Tillamook TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS. G. A. R. Parade Tuesday. I Headlight, June 11, 1914 We ask you to perform this service for us as taxpayers, not as prosecut­ ors. Our only purpose is to have you demand that the laws of the state made for our protection are properly enforced. Respectfully, The Whitney Company Ldt., by Russell Hawkins, Attorney in fact. Hammond Lumber Company, by George B. McLeod, \ ice-Pres- idenl. Weddings. Married on June 9th, at the home of Follow will be the route for the If you want a real fly spray use G A. R. parade on Wednesday morn­ I the- bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Noyes at Fairview. Bert Folks ours, costs t / q . gallon ready to use. ing at 10:15: Form head of procession facing Sprayers from 40c up. C. I. Clough. * north and Miss Mabel Noyes. Rev. YY. J on Stillwell Ave. and 3rd St.; You can buy wall paper at same going east on 3rd st. to 2nd Ave. east, Weber, of the M. E. Church per­ price as other people, One price to turn south on 2nd Ave. to 4th St; formed the ceremony. all. Wc do not give paper hangers turn east on 4th St. to 4th Ave. east; Married at the M. E. parsonage, by north to 3rd St.; turn west to jr«l a cumuli ■ ion on the paper you bil y, Ave. the Rev. W. J. Weber, the pastor, in east; north to 2nd St.; west to they ought t.o be satisfied with the 2nd Ave. east; north to 1st St.¡west this city on June 9, Gilbert Strach­ price they et for hanging it. We can to 1st St and Stillwell Ave.; turn an and Miss Rose Cramer. The Court Items. give you names of paper hangers and south to 4th St.; east to school house. groom is a son of Mrs. Jack Oliver, i painters who will do you a good job Di band. the application of minority of Bar View. I In and be satisfied with wages. Kin g Makes Home-Baking Successful and Easy G. A R. PROGRAM Married on June 4th, at the home stock holder* vs P. J. Worrall for a • & Smith Comp; receiver for Hotel lillamook, the of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. evidence is all in and Judje Ho! Tnes The Farmer’s Meetings commenced Thirty-third Annal Encampment, De­ has the case under advisement, his E. G. Lantz, of Bay City, H. E. Hoss this (Thursday) morning at Nehalem partment of Oregon, Grand Army of decision had not been made as we go and Miss Myrtle Lantz. for Hauling Gravel. was impossible for a time to locate Bids Wanted ------------- and to-morrow­ (Friday) a meeting the Republic. to press. A quiet wedding took place Mon­ him. The deputy sergeants-at-arms 1 j The Tillamook wishes The cases of Hammond Lumber The Encampment will hold all meet­ will be held in the Court House, an d parish house. reported him always absent from the to receive bids for Creamery hauling one hun- Co.; The Whitney Co. Limited and day evening at the in the evening at the Tillamook Com­ ings in the skating rink. First session The Miss Veronica Wilson River Lumber Co., as Frank L. Nitsch and place where his presence was last bred loads of gravel, more or less, mercial Club. On Saturday meetings Tuesday 10 A. M. June 16, 1914. plaintiffs against Tillamook County, .Melchior were made man and wife reported. The newspapers were filled from T. W. Lester’s place to its fac­ w ill be held at Cloverdale and Beaver The Howard Cooper Co.; The Fort in the presence of their nearest with accounts of the manner in which tory, company to pay for gravel. Tuesday Haulers to spread gravel. Company Dodge Culvert Co., and the Good The lecturers are Prof. YV. S. Brown, The Department Convention of Wo­ Roads Co., for an injunc­ relatives. The Rev. Francis Van he was alleged to be eluding service. reserves the right to reject any and Prof. M. J. E. Dorman, Prof. W. A. man’s Relief Corps will meet in the I. tion to Machinery stop the payments of some Clarenbeck performing the ceremony. Finally, it being told that Mr. Rocke­ all bids. Leave bids at Carl Haber- Barr, and County Agriculturist R. C. O. O. F. Hall. $6,000 county warrants for a rock Mr and Mrs. Nitsch have the best feller was at his winter home on lach’s office, Tillamook, Oregon, on Jones. crusher, a road grader, are on trial wishes of a large circle of friends. 