I and make living worth while. Re­ r> I ice cream cones as it passed in the I '.he G. A R and families, hereby vote membering ones neighbors also an«1, which 1 our • •• appreciation K| ‘ • winning them by courteous treatment I was followed by a pretty ferris wheel and kindness extended to us by the and friendly interest, brings agreea­ « ■ i »r _ »_ c? Sam __ _____ *._ j — «Itsrincr management during rxur our priraniniiient encampment. which Uncle operated with three __ In consideration of the extreme ble surprises nearly always and pro­ I little girls dressed in red white and hospitality extended we assure your motes pleasant companionship. I leas- I blue in the seats of the wheel. A. H Visitors Were Delighted Harris had a float nicely arranged management our stay at the Rj' -' ant frame of mind and agreeable em­ Hotel will ever be fondly remember­ ployment for it coupled with serenity jewelry. with the Reception they with and contentment, tend to keep away The old stage coach came next ed. , contribute to personal com­ Received in Tillamook. with Geo. W. Grayson on the box Respectfully and Sincerely submitted death com- J. J. Walter, Department Chaplin, J. fort and pleasant -■ and desirable 1 with a six shooter in his hand, the I coach being loaded with mail sacks A. Wilson, Hood River, W. M. Hil- panionship for others, The man who The 33id annual encampment of and other articles, which made its leary, Brown ville, Mr. and Mrs. D. flies into a passion, is making the .... do _ who try to fly the G. A. R , Department of Oregon, first trip into Tillamook in the year A. James, Oregon City, Mrs. 1. M. mistake that men nd are lucky if not kil- and the Woman’s Relief Corps and 187 i and the last trip in 1911. James, Oregon City, W. P. Hal), in other w ” : of violent pas- Ladies of the Grand Army, in Tilla­ E. I. lialtom had also a pretty W'illnnina, Hugh Mcleeto, Portland, led, for the exercise jealousy or I.. — mook City this week, was one of the float, being a sail boat nicely draped Mrs. S. B. Keen, Portland, Mrs. -ion like anger, hatred, most successful, harmonious and with blue. Mary M. Ofewiler, Portland, Mrs. M. remorse is not conductive to long living. Fear is also undesirable in pleasant conventions held by these There were several other amusing A. Sargent, Sheridan, Maria Fullrif, organizations, which closed today. features in the parade. Vulcan, Mrs. Andrew B. Kidder, the candidate for a long life. If a For manths the committee on ar­ Sheridan, Mrs. N. A. Wilson, Hood physician after an examination pro­ The Holdup. rangements had been preparing tor River, G. Stotz and wife, Eola, Mrs nounces a heart leaky, enlarged or ir­ amusement was created on Some the distinguished visitors, and their Helen M Southwick, Salem, Mrs. regular, it is not necessary for its afternoon by a mimic Wednesday efforts were crowned with success Maria C. Thompson, Salem, and W owner to be looking for a favored hold up on First street. About half a spot where he can lie down and die, in preparing a program that pleased G. Sargent, Sheridan. or keep timidly waiting for the time the visitors, and with the co-opera­ dozen young men were dressed as Resolution of Thanks. cow boys, and as the stage, drawn by when he will suddenly pass away, for tion of the citizens, who took hold Resolved that we the ladies of the these disabled hearts often hold on of the arrangements with a vim and four horses and loaded with mail and Grand Army of the Republic extend express packages came through the wonderfully when encouraged by the gave the Visitors a royal welcome city at a lively gait, it was held up our heartfelt thanks to the Mayor suggestions already given. The even and the glad hand, which showed and things Commercial Club, Grange Ladies, the mail sacks and other The“ Royal Baker and Pastry Cook,” tempered man who retains and exer­ that the citizens not only welcomed, Tillamook City cises courage and cheerfulness, who containing five hundred practical but appreciated the visit of the G. A. carried away, shots being fired as the Press and citizens of kindness during their cow boys dashed away with and county for their breathes plenty of pure air, who eats R. and the other organizations to receipts for all kinds of baking We also thank moderately and sanely, whose con­ our stay in the city, plunder. Tillamook City. and cookery, free. Address Royal Receptions. the Masonic Order for the use of science approves his conduct when I The city presented a gay appear­ Baking Powder Co., New York. Two receptions were given to the their beautiful hall. in accord