Tillamook Headlight, June 4, T. BOALS, M.D., ADVERTISING RATES. CLEAN UP DAY. Legal Advertisement*. First Insertion, per line........... $ Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and professional cards one month .............................. Homestead Notices ................... Timber Claims .......................... 1 Locals per line each insertion. Display advertisement, an inch, one month ................................ All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line Cards of Thanks, per line Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines ................... Boy Mayor and City Council Coun- .10 oilman Chosen. .05 I Last Friday morning Ira Smith met I with the pupils of the graded school in the assembly hall and Y.11^ 1 n a7? sistance of the teachers, I rof. Buch­ anan and Supt. Buel, the pupils elect­ ed a Boy Mayor and a Councilman I from each of the five wards in the I city. The pupils were a tnfal back­ ward at first in placing any one in I nomination for mayor but soon they •05 got a start and they kept the secre­ tary buisy in taking down nomina­ 05 tions. Four names W'ere placed in nomination: Howard Erskine, lair Small,, Clare Moak, Edgar Myers. The pupils then separated into .25 wards in which they lived and then selected one of their number as coun- RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. I oilman for that ward. They then re­ (Strictly in Advance.) turned to assembly hall when each One year ..................................... $1 50 pupil was handed a ballot and on Six months ...................................... 75 which they voted. They first wrote the number of the ward in which they Three months.......................... . .50 lived across the top of the ballot, then the name of one of the tour Entered as second class mail mat­ I boys that was running for Mayor ter July, 1888, at the postoffice at and the name of the Councilman Tillamook, Ore., under the act of selected for the ward in which they March 3, 1879. | '"The ballots were then collected and SUPERIOR OREGON- MADE RANGE. Is Cheaper and Better than Eastern Ranges. PHYSICIAN: AND SURGEON. Surgeon S I*. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Tillamook HERRON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock Tillamook • _______________ • Oregon sarchet , LAMB-SCIIRADER COMPANY. T The Fashionable Tailor . DOCKS ; WAREHOUSE, FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd & 3rd AVENUE WEST. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. Store iu Heins Photographic Gallery SO&>&>>»&CGQO9O5OOOSOB0O9QO9»»9iCOO99O9Oä>äC>£>O9999OQ>a Oxyaccetaylene Welding We weld Cast Iron, Steel, Bronze, Mr. Smith with the assistance ot Brass, Aluminum, Nickle Steel, Cop­ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT some of the pupils counted the bal­ lots, which showed the following re­ per, broken gears, pulleys, crank shafts, sults: For Mayor—Howard Erskine, boilers and build seamless tanks. Do FARMERS' MEETINGS NEXT 34' Clare Small, il; Clare Moak, 21; WEEK. I and Edgar Myers, II. Erskine was cutting and brazing, elected Boy Mayor. I decided received a consign­ There being only one candidate tor At Nehalem, Tillamook and Clover­ SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MILL AND dale. I councilman in the different wards, ment of these Oregon - Made all selected were elected, which were. MARINE WORK, Every farmer in the county should Ranges, which are superior in 1st ward, Evelyn Hoag. 2nd w'arj, plan to attend the big farmers meet Lola DeLillies, 3rd ward, bay Hill, make and cheaper in price than Quick service our specialty. Ings which are scheduled as follows: 4th ward, Herbert Stam. 5th ward, Eastern ranges, as it costs $9.00 Remove carbon from cylenders in 20 minutes. Thursday, June 11, 1 P. M. Nehalem Ewald Schnuelle. to ship the Eastern ranges to All work guaranteed. The council met Tuesday and trans­ Portland. Call in and inspect at Union Hall. the following business: Mayor Friday, Jone 12, at 1 P. M., Tilla­ acted Beals and G. B. Lamb, who are to these superior rangesand 1 will At Hiner’s Machine Shop. mook at Court House. I select a third party, and those three show you how firmly they are Friday, June 12, at 8 P. M. Tillamook are to be judges of Clean-up-Day and constructed. They come in all No Jobs too Big and None too Small. award the flag to the ward making Ml '/ 4* M at Commercial Club. the best showing. Saturday, June 13, at 1 P, M., Clover­ ALLEN PAGE, The following rules were adopted: I dale. 1— Do not allow rubbish to accu­ First Street, near the Saturday, June 13. at 8 P. M. Beaver. mulate. , Court House. Improvement cf our dairy herds will 2— Do not throw anything on the be the main topic of the day. Some of sidewalks or streets. 3— Do not let piles of ashes or trash us are apt to think our stock needs no remain in back yards. improvement but on closer examina- 4— Do not mark or deface sidewalks tion.we find that we have' not yet fences, buildings or public property. I 5—Keep the garbage can covered reached the maximum nor even a high average production. According to th? and destroy breeding places of flies. 