Tillamook Headlight, June 11, IG14, T. BOALS, M.D., SUPERIOR OREGON- MADE RANGE. Is Cheaper and Bettei 'than Eastern Ranges. his calked boot and turned around and accused me of it. His feet being PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON so cold that they didn’t recognize rp Surgeon S. P. Co. Legal Advertisements. one another. Brown slipped in 9 First Insertion, per line $ .10 crawling under a log, and his cargo (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 shifted heavily to starboard and took water, and when we got him dragged Tillamook Business and professional cards Oregon. tout and examined we found that I 1.00 .several loaves of bread had lost all one month ............... ................. Homestead Notices ..................... 500 shape and form in his sack, and we M. KER RON, Timber Claims ............................. 10.00 also found that a package of ginger- snaps had been transfigured into pea­ Locals per line each insertion. .05 nut butter. But we plunged on, for Display advertisement, an inch, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON we knew that our cause was just and one month ................................... .50 we also knew that faint heart never von fair lady nor fish; and we also T illamook B lock , All Resolutions of Condolence knew that faint heart never made and Lodge Notices, per line •05 valuable discoveries. Tilla mouk • Oregon .0- Cards of Thanks, per line Snider kept his chin elevated at an angle of 45 degrees all the way, for Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen m SARCHET, he was looking over the boulders etc., minimum rate, not ex­ 1 . The Fashionable Tailor ahead of him for fish. ceeding five lines.............. DOCKS : WAREHOUSE, •25 Snider is a thorough sportsman. He has been known to lay behind a bush FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd & 3rd AVENUE WEST. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing half a day waiting for a decoy duck RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. to flush, and when he sees a trout he a Specialty. (Strictly in Advance.) will wade in after it. So when I once One year ............................................ $i 5° heard a splash ahead, 1 hollered: Store iu Heins Photographic Six months............ ............................. 75 "Did you get it?" “Get what.'” said he, in an angry Three months........................................ 50 Gallery tone of voice. ”1 thought 1 heard you jump in Entered as second class mail mat­ after a trout.” GO Y NE, ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at "No I fell in a hole,” said he,in a Lillamook, Ore., under the act of pitiful tone of voice. We weld Cast Iron, Steel, Bronze, "Why don’t you look and see where ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. March 3, ¡^9. you are going?" said 1. Brass, Aluminum, Nickle Steel, Cop ­ "Well,” said he,"l read an article Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. in the Herald once, headed,‘Still Wat­ per, broken gears, pulleys, crank shafts, er Runs Deep,’ and since the water Tillamook .... Oregon. boilers and build seamless tanks. Do here ran so swift, 1 thought that it I vas shallow.” cutting and brazing, "Well,” said I,"you can’t go by that J. CLAUSSEN, paper at all. The Herald is a ‘dry’ received a consign­ sheet alright; but if you follow its . LAWYER, ment of these Oregon - Made □ aider. Brown and Jones on the doctrines you will go with wet feet Ranges, which are superior in DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. the year ’round. Now look where you Trail to Skookum Lake Quick service our specialty. are going after this, both of you.” make and cheaper in price than 213 T illamook B lock This I spoke with some authority, Eastern ranges, as it costs $9.00 We started on the trail, and follov­ Remove carbon from cylenders in 20 minutes, ft ed the north bank of Fawcett Creek. for both Mrs. Snider and Mrs. Brown to ship the Eastern ranges to All work guaranteed. ft Tillamook Otcgcn The sun shone! the air was invigor­ had told me to look after them, since ating! the birds sang! and everything neither one of them were ever allow- Portland. Call in and inspect was beautiful. Such large fine large ed out after dark nor far away from these superior rangesand I will At Hiner’s Machine Shop, ft J E. REEDY, O.V M., trees! Such lovely ferns! Such deli­ home. show you how firmly they are Thus we stumbled, and walked, up constructed. They come in all cate tones in the different shades of No Jobs too Big and None too Small. green! Nowhere in the world, outside stream as best we could. We began VETERINARY. of Oregon, can this be duplicated! to encourage Snider to fish now and sizes. We exclaimed as vista after vista of then. Finally he caugh’ one speckled Both Phones. magnificent forest scenes unreeled little fellow. Brown rushed up to see themselves before our eyes. We it and lost both heels off his boots Tillamook Oregon I were enthusiastic, and even I, who in the scuffle. “That fish is