Tillamook Headlight, June 11, IÖ14. County Court Business Mrs. J. Salway .... 3O.OO C. E. Trombley ..................... C. Davis ........... 10.41 Federal Censorship of Films. 8750 Electric Light Co................... G. Olds ........... 2385 / The County Court met last week W. Harris ............ 45.00 City Water....... .'............ 5.00 No doubt the lobby that is urging and transacted the following busi- T. W. Lyster ............ " 36.25 H. Crenshaw ........... 7.20 the House Committee on Education 45-50 p. w. Todd..................... ;;;; 32.60 C. O. Pilgram .............. to recommend the passage of a bill "'ciaim of E. G. Anderson, for $7.20 46.87 Irwin Hodson Co................... 27. co that would provide for federal cen­ Earkson ........... for supplies for R. D. No. 3, rejected. J. 6750 Glass & Prudhomme ............ Frank Ury .......... “ 367 sorship of motion-picture films is 22.50 Glass & Prudhomme............ Claim of Nehalem Livery & Trans­ Burton ... 2599 composed of high-minded persons, 10.00 Commercial Stables.............. fer Co., for $18.00, for livery hire, Fred 4.00 D. B. Darby ................ actuated by the loftiest motives. 12.50 Pacific Telephone ................ was rejected. _ . . . Albert Darby 3.00 They urge upon the committee the I *« • - ............. . 20.00 N. McMillen ......................... 13500 In the matter of the resignation of . J^Monahan fact that there are now 18,000 mo- 22.50 Barthold Barge Co................. F. L. Sappington as road supervisor, I Sid Travis-4 . / i.......... 4.16 'tion-picture theatres in the United 3750 the same was accepted. County Poor and Insane. i Fred Burton . . States, with an average daily attend­ 15.00 E. T. Haltom ......................... In the matter of the appointment 1.00 ance of 16,000.000 persons, many of Lockart .............. 6.25 Mary Perry .......................... of a county commissioner, F. L. Sap­ ; Joe 23.00 whom are children. That only clean Alvin Bluni .............. 50.23 R. T. Boals ........................... pington was appointed to fill the John Blum ........ / i .J " 32.00 and wholesome films should be ex­ 50.22 S. M. Kerron......................... vacancy caused by the resignation of Albert Gilmore 5.00 hibited to a miscellaneous assembly, 38.44 Dr. Wendt ............................ Geo. R. F.dner. 5.00 in which there are youthful spectat­ Amby Brown ................ 4125 In the matter of the resignation of Tony Dalpaz .......... , \....... Mrs. Geo. Loerpabel............ 43.00 ors, with plastic minds and immature 40.00 Will Spalding as a member of the Fred Babler .........’' ’ ” " Cloverdale Merc. Co.............. 20.43 characters, goes without saying. If 40.00 Tillamook Feed Co................ . County Fair Board, Wm. G. Tait was John Proctor .......... ” ” 15.00 the censorship could be restricted to 58.75 W. D. Gladwcll..................... appointed to fill the vacancy. 2.17 the elimination of immoral.and hurt­ Alvin Blum .............. 40.00 L. S. Hushbeck ..................... In the matter of the claim of the j H. G. Parson ..................... 20.00 ful pictures, the wisdom of its estab­ 28.75 Mrs. A. E. McCune .............. Wheeler Lumber Co., for lumber fur­ I Arthur Tippin .... 30.25 could not be questioned. 28.75 Tillamook County Fair Board 75OOO lishment nished M. M. Mead & Son, for the j Carl White .... i... i But the human equation can not be " 43-74 Roads, Bridges, Etc. sum of $534-25, the claim was reject­ j Chas Desmond ................... ignored. Experience with censorship, 12.50 E. A. Easterbrook ......... ed. 66.75 extending back to remote times and Herman Schlappi ....... 25.02 W. A. Gage ....... '........... In the matter of the petition of Geo. ! Albert Olds ........................ ’ 46.87 covering many lands, has demon­ 15 00 J. Lewellan ..................... 12.00 strated that official power feeds on it­ W. Phelps and others to vacate road, Virlin Brown .. . 2.50 U. S. Edwards ................ I5.OO self and that bigotry does not hesi­ a remonstrance was filed, and the C. S. Wells ................ "; 12.50 W. H. Christensen ......... 3900 tate to smudge anything that dis­ petition being withdrawn, the matter Albert Olds .............. 2500 Amos Vaughn ................ 62.62 pleases it. The action of petty officials was dismissed. Ike Wells ............ 12.50 Frank Hobson .............. In the matter of calling for bids c. s. weiis........... 6750 and of a few library boards has dem­ 2500 Fred Zaddach ................ 