Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 25, 1914, Image 1

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Vol. XXVI.
No. 3.
Advantages of a
Checking Account Receipts.
Before cashing a check, payee must sign his
name on back in acknowledgment of receipt of
the money.
All checks which depositor issues are returned
to him after being cashed by the bank.
These checks constitute a valid receipt for
the moneys paid, and safegaurd the depositor
against claims for duplicate payments.
Checking accounts are always welcome at
this bank, subject only to reasonable restriction
ns to minimum average balances.
Tillamook County Bank.
---------- —
The Tillamook Headlight office is
now located opposite the court house.
Attorney Oak Nolan, of Portland,
is in the city.
Mrs. F. L. Nitsch left on Tuesday
for Portland.
Safe c’-posit boxes for rent. Til'.i-
mok County Bank.
A. J. Stillwell is in Portland this
week on business.
Blacksmith shop to rent next to my
office. T. H. Goyne.
Get your Land Plaster at the Tilla­
mook Feed Company.
Gooseberries and ripe currants for
sale by Mrs. E. Trout.
Ranch for sale. Terms reasonable
Apply to A. J. Stillwell.
Leave orders for all kinds of wood
with the Tillamook Feed Co.
Home made bread every day by
Mrs. Cornforth over Star Theatre.
Tillamook County received $1,053.79
from the state for fair purposes.
Mrs. Morton and son Ed Morton,
left for Portland on Tuesday.
Attorney George W. Stapleton of
Portland, is in the city on business.
Fresh fruit delivered to any part
of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.*
E. T. Haltom returned on Tuesday
from a business trip to Portland.
Farm for sale, 40 acres $5,000, terms
apply to L. J. White, Tillamook Ore.
For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River
bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­
We are in a position to make some
long time farm loans. First National
The Tillamook Feed Company will
meet any price of any house on
equal terms.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market. 15c.
per pound.
Mrs. R. F. Zachman held the lucky
number 7268, that drew the sewing
machine at Haltom’s.
Lost a coat somewhere in the city
limits last week, finder will please
leave same at this office.
See Howard Brooks for general
teaming and wood sawing, all orders
promptly attended to. Mutual phone.
Reed Bain is home for the summer,
having been attending the Willamette
Attorney Geo. P. Winslow return­
ed on Saturday from Falls City where
He was transacting business.
Scowboat house for sale. In good
shape. Price very reasonable. King &
Smith Company.
\ acuum cleaners for rent with or
without attendant. Tel. 130J. The
Electric Store.
Mike Melchior is home for the sum-
mcr. He has been attending Mt.
Angel Academy.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla-
mook Meat Company’s Market. We
pay 15c per pound.
If our work does not suit you tell
us; if it does, tell your friends. City
Transfer Company.
For spring housecleaning use an
electric vacuum cleaner. For rent by
the Electric Store. Tel. 130J. ♦
Cherries for canning a tthe Fruit
Palace. Mr. Lawson will deliver them
to any part of the city. Phone him. *
Dairymen, if you have any heifer
calves, 3 to 10 weeks old, see J. Mer-
rel Smith. He will buy them.
Bring your mail order catalogues
to the Tillamook Feed Company and
they will fill your order on the same
Sheriff Crenshaw' with a deputy
sheriff from Portland, arrested two
men at Rockaway w’ho were wanted
tin Portland.
Team, harness and wagon for sale.
Inquire of Norman Christensen,
Pleasant Valley. Address Hemlock
Miss Mabel Goyne returned from
Monmouth on Saturday, w'here she
graduated. She will teach in the pub­
lic school in this city.
Jake Wolvinstine has opened a re­
pair shop down by the sawmill. Will
repair any old thing. Boiler repairing
a specialty.
Three of our young men, Verle
Stanley, Perry DeLillies and Benly
Stam, have gone to Alaska to work in
a salmon cannery.
I am still buying young calves, All
kinds, both male and female. See me
if you want all they are worth. J-
Merrel Smith.
As the grocermen have decided to
close their places of business on the
4th, we move that the other business
men make it unanimous.
During haying we will give you
daily Barometer reading, phone us
and find out if the weather is safe to
make hay, C. I. Clough Co.
Fox terrier pup, 3 months old, bob
tail, black spot on head. Finder please
notify R. B. Walls, Pacific States Tel­
ephone Co.
Netarts Restaurant ready for busi­
ness. Home cooking. Quick Service.
Best Chef on Pacific Coast. A. F.
Julien, proprietor.
