LS Why a Checking Account ? The checking account of a good bank is a necessity with every one who wants to put system, safety and stability into his money matters. It records accurately every money transaction, It prevents the necessity of carrying a large amount of cash on hand. It provides, in returned cancelled check, a receipt for every payment. You can open a checking account here at any time, with any sum from a dollar up. The First National Bank of Tillamook « CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, Tillamook County Bank. afálf3JBíai3EI5iaiH®a/ai3faJ3ÍSJai3J3J3EEI3JHI3iaí3(3í3í3íaíE¡ TII/I/AMOOKJOTTINGS The Tillamook Headlight office is now located opposite the court house. Safe cLpolit boxes for rent. Tilli- mok County Bank. ‘ Get your Land Plaster at the Tilla­ mook Feed Company. * Ranch for sale. Terms reasonable. Apply to A. J. Stillwell. * Leave orders for all kinds of wood with the Tillamook Feed Co. * A marriage license was issued to H. E. Hoss and Myrtle Ellen Lantz The County Court is in session this week attending to county business. Guaranteed Blood Tablets, Large packages, for $oc. At'C. I. Cloughs. For sale, 200 acres of Wilson River bottom land. Inquire of Frank Free­ man. * We are in a position to make some long time farm loans. First National Bank. * The Tillamook Feed Company will meet any price of any house on equal terms. * Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ mook Meat Company’s Market. I5t. per pound. * Scowboat house for sale. In good shape. Price very reasonable. King & Smith Company. * Vacuum cleaners for rent with or without attendant. -.Tel. 130J. The Electric Store. * Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ mook Meat Company’s Market. We pay 15c per pound. * If our work does not suit you tell us; if it does, tell your friends. City Transfer Con£>any. * Judge Holmes granted a decree in the divorce case of A. G. Krumlauf and Agnes Krumlauf. Strawberry season is on. Fruit Palace is the place for your straw- beries. Bell phone 35-J. * Howard Drew , principal of the Athena School, came in on Monday on a visit to his parents. For spring housecleaning use an electric vacuum cleaner. For rent by the Electric Store. Tel. 130J. * Dairymen, if you have any heifer calves, 3 to 10 weeks old, see J. Mer- rel Smith. He will buy them. * Bring your mail order catalogues to the Tillamook Feed Company and they will fill your order on the same terms. ♦ Team, harness and wagon for sale. Inquire of Norman Christensen, Pleasant Valley. Address Hemlock postoffice. * Jake Wolvinstine has opened a re­ pair shop down by the sawmill. Will repair any old thing. Boiler repairing a specialty. * I am «till buying young calves. All kinds, both male and female. See me if you want all they are worth. J. Merrel Smith. * Three Japs were fined $25 each by Justice Stanley for angling without a license, Deputy Game Warden Leach making the arrest. Mrs. Edith Long, after visiting the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jonas Olson, left for her home in Portland. F. A. West, secretary of the Ne­ halem Commercial Club, and J. F. Galloupe, of Sherwood, Wash, were in the city Thursday. Netarts Restaurant ready for busi­ ness. Home cooking. Quick Service. Best Chef on Pacific Coast. A. F. Julien, proprietor. ♦ For rent, 2t acres within one mile of Tillamook City; has large house, barn, orchard. Rent reasonable. E. J. Claussen, Tillamook. * Now is the time to look over your machinery and get your repairs. The Tillamook Feed Company carries a supply for all machines. * The Singer Sewing Machine for sale on easy terms, at our home piano and music store, Tillamook, Ore. \. Lineback, manager. Both phones. ♦ Horse wanted; small horse, weight about 850 or 900 pounds; must be young and sound and broke for driv­ ing. Write to W. Roemicke, Woods, Ore. * Swedish, German and Yankee scythe blades. They are all good— take your choice. Scythe snaths that hang just right. King & Smith Com­ pany. * Protect your valuable papers from the unexpected fire by renting one of our safe deposit boxes. Only one dollar per year. Tillamook County Bank. * There has been a lot of damaged wheat shipped into the market and sold to the ranchers. The Tillamook Feed Company handles nothing but good wheat. Free, with each dozen post cards, one cabinet photo. With each dozen cabinets or folders of that size we give an elegant enlargement free. Till­ amook Studio. * Dawson Bros, will meet all trains with bus, and will handle passengers and baggage to all parts of the ci;y Call or phone at the livery