56.OO onstrated, even in our own country for a cancrete bridge over Killam George Dow .............. W. Cain ......................... 72.OO and in our own time, on what whim­ creek, the same was ordered, bids to Ed Lee ............................. ’ J. M. Baker ................... 88.00 sical grounds some of the most mer­ be in by Friday, June 26. Henry Leach ......... i ” 10.00 W. B. Aiderman ............ 96.00 itorious books and works of art may In the matter of the application of C. Elemonds ....................... 10.00 F. L. Sappington .......... 80.00 be placed under the official ban. J. J. McCormick for a liquor license, George McDonald ....... 10.00 A. K. Case ..................... 58500 the same was granted. Among Americans one of the most Glenn Woolfe ............... 10.00 Myrtle Mills .................. 4-95 prized possessions is freedom to In the matter of the petition of T. O. W. Phelps ....................... A. F. Coats Lbr. Co ........ 7-5° 97-74 speak and write, subject to the laws B. Potter Realty Co., for an exten­ George Olds ............ 7-5° F. C. Feldschau .............. 19-50 of the land holding a person respon­ sion of time upon the Bayocean J- W. Dye ........................... ; 101.25 Sallaries, Etc. sible for what he has said or publish­ county road, the same was granted, D. J. Pangborn ................... Homer Mason ................ 77.50 ed. It came as a result of an age-old work to be completed by August 1st. Frank Dye .......................... 62.22 H. M. Farmer ................ struggle with tyrants of thought. Road District No. 1. C. Weagel .......................... 81.25 J. E. Reedy ................... Men rotted in jails and mounted F. dith M. Aiderman, deed ...$ > 2.50 B. Weagel ............................ 36.25 J. C. Bewley................... scaffolds and stood at burning stakes Wheeler Lumber Co........... 1018.76 Harold Epplett .................... 70.00 J. C. Holden .................... in its behalf. It is too rich a heritage, Tohl and Anderson ......... 4388 F. Travis ....... ;...................... 82.50 K. Mills ............................ costing too much blood and tears, to Frank Struby .................... i.00 J. Monahan ........................ . Vida A. Millis ................ 29.37 be surrendered to an official, even 36.00 Thore Haugen ..................... Mike Landolt .................... 40.00 T. E. Epplett .................. though he be elected by the people. Nelson & Co.......................... 12.55 Egbert Goodspeed ............... 40.00 H. Crenshaw ................. No matter what high purposes may Frank Crane ....................... 7.00 Jack Jennings ...................... 30.00 Clent King ..................... be urged for the establishment of a 5180 Amos Vaughn ...................... A. C. U. Berry .................. 20.00 B. L. Beals ....................... censorship or how flagrant may be .Milo Braman ....................... 2.00 Marion Darby ...................... 20.00 O. G. Swenson ................ the abuses sought to be corrected, Nehalem Livery .................. 1350 George Wilks ...................... 20.00 W. S. Buel ....................... there is an ever-present danger that Chas. Easom ....................... 33125 Ed Stark ............................... 20.00 Mrs. H. C. Hanson ......... a censor will become arbitrary in the Tillamook Bay Con. Co. .. . 754-5° Bert Nickles.......................... 20.00 Mary L. White ................ exercise of his power. Tillamook Bay Con. Co. .. . 440-32 Peter Haugen ...................... 12.50 Lillie M. Buel .................. The possibilities of the motion-pic­ Dave Davidson .................... 55-00 Road District No. 3. Laura I. Leach ................ ture are immense, both in the way of Nehalem Saw Mill.............. 14.12 F. J. Ayer .............................. C. A. Johnson ................ entertainment and education. In Emil Ross ........................... 55-62 E. G. Anderson ..................... R. L. Shreve..................... many respects the films are more im­ J. W. Thompson ............... 109.00 Martin Jenck ........................ H. B. Millis ..................... pressive than the printed page and Bob Aldred ......................... 19-37 Jim Bodyfeld ........................ W. L. Campbell .............. nobody can estimate the far-reaching P. E. Allen 117-75 John Heilmeyer ................... W. L. Campbell .............. effect they are daily producing on the P. L. Frost 59-27 R. L. Huston ........................ R. L. Shreve ................... present and future citizens. Reputable Fred Hart 111.25 Fritz Drebert ........................ U. G. Jackson .................. theater owners are interested in Fred Hagge ........... 60.00 Robert Forkner ................... W. S. Coates ................... maintaining the reputation of their S. G. Reed ............. 111.12 Harley Curl .......................... A. Gulstrom .................... places and in holding the good will Burt Tilden ........... 108.10 Geo. Heilmeyer ................... U. G. Jackson .................. of their patrons. Parents should see W. S. Linkhart .... 50.00 S. D. Moon ............................ Chas. Jensen .................... that the theaters attended by their G. B. Nunn............. 12.50 Gilbert & Sons ..................... F. Liverson ..................... children are reputable. Officers of A. Simpson ............. 15.00 Roy Woods ................. . . . . . Geo. J. Poysky ................ the law should see that exhibitors of Charley Rand ....... 1500 F. Lyster ..................... . ... immoral and degrading pictures are John Anderson .... 500 F. J. Ayer .............................. relentlessly prosecuted. If the present William Reid is Dead. Fred Humpke ....... 300 Martin Shoultson ................. laws are inadequate they should be Frank Adams......... 2.50 Sam Hoover ........................ But there does not seem William Reid died Sunday after- amended. A. Miller ................ 55-00 Fred Dunham ....................... to be any immine imminent peril which would noon at his home at Eighth atid justify John Watt ............. 50.00 Lester Forkner ................. . tion of censorship in Hume streets, on Carson Heights, . advance, the a adopt Felix Kebbe ........... 88.10 A. H. Forkner ...................... policy so foreign to our near Fulton. He was 70 years old. Ernest Kebbe ....... 73-12 J. W. Hester ........................ A native of Glasgow, Scotland, Mr. free institutions. G. W. Zaddach ... 12.50 Robert Waymire ................. Reid had lived in Portland since 1874. Fred Kebbe ........... 9-05 Tom Kellow .......................... Notice of Sheriff's Sale He came here then as secretary of a E. A. Worthington 75-00 Orval Kellow ....................... company of Scotch people, the presi ­ Geo. Balmer ........... Rennie Kellow ..................... 33-75 Notice is Hereby Given, that by dent of which was the Earl of Airlie. virtue E. Clark ................ 60.00 O. Meyers ............................ of an Execution and Order The name of the company was the W. Brobst............... Dave Hess ............................ 19-37 Sale issued out of the Circuit Oregon and Washington Trust & In­ of Geo. Ludtke ........... 42.50 Jim Bodyfelt ........................ Court of the State of Oregon, for vestment Company, of Scotland. Guy Loepabel ....... 60.00 C. L. Wooley ....................... Tillamook county, dated the 20th day In 1876 Mr. Reid formed the first Goerge Loerpabel . 39.67 Lee Lyster ............................ savings bank in the State. He was of May, 1914, in the cause wherein C. Fred Zaddach ....... 40.00 Jens Jenson .......................... elected secretary of the Portland W. Matthews was plaintiff, and 1. Jack Balmer........... 27.62 M. E. Hearn ........................ Board of Trade the year he came to W. Frederickson and Nancy E. Fred­ Ed Braumerereather 50.00 John Rock ............................ Portland and held that office until erickson, his wife, were defendants, Chas Alwood ......... 20.25 Frank Kodad ........................ upon a judgment and decree render­ 1880. Joseph Alley ......... 1562 Claud Trent .......................... ed in favor of said plaintiff and Mr. Reid had been engaged in the P. E. Gilderhouse.. 11.25 Frank Follett ....................... against the said defendants, amount­ practice of law since ¡867, the year he D. F. 19-50 H. Scherzinger ..................... was admitted to the bar before the ing- to $2600.00, with interest at the Paul 7-50 W. H. Christensen .......... Supreme Court of Scotland at Edin­ rate of 8 per cent per annum from Geo. Miller ........................... 10.00 F. Scherzinger ..................... burgh. He was a man of wide and December 24, 1912; the further sum J. W. Tohl ......... 1................ 10.00 O. Hellenbrand ................... varied experience. He was a «gradu­ of $300.00 atorney’s fees and $25.60 Fred Witte ......................... 10.00 Jim Cockerhan ..................... ate of the University of Glasgow and costs and accruing costs; the fur­ W. B. Hesson ...................... 