I Tillamook for governor To the Voters of Tillamook County. Headlight, May REPUBLICAN VOTERS SHOULD BEWARE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County t f°r re®Iectlo“> subject to the May 1914““ Pni»a«es to be held SPECIAL LARD PRICES. Party Should Be Represented on National Committee To the Voters of Tillamook By a Republican County. Very respectfully, Jectfully, He olden . _________ J. J- C. H 1 h.*rehy announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer, of Till- ’»‘ook County, Oregon, subject to 1 . Republican Primaries to be held May 15th, 1914. ________ B. L. B eals . ' The Republicans of Oregon are en­ titled to have a Republican named as the National Republican Committee­ man from this State. C. W. Ackerson, who claims to be a Republican, Is a candidate. He registered as a Progres­ sive January 8, 1814. Then signed peti­ To the Voters of Tillamook tion of H. W. Coe to be Progressive County. National Committeeman. Then can­ I hereby announce myself as a celled hie registration as a Progres­ candidate for re-election to the sive and registered as a Republican office of County Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, subject to the Re and immediately filed his candidacy publican choice in the Primaries for membership on Republican Nation­ to be held May 15th, 1914. al Committee. Has been an intimate GUS. C. MOSER. H. C renshaw . and convenient understudy of the Pro­ REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES gressive National Committeeman and MAY 15th. To the Voters of Tillamook. seems now to be in combination with He Voted against the New Tax Law and stands for Reduction of Having been urged by so many of him in an attempt to shanghai the Taxes, payable semi-annually, with­ my friends I hereby announce my­ Republican organization. His candi­ self as a candidate on the Repub­ dacy Is being actively backed by par­ out penalty. lican ticket for county sheriff for Economv. Efficiency—Dignified Law the coming primary election. ties hostile to tbs Republican party Enjorcement. If nominated and elected will and having personal interests and pri­ SYNOPSIS OF RECORD AND attend to my duties as required by vate personal grudges to serve. Ills PLATFORM. law, to the best of my ability, with­ erratic aiAl excitable temperament has I was born and reared upon a out fear or favor to none. frequently led him to flood the col­ farm in Buffalo County, Wis., edu­ E mmett M. B ales . umns of the press with violent attacks cated myself by my own efforts, and have practiced law in Portland upon the Republican party and vicious since June 1, 1894. Have always To the Republican Voters of personal abuse of prominent Republi­ taken ati active part in public Tillamook County. cans and life-long residents of the affairs, and have held several official positions, I hereby announce myself as a ' State. I stand by my record as State candidate for nomination to the It Is a grave abuse for parties who Senator at the last session of the office of County Surveyor, on the are not Republican to register as such. legislature. I worked and voted Republican ticket, at the coming < It Is a graver abuse for outsiders to against the new tax law, and favor Republican Primaries. I a law making taxes payable semi­ If nominated and elected. I will attempt the capture of a political par­ annually without penalty. conduct the affairs of my office to ty to gratify a personal grudge and Only five of the laws passed at the best of my ability. With my to promote party discord. It Is an that session were referred to the engineering training and experi­ abuse against which fair-minded men people by referendum petition ; ence 1 feel capable of haaaling the four of these the people approved work connected with the office ; of all parties will rise in protest. We by overwhelming majorities, and I especially the road work, which is can never have a reunited party by voted for them ; the fifth was becoming more important than ever pushing to the front political hotheads almost as badly defeated, and I had before. Signed, and men who are political reformers voted against it in the legislature. U. G. J ackson . simply for the sake of office. Having I worked and voted for Senator been a Republican only twenty-four Malarkey’s minimum wage bill for To the Voters of Tillamook women, providing for an impartial hours when he announced his candi­ County. commission to fix the maximum dacy for ths highest honorary position hours of labor and the minimum I hereby announec myself aa can In the gift of the party, Is some Indi­ amount of pay. I favor a similar law providing didate for nomination at the Pri­ cation of what Mr. Ackerson's motive for an impartial commission with­ mary held May 15, 1914, as a Repub­ was in registering as a Republican. out compensation, to fix the maxi­ lican for the office of County Judge. As Hon. Ralph E. Williams is the only If nominated and