barn on Second avenue East. It’s a good rule to buy a sewing machine v ith an established repu .a- tion fo- quality services. The White for sale on easy terms at Jones Knudson Furniture Company. * Fly swatters, screen doors, win­ dow screens, screen cupboards and wire screen by the yard. Get the flies’ goat before they get yours, King & Smith Company. * We offer the best of professional work, courteous treatment and prompt deliveries and every induce­ ment any studio can. See our work and offers. Tillamook Studio. * The annual school meeting of this »district will be held in this city on Monday, June 15, when the matter of erecting a gymnasium and play grounds will be discussed. UAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, TIUUACDOOK, OREGON. Drop in and book Around-” MeOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOMOOO Wanted!— Girl to take care of chil­ You can buy wall paper at same dren during the day, services not re- price as other people. One price to puired evenings or Sundays. * all. We do not give paper hangers If you want a real fly spray use a commission on the paper you buy, ours, costs 754c. gallon ready to use. they ought to be satisfied with the Sprayers from 40c up. C. I. Clough. * price they get for hanging it. We can Mrs. G. W. Kingsland and children, give you names of paper hangers and of La Grande, Ore., are on a visit to painters who will do you a good job her parents, Mrs. and Mr. J. M. De and be satisfied with wages. King & Smith Company. * Lillies, of this city. Dr. Lowe the well known eye Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Neidlinger, of San Francisco, Cal., are making a specialist, and who is to be in Tilla- j visit to Mrs. Neiglinger’s parents. Mr. ir.ook Hotel June 15 to 20 inclusive and Mrs. J. M. DeLillies and family -has just returned from a 6 months ! Is Now located in its NEW BANKING ROOM, stay in the large Eastern cities, and of this city. now uses all the latest up-to-date | A. W. Cross came in from New­ methods of eye testing. Dr. Lowe port on Wednesday, having walked has lived for the past 21 years in Orc- j from there to this city. He was con­ gon and is well known by many of nected, with the Signal published at the citizens of Tillamook. For the And invites the Public to call and make an Newport. past 9 years he has been and now is inspection of the room and its equipment. Several of the local candidates at a member of the Oregon State Board the primary election have failed to of Examiners in Optometry. If you file with the County Clerk their ex- want correct fitting glasses at a SAFETY SECURITY, SERVICE pences, which should have been done reasonable price, don't fail to consult ten days after the election. him. 1 he committee of arrangements for The injunction suit by the stock­ the G. A. R. Encampment would like holders of the Tillamook Hotel Coin-, to borrow several old muskets that pany has caused considerable interest persons own in the county. Will this week before Circuit Judge Web­ those owning them please lend them. ster Holmes. The stockholders are Don’t be deceived in buying cheap seeking to have a receiver appointed, flour, when you can get Dement’s owing to J. P. Worrall’« management Best Blue Stem hard wheat flour at of the hotel. The case started on A LOVE AFFAIR is a popular and highly respected the Tillamook Feed Company. The Monday, with an array of attorneys business man of this city, and their “best” flour on the market. Your on either side. Attorney R. R. Dun- N. E. Melchior, was arrested in friends wish them much happiness. money back if not satisfied. ♦ Portland on Monday on a charge of iway, ot Portland, andS. S. Johnson, The Clam Club will make its first threatening to kill Anna Fitzpatrick, All kinds of cement work in a first- of this city, are representing Mr. excursion to the beach early in who was his "girl” in 1 illamook. but class manner and foundation and Worrall, and the Hotel Company’s chimney blocks at reasonable prices. interests are in the hands of attor­ August. The round trip from Port­ who spuzned him when they came to Will guarantee any work. A, E. neys Tongue & Bagley, of Hillsboro, land will be given free to all members Portland. «ho secure two new members. The “It's either you or me; I haven't Doerge, 11th street and First avenue and H. T. Botts of this city. trip will be by special train on a decided •which. Maybe I’ll kill my­ West, 1 illamook. * We are sorry to announce the death schedule arranged tc suit the plans self."said Melchior, according to Miss Within the time specified, Messrs of