Tillamook Headlight, June COUNTY FAIR PREMIUM LIST. 17 18 4 CHINA PAINTING. Single Piece, conventional pattern, 1st prize. $1.00; 2nd prize, 50c. Single Piece, flower pattern, 1st prize. $1.00; 2nd prize, 5°c- Better Babies Contest. Needlework, Crochet, etc. MRS. H. CRENSHAW, Superintendent. HAND SEWING. Hand-made Apron, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd, 25c Suit of Underwear, 3 pieces, 1st prize, $1.00; 2nd prize, 50c. Handkerchief, 2, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Baby Dress, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Hemstitched Pillowslips, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. ARTISTIC NEEDLEWORK. Infant’s Skirt, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Infant's Carriage Robe, 1st prize, 50 c; 2nd 1 rize, 25c. Infant's Pillow, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. W aist in Punch Work, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd | ’ ze, 25c. Centerpiece, punch work, 1st prize, 50c, 2ni prize, 25c. Centerpiece, coronation braid, ¡st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Waist, Hardanger embroidery, 1st prize, 5OC. 2nd prize, 25c. Specimen of Venetian or Louis XIV Embroidery, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Specimens in cross stitch^ 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Specimen of Bredemeir Embroidery, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 2$c. Roman Embroidery, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Centerpiece, silk embroidery, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Specimen Embroidery in French knots, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Pair Towels in colored embroidery, 1st pr-ze, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Punch Work Pillow, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Colored Embroidery Soft Pillow, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Pillow Cross Stitch, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Sofa Pillow Bead Work, 1st prize. 50c; 2nd prize, 25c WHITE EMBROIDERY. Lunch Cloth, eyelet embroidery, 1st prize, 50c, 2nd prize, 25c. Lunch Cloth, Mount Mellick embroidery, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Lunch Cloth, satin stitch embroidery, 1st piize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Corset Cover, eyelet embroidery, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Shirtwaist, eyelet, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Embroidered Nightgown, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Embroidered Chemise, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd piize, 25c. Set Embroidered Table Linen, 7 pieces, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Baby Dress, embroidered, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Baby Coat, embroidered, ¡st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Centerpiece, eyelet embroidery, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Centerpiece, French embroidery, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Centerpiece of W’allachin embroidery, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Best specimen Sheet and Pillow Cases, 1st prize 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Collection 3 Towels, embroidered, ¡st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Embroidered Pin Cushion, ~ LACE—HONITON. Bonbon or Point Lace Collar, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Boniton or Point Lace Handkerchief, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Boniton or Point Lace Baby Bonnet, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. IRISH CROCHET. Collar and Cuffs, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Waist trimnied with Irish crochet, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Jabot, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25. Handbag, ¡St prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Display, 1 yard or more of Lace, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. CROCHET—FANCY STITCH. Child's Sacque, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Skirt, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Set of Doilies, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Centerpiece, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Child's Hood, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Slippers or Shoes, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. DRAWN WORK. Lunch Cloth, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Sofa Pillow, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Child's Dress, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c, Corset Cover, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. e Shirt Waist, 1st prize 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Handerchief, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. TATTING. Handkerchief, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Centerpiece, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Two Yards or More of Lace, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Towel, trimmed with tatting, ¡st prize, 50c; .