Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 09, 1914, Image 1

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A Valuable Faculty
Determined effort to save develop
strengthens a valuable faculty : namely, the
faculty of drawing the line between neces­
sary and useless expenditure,
Think of it : Isn t it usually the thing one
is better off without that takes the money he
should save ?
Hence the double benefit of the saving
habit : First, learning to deny one’s seif of
harmful indulgences ; and second, acquir­
ing a property through little triumphs over
Ask yourself now if there is any reason
why you should not become a money saver
Tillamook County Bank
B. S. Clark, auctioneer.
Spuds 5 sack lots 89c, per 100 lbs.,
Ray & Co,
sacks wanted—Lamb
Schrader Co.
Get your Land Plaster at the Till­
amook Feed Co.
■ County
— deposit
- Bank.
— boxeeforrent.
Order your cut flowers through
the Tillamook Drug Co.
Headquarters for auto livery.—
Ed. Hadley, phone I1W.
Ranch for Sale, terms reasonable.
—Apply to A. J. Stillwell.
Dressmaking, Mrs. R. E. Winans,
phone 19 w. Toggery building.
Order your Easter Lillies and
flowers at the Tillamook Drug Co.
For sale 200 acres of Wilson Iiiver
bottom land. Inquire of Frank
Fancy potatoes 90c,, 100 pound*,
five sack lots 85c., 100 pounds, at
Ray & Co.’s.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla-
mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c.
per pound.
Attorney James Walton is in from
Portland, having a case in the cir­
cuit court
We are in a position to make
some long time farm loans. First
National Bank.
Attorney Ralph Wilbur, of Port-
laad, was attending the circuit
court this week.
Tillamook Drug Co. is ag*»it for
anything you want in cut flbowers
for any occasion.
If our work does not suit you tell
ns; if it does tell your friends. City
Transfer Company]
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market. We
pay 12c. per pound
Free while they laBt, a 15c. grow­
ing geranium with every 50c. cash
purchase, at Clough's.
Two Yearling Colts for Sale, at a
reasonable price.
Apply to Guy
Mattoon, Pleasant Valley.
For sale Bay Mare, 8 years old
about 1200 pounds. A bargain for
cash, A. K. Case, Tillamook, Ore.
We call for and deliver ycrur
clothes when in need of cleanin,?,
pressing and repairing, phone 19w.
Man wanted to do general ranch
work, good wages and all summer
work. W. Roenicke, .Woods, Ore. '
Don’t forget we clean and press
yonr clothes, free delivery, phone
10 W—R. E. Winans, Toggery Bldg.
See Merrel Smith about your
calves if you wish to sell, he is pay­
ing highest market price for them.
Mutual phone.
W e are professional photograp­
hers, trained to and experienced
in the art. Satisfaction guaranteed
on all work. Our prices are and
will always be as low as any We
solicit your patronage.—Tillamook
The motor service on the P. R. A
N. between Tillamook and Mohler,
will go into effect on Sunday, and
the double train service between
this city and Portland will be re­
sumed for the summer months the
20th June.
A band of 14 Milk Goats for Sale.
These animals are ideal for rough
bushy pasture, give milk rich in
casine, and their milk makes high­
est price Swiss cheese.
time to look after them E. E. Kep-
ner, Springfield, Ore.
For legal advice consult a lawyer.
For medical advice consult a doctor,
For photos consult professional
photographers. Every man to his
trade. We make everything in
photography and guarantee to
satisfy.—Tillamook Studio.
W. L. Campbell and Roes L.
Shreve have been appointed by the
County Court to assist County As­
sessor Johnson in the field work of
assessing property in the county.
Mr. Campbell will take the North
and Mr. Shreve the south part of the
For Sale, 80 acres, 00 acres of over­
flow Bottom Land, unimproved
Very little large timber. Veryeasily
cleared, on tide water.