with supreme authority, ' ance with flags and bunting on Mon­ Especial thanks is extended to the who practices the golden rule in his I day, and when the special train, with ladies of the W. R. C. and the ladies Grand Army of the Republic for their relation with others, is the successful [ eight coaches, pulled into the depot, of the G. A. R. at the Tillamook a large crowd of citizens in autos Commercial Club. The first of these kind invitation to a joint installation candidate for extreme old age, or held at G. A. R. head quarters. there is something wrong in human were there to welcome them to the was given by the ladies of the Club Thanks are also due Comrade Rey­ philosophy. city and take them to places consign­ I on Wednesday afternoon and on nolds, Commander of the Corinth ed them by the committee, composed 1 hursday the ladies belonging to the Post for his courtesies to the ladies Respectfully’ submitted, amongst those who advocate cement Editorial Snap Shots. J. E. HALL, M.D. of Mrs. Anthes, Mrs. Rugar and Mrs. Grange were the hostesses. Refresh­ for highways on account of its being the Grand Army of the Republic. Dept. Medical Director. Lucas, who met the train at Timber. ments were served and the lady of We appreciate the kindness of Mr. The old veterans wouldn’t stand unable to stand up under heavy The Tillamook Boosters Band was visitors appreciated these receptions. travel. The Snap Shot man has on present and played lively airs. It Wednesday Evening’s Entertainment. Stillwell in his kindness to the ladies Following is report given to press for a change in the design in the previous occasions advocated oiling On Wednesday evening the Christ­ during the convention. Stars and Stripes. And we don ’ t took three powerful engines to pull from headquaters, Department of the county roads after they have been Georgia E. Staysa. the special train over the mountains ian Church was again packed, when blame them. Oregon, Ladies of theG. A. R. improved. This, we believe, would Anna Kornbrodt. and the visitors were highly delighted the following program was rendered: The residents of Tillamook offered prove most satisfactory in this wet Stella Rader Greene. with the scenery, especially when Distant Chimes ................. Ladies Trio. Tillamook City made another suc ­ a royal welcome to the Grand Army county, and would partly solve the Street Dance and Fireworks. they came to the Pacific ocean and Reading (Benedict Arnold) Florence of the Republic, Monday at 3:45 p.m. cess as a convention city, and •.ve problem of the heavy cost of main­ Chapman. the cool atmosphere, for the weather want to congratulate our citizens ‘ or A large crowd assembled on first I The Commercial Club turned out in tenance, which eats up a large Male Quartette. street on Thursday, where a street I masse was very hot in Portland that morn­ 1 Song with automobiles and took all the lively interest they all took in the amount of the road fund every year ing when the train pulled out. As Recitation ..................... Billie Stillwell. dance took place, which some of the delegates to the respective Hotels G. A. R. encampment. It is not only economical to use oii Lamonine Clark. old boys took part in and enjoyed and homes that had been opened to the special train did not have seating Whistling Solo on county roads but it sheds the .Little Folks. the fun, which was followed by a entertain them, The first section of accommodations for all, the regular Flower Drill It is generally concceded that Pres­ wafer in winter, thereby preventing passenger train picked up about 70 Reading, Parody Betsey and 1 are good display of fireworks. the G. A. R. Special brought in 650 ident Wilson did not require the ruts, which appears to be one draw­ out, ............................. J. H. Johnson. of the G. A. R. people at way points. Visit to the Beach. delegates of the G. A. R., Womens votes of Senators Chamberlain and back with the roads in this county Monday evening a band concert on Flag Drill by young ladies. The visitors left Friday morning Relief Corps and ladies of the G. A. Lane to deprive American coasting to-day. And it docs not take long to the street attracted a large crowd and Solo............................. Mrs. Trombley. R. and more arrived later. vessels of free toll through the canal. make ruts with automobiles splash­ on Tuesday morning the three organ­ Reading (Reverie in church,). Mrs. in their special train, which stopped The town is beautifully decorated at Bar View for two hours to give ing the water and gravel whenever Rhea Anthes. izations