$i.5o PER YEAR. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. JUNE 11. 1914. Netarts Restaurant ready for busi­ ness. Home cooking. Quick Service. Best Chef on Pacific Coast. A. F. Julien, proprietor. ♦ CONFIDENCE The man who keep his money’ iu the bank while he has plenty creates a friend in the bank to whom he can turn when he has little. Having confidence iu this bank begets it confi deuce in yon, and we can’t, any of us, get ¡very far on the road to success without giving and receiving confidence. This bank has fairly earned yonr confidence through nearly ten years of square dealing and help­ ful service. It will appreciate your account. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, Tillamook County Bank TILLAMOOKJOTTINGS The Tillamook Headlight office is now located opposite the court house. * Dr. Lowe, June, 22 to 27. Safe deposit boxes for rent, Tillv * mok County Bank. Get your Land Plaster at the Tilla- * mook Feed Company. Ranch for sale. Terms reasonable. Apply to A. J. Stillwell. * Leave orders for all kinds of wood with the Tillamook Feed Co. * Guaranteed Blood Tablets, Large packages, for 50c. At C. I. Cloughs. ♦ R. F. Zachman has purchased O. G. Parker’s stock of plumbing goods. Mrs. F. C. Baker went to Portland on Sunday. F. D. Stalford is registered at the Todd. Born, on the 7th, to the wife of F. Lent, a son. Fresh fruit delivered to any part of the city. Phone the Fruit Palace.* The Sue H. Elmore came in on Wednesday. C. G. Edwards was arrested on Monday evening for boot-legging. C. E. Mowrey left for Portland on Tuesday with his daughter, Elizabeth. Mrs. S. Vierick went to Portland to attend the Rose Festival. Morris Schnal left for Portland on Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas Coates and family are visiting in Portland. For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­ man. ♦ We are in a position to make some long time farm loans. First National Bank. ♦ The new Star Theatre will open with a four reel feature play Saturday evening. The Tillamook Feed Company will meet any price of any house on equal terms. * Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ mook Meat Company’s Market. 15c. per pound. * See Howard Brooks for general teaming and wood sawing, all orders promptly attended to. Mutual phone. Judge Cal Worrall has returned from a business trip in the U. S. Court at Portland. W. E. Page, of Oaksdale, Wash. >s in visiting relatives and will remain for the G. A. R. encampment. Scowboat house for sale. In good »hape. Price very reasonable. King & Smith Company. * 7 acuum cleaners for rent with or without attendant. Tel. 130J. The Electric Store. • Bring your chickens to the Tilla- tnook Meat Company’s Market. We pay 15c per pound. * It our work does not suit you tell us; if it does, tell your friends. City transfer Company, ÜAMA TILiLi Strawberry season is on. Fruit Palace is the place for your straw- Isriej. Bell phone 35-J. ♦ For spring housecleaning use an electric vacuum cleaner. For rent by the Electric Store. Tel. 130J. ♦ Dairymen, if you have any heifer calves, 3 to 10 weeks old, see J. Mer­ rel Smith. He will buy them. ♦ Official encampment badges and G. A. R. penants at Lamar’s Variety Store. “Drop in and look around.” Dr. G. W. Fowler, of Portland, is in the city, and while here arranged dates for Dr. H. E. Morris. Mrs. S. A. Brodhead left on Sun- Jay for Portland to attend the Rose Festival. Official encampment badges and G. A. R. penants at Lamar’s Variety Store. “Drop in and look around.” Mayor Beals returned the ordi­ nance without his signature giving F. D. Small and D. C. Urie a fran­ chise for electric purposes. A team belonging to F. R. Beals became frightened at an auto on Wednesday and ran away. No serious damage was done. Bring your mail order catalogues .0 the Tillamook Feed Company and hey will fill your order on the same terms. * Team, harness and wagon for sale, inquire of