For rent, 21 acres within one mile
of Tillamook City; has large house,
barn, orchard. Rent reasonable. E. J.
Claussen, Tillamook.
Now is the time to look over your
machinery and get your repairs. The
Tillamook Feed Company carries a
supply for all machines.
Clough’s Concentrated
Orange Cider makes a delicious, re­
freshing, cooling drink, 25c., 5°c, an^
$1.00 bottles at C. I. Clough Co. *
The Singer Sewing Machine for
sale on easy terms, at our home piano
and music store, Tillamook Ore. A.
Lineback, manager. Both phones.
Drop in and book Around«*’
Swedish, German
and Yankee
scythe blades. They are all good—
take your choice. Scythe snaths that
hang just right. King & Smith Com­
Protect your valuable papers from
the unexpected fire by renting one of
our safe deposit boxes. Only one
dollar per year. Tillamook County
1 he ladiesof the Presbyterian Guild
will have a social afternoon on Wed
nesday, this being the last meeting
before vacation. All members are
cordially invited.
Dr. Lowe, the eye specialist, will
close his office at the Tillamook Ho­
tel Saturday at 3 o'clock sharp. Don’1
fail to have him test your eyes for
Persons having claims against tin
G. A. R. Committee should hand
them in at once, as it is the desire ol
the committee to close up the affair;
of the encampment at once.
Free, with each dozen post cards,
one cabinet photo. With each dozen
cabinets or folders of that size we
give an elegant enlargement free. Till­
amook Studio.
Mrs. LaMoyne Livingstone will
lecture in this city on “Better Babies’
and how to raise children in the near
future, giving iooofeet of moving pic­
tures to illustrate her subject.
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains
with bus, and will handle passenger;
and baggage to all parts of the city
Call or phone at the livery barn on
Second avenue East.
W. C. King and wife and son Klint
left on Monday by auto for Medford
and Talent, where Mr. King has a
fruit farm, ard from there will take
a trip to California.
There is every indication that Tilla­
mook beaches will have considerably
more visitors than last year, and with
.good roads there will be a big auto
travel into the county.
Last Sunday the double train ser­
vice between Portland and Tillamook
went into effect, the afternoon train
leaving Portland at 1:3O P. M. and
this city at 4:45 P. M.
It’s a good rule to buy a sewing
machine with an established rep-.r.a-
tion fo • quality services. The White
for sale on easy terms at Jones
Knudson Furniture Company.
Fly swatters, screen doors, win­
dow screens, screen cupboards and
wire screen by the yard. Get the
flies’ goat before they get yours
King & Smith Company.
We offer the best of professional
treatment and
prompt deliveries and every induce­
ment any studio can. See our work
and offers. Tillamook Studio.
There has been a lot of damaged
wheat shipped into the market and
sold to the ranchers. The Tillamook
Feed Company handles nothing but
good wheat.
Wm. G. Tait president of the First
National Bank, was made a member
of the executive board at the annual
convention of the Oregon Br/ikers’
Convention at Medford.
Don’t be deceived in buying cheap
flour, when you can get Dement’s
Best Blue Stem hard wheat flour at
the Tillamook Feed Company. The
“best” flour on the market, Your
money back if not satisfied.
All kinds of cement work in a first-
class manner and foundation and
chimney blocks at reasonable prices.
Will guarantee any work. A. E.
Doerge, nth street and First avenue
West, 1 illamook.
The weather the fore part of the
week was wet, with a heavy rainfall,
which done a wonderful amount of
good, but caught a few who had com­
menced haying, There is another
bumper crop of hay in Tillamook
D. D. West and wife and daughter,
went into the Blaine country over
'Sunday, on a visit to F. W. Berger.
Mr. West complains that there are a
number of people who own autos
who crowd teams and wagons off the
road, and that he came near having a
serious accident on account of it.
Married on June 16th at the home
of Henry Zurfluh, by the Rev. Ebin­
ger, pastor ot the German Congrega­
tional church, G. H. Ward an^ Miss
Emma Weiss. They left the same
evening to spend a short honeymoon
in Portland and the state of Wash-
6 per cent farm and city loans may
be obtained to repay mortgages, re-
move incumbrances, purchase or im­
prove real estate, from one to ten
years' time. Spcial privileges; tor-
A. C. Gneral
respondence invited.
Agency, 767 Gos and Electric Bldg.,
Denver, Colo, or 440 Phelan Bldg.,
San Francisco, Cal.
