« X Tillamoolc Headlight, April 2, 1914 Circuit Court Case» Whitney Company, limited, a George H, Higgins and wife to Summon« T. BO ALS, M.D., To the Voters of Tillamook partnership association, et al, vs M. Hoffman, wty deed, 10.00, lots in County. Howard Cooper, corporation, et al. The April term of the Circuit Department No. 2 in Equity. Ocean View. Court will convene on Monday next, Injunction. C. H. Wheeler to The Nehalem In the Circuit Court of the State of physician ; and surgeon . I hereby announce myself as a Oregon for Tillamook County. Whitney Company, limited, a Co, part release of mortgage, $2OO.U6, with Judge Webster Holmes on the candidate for the office of County Jackson Powell, Surgeon S. P. Co.J= partnership association, et al. ve Clerk, for re-election, subject to the bench. There are a large number Howard Cooper, corporation, et al. lota in Wheeler, Ore. Plaintiff, (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Republican Primaries to be held Dennis A Brown to Hester Parish, vs of cases, but very few of much im­ Injunction. May 1914. ass n of int in legacy in will of Aaron Sherman and portance. The docket is as follows : Whitney Company, limited, a Mathew Casey, deceased, $1,200 00. Very respectfully, Tillamook Orsgor. Jennie I. Sherman, ■ partnership association, et al, vs Department No. 1. J. C. HOLDEN. First Bank and Trust Co to Peter hie wife and A. G. Macdonald Potts vs Rollie W. Good Roads Machinery Co., a cor­ C Pederson, wtv deed, 40.00, lots in Reynolds and Daisey poration, et al. Injunction. To the Voters of Tillamook Watson. Action for money. Rockaway Beach. V. Reynolds, his w ife, M. KERRON, Whitney Company, limited, a County. Warren Construction Company Defendants. I John Day to W. J. Dwight, $2,100. partnership association, et al, vs vs Tillamook City. Damages. To Aaron Sherman and Jennie I. a tract containing 27 acres more or I hereby antiounce myself as a Coast Culvert and FlumeCo., a cor­ Sherman, A. G. Reynolds and candidate PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON H. A. Yoemans vs The Pacific less in Quick D.L.C., tp 1 south, for re-election to the Daisey V. Reynolds, defendants, office of County range 9 west. Railway and Navigation Company. poration, et al. Injunction. Treasurer, of Till- Whitney Company, limited, a I n the N ame of the S tate of T illamook B lock , Damages. Isaac F. Quick and wife to State 11100k County, Oregon, subject to partnership et al, vs. O regon : Fred Kebbe vs Pete Langhardt. Beall & Co., association, Land Board, mortgage $2,000.00, a the Republican Primaries to be a corporation, et al. tract containing 67 acres more or GREETING:—You, Aaron Sherman Tillamook - Oregon Action for money. Injunction. and Jennie I. Sherman, husband held May 15th, 1914. lies in Kilham D.L.C., section 16, and B, I.. B eals . D. L. Shrode, et al, vs R. H. Ash­ wife. A. G. Reynolds and B. H. Hathaway, et ux, vs First tp 2 south, range 9 west. croft, Action for money. Daisey V. Reynolds, husband and sarchet , National Bank of Tillamook, et al. Chas Ray to Mrs. S. A. Clark, wtv wife, defendants herein, are hereby To the Voters of Tillamook Tillamook County Bank ve F. L. Foreclosure of mortgage. • The ^Fashionable Tailor deed, 1.00, a lot in Cloverdale, Ore. County. required to appearand answer the Sapp.'ngton. Action for money. Albert Marolf and Katie Marolf, J. F. Stoneroad, trustee, to K. complaint filed herein against you, State of Oregon vs John Deo. Vio­ 1 vs First National Bank of Tilla- I hereby announce myself as a Broudt, wty deed, 10.00, lot in on or before the 2nd day of April, candidate lation of fishing laws. I i niook. a corporation, ______ et al. Fore- Elmore for re-election to the Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Park. A.D., 1914, that being six (6) weeks nf Hiiirtfrairp Lee Tittle ve Gus Pappas, et al. ' i Closure closure of mortgage office of County SheriSof Tillamook from the first publication of this a Specialty. First Bank and Trust Co to Ella Action for money. In the matter of the petitions of summons, and if you fail to appear County, Oregon, subject to the Re­ Sorensen, wty deed, 75.00, lota in publican choice in the Primaries or answer, plaintiff will apply to the L. Hiner VS Harry Simmons, et al, Adam Lapen, Josef Emmenagger, Rockaway Beach. Store in Heins Photographic August Ludtke, _ Isaac Hanson, Court for the relief