Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 02, 1914, Image 1

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    Vol. XXVI.
No. 45.
Storing* IT WHY
NOT store some
the abundant energy of
Encrcrv en yo i°y
“th’ its so rightful
that old age may
share of it ?
Tillamook County Bank.
The motor service on the P. R. A
N. between Tillamook and Mohler,
will be resumed on Sunday, April
B. S. Clark, auctioneer.
Easter greetings at the Tillamook
Leo Morrison, who come from
Drug Co.
South Bend, Ore., has purchased
Spuds 5 sack lots 89c, per 100 lbs., the confectionary store of A. I.
at Ray & Co,
M tb , G. A. Edmunds and nephew,
sacks wanted—Lamb-
Schrader Co.
Leland Erwin will leave .for Port­
land to-morrow to attend the grand
Get your Land Plaster at the Till-
an.ooi Feed Co.------------------------- , °P^ra ic that
Get your Easter Carda at the Till-' T E8’Nunneniake"
/»""AC deft
I T E. Nunnemaker and family, left
amook Drug Co.
I for Alla, Can..where they will make
Frank Fitzpatrick returned from I their future home.
a trip to California,
Dr, Alf Swennese has a petition
Safe deposit boxes for rent.—Tilla­ before the county court to be ap-
mook County Bank.
I pointed justice of the pence for the
A new line of Easter cards at the first justice district.
Tillamook Drug Co.
I The Fairview birthday Club will
Headquarters for auto livery.— . meet at Mrs. E. Knight’s home
April 11th. Mrs. Knight will be
Ed. Hadley, phone 11W.
assisted by Mrs, Harris.
Ranch for Sale, terms reasonable.
Will trade 1100 pound mare for
—Apply to A. J. Stillwell.
heavy work horse. Will pay the
The Board of County Commis­ difference for good young hor.se.
sioners ia in session this week.
Inquire of Web Maddux,
Dressmaking, Mrs. R. E Winans,
A cantata will be given at the
phone 19 w. Toggery building.
Presbyterian church on Friday even-
For sale 200 acres of Wilson River ' ing, April 10, which will be repeat­
bottom land. Inquire of Frank ed in that church on Easter Sunday.
Charles A. Johns, of Baker. City,
Fancy potatoes 90c,, 100 pounds, I was in the city on Saturday. He ia
five sack lota 85c., 100 pounds, at a candidate for governor umU hia
platform can be seen on another
Ray A Co.’s.
' z |
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla-
About 150 young calves’nave'been
mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c.
shipped by freight the past, few
per pound.
weeks, some going to the Willamette
We are iu a poi isition to make Valley and others to Eastern Ore­
some long time farm loans. First gon.
National Bank.
Protect your valuable papers from
Want to buy 21 good cows. fresh the unexpected fire by renting ,one
or coming fresh soon. Write Neal of our safe deposit boxes. Only one
Houser, Tillamook,
dollar per year. Tillamook Cou nty
/ *
If our work does not suit
___ ’you
tell Bank.
ns; if it doeB tell your friends. City
The Singer Sewing Machine \ for
Transfer Company
sale on easy terms, at our ho,me
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ piano and music store, Tillamook.
mook Meat Company’a Market. We Ore., A. Lineback, manager Both
pay 12c. per pound.
Attorney H. T. Botts left for Port­
County Commissioner G. R E<1-
land on Monday on business and ner, who resigned two weeks since
returned Wednesday.
and then withdrew the resignation,
A good Horse and a light wagon tendered his resignation to the court,
for eale cheap. Inquire of Chas. on Friday.
Lundquist, Hebo, Ore.
For sale, river bottom land in 10,
Free while they last, a 15c. grow­ 20, 30 or 40 acre tracts, on what . is
ing geranium with every 50c. cash known as the Peter Brant place.
Will sell cheap. Apply to Vincitnz
purchase, at Clough’s.
Jacob, on place.
Two Yearling Colts for Sale, at a
reasonable price.