All barber shops will be closed on
the Fourth, but they will remain op­
en until 10 o'clock on the night of the
In answer to an inquiry, both pas­
senger trains carry mail, the train
leaving Portland at 1:30 P. M. carry
pouches for Bay City and Tillamook,
and the train leaving this city at 4:45
P. M. carry pouches for Bay City and
Splendid interest is being manifest­
ed in the services at the Christian
Church. Special services next Sunday
night as follows: Solo, John Ebinger,
Violin and Piano Duet, Mr. and Mrs.
Koch; Special Sermon, “The Battle­
field of Peace.” A cordial invitation
to the public by the pastor.
The First National Bank
of Tillamook
Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM,
Judge Northup, of Portland, was in
the city on Wednesday, and it is over
f to years since the judge was in this
county, and of course he sees a great
improvement. He called on the editor
is the latter thought a great deal of
the judge when residing in Multnom­ I
ah County. He is stopping at Neah-
kah-nie with his wife and daughter.
Are you going to do any painting
this spring or summer? This is ideal
weather just now'. Sherwin-Williams
prepared paint costs a trifle more per
gallon than other paint (because it’s
better), but a painter will not charge
you any more for putting it on, nor
will you have to paint so often. King
& Suait h Company.
The amendments to the city char­
ter are necessary for the better ad­
ministration of city affairs and our
citizens should co-incide with them.
They are O.K. The city council acted
wisely in giving the ordinances plen­
ty of publicity, and we hope the citi­
zens will vote for this necessary legis­
lation so that the city council can bet­
ter administer city affairs.
Instructions regarding the opera­
tions of the new postal money order
system, which goes into effect July I,
were sent to postmasters throughout
the country. Under the new plan a
money order, although drawn on a
specified office, may be cashed at
any money order postoffice within
30 days of its issue, after which it
may be paid only at the office on
which it was drawn or repaid at the
office of issue.
Ami invites the Public to call ami make an
inspection of the room ami its equipment.
retary, U. S. Civil Service, Post Office
Building, Seattle, Wash., or the Post-
master of this city next week.
Judge Webster Holmes heard the
injunction suit of W. G. Dwight and
F. Joplin and A Giebish, partners do­
ing business under the firm name of
Giebisch & Joplin, in which plaintiff
asked for a temporary injunction and
damages, to restrain defendants from
trespassing upon property that he
claims to have an interest in on ac­
count of Geo. W. Kiger deeding him
part of the land, the defendants
claiming that they were in possession
of the land before Kiger deeded the
land to Dw’ight. The Judge refused
to grant a temporary injunction and
ordered that Geo. W. Kiger be made
a party to the suit. The case will be
tried on its merits at some future
date. Attorneys H. T. Botts and
Stapleton & Sleight, of Portland, are
for the defendants and Attorney
Oak Nolan for plaintiff.
to the ex­
We understand owing
orbitant price asked for the land on
Gold Creek for the erection of a new
salmon hatchery, the Fish Commis­
sion will take no further action in the
matter and allow it to drop, as it does
not feel justified paying more for the
land than it is worth, and, no doubt,
the taxpayers will agree with them.
The money that would have been ex­
pended here will be diverted to hatch­
eries in other counties, on account of
the high price placed upon the land
by Mr. Wing, the owner.
Next Monday evening is the regu­
lar meeting of the Tillamook Com­
mercial Club, when it is hoped that a
large attendance of members will be
present owing to several important
matters to be considered. President
A. H. Gaylord, will resign that posi­
tion, not having the time to attend to
it owing to being appointed receiver
for the Hotel Tillamook. There are
other vacancies to fill as Will Spald­
ing has resigned as treasurer and Dr.
S. M. Kerron has left the city, mak­
ing a vacancy on the board of direc­
Howard Drew, who has been visit­
ing his parents, left for Portland on
Saturday, where he was married to
Miss Grace Whitehouse, formerly of
this city. Mrs. W. W. Wiley and
Miss Lelia Drew, left on Tuesday to
attend the wedding. The happy cou­
ple returned to this city this morn­
ing. The bride is the daughter of Mt
ar.d Mrs. F. S. Whitehouse, and the
groom a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. N.
*Drew. They were both well known
in this county, and highly respected,
and we extend to them 0'ir congrat­
ulations and best wishes.
Banquet at Ramsey Hotel and Thea­
tre Events of Evening.
Over fifty men composed of fire
men and exempts attended a banquet
at the Ramsy Hotel last night as
guests of the business men of this
city. The event was brought about
as a grand finale to a new member
ship crusade which has been carried
during the past week by the members
of the Tillamook Hose Co. It seems
that the greater part of the credit for
the success of the evtning's enter­
tainment must be given
to Mr.