demanded in the to be held May 15th. 1914. Action for money. C. E. Newhill to J. L. Gay, wty 11. C renshaw . Vincen» Iamb Josef Stein massi, Friedrich Drebert, complaint on file herein to which Gallery A. G.” Beals Iva 1 Vmcenz Jacob, fhoma8 Bucll Watt and Joeef deed, 1.00, water right on farm des­ reference is hereby made and which et al. Action for money. eection 13, S J is made a part hereof, to-wit : for a To the Voters of Tillamook. Baumgartner to become citizens of cribed as Sw J Sw H H. Allger, et al, vs Fish Boat the Uni"te’d“stiiteeoT America. of Se J of section 14. tp 4 south, decree of this Court for judgment Having been urged by so many of rp H. GOYNE. range 10 west. No 0386. Action for money. against the said defendants Aaron my friends I hereby announce my­ C. E. Reynolds ve J. W. Vint, et T. B. Potter Realty Co to Lulu B. Sherman, Jennie I. ahernian and A self a candidate on the Repub­ wty deed, 10.00, lota in G. Reynolds and against each and lican as ticket al. Action for money. Real Estate Transfers., Etc. Conser, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. for county sheriff for Bayocean. all of you for the sum of two the coming primary election. F. C. Fendehau ve Chas. E. Haas, W. R. Dunsmore to W. W. Bollen hundred seventy ($270) dollars, County, voeguu, Oregon Action for money. ■ - For —* Tillamook . wuu.j, If nominated and elected will Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , Amos Vaughn ve Josef Blazier. f°r the week ending April 2, 1914, and wife, wty deed, 1 00, lot in Twin United States gold coin, with in­ attend to my duties as required by Rocks. terest at the rate of eight (8) per law, to the best of my ability, with­ Tillamook et al. Action for money. I a ’ k D,18he/rby l},e. T1J! a.n,o?\1rit’,e & Oregon. J. S. More to G. L. Brown, grant cent per annum from the 29th day . . . * rx t u I Abstract Co., John Leland Hender- A. L Stainer vs A. O. Jackson, et 8on §ec deed, 10.0G, N J of Sw t*, eection 36, of December, 1911 ; and for the out fear or favor to none. E mmett M. B ales . ux. Action for money. I r ’ n w, . « „ — tp 3 south, range 8 weet, containing further sum of five and 25-100 ($5 25) _ •_«. _ » r. • i I L. R. Wilson to Mrs. Emma E. J. CLAUSSEN, dollars for taxes paid on said land, Grace H. Quick vs I. C. Quick, . Wesco, life lease, E i of E i of eec- 80 acres. To the Republican Voters of . LAWYER, George H. Higgins to Fanny with interest thereon at the rate of et al. Damages. p 3 5 south, range 10 west, tion 35 35. t tp Cruikshank, wty deed, 10.00, lots in six (6) per cer.t per annum from the Tillamook County. Peter Nelson and John A. Nelson, 160. DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. the 13th day of February ’ , A.D., partners under the firm name of Twin Rocka Land Co to R R Oceanview. I hereby announce myself as a Charles Kennedy to J. B. Dele- 1914 ; together with attorney’s fee candidate Nelson & Company ve L. L. Smith, Quick and wjfe wty deed, $250.C0, 2 ’ 3 T illamook ] B lock for nomination to the etux. Action for money. . | lot in Twin Rocks. man and A. T. Dolan, wty deed, $50 00 and costs to be found due office of County Surveyor, on the herein, with interest thereon at Kasper Hefti, et al, vs Vincenz - Oregon John F. Benton and wife to C. W. 10.09, N | of lots 3 and 3, block 14, the rate of six (6) per cent per an­ Republican ticket, at the coming Tillamook Jacob.- Action for money. Henkel and wife, wty deed, $6,500 00, Park addition to Tillamook. num from date of payment by the Republican Primaries. Twin Rocks Land Co to M. E. plaintiff herein , and for the usual Peter Nelson and John A. Nelson lot in Thayer’s add. If nominated and elected. I will Renhatn, wty deed, 10.00, lots in decree for the sale of said premises, conduct the affaire of my office to vs Clara F. Kennedy. Action for E. REEDY, D.V M., George W. Phelps and wife to Twin Rocks. money. or so much thereof as may be ne­ the best of my ability. With my George R. Edner, quit claim, $1.00, M. E. Benham to Fanny D. Cooke, cessary to i>ay*said judgment, with engineering training and experi­ State of Oregon vs John Doe. Vio­ a right of way over land at Gari- ¿VETERINARY.’ mortgage, $300.00, lots in Twin accrued costs, by the sheriff of the ence I feel capable of bundling the lation of fieh laws. I baldi. Rocks. work connected with the office ; said county according to law and _ J. W. Tompkins . _ I H. F. Goodspeed and wife to F. vs E. P. Curry. Both Phones. State Land Board to G. W. Block­ the practice of this Court; that the especially the road .vork, which is Action for money. E. Pangborn, wty deed, $1.00, lot in well, sat mortgage. proceeds of said sale may be ap­ becoming more important than ever Frank Long, Sr., et al vs W. J. Goodspeed’s addition to Tillamook. Tillamook Oregou Signed, State Land Board to George W. plied in payment of the amount before. Hawkins, et al. Action for money.« F. E. Gallrell to Julius Middleton, Blockwell, U. G. J ackson . due to the plaintiff, and that you, sat mortgage. A. Ramsey vs Milwaukee Me- *eraons having claims section 8, tp 2 south, range 10 west, County. following described premises, be­ gage. T illamook B k « x k , longing to the estate of Lola Lamb, against said deceased, to exhibit Mary Winona Whaley et al, vs containing 140 acres. them with the necessary vouchers I hereby announce myself as a a minor, to-wit : G. S. Smith and wife to Ormond Cecelia E. Davia, et al. To quiet .Oregon 1 ’ Beginning st a point 9.10 chains j within six months from the first candidate for nomination for the Tillamook Noble, wty deed, 10.00, undivided i title. east of the Northwest corner of said publication of this notice to said office of County Coroner on the interest in Sw Q Sw f, section 4 ; F. N. Wilson, et ux, ve C. E. Mc- Se i Se, section 5 ; Ne i Ne i anil section 32, township 1 South of range j Dennis A. Brown, at Tillamook Republican ticket If nominated Alpin. In junction. Bank, in the City of Tilla- and elected I will endeavor to ad­ lot 1, section 8, tp 2 south, range 10 9 West. W. M., and running thence ¡County C. HAWK, southerly on the east line of the tract ' mook, County of Tillamook, State minister the office with economy Bess Pangborn vs Quincy J. west, except tracts sold. I of Oregon. and efficiency. I angborn. Divorce. I , A A. L. MOC Hoddard to C. D Hoddard, herein allotted to Preston Marolf. This notice is published by order Dr. S. M. W endt Jackson Powell ve Aaron Sher- quit claim, i. l.«>., ............. 1.00, undivided i ■ in- 28.97 chains to a point 11 61 chains ¡of the Honorable Homer Mason, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, north of the quarter section line ; man, et al. Foreclosure of mort- tercet in lots in Brighton Beach ¡Judge of the County Court within thence east *2.14chains, thence north gage. - Found a Curs for Rheumatism, I G H. Ward to Frank Forsblom. i and for the County of Tillamook. Oregon. “ I suffered with rheumatism for Bay City Robert 1 Watt vs H. J. Wilkins, et wty deed. 1.00. lots in Beals’ addi­ 28.97 chains to a point 2.29 chains 1 State of Oregon east of the place of beginping; ÄL Pbtec ____ :losure of mortgage. Date of first publication, March two years and could not get my tion to Lake Lytle. theqee west 2 20 chains to the place right hand to my mouth for that kotiert'Watt I vs F. H. Wilkins, et Katherine E. Reddaway tgA, A. of beginning, containing 6.28 acres, ; 5th, 1914. Date of last publication, length of time ” writes Lee L. Chap­ a«’’ Ärtclosu Hunt, wty deed, 10.00, lot in Rock­ more or less Sale will be subject to 1 April 2nd, 1914. irfeclosure of mortgage. man, Mapleton, lows “I suffered BORGE WILLETT, D ennis A. B rown continuation and approval as to Ixua O. MacMahon vs Agnes Reid way Beach. terrible pain so I could not sleep Executor of the estate of price and terms by the County Court First Bank and Trust Co to Parks ®nd Robert S. Hull. To quiet title. or lie still at night Five years ago Matthew Casey, ATTORNEY AT LAW I began using Chamberlain's Lini Eirst National Bank of Tillamook, D. Morden, wty deed, 1.00, lots pn of and for Lane County, Oregon. deceased. __ ______________ j _____________ I Dated this 18th day of March ment and in two monte 1 was well a corporation, vs D. E. Goodspeed. Rockaway Beach The Brighton Development Co to A.D., 1914. and have not suffered with rheu T illamook C ommuti ial B uildinu at Foreclosure of mortgage. Change in Water Collection. F M. L amb . matiani since. For sale by lmnur'i Daniel M. Taylor vs I.eroy Lomax, Max Hellerman. wty deed. $125.00, Guardian of the Estate of Lola * Oregon Wafer rents are now due and jiay Drug Store. Tillamook • lots in Brighton Beach. et el. Foreclosure of mortgage Lamb, a minor. able to the oilcctor at City Hall s. T E J. '^2^7’ G- McGKE-