Mrs. Mowrey, wife of C. E. Mow­ of the Clam Club. A reception will Fitzpatrick. Melchior admitted the Small and Urie are planning to de- ery which occurred quite unexpected­ be arranged at Tillamook City on threat, but said that the hot weather velope a power plant on the Trask ly in this city on Tuesday. The de­ Saturday and Sunday will be spent River about 7 miles from town. At ceased was a daughter to Adolph on the beach near the mouth qf Tilla­ was responsible. "If you’ll only let me go I'll nevel the present time they propose to in­ Nielson, of Fairview. The funeral mook Bay. An extra car could be bother you again,” he pleaded with stall a 500 horsepower unit. took place Thursday, the services be­ filled by members of Hillsboro, the girl in Municipal Court, and on Attorney Hart, who was formerly ing in the Christian Church and the Forest Grove and other west side this understanding Judge Stevenson district attorney for this district, was burial in the Odd Fellows’ Cemetery, Assemblies. This will be the summer continued the case for sentence in the city on Monday, and he was conducted by Rev. D. A. MacKcnzie, event of the season and there will be The the usual “last moment” rush to get Bid« Wanted for Hauling Gravel. surprised to see the wonderful im- of the Presbyterian church. piovement in the city, its fine paved deceased leaves three children. Mr. a place on the special. The best way Mowrey has the sympathy of the is not to delay. Get your two mem­ The Tillamook Creamery wishes streets and substantial buildings. to receive bids for hauling one nun- Mrs. G. Munson and daughter, Miss business men and citizens in his bers now and be sure of the trip. bred loads of gravel, more or fess, Esther Munson, left Monday to visit hour of sorrow in the loss of aloving Those who have already secured from T. W. Lester's place to its fac­ Sweden, to be gone about three and affectionate wife. members should arrange to have tory, company to tpay for gravel. The ladies of the Fairview Birth­ their cupons issued. Take it up with Haulers to spread gravel. Company months, it being 30 years since Mrs. reserves the right to reject any and Munson left there. Mrs Alfred Lar­ day club gave an entertainment to your secretary. Do it now.—Artisan. all bids. Leave bids at Carl Haber- son and Lars Johnson left the same their husbands and families, at the lach’s office, Tillamook, Oregon, oti or before June (¿th, 1914. morning for Sweden. Fairview hall, June 2nd. At one Notice. The ladies of the Presbyterian thirty about sixty people were seated The annual meeting of the stock­ SURPRISES MANY IN TILLA­ Guild will have a sale of good things, at the table to partake of a most holders of the Tillamook Hotel Com­ MOOK. bounteous lunch prepared by the such as cakes, pies buns, etc., on Sat­ The QUICK action of aimpie pany will be held on Monday, June 1st, urday June 6th, beginning at 10 ladies, to which every one did justice. 1914, 4 pm, in the office or parlors of the buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., an mixed in Alder-i kn, the remedy o’clock at the Rosenberg Store. Here After lunch ice cream was served. A Tillamook Hotel. Tillamook, Ore. By which became famous by curing small voluntary program was render ­ is the place where picnickers can fill order of the president of the company appendicitia, is nurpriaing Tilla­ ed, after which all left for their home, in nicely for their lunches. mook people, Many have found P. J. Worrall. that thia simple remedy draina ho Revs. T. W. Ward, of Beaver; considering the day well spent. The much foul matter from the nyatem men heartily expressed their thanks NOTICE. Rev. White, of this city; and Rev. that A SINGLE DOSE relieves con­ to the ladies of the club, hoping that Dora Young, are attending the annu­ All gold bond trading stamps stipation, sour stomach and gas on H'omach almost IMMEDI­ al conference of the U. B. church in they will again be honored in the fu­ bearing the letters T. H. S. or Holtz the ATELY. Adler i-ka ia the most Portland this week. Mcsdames Shil­ ture. The club will meet at the home must be in our hands not later than thorough bowel cleanser ever sold. June 20 to be redeemed. linglaw and Clyde Kinnaman of Bea­ of Mrs. Frank Bester, June 10. J. S* Lamar, druggist. HALTOM’S. ver, are delegates to the conference. After months of parleying, the city The County Court appointed G. W. council passed an ordinance on Mon­ Tait, president of the First National day night granting to F. D. Small and Bank, on the Fair Board, to take the D. C. Urie a franchise to construct