illegitmate; somewhat ungainly and clumsy, managed to keep up speed, and some­ six inches.” says I “throw R. E. E, DANIELS, But Snider hated to give it up, ai times lead the trail. At 11 o’clock we made halt and threw down our he sat there and petted it, and talked CHIROPRACTOR. sacks. Snider and Brown tired their to it, and fumbled around and got his luck at fishing, and I started a fire rule out of his hippocket, and stretch­ and put on the coffeepot. We enjoy­ ed and measured, and stretched and Local Office in the Commercial ed our first lunch out here in that measured, until I got considerably WHISKEY Building*. still sunny spot, far away from the provoked, and said: “Snider, I have always stood for throngs and madding rush of the TILLAMOOK - ORE main street of Tillamook. After law and order; but we certainly luncheon we calked our shoes and can’t stand in this cold water, and took to the trail again . Walking now wait for that fish to grow.” R. L. E. HEWITT, “It’s illegitimate.” says I, "and no became more difficult as the valley narroweddown to the creek bed. The amount of stretching can make it OSTEOPATHIC bank and the hills were getting high­ anything else.” PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, So he finally threw it back, and we er and more difficult to climb, and OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. were in places so overgrown with stumbled and plowed our way up the brush that we had to cut a trail with creek. Our packs getting heavier the Both Phones. further we went, we would more our butcherknife. DR. WENDT, Residence and Office in Whitehouse Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., g It was now over logs, and under often induce Snider to fish, and Residence, Eye Specialist, Surveyor. _ logs; up hill, and down hill; through Brown and I would take a little rest. soft and marchy places; and through Once while thus stopping to rest TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Fit Glasses at John Leland Henderson, Sec- ■ Brown had crawled up on a boulder gulshes and ravines. Reasonable Prices. Guaranteed. retary Treaa., Attoiney-at- g Snider who was the leader, would and sat there with his feet dangling Law, Notrary Public. " lose the trail and we would try to in the foaming water, and looking up ELMER ALLEN help him find it. Our packs began to at the beautiful green hills. I hadn’t get heavy, and Brown began to ask quite caught up with them, and was Connoisseurs (Successor to Dr. Sharp), if we thought that we would soon be making my way trying to steer my > at Skookum Lake. 1 didn’t dare to feet between the boulders as best I know that its delicious flavor DENTIST. ask foolish questions, for I had been could when Brown hollered: I Law, Abstracts, Real Estate, is beyond comparison. Find ■/j taken along only after promising that "Don’t you wish we had a moving Commercial Building, Tillamock Surveying, Insurance. I wouldn’t show the yellow streak. out for yourself. Order from picture of all this Jones?” I ■X « "I think that wc will have to get "Yes you would make a fine look­ Both Phones. E F. 'LAUGHLIN. up this hill,"said Snider, as we reach­ ing mermaid, sitting there on a wet TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. JACK OLSEN. ed a high slope, thickly covered with rock, and luring a wayworn traveler miUllIIIMIBMIHIIl'MIllIlBlIJIUlWIIIIlUlllinni salmonberry brush, and with packs like me on to death and distruction; getting heavier at every step, and but you would have to get your face DENTIST. with the prespiration trickling down I 1 remodeled, and get yourself a wig from our aspiring brows, we climcd, with long yellow curies, and then (I. O. O. F Bldff.) 'crawled, hewed, and hoisted ’our- ; you would have to try to look more I selves up that hill. Once in a while pleasant, Brown," said 1, for he sat Tillamook - Oregon we would stop to get our breath, take there and looked at the hills with a the census, and see what was left of woebegone, 1-wish-I-hadn’t-come ex- us. | presssion on his face, that would J DUN LELAND HENDERSON I should have told the readers before never do for a film, cspecailly in Til­ with the problem of buying Harness this, that my feet don’t track well lamook where they have no whistle you will find it distinctly advanta­ ATTORNEY even on level ground and here in the to go by. On your front porch can be lit I geous to come and do your select brush I was continually getl* g them I 1 every night until midnight Wc had now nearly arrived at the ing here. You will get the best AND tangled, and was nearly always be­ head of the creek, and as soon as we and register not over qualities, the most thorough and hind. Once I slipped down between could we made an ascension and got COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. fifty cents per month conscientious workmanship and be two logs and got tightly wedged, and over a hill and into the woods, and on the meter. charged the moat reasonable prices. T illamook B lock , my feet being of such generous di­ we succeeded in finding a trail. It We can supply single or doubl mensions, when Snider and Brown was now up hill and down hill; over . . . Oregon, Sets or any single article that you T illamook E lectric L ight and Tillamook - came back to help me out they stood logs, and under logs, and through may be in need of. I F uel C ompany there and looked, and didn't know brush again, but we were now glad Room No. 261, which end they had better start to 'to walk on dry land and get the W ill S palding , Manager. pull at, 1 was sitting on a Devil’s blood to circulate through our fset walking cane, and the situation was And the trail being fairly plain, we [T. BOTTS, almost exasperating and almost los- marched briskly along, until near ing my temper, 1 said: sundown. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. "Why don’t yen fellows read the Snider, who was in the lead, called Complete Set of Abstract Books in Headlight and learn something, for out "Skookum!" the Snap Shot Man says, that if you Office. After emerging from the woods, we want anything torn lose you should found ourselves in one of the little Taxes Paid for Non Residents. always start to pull at the end that marsh meadows which form the hollars. I tell you fellows if you southwestern part of the lake basin. T illamook B lock , I would follow the the teachings of the Wc soon discovered the lake itself, Tillamook .... Oregon. Headlight you wouldn't go much and skirting the north shore we Both Phones. amiss," said 1 after they had gotten found a camping place on a gravel me extracted and we had reached the 'tongue in the north east corner, a top of the hili. camping place that would have de­ Here on the hill we sat down for a lighted teh heart of Robinson C11 «0. '\^/ r c - hawk , few moments rest and consultation, Our camping place lay oq the grav- and 1 thought it was about time to jel tongue, ami a clear little riverlet ask a few simple questions. rippled down through it, from the "Snider," says I, "you thought that cool hills above, and emptied into PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. you knew the trail didn't you?" the lake near our door. A party had "Yes,” said he. with a sickly faroff been there before us, and we found a Oregon Bay City expression on his face. hut, built of poles and fir branches. “And now you will have to acknow­ In the frond of our door lav the butt- . ledge that you don’t," said 1. end of a large log forming a con- ' QARL HABERLACH, ’ "Yes,” sa d he, almost with a sob. venient fire-place. The former occu- ' That alarmed Brown somewhat, pant« had been kind enough to leave | and he began to ask if there really a bed of leaves, a lard can, a skillet ' ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. was such a place as Skookum Lake. and some salt. Wc both assured him that such a Soon suppci waa cooked and over ! T illamook B eock , place was on the maps of the Geo­ and we Hopped. ( graphical Society at Cloverdale, so ' Did sou hear it?" said Brown, who ! Oregon Tillamook ’. there could be no question of its ex­ slept in the middle. 1 istence. But I had my doubts about "Heat wh.u ” mid I. after he had < the identity of the river and said: I poked 111c .1 tew times with his elbow. "Snider, are you absolutely sure "It sounds like .1 cow bell," said he. 1 G. McGEE, M D. that we are following the right riv­ “Maybe it is the spirit of a lost RUBY CARACOLA COFFEE, 10 pounds for er?" For I thought that wc might cow," said 1, " That is undoubtedly j have discovered a new river, and if what m ared the foimer party; but RUBY CARACOLA COFFEE. 1 pound for 27c. so, it would be my duty to put it on you cover up your head, and s.iy ' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. the map. But Snider assured me that your prayers, and go to sleep. Brown, ! Gernian-Atnericun Coffee, 1 lb. can. this was the famous Fawcett Creek It it comes this way 1 will attend to 1 30c. German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can, 85c Office : Next door to Star and so we- slid, slided, rolled, and the milking ” J tumbled, over logs, and under logs, 1 l o be continued neat w ei k 1 thick to the creek, and found our ORANGE LABEL. ‘ pound. 35c. selves at our starting point after an ORANGE LABEL, 1 pound 65c. hour's good heavy travel. I Senator l a Follette is credited Her Majesty’« Blend, 1 pound 25c. Her Majesty’s Blend. J pound 50c. We now concluded that we had with a speech that make« ,108 printed Her Majesty's Blend, 1 pound 1.00. belter take to water and from there pages—‘a record that will «land until Capital Household, J pound 25c. ^ eorge WII.I ETT on we stumbled, . _ and walked, ______ , up __ the __ the Wisconsin statesman shall have creek as best we could. It was now had time to gather himself for anoth­ over log», and under logs. over er forensic outburst ATTORNEY-AT I AW boulder* and into deep holes Our boulders A woman is entitled to divorse bodie* were wringing wet with per­ T illamook C ommercial spiration. but our feet were like ice from a man who has kept a diary for JjMjNk»t