12.00 Dan Fletcher ....................... had traveled much. In 1902 he was ther sum of $48.92 taxes, with inter­ Alvin Thompson ................ 1.25 Frank Carver ....................... United States Consular agent at est at rate of 8 per cent per annum Lee Miller ........................... 1-25 Leo Carver .......................... Wellington, the capital of New Zea­ from Jammry 31, 1914, until paid; and O. W. Monte Cristo ........... 1.25 Chas. Murphy ....................... the further sum of $37.60 taxes with land. J. W. Thompson ................ 6.85 F. C. Coder .......................... interest thereon at the rate of 8 per­ Mr. Reid also was interested in John Kraumlauf .................. 54-37 A. Coffey .............................. railroad projects. He was agent here cent per annum from March 28, 1914, Harry Mitchell .................... 51-25 W. O’Conell .......................... of the Portland & Oregon North until paid, and commanding me to Walter Morgan .................. 28.25 James Biggs .......................... Coast Railroad, a projected line. For satisfy the said judgment and decree James Custer ........................ 31-25 Hugh Arstell ......................... man years before the Harriman in­ by the sale of the real property here­ Nels Nelson ......................... 46.25 John Imlah .......................... terests took up the project and car­ inafter described belonging to said Chas Morgan ........................ 46.25 John Lawrance ................... ried it through he endeavored to defendants; Jonny Hobson ....................... 62.50 Bob Lockwood ..................... Now. therefore, in order to satisfy finance a line to Tillamook. He was Adam Krumlauf .................... 52.50 J. E. Cochran ....................... widely known by the nickname of the said judgment and decree, I will, John Paquet ........................ . 50.60 U. S. Edwards ....................... on the 20th day of June, 1914, at 10 "Dundee” Reid. Fred Pauquet ....................... 90.00 Willie Webb ......................... o’clock a. nt., at the front door of Geo Bibson ....... . ................. 75-00 Uilyssis Edwards ................. county court house in Tillamook City, Alvin Jurhs ........................... 98.75 Lester Edwards ................... Oregon, sell at public auction to the Notice of Completed Contract. Mildred Babbit ..................... 102.50 John Affolter ......................... highest bidder for cash in hand, the John Langly ......................... 102.50 W. R. Affolter ....................... Notice is hereby given that U. G. said real property, which is situated Louis Brooks ......................... 107.50 Lee Affolter .......................... Jackson, County Surveyor for Till­ in Tillamook county, Oregon, and is Valentine Stoker .................. 80.00 W. A. Gage .......................... amook County, Oregon has filed in more particularly described as fol­ Rufus Kennedy ...................... 67-50 Wayne Franklyn ................. this office his certificate of the com­ lows, to-wit; \\. B. Willis ......................... 30.00 John Riley ............................ The south half of the northwest pletion of the Contract of C. S. Wells Chester Crow ....................... 1500 Ike Riley ............................... Leach & Co. on the J. A Biggs Road quarter and the east half of the south­ E, Turpin ............................... 1500 John Redberg ....................... at Netarts, and any person, firm or west quarter of section 9, in town­ Frank Crane ......................... 52.50 Ole Redberg ......................... corporation, having objections to ship 5, of south range 9 west of the Troy Krumlauf ...................... 26.25 Roy Redberg . file to the completion of said work, Willamette meridian, in Oregon. Joe Swaha ............................. 30.00 J. J. Hudson ... may do so within two weeks from Dated May 21, 19*4. Everet Dean ......................... 42.00 Fred Lewallen H. CRENSHAW, 2.50 the date of the first publication. Walter Smith ........................ 21.25 Lucious Lane . Dated this the 10th day of June 1914 Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. 2.50 v alentine Stoker .................. 21.25 Victor Lane ... J. C. HOLDEN, 22.50 Ike Darling ........................... 4.67 C. Lewallen ... County Clerk. Notice to Contractors. 18.75 W. F. Balmer ........................ 26.25 Claude Lane ... Scaled bids addressed to theCounty 3-75 J. O. Parson ... Road District No. 2. SUMMONS. Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, 5250 Ed Snodgrass ........................ 2.10 C. C. Murphy . for the proposed improvement at 4125 M ells, Leach & Co................ 55-00 Frank Coder .. 12.50 In the Circuit Court of the State of Killam Creek, in Tillamook County, W. S. Phillips ........................ IO.80 P. M. Stiverson i Oregon, will be received by the Coun­ 51-25 Oregon for Tillamook County King & Smith Co................... 73-76 John Redberg . ty Court of Tillamook County Ore­ Elections. John Matela, plaintiff J. W. Jennings ...................... 21.75 gon at its office in Tillamook City, A. K. Case .................. I4.OO O. G. Parker ....................... VI. Oregon, on or before the 26th day of Sanni Matela, defendant. Alex McNair Co........... 26.54 F. Von Clarenbeck ............ To Sanni Matela, the above named June, 1914, at to o'clock a.m, and at Howard Brooks ......... 5-5° King & Smith Co................ that time opened and read. F. N. Wilson ............... 180.00 Frank Taylor ..................... defendant: Each bid shall be accompanied by In tne name of the State of Ore­ Wells Leach & Co. ... 32740 E. W. Stanley .................... gon: You are hereby repuired to ap­ a certified check made payable to Herman Schlappi ....... 24-50 E. E. Parker ....................... pear and answer the complaint filed Tillamook County, for an amount Turner and Schild .... 173-43 City Transfer Co.................. Albert Olds ........... against you in the above entitled equal to 5 per cent of the amount of 15.00 N. W. McRae ..................... Court and suit, on or before the last such bid, which shall be forfeited to Ed Snodgrass ....... 14.00 Nehalem Saw Mill .............. day prescribed in the o-der for the the County, in case an award is made Edward Stasek .... 22.75 Tohl & Anderson .............. publication of summons made herein, and the bidder shall fail, neglect or 23406 D. C. Collier ....................... Dolph Tinnerstet .. Connie Dye ........... which said order was made, and is refuse for a period of five days after 53-80 H. Crenshaw ....................... Connie Dye ........... dated May 28, 1914, and if you fail which the award is made to enter in­ 246.88 W. H. Darby ....................... so to answer for want thereof, the to a contract and file a bond satis- Dolan and Delsman 13500 Clay Daniel ......................... Albert Darby .. plaintiff will apply to the Court for factory to the Court as required by 3750 W. J. Stillwell ..................... C E. Black......... I the relief prayed for in his complaint law. 48.75 J. J. Spencer ....................... The bids are to cover the excava* on file herein, towit; that the bonds E Drake ........... 46.25 H. L. Provoost .............. . ting and grading of the County road, of matrimony now existing between Nick Weber ....... 41-25 judges an Clerks of election plaintiff and defendant be forever building a reinforced Concrete Bridge R Funk .......... 46.25 Deputy Sheriffs .................. across Killam Creek, and removing Justice Court. D. Grant ....... 18.12 dissolved. 24-10 This summons is served upon you. the old wooden bridge, according to J • C. Witte ....... 10.87 O. A. Schultz, case ............ 507 by order of the Honorable Webster plans and specifications on file in the H- O. Butler .... 10.87 Western Union .................... 40.96 Lynn Sharp, case • Ben Campbell ... Holmes, judge of tne above named office of the County Clerk, The County Court reserves the Miscellaneous Bills W. Bragg ........... Court, dated this 28th day of May. 31740 1914, and the date of the first publi right to reject any and all bids, dated H. O. Butler .... I SO Tillamook Headlight ......... 2.20 of this summons is the 28th this the 4th day of June, 1914. J- D. Matney .. 55-00 C. D. Samuels ...._.............. 12.00 cation J. C. Holden, County Clerk, H. Crenshaw, rig hire ......... pave Nixon ....... day of May. 1914. »nd the date of the 53 34 80OO last publication, First publication June 4. Glass & Prudhomme ........... 9th of July, and the »’aul Erickson ... 53-34 12-50 the last date upon which you are re­ Last publication. June 2i. W. B. Johnson .. 122.50 M. J. Gersoni ....................... 7-50 to answer on or before is, and 57-8o H. r. Effenberger .............. «... ®- Johnson .. 340 quired The Colonel's enthusiasm for Mr. will expire on the 9th day of July, Bill Smith ........... 57.80 Lucy E. Doughty ••••;....... 