Norman Christensen, Pleasant Valley. Address Hemlock postoffice. * In the U. B. appointments on Sun- Jay, Rev. H. F. White was re-ap­ pointed to Tillamook and Rev. T. Ward to Beaver. Dr. S. M. Kerron has disposed of his practice to Dr. G. C. Dunham, who comes here from Portland and well recommended. Gasoline Launch Leroy will leave Tillamook Sunday, May 14, at 8:30 P. M. for all Bay Points, also deep sea fishing. * Fix these dates in your mind. June 22 to 27, Dr. Lowe, the well known eye speciaist, will be at Tillamook Hotel. Mrs. C. B. Hay, of Fargo, N. D. who has been visiting her brother. G. W. Coffman, left for her home Tuesday. Sheriff Crenshaw and wife and chil­ dren left for Portland Sunday morn­ ing. . Horse for sale, black mare, 4 years old, weight about 1400 lbs., well broke and sound.— W • Roenicke, Woods, Ore. Jake Wolvinstine has opened a re­ pair shop down by the sawmill. V ill repair any old thing Boiler repairing a specialty. I am »till buying young calve», All kind», both male and female. See me if you want all they are worth. J. • Merrel Smith. Mrs. Edith Long^er visiting the home of her parents Mr, h_ and Mrs. Jonas Olson, left for he Portland. VARIETY STORE OOK, OREGON Drop in and book Aroand This being ladies night at the Com­ mercial Club, an informal dance will be given to which all club members are invited. Perkin’s orchestra. For rent, 21 acres within one mile of Tillamook City; has large house, barn, orchard. Rent reasonable. E. J. Claussen, Tillamook. ♦ Now is the time to look over your machinery and get your repairs. The Tillamook Feed Company carries a supply for all machines. * The Singer Sewing Machine for sale on easy terms, at our home piano and music store, Tillamook, Ore. A. Lineback, manager. Both phones. * As a result of free trade and free lumber, the large saw mill recently constructed at Wheeler will be clos­ ed down indefinitely. Everybody wear a broad smile and offer the glad hand to the visitors who will come to this city next week. Mrs. Elmer Payne and child came in from Eugene on Monday to visit her parents, and she was accomp­ anied by her sister, Miss Blanch Mc­ Nair. Horse wanted; small horse, weight about 850 or 900 pounds; must be young and sound and broke for driv­ ing. Write to W. Roemicke, Woods, * Ore. Swedish, German and Yankee scythe blades, They are all good— take your choice. Scythe snaths that hang just right. King & Smith Com- pany. Protect your valuable papers fron the unexpected fire by renting one of our safe deposit boxes. Only one dollar per year. Tillamook County Bank. * There has been a lot of damaged wheat shipped into the market and sold to the ranchers. The Tillamook Feed Company handles nothing but good wheat. ♦ Mrs. W. B. Young, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Coffman, left for Portland Tuesday morning to take in the Rose Carnival. It has been necessary for Dr. Lowe, the optician to change his dates as follows: June, 22 to 27. Remember he does not peddle or go from house to house. Consult him about your eyes and glasses at Tillamook Hotel.* Don’t be deceived in buying cheap flour, when you can get Dement's Best Blue Stem hard wheat flour at the Tillamook Feed Company, The Your “best” flour on the market, money back if not satisfied. All kinds of cement work in a first­ class manner and foundation and chimney blocks at reasonable prices. Will guarantee any work. A. E. Docrge, nth street and First avenue West, 1 iilamook. * The annual meeting of the Fair­ view school will be held on Monday, June 15, at the school house, when one director will be elected to fill the unexpired term of Clarence Tild­ en, one director for a three year term and a clerk for one year. Free, with each dozen post cards, one cabinet photo. With each dozen cabinets or folders of that size we give an elegant enlargement free. Till­ amook Studio. * Dawson Bros, will meet all trains with bus, and will handle passeng-Ts