Dwight, who spent his time in solicit­
ing funds from the business men, and
Thos. Coates, the newely elected
chief of the company.
Those attending were called to the
City Hall at 7:30 by the fire alarm
after which the advance was made for
the Hotel. After the hotel had been
reached some time was had when
Webb Maddux lost his way by get­
ting into the wrong door. Some of
the boys seeing his mistake rushed to
his rescue and saved him from being
harmed to any extent further than
ninety cents and a valuable pin that
he had won by out running Billie
Dwight in a too yard race shortly be­
fore the banquet.
At last the call was made for dinner
and the fifty some odd men soon be­
gan to rid the tables of the splendid
assortment of good things as each
course was served by the lightfootcij
waiters who, themselves made the
evening an extreme pleasure. The
most remarkable thing at this point
in the evening's glee was the remark­
able rapidity with which some of the
gentlemen emptied their glasses of
the grapejuice (Some grape) which
was again served as soon as the glass
was emptied Some we fear became
almost intemperate.
After the banquet tbe boys were
escorted to the Gem T heatre and tn-
tertained there by a spe<i»l program
arranged by the proprietor, Mr. C. C.
Smith. The entire evening was one
grand and glorious success and the
business men are to be most highly
complimented for their liberality and
far .ightedness in making the affair
possible, since the possession of a
first class Fire Department is the
best fire insurance that a business
man can have.
The United States Civil Service
Commission will hold an examination
in Tillamook, Oregon, July 25, 1914
to establish eligible registers from
which selections may be made to fill
a vacancy in the position of clerk at
$800 per annum in the T illamook,
Oregon Post Office. The position of
Asst. Postmaster will also be filled
from this examination. Salary $800
per annum. Age limit of clerk 18 to
45 years. Asst. Postmaster 21 years or
over. Attention is invited to the fact
that an automaic increase is provid­
ed by law in the salary of Post Office
clerks at the rate of $100 per year up
to and including $1000 per year. The
examination offers an opportunity
for renumerativc employment to
Cows for Sale.
bright, energetic people. Men and wo-
,men will be admitted to the exami­
Three cows for sale, three yearlings
nation. Applications may be secured and one yearling bull. Apply to Zeno
from Herbert F. Ward, District Sec- Biescr( Tillamook, Ore.
^ye Specialist
Fit Glasses at ’
Notice of Completed Contract.
Notice is hereby given that U. G.
Jackson, County Surveyor for Tilla­
mook County, Oregon, has filed in
this office his certificate of the com­
pletion of the contract of Wells,
Leach and Company, on the A. O.
Foland County Road, near Beaver,
Oregon, and any person, firm or cor­
foration, having objections to file to
the completion of said work, may do
so within two weeks from the date of
the first publication.
Dated this the 24th day of June,
County Clerk.
Notice of Completed Contract.
Notice is hereby given that U. G.
Jackson, County Surveyor for Tilla­
mook County, Oregon, has filed in
this office his certificate of the com­
pletion of the contract of Tillamook
Bay Construction Co. on Section “A'’
of the Garibaldi-Wheeler Road, and
any person, firm or corporation, hav-
ing objeetions to file to the comple-
tion of said work, may do so within
two weeks from the date of the first
t ublication.
Dated this the 25th day of June,1914.
County Clerk.
Booster Band Notes.
The Tillamook County Boosters
Band, will entertain and be entertain­
ed at Wheeler, Oregon, for the 4th of
There is some talk now in regard
to the band playing an engagement
for the Oregon State Fair in Septem­
ber with a 50 piece organization.
The Tillamook County Booster's
Band will be engaged to play at the
G. A. R. Encampment at McMinn­
ville next year with their complete
The Band is making all kinds of
preparations for their trip to San
Francisco, next year. The excursion
“is bound to be the biggest from the
Northwest to the Fair.
The band boys deserve the hearty
support of everybody in Tillamook
County, as Mr. Kraner of Cloverdale
says: "If the band done nothing more
than bring the people together once
in awile in social intercourse their
efforts would not be in vain and they
would accomplish a great deal.
with the problem of buying llarnena
you will fln I it diHtinctly advanta­
geous to come and do your «elect
ing here. You will get tbe beat
qualities, the most thorough end
conacientioue workmanship and be
charge 1 the moat reasonable prices.
We can supply single or double
Seta or any single srticle that you
may be in need of.
W.A, William»* O.