Tillamook Headlight, June SUPERIOR OREGON- MADE RANGE. The bids are to cover the excava­ County, nor could he have been. ting and grading of the County road, So the conclusion of the Court C reaches, here was a written offer building a reinforced Concrete Bridge Legal Advertisements. withdrawn, which across Killatn Creek, and removing which was not First Insertion, per line $ .10 icould have been, but had not been the old wooden bridge, according to plans and specifications on file in the Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 withdrawn, and was accepted at a office of the County Clerk, Tillamook County had time when Business and professional cards The County Court reserves the ______ funds, ____ and there isn’t anything in one month .................................. i.oo these pleadings to show at the time right to reject any and all bids, dated __r___ ;, the the County County . had had this the 4th day of June, 1914. Homestead Notices ..................... 5-00 of the acceptance, J. C. Holden, County Clerk, Timber Claims .............................. : 10.00 exceeded its constitutional indebted- First publication June 4. that it had not made any ness, nor Locals per line each insertion. •05 provision to make any indebtedness Last publication. June 35. Display advertisement, an inch, after the first of the year, so taking .50 this state of the leadings, and the one month .................................... Notice. evidence, 1 do not think these suits All Resolutions of Condolence TO ALL TO WHOM THESE have been sustained, and decree and Lodge Notices, per line 05 COM IS­ SIMI.I. should be entered here of dismissal SPRESENT Cards of Thanks, per line •05 of the suits, and that defendants GREETINGS. Notice is hereby given b ’^the State Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen should recover their, costs and dis- ommis Board of Fish and Game bursements. etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ioners that, in accordance wul. the they are All these matters, while DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, ceeding five lines....................... .25 ' important, extremely so, to both provisions of Section 5316 of Lord's FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd COOOOCCCOOQ>OiOQiO9OOöOOO the inception, and there is no evi­ In the name of the State of Ore­ dence upon that feature. So we will gon: You are hereby repuired to ap­ LOCAL DRUGGIST SAYS : have to take the general law applica­ pear and answer the complaint filed • TAKE ONLY ONE DOSE.” ¿SC^*&0*9®e®*&®®0®lB®0®0®0©00©0©000©Oe©OOOOOOGOOi>.5C©aoi90©G©OGGOOO©OOGQ©OOOOl* ble to that situation. igainst you in the above entitled We want to tell those in Tilla- And there has been argument here Court and suit, on or before the last mill suffering from stomach or of considerable force by council for lay prescribed in the order for the bowel trouble that we are agents for the plaintiffs to the effect that if such publication of summons made herein, the simple mixture of buekhern a construction were indulged in bv ■vhich said order was made, and is bark, glycerine etc., known ns the Court, it would throw down the lated May ¿8, 1914. and if you fail Alder i-kn. the remedy which be­ bars to the depleting by the County io to answer for want thereof, the came famous by curing appen­ Court of the funds of the county, and plaintiff will apply to the Court for dicitis. This is the most thorough would amount to a perpetration o( he relief prayed for in his complaint bowel cleanser known and JUST fraud upon the tax payers, and it can >n file herein, towit; that the bonds ONE DOSE relieves sour stomach, be seen that such could be done, but >f matrimony now existing between gas on the stomach and constipa­ that is the fault of the Legislature in »laintiff and defendant be forever tion almost IMMEDIATELY You not passing appropriate legislation lissolved. wi'l l>e surprised at the QUICK to prevent an occurrence of that J. S Lama,, I his summons is served upon you, action of Adler-i kind, should the county have officials 5v order of the Honorable \Vebster druggist. at any time that would attempt to Holmes, judge of the above named evade the intention of the constitu­ Court, dated this 28th day of May. tion. But that is for the Legislature 1914. amt the date of the first publi­ to remedy and the Court cannot cation of this summons is the 28th legislate those matters, but must take lay of May, iqi 4, and the date of the the law as it now exists. There is no ast publication, 9th ci July, and the evidence here to show there was any he list date upon whn h you are re- notice given to Tillamook County Itiired to answer on or before is, and that these various orders would be will expire on the 9th .lay of July signed and the goods delivered, until -> after the first of January, along in 1914- February as I remember the evidence in 1914. The evidence does show, by • J • way of stipulation that the Howard Notice to Contractors. Cooper Corporation received an ac­ knowledgment of the receipt of these orders and a statement from the sel­ , Sealed bids addressed to theCounty lers the orders would be filed in ac­ - ourt of Lillamook County, Oregon, cordance herewith. And there is no or the proposed improvement at evidence to show this information villain Creek, in Tillamook County, m m ,C.¡'>ACOLA COFFEE, 10 pou„d8 for $2.50. was ever communicated to Tillamook Ircgon, will be received by the Coun- County, nor the members of the court KI BY CARACOI.A COFFEE. I pound for 27c. y t. ourt of l illamook County Ore- nor any ot them, and there is evi ton at its office in Lillamook City, ( ■erman-Ainerican Coffee, 1 lb. can, 30c. dence that no notice was ever receiv­ Oregon, on or before the 20th day of ------- German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can. ed by any member of the County lune, 1914. at 10 o'clock a tn and at Court of the- acceptance of these hat time opened and read. various orders, until in February or Each bid shall be accompanied by March 1914 And while it is the law. 1 certified check made payable to i J pound. 35c. ORANGE LABEL, 1 pound 65c. as I understand it, that an acknow­ Lillamook County, for an amount I er Majesty ’ s Blend, ¡pound 25c. ledgment by mail of acceptance, ■qual to 5 per cent of the amount of Her Maj estv’s lend, \ pound 50c. would take effect and create a con ___ vr * 'Hjesty’a Blend, 1 pound 1.00. •uch bid, which shall be forfeited to Capital Household, ’, pound 25c. tiact between the parties at the time he County, in case an award is made of the mailing of it by the acceptor, ind the bidder shall fail, neglect or LAUGHLIN that must have been mailed to the efuse for a period of five days after party making the offer; anil there which the award is made to enter in- Tillamook. Ore. isn't anything in this case to show the s gelling agent or sail -man was in o a contract and file a bond satis- actory to the Court as required bv filler tlic agent ot 1 illaiiuiok law. ADVERTISING RATES. LA M B-SCHRADEIt COMPAN Y. Fwi äs' Oxyaccetaylene Welding i®« THE CASES AGAINST COUNTY DISMISSED. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MILL AND MARINE WORK, The Timbermen Fail to Substantiate Complaint. HINER & REED, Annual School Meeting. ALLEN PAGE, I First Street, near the Court House. Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord Delivered. Black and White Cigars Dry Short Wood $2.00 Load A. F. COATS LUMBER CO Once smoked will , ■ convince all. The only long ; » filler PURE TO­ BACCO CIGAR to-day for 5c., 50 Box $2.00 At C. I. Clough Co. ? ? F. C. FELDSCHAU Is now ready to take any Contract in the Cement and Building Line. J SPECIAL ROCERY PRICES. QUAKER OATS. 25c. Small Package 15c. CRESCENT BAKING POWDERS 5 Pound Can, Regular Price $1.00, now 85c 3 Pound Can, Regular Price 70c. now 55c Pound Can, Regular Price 25c now 20c Primes, 10c. a pound. Fancy Dried Peaches, lOc.a Pound Coffee and Tea Special. , RidSray’s High Grade Teas RALPH C. BACON, ___ Mgr- Grocery Dept. aa \x gw ftÄ I CK LU ■