16.19 Pinchot in Pennsylvania will not as­ 60.00 Tillamook County Bank .... V’ Jr ? aughn ... 1914. 20 78 T. B Handley. sist his cause much in some of the A Holden ........... 86.86 J. C. Holden, express 12.50 Attorney for pliantiif. Western states, E Blaser ............. 68.72 Max Crandell ......... 40.10' • • • Hulj Johnson ... »2. JO Pacific Telephons . ■ « • Notice of Completed Contract. Notice is hereby given that U, G. Jackson, County Sureyor, for Tilla­ mok County, Oregon, has filed in this office his certificate of the com­ pletion of the contract of Dolph Tinnerstet, on the Hughey Creek Contract, and any person, firm or corporation having objections to file to the completion of said work may do so within two weeks from this date of the first publication, in the office of the County Clerk, Dated this the 28th day of May, 1914. J. C. Holden, County Clerk, First publication. May, 28. Last publication, June 11. Notice of Completed Contract. Notice, is herebv given that IT. G. Jackson, County Surveyor, for Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, has tiled in this office his certificate of the com­ pletion of the contractof Connie Dye, at the Jenkins Bridge on W ilson Riv­ er, and any person, firm or corpora­ tion having objections to file to the completion of said work may do so within two w eeks from the date of j the first publication, in the office of the County Clerk, Dated this 28th day of May, 1 914. J. C. Holden, County Clerk. First publication, May 28. Last publication, June 11. There is more Catarrh in this sectiou of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci­ ence has proven Catarrh to be a consti- tutional disc.isv. and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney X- Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only Constitu­ tional cure on the market It is taken in ternall.v in doses from 10 drops to a tea- spoontul. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They oft'er one hundred dollars tor any case it tails to cure. Semi for circulars und tes­ timonials. Addiess F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. Sold by Diuggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. It will take some close judging to determine whether an American in­ vestor is trying to develop or exploit Mexico. Perhaps the old rule for separating good from bad trusts may have to be used. »» a /V X. SOME BARGAINS IN CHOICE TILLA- I MOOK CITY LOTS. This property we are now offering was platted by us from the acreage consequently it is the lowest in price of any property offered in Til­ lamook at the present time:— $ $ ? ? ? $ KING ADDITION:— Located three blocks west on 5th street from the High School. Every lot choice and sightly, 50x100 ft. with 10 ft. alley, 6 ft. sidewalk all in. Your choice of any of these lots for a short time at $275. & $300. STILLWELL PARK:— Located just west of King Add, this is very fine property, lots all 5000 square feet to the lot. One fine qua rter block of 10,000 spuare feet at $350, which you can’t beat in this town or anywhere else. GOODSPEED’S ADDITION:—.. Located East on 1st and 3rd streets, adjoining R. R. .1 have for sale in this tract the choicest lots in the city. All high and sightly, 50x100 ft. to each lot. Prices range from $250 and up. Terms, easy payments. < < < $ ¡ • $ On the above property you can make no mis­ take in making an investment NOW. You can have your own terms of payment to suit your convenience, in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or yearly payments. The price, the terms and the property are all more than any investor could possibly desire. Make your selection now before it is too late. ? $ □ < ROLLIE W. WATSON, Tillamook’s Leading Sub-Division Agent. TODD HOTEL. INSURANCE LOANS RENTALS Some of the Reasons Why A Bakfr — rbaolutely dvpciiflable, every day, year in. yem* out. Bui it on honor, of the beat material*. t Outwoara Three Ordinary Ranges The o- !y range rr.ttde entirety of charcoal and malleable iron. MuHeablo iron can't break—charcoal iron won't root like el eel. Economical In Fuel The .•»- u/nj u the gruitrit improvement ever put In a range Mad» of Charcoal Iroa. adding 300% 1» lit» of Range Don’t bur th* ring* you expect to laat a IIfa tim* “unaiK' t " - an,” Of V'-i il M a-ire to be diit- e>'tmin‘.ed. < om- to our atore, and ae* th* threat Midertlc have many exclusive fwaturee •<- t.ln-n- 'I find out why the Mufetttc is «tr-in I . , 1 n’I other nny « where mowt. range* are weak« ft IP th* rt r.sr.go at *ny price and it ata bn in your iuUtan, FOR SALK BY ALEX. McNAIR & CO I