-nd prize, 25c. Jabot, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize,25c. MISCELLANEOUS. Fancy Pincushion, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Bed Quilt, silk patch work, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Bed Quilt, worsted patch work, 1st prize, toe; 2nd prize, 25c. Bed Quilt, best cotton patch work, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Home Made Rug, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Best Specimen of Bedding, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c Best Specimen of Brading, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Best Specimen of Stenciling, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. OLD LADIES DEPARTMENT. Patch Work Cotton Quilt, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Patch Work Woolen or Silk Quilt, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Piece in Drawn Work, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Two yards or more, of Knit or Crocheted T.ace, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize 50c. Piece of Battenberg, ¡st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Embroidered Sofa Pillow, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Embroidered Centerpiece, 1st prize 50c; and prize,25c. Best Piece of Tatting, ¡st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Bed Spread Knitted or Crocheted, 1st prize, 50c, 2nd prize, 25c. Knitted or Crocheted Mittens, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Knitted or Crocheted Shawl, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. MRS. MARY F. DUNSTAN, Superintendent. Rules and Regulations. 1 Competition open only to children of parents who are bona resi­ dents of the State of Oregon. No entry fees. Entries close Septeu!bcir 8th at 9 o’clock P. M. All children whose entne, arc made subsequent o his date will be scored after those regularly entered, but will not be entitl compete for a premium. 2. Entries must be made on blanks especially prepared, which will be also furnish any other information with reference to the department. sent upon application to Mrs. Mary F. Dunstan, Superintendent, who will 3. Parents are requested to make their en'nes as early as possible, in order that the management may have sufficient time to tabulate and ar­ range appointments for same. Parents will be notified 01 the day and hour set for the examination of their children, and, while it will not be abso­ lutely compulsory compulsory that time, , it is earnestly lUXCiy in«i they lilt? be presented at that ....... . re­ quested that the dates so assigned be adhered to as much as possible, in . . _ congestion . ___ ; . ---- LUM v - avx f-Ar-oiv* thf UrnnfT order that there may < be no and 1 All all a children receive the proper examination the time assigned, attention. Children not presented —— - for - . • .... at ------------------ the will have to wait until such a time as will suit the convenience o management. 4 In furtherance of the educational value of this contest, all prize-win­ ning children will be expected to be presented foi exhibition at a date and hour to be fixed by the manageefnnt. This contest is carried on in conjunction with the \\ omen’s Home Companion, who furnish all direction score cards, etc. In addition to the cash prizes listed hereafter the Women’s Home Companion will give two bronze medals to the best boy and girl baby scoring the highest in the whole contest and will give certificates to the winner in each class. PRIZES. Child over 6 months and under 1 year, 1st prize, $10.00. Child over 1 year and under 2, ¡st prize, $15.00; 2nd prize, $10.00; 3rd, $5.00. Child over 2 years and under 3, ¡st prize, $15.00; 2nd, $10.00; 3rd, $5.00. Child over 3 years and under 4, ¡st prize, $15.00; 2nd, $10.00; 3rd, $5.00. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Absolutely has no substitute Many mixtures are offered as substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder is the same in composition or effectiveness, or so wholesome and economical, nor will make such fine food. Royal Baking Powder is made from pure, Grape Cream of Tartar. No alum, lime or acid phosphates. Editorial Snap Shots while on the Pacific Coast the market . mar president of the Junior Class, 1 10:15—Parade, consisting of G. A. R. Allied organizations, etc. calls for "green" cheese only a few 4 whose dignified manner and appro­ weeks old. I priate remarks were the admiration 1:30—Business session, election of Bro. Trombley belongs to the officers, etc. of all. The toast responses were by “Slump” party. I Prof R.U.Moore, representing the 7:30 p.irx— Band Concert. The County Court appointed F. L. Faculty, and to whom the Junior 8:00 p.m.—Mixed Chorus. I Some of our real estate sharks are Sappington county commissioner be­ I 1 Annual was dedicated; Prof. Buchan,- Reading—Florence Chapman. ' an,principal; Miss Stella Goyne, pres- Solo—Mrs. R. Moore. doing to Tillamook dairy lands what I cause he received the majority of I [ ident of the Senior Class; Mr. El­ Recitation— Billie Stillwell. votes at the primary election. Had J. P. Morgan did to the New Maven bert E. Ginn, President of the Whistling Solo—Lamorine Clark. Mr. Thompson been the successful Alumni Association; Mr. Verne Bain, Flower Drill. railroad, with the same result. candidate he would have been ap­ representing the Student Body;Miss Reading—J. H. Johnson Solo—Mrs. Trombley. Bave you noticed how forclosures pointed commissioner. Mr. Sapping­ De Bar, from theFaculty; Mr. Benly Stam, from the Alumni.All acquaint­ Reading—Rhea Anthis. ton, no doubt, was thè best qualified are increasing in the county, and in ed themselves well and were high­ Instrumental Solo—Leland Erwin. what a critical condition some of our person from practical experience as a ly applauded. Mr. Ginn led in the Reading—Henry Young. citizens are in who have been induced civil engineer and road builder for High SchooT’yell.” The eight course Solo— Mrs. Page. the position, as road building is one banquet was planned by Miss Ue- Flag drill. to buy land at inflated valuations? land, of the Domestic Science De­ Song—Male Quartette. of the principal things that county partment, and both the menu cuisene THURSDAY. Don’t forget that next Thursday is commissioners have to attend to. But, and service would have done credit 9:45 a.m.—Installation of officers and clean-up day in Tillamook city. But somehow, the people don’t always to a.first class hotel, and many com­ closing all business sessions. get buisy every day up to that tim e elect the most competent persons to pliments were given the young ladies 2:00 p.tn.—Trip to Bar View by spec­ from the freshmen, and eighth grade ial train, Drill by Life Savers, Clam and there won’t be so much to do on run city and county affairs. We be­ who so delicately served. The elegant Bake and lunch. the day specified in Mayor Beals’ lieve that Mr. Sappington will make Club rooms, the tastily decorated 8:00 p.in.—Camp Fire. a good commissioner and give to all tables, the rich banquet, the manly pioclamation. parts of the county a square deal, young men and intelligent and beauti­ Ort Friday evening the graduating with a view to economy and in ob­ fully gowned young ladies, all made exercises took place at the Christian For the information of Bro. Trom a picture long to be remembered. church with the following class mem­ bley, the Democratic free trade boos­ taining the best results. The Junior Class deserves much bership graduating: Stella Goyne, Al­ ter, pig tail eggs are seeling in China credit for the occasion, also the ap­ ice Todd, Alice Perry, Verle Stanley, A former Tillamooker, who knows pearance and subject matter of their Gail Buel, Harvey Ebinger, Ralph at 6c. a dozen, and the Democratic party allows these eggs to compete the actual valuation of dairy land in annual, "The Tattler.” Each student Harris, Perry DeLillis and Verne Bain. and every citizen of Tillamook The musical program of the evening with eggs raised by Oregon farmers. this county and other parts of the should purchase one of these delight­ consisted of music bv the High School Northwest, writes: “I picked up a ful booklets as a souvener. The ta­ Orchestra, violin solo by Areta Ever­ What's all this fuss about auto Tillamook Hearld this morning in the bles were laid for about fifty and the son and a vocal solo by Verle Stanley. speeding in the city? Impossible; it library, dated 22nd, and I noticed a entire faculty, Senior and Junior clas­ The salutatory was