9 A. M. Committee on Credentials. Jekyll Island, and incapable of speech or before June 15th, 1914. Amended complaints have been before Judge Holmes, with Hon. C. 10 A. M, First Business Session. Ad multos annos. without great danger to his life mem­ Fulton, of Portland, and S. S. John­ filed in the uit brought by three of 40 acres for sale. 11 miles from Till­ MEMORIAL SERVICE son as attorneys for Peffs, and Hon. bers of the House committee were amook, on Wilson river. G. T. Kielitn. ■he timber companies against Beall Another Costly Lesson. J. N. Hart, of Portland, and local 1:30 P. M. Business Session appointed to visit him and take his A Co., the Fort Dodge Machinery Co. attorneys Botts and Gersoni for de­ EVENING PROGRAM AT and county officials fudge Holmes fenants. Russell Hawkins and Geo. I A grief-striken world is demanding testimony if it should be found pos­ sible to do so without endangering B. McLeod, of Portland, are repre­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH ~et the for Wednesday morning senting the lumber companies, with an investigation to fix the responsi­ him. but contimnd tli> -..me until the eve­ 7:30 P. M. Opening- Band Concert BP. M. Soldiers’ Chorus (Gounod) Hon. John T. Dougall, President of bility for the fatal disaster of the Investigation shows that the Chris­ ning .wing to some of the attorneys the Portland Press Club, and repre­ ¡Empress of Ireland, with a vague Mixed Chorus. not being present senting fifteen lumber companies act­ hope that something may be learned tian forces engaged in the several fAddress of Welcome, Mayor F. R. ing as expert accountnant: Messrs. which will avert such catastrophes Balkan wars were just as ferocious i In local "Loyal Order of Moose” Beals. D. J. Cooper and J. W. Howard of I in the future. But there has been lit­ and merciless as those commanded by 11 give a "High Jinks and Eats” at Response, Department Commander, Howard, Cooper Co., defenants are tle in the world's experience since pagan officers. From every stand­ ' ■ mmercial Club rooms, on Friday S. W. Taylor here. I the Titanic horror cast a pall on the The cases against the Culvert and civilized world to justify high hopes. point war is a sinful occupation. • veiling this week. Quite a number of Vocal, Veteran Quartette Flume Co., and M. J. Gersoni, as I It is true that there has been precau­ The mediators are astonished at the nvitations have been issued and a Address, Corinth Communder, C. E. County attorney were dismissed by tions taken to avoid collisions with perseverance of the reporters, which od lime is promised all. Full par­ Reynolds Peffs; and the case against Beal & icebergs. An ice patrol is maintained they ascribe to impatience. But it is a ticulars will be given in our next Address, Corinth President, Berenice Co., was continued because of ab­ and warnings are issued. The danger way reporters have. sence of their attorney. weeks issue. from this particular source has been Lucas I A confessed pyromaniac has been Judge Mason, of the County Court, reduced to the minimum. Steamship Morrison Mills attended the auction Response, Dept. President, Rosina was on the witness stand and stated I I companies straightway provided their sentenced to the Penitentiary for s le of Jerseys at Dilley, Ore., last Fouts Evans. that the contract with the Howard, vessels with additional lifeboats, the three years. But was not the asylum week ami bought a heifer, 9 months Solo, Welcome to Tillamook (Marie Cooper Co., was signed up in the bar lack of boats having added to the loss room of the hotel on the evening of of drowned in the Titanic accident. the proper place for him? old, paving $165 for the animal. It Wade) Mrs. Page 6th, 1913, etc. But the next accidents were of a dif­ i' shipped in on Tuesday. He said Address of Welcome in behalf of Nov. The contention of the plaintiffs ferent character, growing out of Mayor Returns Franchise Ordinance that some of the buyers were a little Commercial Club, D. L. Shrode. are that, the County’s contracts with storms of collisions. Then came the We invite Unsigned. ___ too sporty for him in bidding for the Address, Department Commander defendents were illegal