Apply to Guy ie a candidate for the Republici in
Mattoon, Pleasant Valley.
nomination for Circuit Judge. Lie
For sale Bay Mare, 8 years old has practiced Jaw for over thirt y
about 1203 pounds. A bargain for years.—Paid Advt.
cash, A. K. Case, Tillamook, Ore.
Dawson Bros, will meet all train •
We call for and deliver your with bus, and will handle paesen •
clothes when in need of cleaning, gers and baggage to all parte of the
pressing and repairing, phone 19w. city. Call or phone at the Livery
Man wanted to do gene ral ranch barn on 2nd Ave East.
work, good wages and a’il summer
Extra special 60c. chocolates at30c.
work. W. Roenicke, Woods, Ore. ’ to introduce our quality, Hand Poll ■
Don’t forget we clean and press chocolate» guaranteed fresh. Some
your clothes, free delivery, phone thing different from theold machine J
10 W-R. E. Winans, Toggery Bldg. made goods. At Clough’s.
For sale, horse, harness and bug­ i
Pigs for sale, seven weeks old.
Apply at Charles Wooley’s residence gy, for $125. Horse in good condi­
or to Ed. Anderson at Hemlock tion and perfectly sound, also a
good lumber wagon far sale. Apply
to D. Billings, Tillamook, Ore.
The school was closed on Wed­
Graded Jersey Calves for sale from
nesday to allow the building to be
fumigated,but will resum e again on tested cows as they freshen ; one-
half to three-fourth Jersey ; both
sex , registered sire Apply to T.
All kinds of cement work in a first H. McCcrmack.R.F.D No. 1,
class manner and foundation and
Blocks at reasonable prices.
Will guarantee any work. A. E. calves if you wish to sell, he is pay­
Doerge, Uth street and first Avenue ing highest market price for them.
West, Tillamook.
• 1 Mutual phone.
Jake \\ olvinetine has opened a
Aee Merrel Smith about your
re.P,air ehoP down by the saw mill, calves if you wish ta sell, he is pay-
will repair any old thing. Boiler ■ ing highest market price for them.
repairing a specialty.
Mutual phone.
E. Beelitz sold his ranch on the 1 j Mrs. ). F. Stranahan will be host-
Miami and left on Sunday morning ' ess for the Priscilla club Friday
to visit hia relatives in Germany, it afternoon.
being 28 year« eince he left there.
Commencing Monday, the Star
’“ “tree of his farm for theatre will give three new reels
$10, C00.
and a vocal solo by James Hiner
Geo. W. Stiveraon returned Mon­ every evening.
day with hie wife and daughter frohi
For sale, Fruit trees at one-half
Cloverdale, and have taken rooms ?rice, apples, pears and peaches,
in the McGee apartments. They ex­ reea left over from Pacific Nurs
pect to make their future home in ery. Apply to M. R. Hannenkrat. .
tine city.
The Benii-monthly meeting of
George Kichm was ordered by Cornith W. R. C. was held last Sat­
Justice Stanley on Friday to pay a urday afternoon in Artisan's hall.
fine of $25.00. charged with killing Mrs. Mary Trombley was initated,
deer out of season, the complaint making a total of 60 members. It
having been filed by Game Warden was decided to have the birthday­
Ed Leach.
lunches the last meeting- in the
Lot for sale at Cloverdale with month instead of the first.
five roomed cottage
$800 cash or meeting April 11.
And invites the Public to call and make an
$900 part payment. Apply to G. W.
Rev. R. E. Jope preached his
Stiveraon at the Tillamook Title and farewell sermon at the Christian
Abstract Co., or of L. M. Kraner, Church on Sunday and he left with
inspection of the room and its equipment.
Cloverdale, Or.
his family on Monday morning for
The Fair Board leased five acres Roseburg. There was a basket din­
of land from the P. R. AN., which ner at the church after the morning
will be used for the county fair. It
faces on the county road, back of in behslfof the congregation, pre
Wallin’s place, and is an ideal sented Mr. and Mrs. Jope with a
handsome silver bread tray, and
place for the fair.
the latter was also a recipient of a
The Shakespeare Club had its present from her bible class.
monthly meeting on Friday last,
As it is going to take some hustl
when the hostess was Mrs. T. H.