given by A lice Per­ can’t be done. Ask Freddie if any­ sort of an editoral referring to the ses, and Alumni graced the occasion ry and the Valedictory was given by by their presence. Verne Baid. The address of the even­ body can speed on a rotten pave­ price of cheese this spring, etc. Then The midnight chimes sounded the ing was given by Prof. Ackerman of ment. . It may be that was the reason it proceeded to rake you for some­ passing of another day as "Good Monmouth. At the close of the uro­ some of our prominent citizens were thing you must have published as to Night” were spoken and another hap­ gram Verne Bain was presented with a the price of dairy land -in Tillamook, py occasion passed into memory’s year’s scholarship at the Pacific Uni­ not arrested for speeding last fall. halls to be lived over again, when age, for your information I will state business cares and duties of a home versity at Foreot Grove, “for having the highest standings of any pupil, in his It is reported that owing to the you can buy the finest bottom lands shall have come upon the lives of class. Democratic policy, of free milk, free in the state of Washington, all clear­ these young men and women whose cream, free fish, free meat and free ed and beautifully situated with three little boats are just sailing out into 40 acres for sale. 11 miles from Till­ life’s great ocean. amook, on Wilson river. G. T. Kielim. lumber, some of the large saw mills lines of railroads and about six to \Vc wave them our hands. We in this county are contemplating eight passenger trains a day each wish them “Bon Voyage,” that all closing down until lumber prices are way between Portland Tacoma and their dreams may come true and each »>/^aa better. Say, Bro. Trombley, the free Seattle, also with as fine county reach the goal of their ambitions, ? trade advocate, how does that sound? roads as anywhere on the coast, from ambitions. $100 to $200 an acre, according to lo­ Outside attorneys arc reaping cation, improvements, etc.” It must PROGRAM FOR G. A. R. EN­ CAMPMENT AT TILLAMOOK another rich harvest in this city, and be that this land has not been sold I it looks as though those who put by real estate sharks several times At a meeting of the committee on money into buildings to improve the and a large amount of inflated valua­ arrangements for the G. A. R. En­ city and make it pleasant for visitors tions placed in it, similar to some of campment on Thursday evening, it MRS. ANNA BILLINGS,'.Superintendent. was decided to give au excursion to Potato Ycase Bread, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. will have to foot the bills. There is the dairy farms of this county. Bar \ iew on Thursday afternoon, Graham Bread, tst prize, 50c; 2nd prize, .5c. too much foolish and expensive law- June ¡8, after the business sessions Steamed Bread, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. ir.g in this city in late years. But The Grangers were the first to es- are over. This was done to give the Nut Bread, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. some persons like to law. Pumpcrnickle Bread, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. pouse the Oregon System. They be- visitors as much enjoyment as possi­ Rye Bread, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. gin to see that it was not what it was ble, for it seems they are anxious to Corn Bread, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Bro. Trombley is piling on the cracked up to be, and now realize spend a little time together on the Baking Powder Biscuits^ 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. beach, which is only natural in com­ agony when he says that Hon F. R that the system can be used against ing to the coast. The committee has Graham Gems, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Beals presided at a council meeting. the fanner’s interest, as an attempt is been debating this matter for several Fruit Cake, tst prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. Coffee Cake. 1st prize. 50c; 2nd piize. 25c. Is there any honor in being mayor to be made to interfere with the run­ weeks, which was decided on Thurs­ Nut Cake, tst prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c of a city where city warrents are hard ning of his farm by the introduction day evening, none of the committee Angel Cake, 1st prize, 50c. 2nd prize, 25c. voting against it. The Bar View peo­ to cash at a big discount? That was of the eight hour law for help. Chocolate Layer Cake, tst prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c. ple offered to give a clam bake free the way the old rule or ruin faction Devil’s Food Ijiyer Cake, tst prize, 50c; 2nd prize 25c The Grangers have been misled by of charge and provide the camp fire, Cocoanut Layer Cake, 1st prize. 