as the County burning of the Volturno in midocean Jerseys at the l orbe’s sale, He at- of Spanish-American War Veterans, was then in debt more than the legal I in a sea so angry that lifeboats were Tillamook Oregon, June 5, I9<4- limit, and said contracts were not I useless. Now comes a wreck due to to call Oil tended the Grange meeting at Forest Mr. Upton. made during the open sessions of the a collier ramming a passenger steam­ To the Common Council of Tilla­ Grove also. America, Audience County Board. ship during a fog. The steamship mook City, Oregon. The Tillamook Headlight made its “booth" I sank within a few minutes, hundreds Wednesday Gentlemen:— I return herewith, debut on June 8, 1888, and last Mon­ Chrstian Church Announcement. I of the sleeping passengers drowned without approval, Ordinance No. 276 10 A. M. Parade consisting of G. A. day was its 25th anniversary. Quite I in their berths. All the regular services will be a cup of - this The danger from fogs is omnipres- entitled “An ordinance giving and a number of our citizens have never R. and allied organizations, etc. resumed next Sunday. Preaching ser­ I ent and has existed since, the first granting to F. D. Small and D. C. Persentation of Flag to School by mi- eur visitors a little time on the beach. sengers had a right to suppose that Flower Drill, Resurrection of the It seems to us that more you show Flowers, Little Flowers it was in every way seafaring. It is people and inhabitants of Tillamook too much to expect passengers to City, and to the public, and to charge visitors of different parts of the coun- MM* Reading, Parody, “Betsy and I Are privately inspect steamships for their and collect tolls therefore. J t\, more delighted are they with it. Out”, JJ H. Johnson own safety. They have a right to de ­ My reason for not approving said W In n the Portland business men Solo, Vocal, Mrs. Trombley mand that governments exercise this Ordinance are as follows. 0111c to lillamook a few- years ago function and that steamship com- Reading, Reverie In Church, Rhea First:—I deem it important that no one w is foolish enough to suggest Anthis (panics take every precaution essential or conducive to safety. There is little the city’s interests be safeguarded by that they be cooped up in this city- Instrumental Solo, Leland Erwin satisfaction in post-mortem inspec­ having incorporated in said fran­ all the time. Recitation, Red, White, and Blue, tions and investigations. But dis­ chise Section XIII of the franchise Dumb e Reid is dead, the man who Harry Young couraging as the recurrence of such several linn s caused considerable ex- calamities is, the world will still hope drafted by the State Railway Com­ Solo, Good Bye(Tosti)Mrs. Mckenzie / Gl *‘I feel it my duty to tell others what that some lesson may be learned mission, and adopted by the city of litcment m lillamook because it was • Thursday from their costly schooling. Mt. Angel in its franchise granted Chamberlain’s Tablets have done for In- ambition Io build the first rail One salient feature stands out in the Portland Railway Light and me,” writes Mrs. L. Dunlap, of Oak 9:46 A. M. Installation of Officers |. .id into the comity We well re- Grove, Mich. “I have the St. Lawrence disaster, and that is Closing of Convention Tm inlier th. last time that his pro­ ■ ♦ - suffered with pains in the evil of the speed mania. Prima­ Power Company. The Section refer­ * •o ’ '?: my back anil under 2:30 1’. M. ball game, Stillwell Park rily the people are at fault as to this, red to, to read as follows: ject had considerable newspaper 2:00 P. M. Trip to Barview Beach by my shoulder blade for though proper regulations by law SECTION XIII—Said F. D. boosting, hut it was all “hot air". It a number of years, might prevent steamship companies Small and D. C. Urie, their succes­ special train for G. A. R. and Allied also with a poor appe­ engaging in such dangerous rivalry Organizations sors or assignes, shall render the ser­ tite and constipation. 