About 10
miles from the mouth of the Siletz
river. Small ocean going boats run
by the place. No better soil in the
Tillamook Valley. Address owner,
L. C. Mowrey, Siletz, Ore.
9, 1914
Dr. Smith is in the city this week'
and was a witness at the circuit
Three packages of chewing gum
for 10c at Lamar's Variety Store.
"Drop in and look around.”
One feature about the registration
last week was the large number of
women registering as Republicans,
43 women voters adding their names
to that party, making a total of 252.
Women who have affiliated with I
the other parties are Democrats, I
62; Progressive. 3; Prohibitionists, I
62; Socialist, 13; Independent. 25;
no party, 6 Following is the régis |
tration upto last Saturday.
Men. Women. Tota’. 1
. 252 .. 1000
Republican .
. 311
Democrats ... 249
Prohibitionists 32
62 .. 94
Socialists ....
Progressive .
58 . .
O regon
Drop in and book Around
The First National Bank
of Tillamook
Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM,
1 5891
Public School Will Have New
The School Board has obtained
the services of a young man for
principal of the public school in
this city, having engaged Prof. Karl
W. Onthank, of Hood River, for
that position. He graduated from
Hood River in 1909 and the Univer­
sity of Oregon in 1913, being a can­
didate for M. A. in that university
in 1913. He was a teacher of phys
ica in the Eugene High school, and
reader of English at the University,
a salaried office in 1912-13, aid from
1913 14 principal of Frankton High
School and superintendent of grades
He has taken part it high school
debating teams, and was connected
with football, baseball and basket
ball teams at various times. He
was reporter and city editor of the
Oregon Emerald; assistant editor
of the Oregon Monthly, was secre­
tary of the University Y M. C. A.
and president of the Alpha Tun
Omega, Academy Fraternity.
The other teachers employed are:
Mrs. H. Hanson, history; Miss
Ueland, domestic scienoe; Miss.
Ada V. McDowell of Denver, com­
mercial subjects; Mrs. Clara Burge,
1st grade; Mrs, Laura Leach, 2nd
grade; Miss Harriett Gaylord, 3rd
grade; Miss M. F. Dunstan, 5th
grade; Miss Mabel Goy ne, 4th grade;
and Miss Lena M. Mahn, of Mo.,
6th grade.
inspection of (lie room and its equipment.
‘ Beer ’ Made
New Powder.
being a liquor, it does not fall
under the law.
Cook represents that the powder
when mixed with water will make
E ugene , Or., April 7,."Dry beer,” i real "alcoholic beer.”
represented as capable of producing'
as complete intoxication as the
" real" article, puzzled Eugene and
county officers to-day, following the
arrest of C. E. Cook by a police
Eye Specialist,
officer as he was attempting to sell
Fits Glasses at
canned powdered
" beer.”
He Reasonable Prices. Guaranteed.
claims to have been selling the
material about Lane County for
three weeks, to have 10 agents in
the field, and defies the officers to GOOD SUGGESTION TO TILL­
stop him,
R. S. Bryson, Police Judge, before
It is surprising the amount of old.
whom he was brought, discharged foul matter the simple mixture of
him for lack of grounds on which buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.,
to hold him. District Attorney J. known as Adler-i-ka, drain from
M. Devers attempted to hold the the system, This remedy became
man, but was able to do nothing.
famous by curing appendicitis and
"There is no way to stop him acts on DOTH the upper and lower
from selling materials with which bowel so thoroughly that ONE
to make beer,” stated the District DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas
Attorney, “ providing he lias the on ¡the stomach and constipation
proper peddler's licenae.”
We are
Death of W. W. Wiley.
The officers declare that the local mighty glad we aie Tillamook
The announcement of the death of option law specifies the sale of in­ agents for Adler-i ku, J. S. Lamar,
W. W. Wiley, a former School Sup­ toxicating ” liquors" and this not druggist.
erintendent of Tillamook County,
reached the city by wire on Sunday
from La Mesa, Cal., where he ex­
pired that morning,
A previous
telegram stated that Mr. Wiley was
in a critical condition and that the
doctor held out no hopes of his re­
covery. Heart trouble was the cause
I low easy it is to tell whether a
of death, the deceased suffering iih
well with tuberculosis. He went to
is contented with his clothes.