Goyne. It proved another success ing to provide accommodations for
fill and pleasant afternoon, the the G. A. R. encampment in thia
city, the committee ia desirous of
hostess serving a dainty lunch,
ascertaining as soon as possible
As an illustration as to the reason buffet luncheon was served, after
County Attorney Gerscni has call­ how many bed rooms they can se­
ed the giand jury to meet on Friday cure from private families If those outgoing tonnage from Tillamook which the club were greatly favored
so as to expedite jury cases at the who have bed rooms to spare would does not compare to tonnage from by several musical selections play­
term of the circuit court, Judge advise the committee, also the other points where a less concen­ ed by Mrs Koch. The guests of
Holmes has already Bet the date for price cf the rooms as soon ae pos­ trated product is shipped, the the afternoon
Riechere, Jackaon and
several cases next week.
sible, it will greatly aid the com­ following maybe cited: Carl lfaber Hewitt,
lach shipped one car of cheese thia Wheeler.
We are professional photograp­ mitteein that part of. the arrange­ week, valued at $6,632,29. This
A large number of bed­
hers, trained to and experienced ments.
amount of money’ would have paid
The'registration hist week was 165,
in the art. Satisfaction guaranteed rooms will be required for four days for fully one hundred minimum making a total of 1425. There was a
on all work. Our prices are and in June.
cars of baled alfalfa hay at shipping small increase in the number of
will always be as low ae any We
Tillamook County Good Roads point in Idaho or parts of Eastern women who registered, as follows:
solicit your patronage.—Tillamook Boosters’Club was the name given Oregon last fall. It would also pay Republican, 36; Democratic, 10;
an association formed on Friday for something like thirty minimum Progressive, 1; Socialist, 2; miscel­
laneous,]. The ratio of registration
The Ladies’ Committeeof the Till­ evening by some of our citizens cars of oats or other feed.
is three men to one woman. One
amook Commercial Club will give a who are interested in good roads
?ink party at the club rooms on for this county, the object being to ka Club was held Friday, the 27th, woman went to the rescue of the
hureday evening, April 9th. This ascertain from men experienced in at the home of Mrs. Koch. Despite progressives and that party emerg­
(Thursday) evening the ladies who good roads what is the most eco­ the bad weather, the majority’ of the ed from the unlucky number of 13.
arrange the “500” parties will give nomical method of obtaining good members were present, anil a most The registration is as follows:
roads at the least expense. J. II.
another card party.
Men. Women, Total.
Dunstan was chosen president and delightful afternoon was enjoyed
A band of 14 Milk Goats for Sale. Attorney H. T. Botts, secretary. by all. A new feature of the club Republican .. 672 . . 209 .. 881
60 . . 282
These animals are ideal for rough The club had another meeting on work was shown iu the lectures Democrats ... 222 ..
.. 50 .. 80
bushy pasture, give milk rich in Wednesday evening, when several given by Mrs, Miller on “Social Prohibitionists 30
easin?) and their milk makes high­ matters pertaining to obtaining ex­ Uplift,’’ and by Mrs. Haltom on Socialists ....
“ Social Etiquete.” These lectures Progressive ..
est price Swiss cheese.
Haven’t pert advice was agreed to.
showed much thought anil research 1ndependent..
time to look after them E. E. Kep-
On Sunday afternoon Harry, the on the part of the speakers and their
ner, Springfield, Ore.
12 year old son of C. A.Elliott, came efforts were much appreciated by
M ibb Smith, bead trimmer at Hal near killing his brother Kenneth the others present.
A delicious
tom's store, left this morning for who is two years younger, by the
Portland on a two weeks’ business accidental discharge of a ritle. The
trip. There will be a trimmer in oldest bov was loading a 22 Win­
to-night from Portland to take chester rifle, and at a time when the
charge ofthe millinery department weapon was pointed in the direction
during Miss Smith's absence.
of Kenneth it accidentally discharg­
\por legal advice consult a lawyer. ed. The bullet entered the boy’s
and passed near the heart,
FoT medical advice consult i doctor,
How-easy it is to tell whether a
For\photos consult professional lodging near the backbone between
photographers. Every man to his two ribs. Dr. Goals made n hurried
is contented with his clothes.