1 to capture the patronage of passen­ 3:00 1’. M. Drill, Life Savers I tried all of the rem­ gers who have so little time that they vice as hereby authorized, to be sup­ I Clam Bake, Bar View People edies that 1 heard of, can not bear the thought of spending plied by the best apparatus known to l or sale 1 Kenwood stump pul and a number of doc­ Lunch for G. A. R. organizations Dr. Henry E. Morris, Eye Specialist I a " extra hours crossing the Atlan- the science of electricity, to secure tors, but got no relief. ir, .V'O it. 3-4-in. cable, 2 blocks, Tillamook of McMinnville, formerly in practice in tic. It is this speed mania which the least danger of life or property­ Finally a friend told (causes a man to rush in front of a tump hook and swamp hook. Nearly Campfire, Barview Tillamook for over six years will tie at train, though he may then turn a- compatible with the best obtainable me to try Chamber- He«. Al o 1 horse, sound and true, 9:15 P. M. Return Train tt e parlor of the Todd Hotel, Tuesday, routid and watch the train go by. It service, and such service shall be sup­ Iain’s Stomach and 7 yeais old, weight 1500 poinds, I Liver Tablets. I got Fireworks at Tillamook City. Wedneseay and Thursday, June 16, 17 causes him to risk life and limb to plied on equal terms under like con­ a bottle of them and 1 -lit wagon and harness in good con and 18. During the G, A. R. Reunion. catch a car instead of waiting two ditions, and without unjust dis­ they soon helped my Timber Men File Communication. minutes for another. It lines an auto­ 1 i< 11. \\ ill sell cheap. Address P. J He will appreciate meeting all former mobile stomach; by their speedway with 100,000 spec­ crimination, or without undue prefer­ In nig« , Beaver, Ore. * patients and friends during his three tators of a race in which many may ence to any commercial user within gentle action my bow­ June II, 19» els became more reg­ M. I Gersoni, District Attorney, days stay in Tillamook. be killed or maimed for life. This the City of Tillamook; and at all \ r< you going to do any painting ular. Today I feel like Tillamook, Ore. To those not acquainted with Dr. human trait can not be immediately times the power and right to reason­ tin. spring or summer’ This is ideal praising them to all Sir:— eradicted, but stringent laws may Morris, he is pleased to refer you to who suffer as I did, for v atlur just now Sherwin-Williams We hereby call your attention to prevent railway and steamship com­ ably regulate and exercise the rights pt' pattd paint costs a trifle more per the fact that about 184 warrants, sup­ over (3000) three thousand grateful pa­ panies from catering to it. It is one and privileges of the franchise hereby they have cured me and made my life gallon than other paint (because it's posedly for County bridges, aggre­ tients in Tillamook County. He stands feature of the "safetv first” move­ granted and determined, shall be worth living ” gating approximately the sum of $50, ment to which legislators may well better), but a painter will not charge 30000, (A list showing numbers, to high in his profession and is indorsed devote vested in the Common Council of their attention. you any more for putting it on, nor whom issued and amounts being and recommended by the medical pro­ said city, subject to the general laws will you have to paint so often. King hereto attached and marked exhibit profession. If you have periodical or of the State of Oregon. contineud headaches it is safe to assume Now a battle ship has saved the "A"), have been issued during 1913 X Smith Company. * Second, Numerous erasures and in­ and paid by the monies of the taxpay­ that they are caused by eye strain lives of ninety-eight passengers on a A quiet wedding took place Monday ers. terlineations appear, in this Ordin­ which entails many serious and dis ­ steamer. The army and navy are of ­ evening at the Catholic pariah house. An examination of the County ance, of no importance perhaps as ;i Frank L. Nitsch of Portland and Miss Court's Journal will disclose the fact, tressing symptons which may be re­ ten conspicuous in the victories of affecting its validity, but an ordin­ ;. lieved by the wearing of his scientific ­ peace. that with one cxception(i. e Th. Veronica Melchior were united in mar ance of this importance should be made with the Coast ally ground glasses. The