California about 18 months ago for
Correct dress puts a man at ease, but
the benefit of his health, and, like
most consumptives, he appeared to
clothes that are not entirely satis­
tie improving at times and then re­
factory are sure to reveal the dis­
Deceased was a son in law of Mr.
of the wearer. By the
and Mrs. C. N. Drew, having mar
way, he keeps tugging at his lapels,
ried Miss Frankie Drew. Deceased
leaves, besides his wife four chil­
pulling down his vest, smoothing
dren. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley were
down the back of his coat, hitching
members of tliePresbyterian church
when they resided here, and the de­
up his trousers, etc.
ceased was an active member of the
Masonic order. No one took more
interest in the public school then
the deceased, for he thought noth
ing was too good for them. The
remains are being brought to Bea­
verton, Ore., for burial.
Mts. Drew and Mies I.elia Drew
We measure you with great care
will attend the funeral, after which
they will bring Mrs. Wiley and her
take the measure over a second
family to this city. The bereaved
to be sure we are right.
widow and relatives have the heart­
felt sympathy' of the people of this
It costs no more to be content
Merr el Smith about your
calves if you wish ta sell, he is pay­
ing highest market price for them.
Mutual phone.
Protect your valuable papers from
the unexpected fire by renting one
of our safe deposit boxes. Onlyone
Dr. Rebec, of the University of
dollar per year. Tillamook County Oregon, will address the Parent
Teacher's meeting at the High
Auditorium, Monday even­
The Singer Sewing Machine for School
sale on easy terms, at our home ing, April 13th, at 8 o’clock. Dr.
is a man of exceptional
piano and music store, Tillamook, Rebec
ability. Everyone should improve
Ore., A. Lineback, manager Both the
opportunity afforded, and attend
the meeting, no admission charges.
Mrs. J. H. Ellison left on Monday
Regular services Sunday at the
with her niece. Mies Evie McConnell,
of Fresno, Cal., who is returning to Christian Church. Bible School 10
her home after several weeks visit a m., Communion Service and
preaching 11 a.m., Christian En
to this city.
deavor 6:30 p.m., Preaching Ser­
For sale, river bottom land in 10, vices at 7:30 p.m. Harold Humbert
20, 30 or 40 acre tracts, on what is of Eugene, will occupy the pulpit
known as the Peter Brant place. at both morning and evening ser­
Will sell cheap. Apply to Vincenz vices.
Jacob, on place.
The Gem Theatre is being im­
Glen G. Holman, of Polk County, proved in someway most every day.
is a candidate for the Republican New ventilators fans, new screen,
nomination for Circuit Judge. He new lighting system, and what
has practiced law for over thirty seems best ot all is extra good pic­
year.—Paid Advt.
tures If they keep on improving,
County Treasurer Beals collected and Manager Smith says they will,
$395.184.00 when tax collection was we will have the very best in the
closed on the let April, which was city. Such improvements should be
the largest amount of taxes collect encouraged.
ed in the county at one time.
Harris A Vidito are entitled to
For sale, horse, harness and bug­ considerable credit for the service
give the traveling public be­
gy, for $125. Horse in good condi­
tion and perfectly sound, also a tween Tillamook and Cloverdale, as
good lumber wagon far sale. Apply they have an up to date auto pas­
senger stage, The driver running
to D. Billings, Tillamook, Ore.
this auto stage is an experienced
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains man. He is al way s careful, and you
with bus, and will handle passen­ need not worry when any of your
gers and baggage to all parts of the friends are traveling on this auto
city. Call or phone at the Livery (stage.
barn on 2nd Ave East.