We make everything in
Correct dress puts a man at ease, but
photography and guarantee to minutes nfter the shooting. He be­
lieves that the boy will pull through.
satisfy.—Tillamook Studio.
clothes that are not entirely satis­
The County Court has two peti­
County Treasurer B. L. Beale in­ tions,
factory are sure to reveal the dis­
forms us that the amount of taxes C. Smith, Mayorof Wheeler, county’
satisfaction of the wearer. By the
paid in amounts to about the same commissioner to fid the vacancy
as last year, but as it will take
way, he keeps tugging at his lapels,
several days for him to get straight­ R. Edner, and the other asking the
pulling down his vest, smoothing
ened up, it will be the end of this court to appoint F. D. Thompson,
or the commencement of next week of Nehalem. It seems that Mr.
down the back of his coat, hitching
before be can arrive at the exact Thompson is not in favor of the pro­
up his trousers, etc.
posed road from Wheeler to Nehal­
For Sale, 80 acres, 60 acres of over­ em but Mr. Smith is, and it ia upon
flow Dottom Land, unimproved the building of this road that the
Very litt'e large timber. Very easily people of Nehalem are divided, as
I V " 4 f v on
Bl tide water.
t It) it ia c aimed by some that Nehalem
miles from ths mouth of the Siletz has one good road from Mohler and
river. Small ocean going boats run on that account the proposed new
by the place. No better soil in the road ia opposed, while, on the other
We measure you with great care
Tillamook Valley. Address owner, hand, those living at Nehalem point
out the distance saved, that being
L. C. Mowrey, Siletz, Ore.
and take the measure over a second
the shortest route to the railroad.
time to be sure we are right.
Mrs. Michaud brought a pullet's
Roy C. Jones, who was appointed
egg to the city on Monday that mea
It costs no more to be content
sured 3V4in. x 6Vain, and weighed 3% to take charge of the field, farm mid
with your clothes than to be ill-at-
ounces, being well formed. Since demonstration work in Tillamook
the new tariff went into effect and County, arrived on Tuesday. He
case, but it is worth more than money to any self-
e.rgs from the Orient are being comes well recommended for the
respecting man.
------ 1 ¡_
in by (ile millions, Tilla work. He is a graduate of the I ni
moot hens are------
„ free trade versity of Vermont, Dairy Depart­
competition by increasing the size ment, and has had some five or six
yeare of practical experience in
of their eggs.
dairy work, and has been connected
N iC. MariB ia in the county form­ with the Agricultural College of
ing industrial clubs at the different Montana, and has made good in the
distr.’ct schools and has been very department of dairy production,
Spring is advancing fast. Don’t let all the other fellows get ahead
When Mr Maria is which includes the feeding and
of you on the clothes question.
through organizing in this county management of dairy stock along
the end of this week there wdl.be the lines which will be useful to
’s French Dry Cleaning a Specialty.
Piof Barr, of the
about 25 clu be organized. The ob­ this county
ject of these c'htba is to induce the
pupils of the p/’fefif schools to take in with him and Prof. H. T. French
Phone 19W.
Free Call and Delivery.
an interest in
foodstuffs, is expected in on Saturday to start
Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM,
The First National Bank
of Tillamook
YOU CAN put by some of your surplus
energy, in the shape of dollars you don’t
need to spend, IN THIS BANK, where it
will immediately take on an energy of its
own and, in time, double itself. Thought­
ful, purposeful consideration of this vital
subject NOW may mean the difference be­
tween peace and distress, dependence and
independence, when the working days are
Tillamook Cleaning
and Tailoring Co.
Call in Soon and finger the Great Exhibit of up­
wards of 500 sure and pure wool Spring Weaves
now on display, anyone of which you can select
for your neiv suit.
On and after April 1st THE ELECTRIC STORE will
Sell ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT and SUPPLIES, competing with
Portland prices and Eastern mail order houses, quality and
transportation charges considered.
Electric Store.
Drop in and book Arouncf/r