Tillamook Headlight Advertising Rates. his assessment was too high, j we give below a sample of ad- April 2. 1914, SPECIAL FEED PRICES ! ' and, at the same time, denounc-, vertisements appearing in the L egal A dvertisements : 10 ed the assessor, with a few shots trade papers of the United First Insertion, per line ... $ 5 thrown at the snap shot man. States : Each subsequent insertion, line Business and professional cards, Mr. Beelitz sold 72 acres of his' Carl Jorgensen, Kourgan, West Branches at Omsk, Ha­ 1 month.................................... 1 co place on the Miami for $10,(XX), Siberia. 5 00 which knocks the bottom out of man, Barnaul Biisk,Semipalatinsk. Homestead Notices................... Smeinogorsk, Winduu, St. Peters­ Timber Claims ... ................... 10 00 5 his—we should have said the burg, Hamburg, Berlin and Lon­ Locals per line each insertion person who wrote it—argument don. Shipper of choicest Siberian Display advertisement, an inch, month.................................... 50 that he was assessed too high butter, Russian and Holland fresh BRAN ...................................................... All Resolutions of Condolence and and was paying too much taxes. egg»- SHORTS ................................................ ,f. r . ” 1 Argentine Creamery Blitter. Dairy Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. The county assessor came in for Co. Brand Finest creamery quality. Country SHORTS. „ — •’»•‘'° ” Curds of Thanks, 5c. per line. $31 00 ton. a roasting for increasing the as River Plate Dairy Co., Ltd., Buenos Fancv Re Cleaned GRA \ OA 1 S ........ Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, Aires.' Argentine. The company 30.00 ,, sessrnent on this farm, but it etc., minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ GOOD GRAY OATS, for seed 29.00 ,, is plain to see that lie was per­ operates 43 creameries of its own ing five lines. FANCY WHITE OATS.............. and ¡three modern factories One 1.85, 100 lbs. fectly justified in doing so. quality only. The best WHEAT .......................................... 2.25, 1 » I The Danish Butter Expert Union, RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION OIL MEAL ...................... ................ 30.00 ton. ( strictly in advance .) There are some peculiar peo­ Coperhagen, I)enmr.Tk, Shippers of FANCY ROLLED OATS One year........ 1.5o perfect Danish butter. i.00 601b. sack. FANCY ROLLED OATS Six month*.... 75 ple in Tillamook county. They 30.00 ton, $1 20 sack. It is only since the new t riff ‘ beef ” if they don't get road 60 Three months STAR BARLEY........ .......... improvements in their vicinity, law went into effect that these FANCY CLOVER HAY, on hand. TIMOTHY HAY, on hand. CHOICE advertisements have appeared. Entered as second class mail mat­ and they '‘beef” if they do. For ter July, 1888, at the post office at instance, the County Court let A New York jobber, in his ad- Tillamook, Ore., under the act of some contracts recently and a vertisment, gives five reasons March 3, 1879. few persons tried to scare the why people should not pay high contractors, telling them that prices for eggs this season in a they would not be able to col­ picture, [illustrating U.S. open lect for the work. It looks to door, with a Russian about to us that some of our citizens enter carry a basket of eggs at should be more broad minded 9c. a dozen, Danish woman and and appreciate road improve­ eggs at 15c. a dozen, German ments, no matter in what part eggs 11c. a dozen, Australian eggs 12c. a dozen and Chinese of the county they are made. Have you sampled “pigtail” eggs at 7c. a dozen. eggs from China ? I PURE GRANULATED SUGAR... 21 lbs. for $1.00. 100 lb. sack, $4.70 in ten years the appropria- Foreign Butter. ,, 5.00 BEST FRUIT SUGAR.......................... 20 lbs. for $1.00. tions for boards and comtnis- It is a little surprising that STANDARD CORN, 3 cans for 25c. STANDARD TOMA1OES, 3 cans for 25c, women are so tardy about régis »ions liave increased over one . Further considerable lots of New million dollars, It is not to be tering. Zealand and Australian butter have wondered at that every candi- arrived recently on the Pacific Taxes should be paid twice a date for governor is promising ’ Coast, and according to press re- year—half in the spring and the the taxpayers that they will use ■ ports the receipts on the coast since the pruning knife, for the ap­ early in October aggregate over other half in the fall. 2,500,000 pounds This blitter has propriations for the years 1903- been distributed in the different 04 were $67,600, while for 1913- markets, considerable quantities Mr. Mayorand Mr.City Coun­ 14 they jumped to $1,178,091.50. coming east as far as Chicago, cilmen, Freddie’s office is still There is nothing small about perhaps to Buffalo anil Pittsburg, i on the side walk, a monument No foreign butter has come into ducted on a close, safe, economical these commissions when they the port of New York this week, but basis anil at the very lowest ex­ of obstruction. eat up that amount of tax further lots are contracted for and pence to the taxpayers. money. It is safe to say that some will reach here before April 1. | As School Director he always You had better hurry, that