. ,
The 29 acres, formerly owned by
Extra special 60c. chocolates at 30c.
to introduce our quality, Hand Poll George Coffman, deceased, is going
chocolates guaranteed fresh. Some to be sold at a sacrifice in order to
thing different from the old machine clear up about $800.00 outstanding
debts, This tract lias a four rocm
made goods. At Clough’s.
shingled house, a barn and chicken
Graded Jersey Calves for sale from house. About 6 or 7 acres cleared,
tested cows as they freshen ; one- and the balance partly cleared and
one, ; both in grass
half to three-fourth Jersey
It adjoins the Frank
sex ; registered sire. Apply to T. Eklof place on the old Netarts road.
H. McCormack, R. F. D. ». No 1.
Go over and take a look atthis place.
After undergoing repairs and be­ Price, $1 500. Ralph Ackley Land
ing overhauled, the steamer Sue H. Co., 204 Failing Building, Portland,
Elmore was put in commission Oregon.
again and arrived here on Monday
The receipts of the Tillamook
with a full load of freight from Postoflice for last year amounted to
$8,709 95, bei ng a ti i liereate of $1,252 84
The cantata, which was to have over the previous year. This in­
place the office in the
been given at the P.-eebyterian crease will
class, and will give Post­
Church on Friday and Sunday second
*poned, ai­ master Todd a salary of $2,000 a
evenings, have been postpi
de church year with additional money for clerk
so the Easter services at th,
hire amounting to $1'100. All that
Road Machinery for Sale.
for one week.
is now allowed for clerk hire is
Lot for sale at Cloverdale with $fiOC a year, and to keep up the
3 Dump Carts.
five roomed cottage
$800 cash or work of the office the postmasters
4 Fresnos.
$300 part payment. Apply to G. W.
2 Road Plows,
Stfverson at the Tillamook Title and
Shovel«, Picks, Saw.
Abstract Co., or of L. M. Kraner,
Enquire of E. J. Claussen,
issued every month from the Tilla­
mook, Oregon.
T. K. Campbell and F. J. Miller, mook office will average $5,000, or
two of the members of the State about $60,000 for the fiscal year.
Railroad Commission, were in the
city on Monday evening and went
to Bay City on ¡Tuesday to adjust
some rates there.
Pigs for sale, seven weeks old.
Apply at Charles Wooley’s residence
or to Ed. Anderson at Hemlock
Jake Wolvinstine has opened a
repair shop down by the saw mill,
will repair any old thing. Boiler
All kinds of cement work in a first
repairing a specialty.
. ., class manner and foundation and
chimney blocks at reasonable prices.
Will trade 1100 pound mare for Will guarantee any work. A. E.
heavy work horse. Will pay the Doerge. Uth street and first Avenue
difference for good young horse. West, Tillamook.
Inquire of Web Maddux.
John M. Scott, general passenger
A. J. Rice, of the Rice Stix Dry
agent of the Southern Pacific; Frank
Goods Co., of St Louis, Mo., came L.
Burkhalter, superintendent, and
in on Monday to visit E. T. Haltom
J. H. Mulchav, assistant general
and take a look at the cor.nty,
freight agent, came in from Port­
For sale. Fruit trees at one-half, land on Tuesday, looking over the
ijrice, apples, pears and peaches read and arranging for the summer
Trees left over from Pacific Nurs- travel.
Mr. __________
Scott took a trip to Bay-
«ry. Apply to M. R. Bannenkrat. . ocean on Wednesday.
Tillamook Cleaning
and Tailoring Co
with your clothes than to be ill-at-
ease, blit it is worth more than money to any Bclf-
respccting man.
Call in Soon and finger the Great Exhibit of up­
wards of 500 sure and pure wool Spring Weaves
now on display, anyone of which you can select
for your new suit.
Spring is advancing fast. Don’t let all the other fellows get alie.ad
of y ou on the clothes question.
Ladies’ and Gcnt.’s French Dry Cleaning a Specialty.
’hone 19W.
Free Call and Delivery.
Guaranteed for
$1.00 Down
$1.00per month
until paid for.
ARRIL 15th to