place of Will Spalding, as he will an electric light and power system SOME BARGAINS IN CHOICE TILLA- soon leave the city. Mr. Tait will al­ in the city. The franchise requires MOOK CITY LOTS. < » lo take Mr. Spalding's place as sec­ the grantees to erect a water power plant at a cost of at least $30,000 retary to the Fair Board. within 18 months after the date of The Secretary of the G. A. R. En­ the acceptance of the franchise. The This property we are now offering was campment has received information council retains the right to make reg­ from a number of Posts and Relief ulations of rates, subject to the gen­ platted by us from the acreage consequently it is Corps, and up to the present time eral laws of the state, and to make the lowest in price of any property offered in Til­ about 800 persons have intimated other regulations as to the manner of lamook at the present time:— their intention to attend the encamp­ operating the system. A bond of ment this year, with other Posts to $4,000 must be filed to guarantee that KING ADDITION:— Located three blocks hear from. the plant will be ready to furnish west on 5th street from the High School. Every > For sale—1 Kenwood stump pul­ light and power. lot choice and sightly, 50x100 ft. with 10 ft. alley, en 300 ft. 3-4-in- cable, 2 blocks, In the cases of the timber com­ 6 ft. sidewalk all in. Your choice of any of these tump hook and swamp hook. Nearly panies against Beall & Co., the Fort lots for a short time at $275. & $300. new. Also 1 horse, sound and true, Dodge Machinery Co. and the county 7 years old, weight 1500 pounds, 1 officials. Judge Holmes gave the STILLWELL PARK:— Located just west of ight wagon and harness in good con- plaintiffs permission to amend their King Add, this is very fine property, lots all 5000 iricn. Will sell cheap. Address P. J. complaints, after motion had been square feet to the lot. One fine qua rter block of Henige, Beaver, Ore. * made by defendants to strike out 10,000 spuare feet at $350, which you can’t .beat Up to the present time sleeping ac­ part of the complaint. The case will in this town or anywhere else. commodations have been found for be taken up Again on Saturday. Attor­ 500 visitors for the G. A. R. encamp­ neys S. S. Johnson and G. C. Fulton, GOODSPEED’S ADDITION:—.. Located ment, which is not nearly enough, of Astoria, are the attorneys for the East on 1st and 3rd streets, adjoining R. R. . I and those having bedrooms to spare timber companies; and attorneys A. have for sale in this tract the choicest lots in the at that time will confer a favor on C. Hammen and Hart, of Portland, city. All high and sightly, 50x100 ft. to each lot. the committee by placing them at reqresent the machinery companies; their disposal. The price paid for while the county’s interest is being Prices range from $250 and up. Terms, easy bedrooms is 50c per night. looked after by Attorney M. J. Ger- payments. The County Court appointed F. L. soni. On the above property you can make no mis­ Sappington county commissioner, to Married, on Monday, at the home take in making an investment NOW. You can take the place of G. R. Edner, resign­ of the brides parents, Mr, and Mrs. ed Mr. Sappington having obtained H. H. Brooten, who reside near Clov­ have your own terms of payment to suit your the nomination at the primary elec­ erdale, Mr, Clifford Hiner and Miss. convenience, in monthly, quarterly, semi annual tion, the court had previouify decided Dena Brooten. The ceremony was or yearly payments. The price, the terms ami that who obtained the nomination for performed by the Rev. F. S. Ford, the property arc ail more than any investor the unexpired term would be appoint paster of the Nestucca Presbyterian could possibly desire. ed. Church. After the ceremony and congratulations, a large party of re ­ Are you going to do any painting Make your selection now before it is too late. this spring or summer? This is ideal latives and others were invited to a weather just now. Sherwin-Williams substantial wedding dinner by Mr. ROLLIE W. WATSON, Tillamook’s Leading prepared paint coats a trifle more per and Mrs. Brooten. The happy couple gallon than other paint (because it's came to this city in auto later in the Sub-Division Agent. TODD HOTEL. better), but a painter will not charge day, where they will make their INSURANCE LOANS RENTALS home. The bride is highly esteemed you any more for putting it on. nor will you have to paint so often. King by the yonny people of the South part of the count/, while the (room A Smith Company. * I.O.O.F. BUILDING, 0 £ $