rnet for their annual business with flags, bunting, banners and col- Senator Free-wool-lumber-fish-milk there is a lack of proper drainage on The business portion of the city Solo (Good Bye Tosti) Mrs. Mac­ them an opportunity to witness a ; lored lights for our reception. A fine drill by the life savers. George Chamberlain will soon be small holes for water to gather. It kenzie. was festooned with electric lights band concert was given in the even­ stumping the country and holding out will surprise our citizens what a One pleasing feature of this gath­ with red white and blue globes, and j Report of Medical Dtrector. ing in the open by the Tillamook the glad hand, notwith-standing that good road oil makes, and although it this gave the city a pretty appearance ering was the Woman’s Relief Corps To the Commander and Comrades, band. presenting the G. A. R with $235.00. he voted to place most of the agricul­ does not have the lasting qualities of at night. The first session called to order at tural products of Oregon on the free some of the hard surfaced roads, it Department of Oregon. The Veteran Quartette. The G. A. R. met in the skating 9 a.m. with Department President 'list. prevents the road from being blown ________ This year 1914 brings most of us to Martha E. Kerns in the chair. rink, and the whole proceedings The Veteran quartette was com­ away, as some of the summer roads were carried out in the most harmon­ posed of M. N. Morse, J. E. Hall, A. the milestone or beyond it, indicating The following officers were intro­ It is a good thing to be pessimistic, are to-day. We advocate oiled ious manner with Department Com­ W. Mills au Mrs Marie Wade Thursday morning in the skating inroads upon aur comradeship. Soon­ word ’ toil ” is peculiarly appropriate. Tillamook /fregón attended, and er or later we expect him ourselves, to the tune of "John Browns Body”) r*,)k. . which was well - ....... . ___ Webster says: “Toll, the slow s R E. E, DANIELS, A mixed chorus recruited from the , this closed the business of the 33rd we certainly do not invite him and men nngmg of a bell at funerals, a the longer he defers his visit the bet­ veiiolls Church choirs sang the I encampment. SARCHET, dirge. It is exceedingly appropriate CHIROPRACTOR. "SqUiers Chorus” from Faust. ter we are satisfied. To keep him at Auto Trips. I at the present time, for this blunder The Fashionable Tailor «he ladies of the G. A R made a distance there are some suggestions On Thursday afternoon the visitors on the part of President Wilson will I Local Office in the Commercial t)^> presentations during the evening, were taken in autos to visit the to be offered as worthy of trial. As be one thing that will send the pres ­ Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing one to the members of the Veterans 1 cheese factories and see the surround­ death comes quicker to the languid, ent administration to its political Building. Drum and Fife Corps, and another, ing country. This proved to be high­ the dissatisfied, the irritable and the a Specialty. grave. And the industrial and busi­ $50.00 in gold, to the G. A. R. The ly pleasing to the visitors, over six­ despondent, it is important that we TILLAMOOK - ORE ness world will be glad. meeting closed with the singing of ty autos were in the procession, and continue to live with some purpose "America" by all present. Store in Heins Photographic ■is there were not enough machines, in view and that purpose something The large saw- mill at Wheeler is Th« Parade. some of them made two trips. A num­ that may give us a sense of enjoy­ K I- E. HEWITT, Gallery to close down indefinitely, we are I ber went down to Bar \ iew owing to ment and satisfaction. Active busi­ The parade on Wednesday was w OSTEOPATHIC sorry to say because of business de­ carried out, and as the old veterans, the beach trip being cut out and ness pursuits are often denied the PIHSICIAN AND SURGEON, pression and the Democratic partv age but may be exchanged for some­ with the allied organizations, march­ stayed over niglit. SenaTfr lu/"bfr,on..,hc free list, which thing an aged man can do and enjoy. Visitors Well Pleased. ed through the city, they were ap­ OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST Senators Chamberlian and Lane voted plauded by the citizens. The proces­ The visitors were well pleased with As long as the soil continues to pro­ for. And these are the men who rep- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW- Both Phones. sion presented a pretty sight, and the their first visit to Tillamook, and duce so bountifully, as long as cats Sena"A °i!’