is most ail of the commissions are A direct steamer from Australia is worked for the best results and for if you wnnt to vote at the pri­ now actively engaged in politics due about that time, and she is re- economy in administration, with- to have quite a quantity of out impairing the high standard of mary election, and register be­ and pulling for some candidate. ported butter in her refrigerator. Some t,le Baker City schools fore it is too late. other lots of New Zealand are ex-1 In our judgment, as Governor, he pected via London. We are advised, could and would do the same thing No wonder that the Bay ocean that 1,000 boxes of Argentine are I for the State. The timber men who insti­ people and those who have built now in transit from Buenos Aires, Dated at Baker City, Oregon, this tuted suits against the county cottages and purchased lots feel and 1,000 boxes are to follow on a 7th day of March, 1914. I First National Bank of Baker City, are trying their case in the Spec- “sore” when they keep paying later steamer. By W.'i. P ollman , Pres. The heavy break in our market tor. We hope that it won’t act taxes with no road outlet and has Citizens' National Bank of Baker crowded prices down below an as a boomerang. with little prospect of obtain­ import basis, and we do not think , City, By F P. BODINSM, Pres. ing one in the near future. It much newbusiness is beingaccomp Quite a quantity of fresh ' Baker Loan A Trust Company, It is predicted that the com­ is not giving Bayocean a square lished. By V. A. D onne , Cashier. Danish, some Siberian and several ing election in Oregon will see deal to deprive it of a road after lots of NewZealand that arrived here [ Paid advt the Republican party united such a large amount of money prior to the decline are temporarily and that it is going to be a Re­ is paid in taxes. Just suppose, held off the market. A heavy loss would be made if the goods were publican land slide. for illustration, that a number sold at present rates. of farmers were bottled up, had New York has thus tar received The taxpnying ngony is over no road and paid about $7,000in 31,853 packages of foreign butter, aggregating close to2,500,000 lbs.— once more. It is now in order taxation, wouldn’t they feel jus­ New York Produce Review. tified in feeling "sore, ” as well to get down to business and saw wood, so ns to be prepnred ns making a great roar ? We Aspirant for Governor Shows think so. for the next tax killing bee. | Costs of Commissions. | I understand that window space Every fair minded man will esn- It is not to be Wondered nt in We the new building to be erected cede that there should be a material i thnt the railroads are opposed by F. C Baker opposite the Court increase in the state expences for ; to free toll, when car loads of House is in great demand. F. R. the years 191314over the years 1903- < lumber from this city to East­ Beals having secured one "of the 04; but conceding that to be true, windows for the purpose of exhibit- there is no valid reason why the " ern points run up to over $400. ing Tillamook products and demon­ expenses of the office of Governor ii strating the whys and wherefores of should be incrersed from $11,000, Tillamook County's high priced for the years 1903 04 to $25,71X1, for J Tin- average taxpayer is now land. —Herald. . the years 1913-14; or that the expers I j thoroughly convinced that the es of the office of Secretary of State I We move the court that Fred- Oregon system isn’t what it is should be increased from $24.320, ’ cracked up'to be, for instead of die Beale’ bushwhacker tnnke for the years 1903-04 to $68,COo[ in J years 1913-14; or that the ex- ! reducing taxntlon the opposite his complaint more certain and the definite, for it does not state peases of the office of State Treasur- 1 is the case. Stung again. what class of high priced land is er should be increased from $10,000, j in the years 19G3-O4 to $35,5;«), in the I called into question. Is it land years 1913 14; or that the expences It is time that some of the that is inflated in value by real of the office of Attorney General f tax eating commissions, which estate sharks, high priced land should be increased from’$7,200 in I have come into existence under bought with a small amount of the years 1903-04 to $26.000, for the S the Oregon system, were put money and a large amount of years 1913-14, and yet, such are the ,S M facts as shown by the legislative I out of commission. The long promissory notes, high priced records for theBe years, and it is for * suffering taxpayers have been land that some poor devil was such reason that I promise, if elect- 1 bled long enough for a large persuaded to Buy and wasdosed ed Governor, to cut down the ex I *** number of commissioners who out because he could not meet pence« in each of these offices, and — I will keep that promise. | ■ W III W IB I* IB IB Bl IB ■ ■ ; bold down Boft jobs and draw the payments, or high priced There is no valid reason why the j* down fat pay. com- I f F Hen w j oldest drug store - ij in Tillamook Co. i I I ■ Tillamook Title and I Abstract Co. i a a • I W.A, Williams A Cc. Eat Viereck’s Bread, Tillamook Bakery, At all Grocers A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp W ILL S palding , Manager.