50c, 2nd prize. 2si. made money in causing a slump in the oft-reported slogan, "The sover­ and besides this the committee have Jelly Roll, tst prize, 50c; 2nd prize. 25c. made arrangements for a light lunch county and city warrants. eign will of the people.” The labor for the visitors. From letters receiv­ Half Dozen Raised Doughnuts, 1st prize, ,50c; 2nd prize, 25c. organizations and the great body of Halt Dozen Fried Cakes, 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize 25c ed from a large number of those who Our esteemed contempory took oc­ laboring people have the votes to will attend the encampment they are Dozen Ginger Cookies, 1st prize, 50c; 2n 1 nrize,’25c.’ Dozen Oat Meal Cookies. 1st prize, 50c; 2nd prize, 25c casion to censure us for a few typo­ place this new eight hour law on the J00*!"? forward to a good time while Dozen hite Sugar Cookies, 1st prize. 50c; 2nd prize 25c graphical errors last week, owing to statute books of the state « ♦ been taking it straight and often that for city, county and state, no doubt our beaches and other beautiful thingthey saw while they were are you got into such a mixup? Now it is many Grangers voted for that law visitors. our turn to chide. Bro. Trombley because they saw ten hours pay for TUESDAY. iu’*$L<»d be” a**0^‘,"en, of >n i»rs. tst prize, $2.00; 2nd should read for his evening’s devot­ eight hours road work. That •he Department Convention of. law I onoSFRMi!n S?rps ,ncet in ion that part of the good old book was but a wedge for others of a like airgest and best assortments of Janis, tst prize $200 md nri» t. ™ ' E. Hall, First session at 10 which relates to first casting the nature, to-wit, the initiative bill to a.m.., June 16th. mote from his own eye and the self R' F’ C®mnl'■' m?xHX^s SO,< ' i ' r,,ChOniS(FaU ’ ,) Flowers, tst prize, $1 00; 2nd prize, 50c •so. Rut as it costs more to manu­ a uutnlier of years, HIGH SCHOOL Fruit, 1st prize. $1 00; 2nd n irize, 50c. also with a poor appe­ facture small cheese, the New Zea­ ABeab* °f F. R Best Collection, tst prize. $. I3.00, 2nd prize, $2.00. tite and constipation. lander have been placing large cheese Junior.’ Banquet and Reception to I tried all of the rem­ r, _ WATER COLOR PAINTING Faculty, Seniors and Alumni. R S* P W S T;}ion r,,nent Commande on the marked at the least Eortrait or Ftgure from Life, tst prize. $1.00, 2nd prize 50c ...X edies that 1 heard of, t vvr»< cost pus- pos- 'ible for manufacture and «riling it Landscape, m pri/e, $1.00; and prize, çoe and a number of doc­ The occasion on last Thursdav 'et Quartett. Flowers. It! |ri«e. $100, 2nd prize, soc m England below cheese tors, but got no relief. exported evening was one to be long remem- RerynowiOrni,h Comma"der. C. F. Finally a friend told Fruit, jst prise, $1 00; 2nd prize, 50c. from the United States, N othing bered in Tillamook. The Commercial me to try Chamber­ Best Collection. 1st prize, $200; 2nd prize. $1 00 slow about that is there? ............... Uub rooms were beautifully decorat­ AIduca’sS-CO'ni,h Pre,iden‘ Berenice lain's Stomach and We may PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS ed in both class colors, the penants of mention that it ¡, lhe Swis% Liver Tablets. I g°t both Seniors and Juniors were dis­ Response—Department Group of three, any size or finish. l»t prize $t oo md nri>* a - President a bottle of them and •nd German people who are engaged --^P$;’.»;‘an.rpr’iz:"wfdf °ne >ne <’t played. The motto. “Tonight we Rosina Fouts Evans ent’ they soon helped my in the dairy business of Australia hunch, where shall we anchor”’ is . Solo—Mrs. ¡¡UcKenxie. stomach; by their Autograph,, any size, each different, .st prize. $t 00; 2nd prize, and New 7 (Salami, similar to this '¡ho‘”h,. T..The I" rue. |( were very appropriate, hand painted praising them to all Spanish W ar \ etcrans, Mr Upton hanUnd is for pari] cured cheese oi the‘i‘,r’« names America ..C(. who suffer as I did. for of the toastmaster, Mr. Howard La me and made my life WEDNESDAY. Black and White Cigars Domestic Baking and Canning. i Once smoked will <» convince all. The only long ? filler PURE TO- BACCO CIGAR ? tc-Jay for 5c., 50 Box $2.00. 5 $ iff&s'JKsnsr' °'Fi6 w At C. I. Clough Co. ? □ . ...... Made My Life Worth Liviittf Painting and Photography. . . . J