and baggage to all parts of the ci;y Call or phone at the livery barn on Second avenue East. It’s a good rule io buy a sewir.g machine v ith an established repu .a- tion'fo- quality services, The White for sale on easy terms at Jones • Knudson Furniture Company. Fly swatters, screen doors, win­ dow screens, screen cupboards and wire screen by the yard. Get the flies’ goat before they get yours. * King & Smith Company. We offer the best of professional treatment and work, courteous prompt deliveries and every induce- ment any studio can. See our work * and offers. Tillamook Studio. asking that a The injunction suit receiver be appointed for the Hotel Tillamook was before Judge Web­ ster Holmes last week and it was Tuesday of this week before the case was finished. It will be several days before Judge Holmes will render a decision, as he has to look up several matters. NOTICE. All gold bond trading stamps bearing the letters T. H. S. or Holtz must be in our hands not later than June x> to be redeemed. HALTON’S. G.A.R ATTENTION. The First National Bank of Tillamook Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM, I.O.O.F. BUILDING, And invites the Public to call and make an inspection of the room and its equipment. J. W. EDWALL, Fine Merchant Tailoring. SAFETY SECURITY, SERVICE. MASONIC BUILDING, Tillamook, Ore. « {J NJ. G.A.R. Encampment-JUNE 16th, 17th, 18th. Tillamook G.A.R. Visitors Make 71/T I/1 This Store Your Headquarters—You Are Thrice Welcome to Tillamook. 11.altom’s This is the Occasion Above All Others to Visit this Store Matchless Economy Event for JUNE. We've made great prepara­ tions lor G.A.R Week at this store and those who fail to visit us when they come to Tillamook will miss much. Throughout the encampment we will offer some mighty tempting values in almost every line of goods carried in stock. Every day will see new specials offered, so a visit to this store every day during the coming & week will prove most interesting as well as pro­ fitable, We want you to consider this store your head- ■ town. * *' 1 quarters while in Drop • in and 1 rest whenever you desire. You will be very welcome and need not consider yourself under any obligations by making use of our facili- tiesand conveniences. While in our store you will find it advantageous to investigate June Specials. Copyright Hart Schaffner ßc Marx A Few of the Many JUNE SALE SPECIALS. BALCONY DEPT. LADIES’ TRIMMED HATS, Values to $5.00 LADIES’ TRIMMED HATS, alites to $10.00 LADIES’ COATS. Values to $20.00 LADIES’ COATS Values to 22 50 LADIES’ SUITS, Values to 30.00 LADIES’ SUITS, Values to 22.00 SILK WAISTS. Values to 5.00 ATTRACTIVE SKIRTS, VALUES MUSLIN WEAR. Values to 1.75 SILK MESSALINE PETTICOATS SHOE DEPT. $1 98 $2.79 $10.65 $12.65 $16.95 $7.98 $3.39 $3.98 97<. 2.19 LADIES ' FURNISHINGS. 1.00 to 1.25 SILK GLOVES ........ 78c. ‘ pr. One Lot Ladies’ UNION SUITS 38c. One Lot LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Values to 50c. 15c. 3.50 NEMO CORSETS...................... 1.79 AMERICAN LADY CORSETS, Values t<< 2.00 98c. MEN’S FLORSHEIM OXFORDS 5.00 Values, LA DIES’ OX F< t RDS, Values to 3.5t I C HILDREN’ S OXFORI >S, Values to 1.75 $1.65 $1.23 85c. MEN’S DEPT. MEN’S HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS, Value to 30.00-. MEN’S 18.4X4 slits .................... M EN’S 15,00 suits .................... M EN’S SUMMER UNION SUITS, Value to 1.50 men ’ s r;.:u;;v. .... to . 75c. NECKWEAR. Vai. 1.50SOISETTE SHIRTS ... $22.65 $11.45 $11 45 96c. 35c. 95c. DRESS GOOD (J SILK DEPT. WASH GOODS, Value to 50c. 19c. 75c. Crepe De Chine A Fancy Crepes just arrived, beautiful patterns 49c. EK, CREPES A LAWNS 17c. 1‘. tub. VOILS, 42in. wide....... 69c. . Big Showing of Wool Dress Goods at Sale Prices. yd. yd. yd. yd. the Eye ”f J’ ,s,h we «re Sfoing to give away a $65.00 New Home Sewiiur Machine to the person holding the lucky No. On.- chance on every 25c. cash purchase t U‘‘*u*ai»