchln' you three hours, and you a JST. tie a thin cloth ovet It ktep I d Olson, J. dentist Old Lady (offering policeman a tract) not flow as freely as the volatile olls.- ain’t had a bite!” "Why are you worrying, dear?" h* Perkins, A. D. dentist a warm place and In a few weeks this -I often think you poor policemen run American Machinist “W»ll,” drawled the fisherman. “my asked after they had got things set­ Rowe, F. A. banker, W heeler will be good vinegar.—National Man such a risk of becoming bad. being so time's too valuable, auyhow, to waste tine. tled in tbelr cunning little bungalow Rosenberg. H. H. grocer constantly mixed up with crime. Po Going On. three hours of It watchin' a feller fish "1 was just thinking that if you turn Rosenberg. J. H. grocer llceman—You needn't feat, mum. It's A terrible noise of thumping and out to be as great as I expect you to that ain’t gettln' a bite.”—Ran Fran D w «r»nt Proposition. the criminals wot runs tbe risk o ’ be ­ Stephens, W. J, gentlemen's resort stamping came from Bob's room early "toco Call. be and we have any children, they will "What Is the object of your society!” foulin' saints, bein’ mixed up with one morning. Schrader, Paut captain Sue H. El­ have to take their places among the “ To prevent gambling among w» u*. — London Puuch. "Bobby. Bobby,” called his mother Idle rich.”—Chicago Record-Herald. more Habits of th* Hired Man. men." from downstairs, "what Is going on “Well, did them moving picture peo­ Shrode, D. L. Tillamook Feed Co. "Nonsense It can't be doc*" up there?" Explained. ple get pictures of everything on the Small, F. D. cold storage Not All Blank. ’’Certainly gambling can be stopped." Mr Agile (to Mr. Stoutman. running fa rm ?" "My shoes,” replied Bob. "How about this shooting?" Smith Ira C. hardware “ Gambling? I thought you sa.d gat> for a cnr)-Hello, old boy! I thought “Everything but the gosh blamed “My client's mind is blank, judge- ’Spalding, Will electric light yon were too mzy to run like that. Mr aired man." said Farmer Heck "They Ming ’’-1 x>u is vll le Cou rler-J on rnaL Love’s Paradox. That ought to bo sufficient excuse W Shultz, O. A. A. F. Coates Lumber Btootman (languldly)-Eastly explain ­ couldn't ketch him In motion."—Kan Love results tn many paradoxical get him off." Co. Ground*. ed my dear boy; laziness runs in our situations." remarked the professor. sas City Journal. "I might consider it if the cartridge* Tait.’ W’m. G. President First Nation- Ha» yonr hnsband given you groua* family.—Lippincott's Magazine. “What Is one?" bad been blank too.”—Kansas City for divorce? asked the woman wke tl al Bank To keep the love of another one Journal. Cheering. Trombley, C. F. Tillamook ________________ Agreed. Herald Mra Knngg If I were tn die .you'd always eager to sympathize. must return If-Buffalo Express "Tea." replied the one whose mlad ^Ife—Do you know l have » very Viereck, S. baker never get another wife like me Knngg Fear and Danger. -It'* very kind of you to any thit — is on alimony "Plenty of groan*, 'ittle mouth. In the glass it «wvu W illiams, W. A. harness maker doesn't i Alike, but Different Nervous Old Lady (to deck hand o» but I <1 rather hare some regular rent look large enough to hold my tongue Rostou Transcript Mr*. Nubride— My dear Jack 1» so steamboat) ------------ - —Mr. Steamboatman. ■ (Winslow, G. P. attorney estate."-Washington Star. ■uatKind (testily»—It len t - London handsome; he resemble* a Greek god. there any fear of danger? Deck Hand Watson, R. W. real estate and insur­ Aaewere. Mrs Ix>ngwedd—So does my husband (carelessly)—Plenty of fear, ma'am, bat Method I* the hinge of business and ance One of the most rare kinds of