6_ plant grass and flower-seed. cheese report for 1813 there were Make a garden and encourage the 36,885,290 pourds of milk delivered at love of nature, sunshine and fresh Dry Short Wood S2.00 Load. the cheese factories of the county. 1 d 7—Apply paint to fences, sheds and This milk represents a product of . about 9000 cows and last year con­ buildings. 8— Brighten Up ourselves, Brighten tained an average of 3.97 per cent of Up our homes and spread the Bright­ butter fat which sold for 38.32 cents en Up Spirit amongst our neighbors. 9— Brighten Up your business, per pound. In round numbers\this means a production of 4000 lbs. of milk, Brighten up our town; and promote its social, industrial and commercial 1« a an hi ’■ • ■ ■ » 111 g 160 lbs. fat and 364 gross Income from progress. DR. WENDT. , Sidney E. Henderson, Pres. , B the average cow In Tillamook County. 10— Let Brighten Up be our slogon. Eye Specialist, Surveyor. B The councilmen from the different Many farmers are realizing much more Fit Glasses at than this and there Is no reason why wards will act as captain of their John Leland Henderson. Sec- s Reasonable Prices. Guaranteed retary Treas., Attomey-at- ■ the average of the county cannot be ward, and all the children are to help them. Clean up around your ow" Law, Notrary Public. ■ 300 lbs. or better of fat. Practical places and then ask your neighbor to methode for increasing this production do likewise. They will do it if you Tillamook Title and ■ . will be the main theme for discussion. ask them. a It is the wishes of the council that Loganberry culture and marketing Abstract co. the older people, property owners . H will also have an important place on and those who rent property assist 1 Law, Abstracts, Real Estate, the program. Our soils and climate the Brighten-Up Crusade in tins Surveying, Insurance. are especially well adapted to the work, for without their help in clean- | Both Phones. ing up, nothing of importance can be growing of thia plant and we are all B There is no excuse TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. vitally Interested in the best methods accomplished. for anyone not taking part in the i of propagating and handling this crop. Clean-Up. Mayor Beals very kindly B ® ■ ■ nat w a ¡aiar ■ « n ». Prof. W. S. Brown of the Extension offers the services of two teams and Division of the State Agricultural Col­ two drivers to be used, if needed, in lege will tell us how to handle logan­ hauling off rubbish for those who have no other way of disposing ot | berries. same. If you wish to take advantage . The other speakers will be M. J. E. of this good offer, clean up the trash, 1 EAT VIERECK’S Dorman of the U. S. Dairy Division. put in boxes or sacks and put same , where teamsters can get it handy on | Prof. W. A. Barr of the State College with the problem of buying Harness June II and notify lra Smith where and R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist you BREAD, you will find it distinctly advanta­ live. . On your front porch can be lit of this county. I Thursday, June 11 is Clean-U p Day, geous to come and do your select every night until midnight ing here. You will get the best Meetings are entirely free and every­ but every minute of time between and register not over the most thorough and one is invited to come and bring his now and then should be a buisy one TILLAMOOK BAKERY, qualities, fifty cents per month conscientious workmanship and be in order to get everything in good family. _ ______________ 1 on the meter. charged the most reasonable prices. shape, get buisy in youi ward Sec I - ■' X. ... We can supply single or doubl . that your neighbors do their part. At All Grocers. BOOSTER S BAND. Sets or any single article that you TILLAMOOK ELECTRIC L ight AND See Ira Smith and get a crusader pin may tie in need of. . FUEL COMPANY and show your colors. Meeting at Nehalem, With a Large Turn Out. | W,A, Williams A Ct, W ill S palding ,Manager. HINER & REED, Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 pei’ Cord ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I Office; O pposite C ourt H ouse , Tillamook A. F. COATS LUMBER CO- Ï - - - . Oregon. J, CLAUSSEN, . LAWYER, E DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT, 2!3 T illamook B lock j Tillamook • J Oregon E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Both Phones. Tillamook Oregon j~^R. E. E, DANIELS, CHIROPRACTOR Delivered. Local Office in the Commercial Building'. TILLAMOOK. - ORE E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Both Phones. Residence and Office in Whitehouse Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. R. L. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building', Tillamock J2)R JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) A 15 Watt Mazda TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS Last Saturday ------------- the Tillamook County Booster'* Band met at Ne­ Notice is hereby given that the halem. Over sixty players from all over the county enjoyed _ a perfect County School Superintendent of spring day, spending the forenoon in Tillamook County, Oregon, will hold practice under their leader, Prof. the regular examination of applicants Trombley, and in the afternoon gave for State Certificates at the Circuit the finest band concert ever heard in Court Rooms, Tillamook City as fol­ Nehalem. Some of the best musici- low s : Commencing Wednesday, lune 17, ians in Oregon are in the band, and the improvement is wonderful under 1914, at 9 o'clock a.tn., and continu­ their efficient instructor. Quite a ing until Saturday, June .*0, 1914, at number of the musicians went up 4 o'clock i'.m Wednesday forenoon, writing, U. S. from Tillamook , accompanied by -1 physiology. boosters Cal. Worrall and Rollie history, Wednesday afternoon; Physical Watson. The Nehalem band boys composition, gave a dance Saturday evening, w hich geography , reading, was well patronized and the interest methods in reading, methods in arith- shown shows that Nehalem will be metic. Thursday afternoon; Arithmetic, leady with its $soo for the 1915 San Francisco special train. But the history of education, psychology. great event of,the day was the dinner methods in geography, Thursday _______ afternoon ; G ram nier, , or banquet served by the good ladies of Nehalem and vicinity, in the skat­ geography, American Literature phy­ ing rink, where over 100 band boys sics, methods in language. Friday forenoon; Theory and prac­ and friends enjoyed a great feast of all the good things to eat from fried tice, orthography, English literature, chemistry. chicken to cake. Much of the success Friday afternoon; School law, geol­ of the meeting was due to Mr. Effen- berger a* master of ceremonies, R og v, algebra, civil government. Saturday forenoon; Geometry, bot­ W. Watson was as usual full of en- tbusism and a success as toast master any. Saturday afternoon;; General his­ imd toasts were responded to by rep­ resentatives from Hay City, Wheeler, tory, bookkeeping. W. S. BUEL, County Supt. Cloverdale, and for Tillamook, Judge Worrall being in his happiest mood, gave his listeners a rare treat full of pathos and laughter, good stories and There 1« more Catarrh In thia section ot the country than nil other di «en tea put compliments to the ladies. together, anti until the last lew rears The band will be the guests of Clo­ waa supposed to l»e incurable For a grent verdale on Sunday, June 28th. Mr. many years doctors pronounced it a 1 ih * m I and prescribed local remedies, and Thompson, mayor, Mr. West, Sec. disease by constantly falling to cure with local commercial club; Mr Cotton, publish­ treatment, ptononneed it Incurable Sci­ er Nehalem Times; Mrs. Tohl, of the ence has proven Catarrh to be a consti­ tutional disease, and therefore requires hotel and nnny others assisted in en­ constitutional treatment llairs Catarrh tertaining the guests, and after a Cure, manufactured by F J Cheney .v . Toledo, t'hio, I* the only Constitu­ beautiful day crowded with enjoy­ Co eure on the market It is taken in ments, the visitor* departed utiani- tional ternally in doses from lo drops to a tea rr.om in voting the citizen*, of Neha­ spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Thev lem and vicinity the best of entertain­ offer one hundred dollars tor any case it er* and much pro^rei* w*t made to­ fails to cure. Semi for cirenlars and tes wards a union of interests, in both a tianoulals Address F J CHKNKY A CO . Toledo O social and business way, lor the up­ Sold by Druggists. Tile building of all of Tillamook county. 1 | lake Hall'« Family Fills for constipation. Oregon. Tillamook - Oregon J OIIN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook - . . . Oregon. Room No. 261. BOTTS, SPECIAL GROCERY PRICES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books in Office. I Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon, Both Phones. \A/. C. HAWK. QUAKER OATS. Large Package - - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Small Package 25c. 15c. CRESCENT BAKING POWDERS. 5 Pound Can, Regular Price 11.00, now 85c. 3 Pound Can, Regular Price 7 Oc. now 55c. I Pound Can, Regular Price 25c. now 20c. Fancy Prunes, lOe. a pound. Fancy Dried Peaches, lOc.a Coffee and Tea Special. Oregon Q VRL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. T illamook B eock , Pound RUBY CAKACOLA COFFEE, 10 pounds for $2.50. RUBY CAKACOLA COFFEE, 1 pound for 27c. German-American Coffee, 1 lb. can, 30c. German-American Coffee, 3 lb. can, 85c • « • —— “ " — Ridgray’s High Grade Teas. IEL, 1 pound. 3,’x- Jlend, 1 pound 25c. Head. 1 pound 1.00. Bay City Tillamook ,Oregon G. McGEE, PHYSICIAN & M D. SURGEON Office : Next door to Star ORANGE LABEL, 1 pound 65c 1 ler Majesty’s Blend. J pound 50c Capital Household, J pound 25c Theatre QBORGE WILLETT, RALPH C. BACON, Mgr. Grocery Dept. RAY & CO ATTORNEY-AT I AW T illamook C ommercial B uilding ) i . illan.ook • Oregon