-On Uni,ed Stages spirit of patrotism reigned in every were loud in their expressions of ap­ dogs, chickens, ducks, cows and Residence and Office in Whitehouse tarinn «.t? ,s.surel* a mis-represen- Office: O pposite C ovri H ouse . breast as the bands played the old preciation of the kindly spirit in horses exist among us, as long as ber *ify VO,e ,o P|acc '«"1- ' I Residence, familiar airs. Notwithstanding that which they were received and looked strawberry plants need attention in ber, fish, wool, cream, cheese, meat ' Tillamook - Oregon. TILLAMOOK. OREGON. age is telling on the "boys,” they ap­ after while in the city. There was the Spring, berries need gathering etc., on the free list and in comneti- 1 peared to enjoy this part of the pro­ some little disappointment at the and potatoes need hoeing in the sum­ tion with cheap foreign labor In gram, and as the weather was ideal, beach excursion being knocked out. I mer. apples, turnips and rutabagers T. HOTTS, looking over the vote cast at Neh al- J. CLAUSSEN, this also added to the pleasure. Fol­ which cropped out at the meeting of need to be cared for in the fall, there ¡nclude*d e\VheS*?Cn,*al elic,*° ' ! lowing the G. A R., the Woman’s , the G. A. R on W ednesday after­ will be an occupation for the aged • LAWYER. ATTORNEY.AT LAW. included \\ heeler, we notice that a 1 Relief Corps and the Ladies of the noon, when one speaker attributed veteran; and associated with these large proportion of the citizens were I occupations is the interest one may DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. I Complete Set of Ab.tr.ct Hook, in G. A. R., a large delegation of Odd­ it to a few "knockers," Apart fl*otn voted fnrfled t."11*' ProsPcritv and fellows joined the procession. Two that, the encampment was a gigantic take in children and voting people Office. 2!3 T illamook B lock see what ’rkhange ? can now I pretty baby carriages came next, then success from beginning to end, and the enjoyment of their pranks, par- Tnxe. I aid for Non Resident. -sec what a change is doing, and it ■« a number of floats. the visitors have gone away delight- I | tixip.tion in their playes and ¿antes . OregoO sate to say that when the people of Tillamook A. J. Stillwell had a tastily arrang­ cd with the cordial and hearty recep­ ! when invited and within reasonable T illamook B lock . ber he the e :^ll°b , e hCP 1 O,,S I physical limitations All these things ed and pretty float draped in yellow tion they received from the people . « keep up an interest in living and so Tillartiooa .............. with large butterflies, which was the of this county. ’ ' Oregon support the G O °P ' *J?° pkaseJ ,o BOALS, M.D., contribute to lengthen life. 1 he aged neatest iit the parade _______ Both Phonen. Fr« Lumber' Chamber Resolution of Thanks. man who is interested with his wife The Tillamook Feed Co. came next We take much pleasure in publish­ daughter or grandchildren in the cul­ with farm machinery. physician ; and surgeon a testimonial tendered to .Messrs. tivation of flowers about the home R F. ?.a ch man had two very ap­ ing Peterson A Barnes, of the Hotel < ’ • - M c G ee , M D. who tn addition treats the family cow Surgeon S. P. Co. propriate floats One showed the old Ramsey. It must be gratifying to kindly, for whose coming the pig is way of milking cows and making but- (I- O. O F. Bldg 1 gentlemen that their efforts to always on the alert, who may have ,*n,l the other the new way of these cater to the comfort of tlu/r guests Tillamook . Oregon for company a flock of 1 milking them with machinery pro­ has been appreciated. We wish them chickens PHYSICIAN & SURGEON one end of the county trooping after him when he •• comes pelled by gasoline engines success.. ic pro- near their coops, whose horsi’ will F. D. Small had a pretty float with Office : Next door to Star Ramsey Hotel. Tillamook Oregon., but a large cake of ice with a salmon June w hinny for him as far as he can be (Hth, 1914. ' 1 seen, DR. WENDT. is cultivating■vital forc„ that t • ,he and presented Mokatil W e the undersigned members of tend to prolong hi^arthly existence Theatre It IS true Bye Speciali«*’ A SUCCESSFUL z~* vr. n.. ENCAMPMENT. I» ROYAL BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE Insures the most delicious and healthful food By the use of Royal Baking Powder a great many more articles of food may be readily made at home, all healthful, de­ licious, and economical, adding much variety and attractiveness to the menu. E , Reasonable Fit Glasses at a .a»»ranteC¿|g