elected it will mum hours of labor for men in the various industrial occupations ; be my endeavor to serve the people Republican who Is a candidate for this in preference to a flat eight- of the whole county to the best of Republican National Committeeman. my ability. I am in favor of good we feel warranted In urging all loyal hour law. and believe that they should I favor further good roads legis­ roads Republicans In the state to give him lation with state aid, so that we be constructed with regard to the their earnest and enthusiastic support. may have cheaper transportation future^needs. It will be my policy if elected to use strict economy in CHAS. B. MOORES, from the farms and producers in the expenditure of the public funds every direction. (Chairman of Republican State Cen­ A. M. H are . I favor the reduction of taxes by of the county. tral Committee.) consolidation of various commis­ M. B. McFAUL, sions, or the abolishment thereof, To the Voters of Tillamook (President Lincoln Republican Club.) and placing their duties into the County. McKINLEY MITCHELL, hands of the State Board, and by the reduction of the expense of con­ I hereby announce myself as a (President of Portland Republican ducting the various departments of candidate for nomination for the Club.) the state. office of county surveyor, on the C. M. IDLEMAN, I favor suitable appropriations Rebublican ticket. (President Multorpor Republican for our State Educational Institu­ If nominated and elected I shall tions, and the continued improve­ at all times endeavor to administer Club.) ment of our great bulwark—the the office with efficiency, accuracy public school system. and economy. And above all, I favor the vigor­ Respectfully, Roas L. S hreve . ous and efficient enforcement of all To the Voters of Tilla­ the criminal statutes, including mook County. those regulating or prohibiting the To the Voters of Tillamook sale of intoxicating liquors, and County. | I hereby announce myself as a this I shall do with firmness and candidate on the Republican ticket impartiality. The rich, the poor, I hereby announce myself as a at the primaries to be held on May the great, the humble, the capi- candidate , for re-nomination on the talist, the laborer, the churchman ' Republican ticket for the office of 15th, 1914. For the office of County Commis­ and the liquor dealer shall be County , Coroner, at the primary sioner,for the unexpiree term of measured by the same standard, ( election on May 15th, 1914. two years If nominated and elect­ and each shall answer for his own Respectfully, ed I will stand for economy, acts. —Paid advt._________ W. C, H awk . efficiency and publicity in all Countyl matters, I would further for circuit To the Voters of Tillamook state ;tliat I piave made pledge» , to no one, and my future course County. shall be governed by the wishes of I hereby announce that I am a the people, D. F. T hompson , candidate for the nomination of Sheriff on the Democratic Ticket at the primaries in May If elected I will perform the duties of my office to the best of my ability without fear or favor. • EAT VIERECK’S Respectfully, N. J. MYER3. J udge . To The Voters of Tillamook County. Upon solicitation of my many friends throughout the county, I have decided to run for the office of County Surveyor on the republican ticket If elected, I promise an economical and impartial adminis­ tration. I invite your investigtion andlsupport. L. F. W ilson , Bay City, Ore. I beg to announce my candi­ dacy for Circuit Judge on the To The Voters of Tillamook County. Republican ticket. All I ask is an opportunity to make good. I hereby announce myself as a Lur support will be appre­ candidate for the nomination of the office of county commissioner on ciated. harry h . belt . To the Voters Tillamook County. I hereby 'announce myself as a candidate in the Republican Pri­ maries for the office ofCounty Com­ missioner to fill the unexpired term of G. R. Edner. F. L. S appington . L ocal druggist says : take ONLY ONE DOSE.” "e want to tell those in Tilla- II suffering from stomach or trouble that we are agents for •h- simple mixture of buckhcrn ’ Rlycerioe. etc., known as Alder-i-ks, the remedy which be came famous by curing appen­ dicitis. Thia is the most thorough <»Ct?lr5,e".n8er koown and JUS! ’ -Nfc DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipa­ tion almost IMMEDIATELY You W>'1 ’*'! be surprised at the OUICK •chon of Adler .............. * S. Lamar, iction of i-ka. ]. tcuggiet the republican ticket, at the primary to be held May 15. and should I be nominated and elected, will endevor to serve the people of the county to the beet of my ability. F rank L. O wens . To the Vters of Tillamook County. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination for the office of County Coroner on the Republican ticket If nominated and elected I will endeavor to ad­ minister the office with economy g „ Wr