Doctor has riage in the presence of their nearest transaction free from ‘ such defects. Bridge Company for $5.400.00 for the ore of the best equipped offices in the The thief who returned a micro­ relatives. Rev. Francis Van Clarenbeck " Loin Jenkin’s Ranch" bridge , but Respectfully submitted, state, including an up-to-date grinding < » scope he had stolen from the Wash­ performing the ceremony. Mr. and $6588.00 having been paid) no author­ F. R. BEALS, Mayor. plant supervised bv himself, so you ization was ever made for these war ­ ington I niversity felt conscience- Mrs. Nitsch have the best wishes of a may be sure of receiving not only su­ smitten after he got a larger view of or for what purpose or 1 large circle of friends. Ad multos rants, The law of 1917 setting aside 5 per Once smoked will what materials or labor same were perior examinations but properly- anno*. • s3u^qi cent of the earnings of the convicts issued. ground lenses. So sure is he of his As taxpayers we demand that you The Moose Lodge of this city lately for their benefit should be enforced. convince all. skill in both, that he (only) gives you The New Y ork commissioner of The authorities should set a good ex­ se -ured from Ontario. Canada, 11 tine make a through examination and in­ a written guarantee of perfect satisfac­ vestigation of these warrants. correction might give her theory as large Moose head that coat them $85 ample to the convicts in law observ­ If for bridges, or bridge materials, tion or your money will be refunded. The only long to the kind of mental disease poor ance. One will seldom see a finer apeciman of or labor or both, we wish you to com­ You arc invited to come early and pel the County Court to show on the Recker had when he directed Rosen ­ its kind. The lodge will have a ban- bring your present glasses with you. filler PURE TO- thal’s murder. qui t and gem ral good time at the com­ Journal of Record of County Court To show his loyalty and his appreci­ proceedings : — mercial Club rooms on Friday evening First:— The location and general ation, the Doctor will upon this occas­ UBACOp CIGAR I The colonel should hasten to Ore- description of each bridge. ion make all consultations and examin­ I gon - * here the registration of Re- Second:— The entire length and ations absolutely Free of Charge Re­ SURPRISES MANY IN TILLA­ to-day for 5c., EAT VIERECK’S width of each bridge. I publicans is sixteen times that of the MOOK. member the Dates. Third:— The cost of each kind of I Progressives and more than double Tlie IJI It K 50 Box $2.00. in tion of Htniplc material for each bridge. Notice to the Public:— blu ktlmril bulk glycerine, etc., aa bread that of Democrats and Progressives Fourth: — The cost of labor for rtrixrd iu Alder i k.i, the remedy tails, with Filth:— Have the Journal I am now located in the Mr*. Mills I combined. wliii li lite itine fatiiou* by curing show the certificates of inspection William Rockefeller’s present ill­ property between Stillwell Ave and 1» u| nenibciti», 1« aurprising Tilla- for materials as to their fitness; cer­ At C. I. ôough Co. nii’tìk |a*oj>le. Muny bave fotind tificates for material and labor and Second Ave. East, three blocks West ness. at a time when his presence as tiliamook bakery flint thiH Hiiiiple retneilv liruina m as to their correctness, certificates of my old location, where 1 am better » witness is wanted by the Interstate prepared to serve you than ever be­ umi li timi ui.itti i front thè «veteiu THE and full details, with verified state­ th.it A SINGI.E IH )SK relitte* con ments as to the name of the stream fore. Thanking you for your liberal Commerce Commission, is naturally patronage in the past and soliciting •lipution, «Olir «toiiuieli and guw ini reviving recollection of a celebrated RELIABLE DRUGGIST. across which bridges are built etc At All Grocers a continuation of your valued ord< rs, attack of aphonia. W hen Mr. Rocke- »’■iiiiacli Hlinoet IM'IHDl- And further, if the laws have been I am. Adler i k i in tlie mini teller was needed as a witness at the Yours for business, wel cteuiiwr ever aold. violated we demand that the guilty parties he indicted and prosecuted 1